Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e37 Episode Script

Episode 37

Ruby's Ring What are you doing? Ruby, isn't this pretty? Director Bae Sera gave it to me as a gift.
Director Bae? She designed it herself when she was studying design in the States.
That dress looks dated.
It's out of style.
That's okay.
I'm only going to wear it once.
I really like it.
Lucky you.
I wanted to show it to Insu.
The recipient is unavailable.
Oh, right.
Did you bring my ring? Ah.
I was going to tell you.
I'm so sorry.
I can't find it anywhere.
I'm sure I kept it somewhere safe, but I can't seem to remember.
Couldn't I get you something nicer? It was probably only a few hundred dollars.
I'll get you something nicer.
That's okay.
Insu and I can get a new ring.
Hello? It's me, Runa.
Ah, I see.
What do you want to eat? I'll make the reservation.
Don't worry about me.
I'd be happy with anything.
I want to get you something good.
Come on.
Tell me.
Chinese? Japanese? How about steak? Oh, right.
I know this great place.
I'm fine with anything.
Meet me at the parking lot at 6.
I'll pick you up there.
Thank you.
Who was that? Huh? Just someone.
Who? Ruby, do I have to tell you about everyone I know? It's a matter of privacy.
Mother, have some pear.
It's very sweet and refreshing.
Pear's in season right now.
Where's Auto? Ask her to have some too.
She went out for a bit.
Went out? What for? I'm not sure, but I think she's meeting someone.
Auto sure is busy these days.
Has she started dating? Or is she going around asking about nose jobs? If we keep telling her she's pretty, she won't feel like she needs surgery, so you and I should keep telling her how pretty she is.
Wait a minute.
Who are we talking about? She says if we keep telling Auto she's pretty, then she won't feel the need to get surgery.
That makes sense, mom.
Positive reinforcement is very effective.
Compliments have to be earned.
She has earned some.
I know how you are, mom.
When someone grows on you, you like everything that person does.
The only person in the world that does that is my dear Gyeongmin.
What? But Aren't I like that too? What? You're terrible.
As a parent, you should be pushing Gyeongmin and Ruby to have a baby.
But you're just letting them be.
Why should I favor you? If worst comes to worst, you two should have another baby.
- What? - What? Okay, mother.
I'll talk to Gyeongmin.
Don't just talk to him.
Scold him.
I will.
Oh, right.
Has mom seen the wedding invitation? Wedding invitation? Yes.
Ruby's sister's getting married.
Oh, right.
With Mr.
Na What a shame.
He was perfect for Sera.
Were you waiting long? I got off later than I expected.
It's okay.
Hop in.
Let me take that.
Hello? It's me.
Who is this? Don't tell me you've already forgotten all about me.
I changed my phone number.
I don't care.
You're really Don't be like that.
It's a small world.
Who knows where we'll run into each other? Plus, we still have unfinished business.
Unfinished business? Didn't I tell you? If you don't your job right, you're not getting paid.
But you don't have to bother anymore.
Things worked out.
But I still need to get payment.
This time I'll make sure everything goes smooth.
Just have the money ready.
Hello? Hello? Once they get married, I have nothing to worry about, you idiot.
Thank you, Gyeongmin.
What do you think? It's nice, right? I brought Ruby here once.
Gyeongmin, did I ever come here with you before? With you? I don't think so.
Why is this place so familiar? Why do I keep seeing Gyeongmin's face? No.
This is deja-vu.
Is something wrong? I just felt like I'd been here with you before.
You played the piano.
I do play the piano quite well.
Really? That's so cool.
I also get the feeling I was here with you too.
Maybe it's deja-vu.
Deja-vu Reliving a past experience? Here.
It's my wedding gift to you.
Use it if you need anything.
I didn't know what to get you, so I figured it'd be best if you could just get what you wanted.
Oh, no.
Your support is all I need.
You certainly have that too.
Take it.
I don't know if I should.
Thank you, Gyeongmin.
And here.
Ruby must've forgotten.
It was at home, so I decided to bring it.
I thought I had lost it for good.
I didn't want to hurt Insu's feelings.
Now, let's have a delicious dinner.
Yes, Director Kim.
I'm here already.
How is it? Good? Yes.
All thanks to you.
Let me know if you ever want to come back.
Insu can join us.
He'll be your husband by then, and I could be his older brother, right? Yes.
You suit one another.
Runa was your important appointment? Ruby, what are you? Ruby.
What? You thought I wouldn't find out? Sit.
Sit and talk.
What's wrong? Who told you to seduce your in-law? Ruby.
You act all nice, friendly and sweet, and then you do this behind my back? Ruby.
Jeong Ruby? Hello, Director Kim.
Our table's over there.
Let's go, Gyeongmin.
This was maybe not the best choice.
I'm sorry, Runa.
Don't be.
I should apologize to you.
She's my sister after all.
Ruby and I dated for a long time, so I thought we knew each other well.
It's strange.
People are hard to read, I guess.
Ruby just loves you too much.
Why else would be she be jealous of me? Women get jealous of their own daughters too.
Please try to understand Ruby.
You must be so hungry.
I promised you a delicious dinner, but I'm making you starve.
If I want to look good for my wedding, I have to miss dinner.
Don't worry.
What was that noise? Here's your wedding dress.
I told her already but, please thank Director Bae again for me.
You keep showering me with gifts.
I'll have to return the favor sometime.
Your happy marriage is enough.
Let's go.
I'll drop you off.
I have to stop by somewhere.
Now? The dress.
I want to show it off to Insu.
Thank you.
I'll get it.
This is a lot of stuff.
You help too.
Get the scissors.
Are you for real? Ko Soyeong, where's your sense of hygiene? What do you mean? These are for food.
We use these to cut food.
You were going to use them to cut tape? Whatever they're for, we can wash them when we're done.
Good grief.
These have a specific purpose.
Washing them won't cut it.
Every object serves a particular purpose.
Do you pour your drink into saucers? Do you use your bathroom cup to make smoothies? You just love beating on Soyeong.
I'm teaching her to be better.
You used to be far worse.
You'd toss your half-finished soda into the sink without rinsing it, and make everything else sticky.
When I'd ask you to do the dishes, there would be bits of rice still stuck on dishes you claimed were clean.
I was very young then.
I didn't know any better.
I suppose you're right.
You were very young.
But everyone changes once they're married.
You have to do the best you can and manage.
Oh goodness.
It's so pretty.
This is gorgeous.
Really? Yes.
It's so nice.
It's really soft too.
I'll get all this for you when you get married.
Really? Me too, Gilja.
But prettier and more expensive.
Find a man first! Wow.
Give it here.
You call that a sigh? Put some back into it.
Like this.
I told you not to worry.
We still have a month.
I'll get you the $20,000.
Don't lecture me and start packing.
Why should I? If I put $20,000 down, I can live here.
Say, what's happening with that woman? The chicken warrior.
You have to see her everyday at work.
Was it a clean break? I don't know.
As far as I can tell, that chicken warrior still has feelings for you.
Last time we saw her, it was obvious she was still after you.
I could sense jealousy.
The fact that she gets jealous means she still has the hots for you.
So what? Duh.
What kind of an idiot says no to a woman who's gaga over him? A real man never says no to that.
A real man has the courage and strength to comfort a lonely woman.
Hey, about your baking class friend She's not my style, but she's growing on me.
She's short and plump.
She seems well off too.
Am I right? How should I know? Your glimmering beauty brings solace to my weary soul.
Until next time Yours, Wang Daepung.
You startled me.
Why are you suddenly laughing like a lunatic? Ma'am, I want to ask you something.
Go ahead.
Am I beautiful? What in the world are you talking about? It was my fault for asking.
Of course you're beautiful.
Really? You look beautiful when you cook and when your food tastes good.
Happy? Happy now? Yes.
It's great that you find at least some part of me beautiful.
We're still editing, but I think we'll be done soon.
Yeah? Then I'll just see you tomorrow.
But I want to see you today.
If I head out as soon as we're done, I'll be home in half an hour.
Couldn't you wait for me at my place? I'll think about it.
Wait for me.
Shouldn't I be the first person to see you in your wedding dress? Plus, we should have wine together.
I'll get the wine.
Then just come.
I'll get it.
I'll be there before you know it.
You're still here.
I'm heading out soon.
Director Bae.
Yes? Thank you for the wedding dress.
It makes me a bit sad that you're getting married.
Truth is, you were the only decent bachelor at JM Homeshopping.
Oh, really? According to my grandmother, we're supposed to be a match made in heaven.
But honestly, she did say, we're not compatible in bed.
See you.
I heard Na is working late today.
I'll get every piece of computer equipment, so you have to pay me the remainder.
If you're going to do it, you better do it right.
Otherwise, you won't get a penny.
Don't worry.
There won't be any slip ups this time.
I'll take care of it quietly.
Take care of it quietly? Take care of what? Of whom? What are you doing here? That's what I'd like to ask you.
Why are you here at this hour? I'm here to see someone I know.
Someone you know? Who? A friend.
Do you know all my friends? What's it to you anyway? Mr.
Gu, we need to talk.
Well you see, about that Who made you come here? Who were you just talking to? What's your problem? Let go.
Let go of me.
Why are you calling me again? I'm with the network director.
Call me once everything's taken care of.
Why are you calling me again? I'm with the network director.
Call me once everything's taken care of.
It was definitely Ruby's voice.
It was Ruby.
But why? What is she doing with Gu Yeonho? You have no right to congratulate her.
Gu caused Runa and Insu a lot of trouble.
You watch what you say.
Who's the one who made him do that? Who took advantage of a nice guy? You You're really pushing it, you know that? That's right.
Ruby has something to do with everything that's going on.
That's right.
But how can that be? How? Runa.
Runa Runa.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting What in the world is going on? What's happening? And why? The recipient is unavailable.
She's not picking up.
Runa? Stop worrying.
She's probably on a date with Insu.
Don't wait up for her.
I won't have anyone to wait up for, once Runa gets married.
What are you talking about? What about me? When I find myself a man, I'll make you wait up for me every night.
Actually, you won't even have to wait up.
I won't come home till daybreak.
Please do.
What are you stuffing your face with this late at night? I must be eating my feelings.
Eating your feelings? Nobody in this world loves me, so I fill the void with food before it eats me whole.
You are loved.
There's me and Soyeong.
And Ruby and Runa too.
Those are all women.
I need a man, okay? A man.
- I'm home.
- Hi, Runa.
Were you on a date with Insu? No, Aunt Chorim.
I need some rest.
She doesn't look so good.
I wonder if something happened.
She looked fine to me.
What are you looking for? Mom.
Are you hungry? A bit.
Hang on.
I'll make you something.
No, no.
I'll be fine with fruits.
Ruby's not home yet, right? Not yet.
She has a dinner engagement.
She'll be a bit late.
Your grandma keeps asking when you two will have a baby.
No plans yet? We'll figure it out.
Before I get older, I want to take my grandchildren to amusement parks and show them off here and there.
"Grandma" doesn't suit you, mom.
You're too young.
I'm not young at all.
You're home.
What's with her? You two looked great together.
You could've been mistaken for lovers.
Did you have to do this to me? I'm your wife.
I asked you to go to an important dinner, and you turned me down for Runa? Is Runa that important to you? Important enough to refuse my request? I made plans with her first.
I was the one who invited her to dinner.
I couldn't cancel at the last minute.
Why not? You could've said something came up.
I could've if that something was important.
But your dinner meeting had nothing to do with me.
Had nothing to do with you? I'm your wife.
It's important to me, but it has nothing to do with you? My success means nothing to you? I told you it was important.
I told you the network director and an assemblyman would be there.
Those people may be important to you, but they're not important to me.
So you refused to come with me for someone more important? Does Runa mean that much to you? What is she to you anyway? What is your sister-in-law to you? What's the matter with you? Are you really the Jeong Ruby I once knew? I'm sick and tired of that too.
Would you rather have me be someone else? Why? Are you tired of me? It wasn't some random woman.
It was my sister-in-law, your only sister.
I can't stand you.
I hate you.
Stop it, Ruby.
Do you know why I had dinner with Runa? To congratulate her, I gave her money as a wedding gift.
Your mom's not well off and Runa probably doesn't have a lot of money saved up.
Was that so wrong? Can't Runa's only brother-in-law treat her to dinner to congratulate her and give her a wedding gift? You could've had me give your gift to her.
You didn't have to give it to her yourself.
Jeong Ruby, why are you giving me such a hard time over nothing? Why do we have to fight about something that's not even worth talking about? Haven't I explained myself clearly enough? What else do you want from me? Fine.
What do you want me to do? Sever ties with your sister? With your entire family? Should I treat them like strangers? Enough is enough.
This is just exhausting.
I have to ask.
I need to know exactly what's going on.
I have to know why the man who framed Insu was having a suspicious conversation with Ruby at Insu's apartment building.
I have to ask.
The dried pollack soup is delicious.
Pardon? Absolutely beautiful.
Ma'am, you're a doll.
I could just cry.
I love you.
What was that about, grandma? You heard me.
The soup is beautiful means the soup is delicious.
From now on, if something is delicious, we should say it's beautiful.
Jang's never had anyone call her beautiful.
This is really beautiful.
Atta boy.
Ruby, are your sister's wedding preparations going well? Your mother must be very busy.
Yes, mother.
Your mother must be so happy that that your sister is getting married after surviving such a horrific accident and coming out of a year-long coma.
If I were her, I'd be dancing with joy.
That's what you'd do if I got married.
I wouldn't stop at that.
I'd do everything and anything, from dancing and singing to cartwheels, I'd do everything to express my joy.
Hurry up and find yourself a man.
Gyeongmin, you and Ruby are awfully quiet this morning.
Did you have a fight? No, dad.
Of course not.
Oh, come on.
I could hear Ruby yelling all the way from my room.
You guys are killing my dreams of marriage.
Help me out here, Ruby.
Show me how marriage can still be hot, sexy, and sweet.
Got it? Hi, Runa.
Why did you want to see me? Oh, right.
You're getting married.
You need my help? When's your wedding photo shoot? Eunji, I'd like to see Mr.
Yeonho? Why? I have something to ask him.
You're acting fishy.
I'll ask him for you.
That's kind of I can't let you meet Yeonho alone.
What if you steal him from me like last time? But then again, you're getting married, so I'm a little less worried.
The thing is, I can't call Yeonho right now.
He called me last night and said he was flying out to the Philippines in the morning.
He's always taking trips.
He says going on trips helps him clear his head.
Then let me ask you something.
What's going on between him and Ruby? What do you mean? You don't know anything? I don't know.
Is something up between them? No, no.
It's just Ms.
Jeong, you were amazing as always.
Every time you host we get sold out.
We never have enough merchandise.
There's a problem.
All of our clients ask that you host the show for their products.
Same goes for overseas clients.
That's right.
They all beg and plead just for you.
They do? Thank you.
Thank you for your hard work today.
Thank you.
Good job today.
Did you have fun on your date with your brother-in-law? What's up with you? Stop glaring at me like that.
I should be the one mad at you, not the other way around.
Why did you do it? Why'd you do that to Insu? What are you talking about? I know everything.
You're the one who got Gu Yeonho to frame Insu for accepting a bribe.
You might also be the one behind the burglary.
Explain yourself right now! What's your reason? Why did you decide to marry Jeong Ruby? I actually fell in love with Jeong Ruby.
What is it that you think I've done to Mr.
Na? Why did you do such a thing to Insu? You and Na Insu are driving me insane! This wasn't my fault.
It was an accident.
Runa, what happened? Runa, how does your head feel? Runa? Something's not right.
What have you done to me? See you next time
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