Ghost Force (2021) s01e37 Episode Script

Gumglue / Scorpod

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air ♪
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies
in their lair ♪
Out of sight,
waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(Lively music)
- Ah!
- (Evil laugh)
A ghost!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
(Action music)
- (Chuckles)
- (Slurps)
Easy there, Asta! Down, boy!
They're only reptiles!
- Jane: Ugh!
- So creepy!
But totally harmless,
according to this fact sheet.
- Aaah!
- Harmless, you said?
You're still as scared as a fly.
Am I right, Liv? Liv?
Why are you bugging
at your phone?
Shh! It's a surprise for Andy.
I ordered him the new jersey
of the Dragons' team.
But it should have been
delivered here an hour ago!
- You okay, sis?
- Uh yeah! Never been better!
You sure?
You can tell your bro anything.
I just said I'm fine!
Oh, a little defensive,
aren't we?
(Screaming) Ghost!
(Evil laugh) Huh?
Help! I'm stuck!
- Me too!
- (Evil laugh)
Let's move!
Oops! My bad!
(Evil laugh) Huh?
This situation just got
a whole lot stickier!
- Incredible!
- Incredibly dangerous!
Now, come on!
(Evil laugh)
Ms Jones, we've got
- Ugh! Having a bad-hair day?
- The worst!
My latest hairdo-hickey
failed to compensate
for the Boo energy levels
in my DNA.
we're stuck in a jam too!
Indeed, I must've missed
the ghost alert
when my hairdo
turned into a hair-don't.
Our guest is giving off
so much Boo energy.
- I reckon it's already
- Merged with a tube of glue
at the museum. And we're locked
in here with our classmates!
Yikes! Then you'll have
to hero up on the sly.
Careful to keep
your identities a secret
or you could end up
in big trouble!
All: Hmm. Let's go, Ghos
You're going? Where?
Um hiding from the ghost!
Oh! It's so terrifying!
It's gone, but it sealed
the door behind it.
Rajat: We're stuck here.
- Hmm.
- (Gasps) Charlie made it out!
She's already
live-streaming the action!
This is Charlie for the Ghostblog,
in the middle of action!
The ghost is turning Fifth Avenue
all icky and sticky, and there's
no sign of the Ghost Force!
Oh! Hands up, Sticky Fingers!
- No!
- (Laughter)
It's Glowboo to the rescue!
But where's Krush,
Fury and Myst?
Oh! That's right! They should be
kicking ghost's butt by now.
Maybe they're stuck somewhere,
like we are.
- Wait.
- (Gasps)
What if
they're stuck here with us?
That's an unlikely theory,
but an interesting one.
We could try
a little experiment.
Nobody move! The Ghost Force
might be right here with us!
This is so cool! We're about
to expose the Ghost Force!
Stacy: We'll be famous!
- (Screaming)
- I said, "Nobody move"!
Good thinking, Mike!
We almost got busted!
Yeah, but Jane and Stacy aren't
gonna let it drop that easily.
One of us must stay here
to throw 'em off our secret.
I'm on it.
You guys assist Glowboo.
- You got it!
- I mean
You seemed kinda off earlier.
(Sighs) Andy,
for the last time, I'm fine.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
(Action music)
Ghost Force!
(Evil laugh)
Aaah! Aaah!
- Huh?
- It was a pleasure
- to rescue you.
- Thanks, Ghost Force!
Aaah! Aaah!
- Phew! Thank you, Ghost Force!
- Impeccable timing.
My boo gauge is draining
12% every 2.5 minutes.
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
We've gotta target
its glue stick!
(Mocking laugh)
Spectral gate!
So your aim is off too, huh?
Come on, spill it, Myst.
What's bugging you?
Oh! Would you drop it?
Just 'cause I missed doesn't
mean I've some major life issue!
- So you do have an issue.
- (Evil laugh)
I'll go handle this Gumglue
so we can talk.
Flexy blast!
Aw, come on! This thing
is worse than a yo-yo!
System d-d-d-damaged.
(Evil chuckle)
Sorry, Glowboo!
My my pleasure!
- Wait!
- Would you stop worrying
- and work with me here?
- Hey, just tryin' to help!
Well, you're not!
We gotta stick together
to boocap that glue tube.
If we can't reach
its glue stick,
we'll stop it from using it!
Come on, hustle, you've
each got eight legs, so use 'em!
All right, sis,
we may finally find out
- who the Ghost Force are.
- Nobody goes anywhere!
Where would you like me to go?
My butt is glued!
Like my face!
Where's Liv and Andy?
Uh, they had a emergency,
er, in the bathroom?
the one that's out of order?
Oh, sorry, I meant
emergency exit,
which is what
they're looking for, right now.
Hmm, weird. Andy and Liv
are the only ones not here,
and Fury and Myst
just showed up on the scene!
(Nervous laugh)
So, what does that make me?
Ghost Force member number four?
I'm starting
to wonder that myself.
Let's search the museum
to make sure!
(Evil laugh)
Swimming might be
a bit sticky now.
This time we work together.
I'll get it
to retract its glue stick,
- then you wrap things up, okay?
- Got it.
But you sure
you don't want to talk before?
Spectral arrow!
Flexy power!
Nice one, bro!
- Heads up!
- Aaah!
So, who needs help now?
Fine, I get the message.
A little tied up, are we?
(Action music)
Anyone ever tell you
that you're way too clingy?
Sorry, buddy,
but you're not sticking around!
- Oh!
- Booyah!
Miss Jones: Excellent work!
How is Mike doing
with your cover?
(Gasp) Mike!
We searched the whole museum and
there's no sign of Liv or Andy!
- Care to explain, Mike?
- Yeah, explain, Junior!
We're listening.
Uh What about
Professor Pascal and Asta?
- Maybe they're the Ghost Force!
- Spill it, Mikey.
You guys are in the Ghost Force!
Both: Aren't you?
(Groans apprehensively)
Liv: Are they gone?
Liv? Andy? But is what gone?
- Phew!
- The spiders, duh!
runs in our family!
- (Awkward laugh)
- Aw!
I was so close to being famous.
- You showed up right on time!
- Thanks to our teamwork!
Oh, and sorry for being
such a nosy nelly.
It's cool. I know
you're looking out for me.
Ah, there you all are!
Asta and I got lost.
This museum's a real maze,
you know.
Ha! Let's continue our tour,
shall we?
Delivery for Liv Baker?
- Yes.
- This is for you.
- Sorry for the delay.
- Actually
That's for
my overprotective bro.
You're awesome!
Time to look good!
The school's gonna be blown away
when they hear our new tune!
All Mike's gotta do
is finish tuning his
- What's it called again?
- A wireless communication amp.
This thing could make
the whole city vibrate!
Aaah! Aaah!
A ghost!
(Evil laugh)
Watch out!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
(Action music)
- Aaah! Aaah!
- It's now 20 minutes
since the ghost got bigger,
and the Ghost Force still
hasn't managed to capture it!
Sorry, Ghosty, but keep
your pinchers to yourself!
- Aaah!
- (Laughs)
Don't stay here!
Glowboo to the rescue.
Spectral arrow!
(Evil laugh)
Ms Jones, we've really got
our work cut out for us!
Anything on that sample we sent?
Still analysing it.
I'll do my best!
(Gasps) Whoa!
You got my back and I got yours.
- (Chuckles)
- Liv: Oh, no!
- Now is really not the time.
- Fractal power!
Glowboo, you're up!
It's too fast!
- Aaah!
- (Evil laugh)
Oh oh
What's going on?
Did Did Ghost Force
actually lose?
I No, not yet.
We've never faced
something like this before.
Where'd it go? We gotta
Krush! Glowboo!
I'm afraid
I've lost track of Scorpod.
It must have reached peak fear
and gone back to sleep.
Sleep? But that means Krush,
Glowboo and everyone else
will stay petrified forever!
Not if you find Scorpod
and wake it back up.
Then, after you capture it,
should return to normal!
Let's head back to recharge!
And when we're done,
that ghost's nap time is over!
The boo-map last detected it
here in the sewers.
You must find the object
in which the ghost fell asleep
and shake it, so that
it wakes up and comes out.
The good news is,
I've completed my analysis
of the ghost's Boo energy.
Seems that Scorpod
is afraid of vibrations.
- Now you'll be prepared.
- Whoa!
This Vibraghost will cause
everything to vibrate
- within a 100-foot radius.
- Awesome!
Now that ghost
is as good as captured!
Don't be too sure.
Whenever ghosts go to sleep,
they begin a new energy cycle.
That means
when Scorpod wakes up,
it will be
one full level stronger!
- Um, that doesn't sound good.
- It's not.
It's gonna be
more powerful than ever!
Promise me you'll be careful.
Uh we we promise.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force,
don't fear the glow!
(Action music)
Ghost Force!
According to the Boo-map,
it's inside something down here.
But getting through all
these things could take days!
Well, you could always
blast your way through
with the Vibraghost!
What was that about?
You told me to do it!
- I was only joking!
- Aren't jokes supposed to be,
- you know, funny?
- Hey, I never thought
you'd take me seriously.
We promised Ms Jones
we'd be careful, remember?
Ugh Oh!
Bad news, Ms Jones.
We've had an accident.
- It's the Vibraghost.
- Oh, no! Send it back.
Maybe I can fix it.
The Boo-energy circuits
have been damaged.
I can repair them,
but I'll have to work gently.
We'll need to go through
everything one by one. Ready?
(Determined sigh)
Obviously Scorpod
wouldn't be in there!
Ugh! So many things,
so little time!
Let's hurry!
Hey, slow down!
I can't!
Krush and Glowboo need us!
They can't stay statues forever!
Myst, if we rush through this,
we could miss the right item
and the ghost would sneak away!
Uh I must have got
carried away. Sorry.
It's okay. I'm under pressure too.
Yeah, but you're dealing with it
way better than I am.
What's your secret?
I just tell myself
I'm never alone.
I always have
my great sister by my side.
(Evil laugh)
Scorpod in the house!
Ms Jones,
the ghost is wide awake!
But I'm afraid we've lost it!
Say what?
I'm still working
on fixing the Vibraghost.
It's in bad shape.
Really bad shape.
Oh, no! It's boosting again!
(Evil laugh)
- Aaah!
- Huh?
- You okay?
- It's a catastrophe!
We can't defeat it
without the Vibra
Myst! You have to calm down.
How? We can't fail this time!
Don't worry. I'll keep it busy!
You get everyone to safety!
TV: The strange event took place
just as the Ghost Force
was battling the ghost.
It fed on my fear!
Get ready
for a bit of boo style!
(Evil laugh)
It.. It went back to sleep
because of me!
Flexy shield!
Watch out!
What the?
Fury! (Gasps)
Ms Jones, any progress
on the Vibraghost?
None. Looks like you'll have to
capture Scorpod all by yourself.
How can I do that all alone?
Everything's going to be fine,
We just have to find another way
to make it vibrate.
I just tell myself
I'm never alone.
This amplifier could make
the whole city vibrate!
Vibrations Oh!
We can make vibrations
with Mike's amplifier!
- Say what now?
- There's a wireless
communication amp
on top of Mike's house.
If you could connect to it, you
could transmit sounds so loud
that Scorpod
won't know what hit him!
Great idea! I'm on it!
Found it! Logging in!
Time for Boo-sound!
(Evil laugh)
Now, Ms Jones!
Big sound coming in!
- Oh, no!
- What's going Aaah!
Spectral gate!
Hurry, Ms Jones! Please!
Argh! Mike protected the system
with a password.
I'm trying to bypass it!
We're in! Maximum volume!
It's on!
Wanna rock?
Uh, hey, sis.
Did I miss anything?
Woohoo! That was awesome, Myst!
And so are you.
You're pretty awesome too,
Ms Jones!
- Wow! You two did it!
- I didn't really do anything.
It was all Myst!
No, it was all us.
I couldn't have captured it
without you by my side.
But how? My internal memory
says we could not move.
She'll fill us in later.
Just know that the Ghost Force
has managed to stop this ghost
once again!
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