The Longest Promise (2023) s01e37 Episode Script

Episode 37

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 37=
♪The endless rebirth of flowers,
where do they bloom?♪
♪A single step
can make a significant difference♪
♪In the face of
the unpredictable nature of life♪
♪Where do I belong?♪
♪The gap between you and me
is just one step off the cliff♪
♪Wasting away countless lifetime♪
♪The lonely fleeting youth of beauty
disperses in an instant♪
♪Lost in the remaining years♪
Why am I sleeping here?
♪Even the radiance between the eyes
has turned into a flower♪
Your Highness.
Your Highness.
You're awake, Princess.
Where's my master?
Priest woke up before the first light
and he insisted on
going to Jiuyi District.
Lord Chong Ming is with him.
Why did I oversleep?
Priest lit some calming incense
for you last night.
He thought
you needed more rest.
(Jiuyi District?)
Back in the Jiuyi District, you were
from Jiuyi Mountain.
You're Priest
Oh, god.
must've found something out
and gone there to check my identity.
Don't worry.
Lord Chong Ming is with him.
It shouldn't be a problem.
It's raining heavily outside.
Bring an umbrella.
I've searched all over Jiuyi District.
Where did Master and Chong Ming go?
Your Highness.
Chong Ming.
Your Highness.
You're drenched.
It's my fault.
I didn't tell you earlier.
He wants to find herbs for allergy.
So, I took him here.
I really want to know
what happened between us.
And I become more eager
when I spend more time with you.
I only want to hear our story
directly from you
I try to recall them myself.
I don't want to hear it
from anyone else.
don't worry.
Thank you.
Let's have some brew tonight.
Because of this umbrella?
because of this.
(Luckily, today is the last day.)
(You may drink as much as you want.)
(Zhu Yan.)
(On the last day,)
(you must take Shi Ying)
(to the Starry Lake,)
(the place where you performed
Star Revival Blood Oath.)
(When his soul is secured,)
(seven stars will rise upon
the Starry Lake,)
(and he will be granted
a complete rebirth.)
Why sigh?
I've come across a poem
in the Elseword Legend.
"Sunset is magnificent,
sadly, it's transient."
It's a good poem
but somehow melancholy.
To me,
I think it should be,
"The magnificent sunset
is an eternal sight for us."
What I'm saying is
even though I've forgotten
what happened to us before,
however, a thought
has become clearer in my mind.
I want to tell you,
no matter what happened in the past
and how many times we need to reunite,
I just want to be with you
(His soul fire)
(has completely tempered)
(and won't teeter again.)
(Please let me do as I wish,
one last time.)
I want to dance for you.
You performed this dance for me before,
That scene
seems to
have imprinted in my mind.
We were in love, right?
I was going to ask you
if we can lead a life like this forever,
can't we?
live forever?
Can we?
I'll tell you
when you wake up tomorrow.
Keep your promise.
I will.
♪Our affection is as deep as the abyss
that can't be slashed off♪
♪Blaming the intertwined destiny♪
♪How am I going to live on
with such anticipations?♪
♪Carving vows upon♪
♪The vast expanse of the boundless world♪
♪If destiny is hard to change♪
♪Vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
♪Hiding deep feelings♪
♪Forbidden love in the eyes of the world♪
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
♪For a transient and blissful kiss♪
♪I'm willing to perish in body and soul♪
♪Or avoiding the perpetual hardships♪
♪Leaving no regrets behind♪
♪For a bleak countenance♪
♪I'll rip my heart out for compensation♪
♪If the long-cherished wish
can't be fulfilled♪
♪Heaven may test my sincerity
for another millennium♪
(Finally, I've learned
the magic technique)
(I wanted to learn the most)
(and saved the person
I wanted to save the most.)
♪If destiny is hard to change,
vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
(You might end up)
(losing your hearing and sight.)
♪Forbidden love in the eyes of the world♪
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
Zhu Yan.
Are you all right?
Go and rest.
I'll handle
the rest.
♪If destiny is hard to change♪
♪Vainly escaping beyond prophecies♪
♪Concealing deep feelings♪
♪The deep love that defies the norms♪
♪Keeping true hearts untouched♪
♪Waiting for the next life to unfold♪
Chong Ming.
♪I'll accompany you♪
From now on,
please take care of him.
is our last farewell.
Zhu Yan.
Are you
It seems
that she wanted to take your life.
It's you who wants to take my life.
Yes, I do.
And there are many more out there.
Due to your inaction,
the entire Kongsang
is plagued with chaos.
And the only Empress
who was loyal to you
was killed by you.
The only Crown Princess
who was loyal to you
was driven away by you, either.
Why did you
extend my life?
I know it.
You want me
to avenge Bai Yan.
Shut it.
I don't want to hear her name
from your mouth.
I extended your life
because I want you
to give both Bai Yan
and Ying
the belated justice.
I can't see anything.
(You might end up)
(losing your hearing and sight.)
I can't let him find me
and see me like this.
Your Majesty.
You wretched woman.
Wretched woman!
How dare you poison me!
I didn't do that.
Not me, Your Majesty.
High Priest
hasn't returned here for decades.
And now he shows up
right away you fall sick.
Because he wants to frame me.
He aims
to slander Yu
and pave the way for Shi Ying
to ascend to the throne.
I never want Ying
to return to the mortal world.
It's all your fault.
You poisoned me.
must kill you now.
want to kill you!
Your Majesty.
You can kill me.
But I have one condition.
let me take the fall all alone.
I wish
you won't blame the Crown Prince.
I've never expected
it was this woman
who has been meddling
behind my back all these years.
so blind.
She deceived you?
You're well aware of
suspicions that existed.
But for the sake of your loved one,
you have let Bai Yan and Ying
suffered mistreatment
they never deserved.
Now that the truth has come to light.
I deeply regretted
the harm done to Bai Yan.
What are you waiting for?
Issue a decree right now
to clear their names.
Yes, I will.
I promise you.
I will
restore the position of the Crown Prince
to Shi Ying now.
But do you truly
want him
to continue to pursue cultivation?
Do you want him
to return to this dirty palace
and acknowledge you,
the ludicrous father,
who caused his mother's death?
I only wish Ying to stay away
from illness and calamity
and live a long life.
You're my brother.
I beg of you.
Can you
Can I let Ying come back
and acknowledge you as his father?
Absolutely not.
Yes, Your Majesty.
Convey my decree.
Azure King is stripped of his title
and demoted to a commoner.
Confer Bai Yan
the posthumous title of Empress Renjia
and relocate her casket
to the Emperor Valley.
The former Crown Prince, Shi Ying,
suffered an undeserved punishment.
Restore his position
of the Prince with immediate effect.
Yes, Your Majesty.
She has been unconscious
since three days ago.
What has happened to her?
Have you figured anything out yet?
I've tried all healing methods,
but it didn't help.
I guess
her sickness wasn't caused
by an external force.
There can only be one possibility.
What's it?
Zhu Yan's sickness
is beyond cure
because it's not a mortal sickness.
Do you still remember
the strange symptoms in her
when we came across her?
Zhu Yan!
Zhu Yan!
Zhu Yan.
What has happened to you?
Don't send me back to Jiuyi Mountain.
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan.
That night,
she couldn't hear or see,
nor could she recognize us.
You're right.
I've come across something
in an ancient record.
If a living person
breaks into the boundary of Yin and Yang
and violates certain taboos,
they will lose five senses,
and their symptoms are
very similar to those of Zhu Yan.
If your guess is correct,
medical skills can't save her
but magic techniques.
But she doesn't want us
to send her to Jiuyi Mountain.
Probably something's wrong
between Priest and her.
However, she's too vulnerable
for a rough trip now.
Is there any solution
stated in the ancient record?
The five senses of a person correspond
to the principle of the five elements.
Eyes relate to Wood,
which is the expertise
of the Azure Clan.
While ears relate to Water,
the White Clan is near Mirror Lake
and is proficient in
water magic techniques.
We might be able to save Zhu Yan
by securing her sight and hearing
if we join hands.
Let's act now.
If we borrow something from nature,
we must return it.
To perform this magic technique,
we need to borrow forces
from the artifacts
that contain spiritual power
of Wood and Water.
Fortunately, Bai Fenglin
handed the Moon Blade to me.
Qing Gang.
Take your sword out now.
This sword is given by the Priest,
it's not the artifact of the Azure Clan.
I came from the side branch of the clan,
with few members of a neglected family.
As long as I can remember,
I've never obtained any artifacts
from the clan.
I'll go and borrow one.
Can she still wait?
I can't even take one piece
of the ancestral artifacts.
Ancestral artifacts?
You can.
But you've already given it to me.
I have already had
the most precious treasure
of the Azure Clan,
I don't need anything else.
The weapons of the Azure Clan
are provided by you.
Are you from the Ice Clan?
I'm the Chief Sorcerer of the Ice Clan,
Wu Xian.
I came here
under the order of my master.
I'm the Provincial Military Commander,
General of Valiant Cavalry.
Aren't you afraid that I'll take you
to the Emperor for punishment?
You can only corporate with my master
to end your trouble once and for all.
You keep mentioning your master.
Who's your master?
Where's he now?
If you collaborate with me,
you will know.
Back then,
your assassination of Shi Ying
caused the Ice Clan heavy casualties
and Shi Ying remained unscathed.
We didn't kill him
because it wasn't the right time.
Had we finished Shi Ying at Nvluo Creek,
the Azure Clan would take hold
of the entire world.
They wouldn't have collaborated with us
and let my clan infiltrate Kongsang.
Now that my master
has already cleared
all trouble in his way.
He will send the Ten Sorcerers
to your aid.
Why did your master
choose me out of all?
What's he after?
Take my master
to the White Tower of Jialan.
It should be
an easy feat for you, right?
Are you aiming
for Heavenly Divine Ring?
It's a sacred relic
that contains the primordial force.
Only one who possesses
the Emperor's Blood
will be chosen.
Why do you Ice Clan need this?
My master sincerely admires
the magic techniques of Kongsang
and he would like to witness
the sacred relic
to satisfy his curiosity.
Where exactly is your master?
Congratulations on obtaining
the two divine rings.
Who are you?
We won't go back on our promise.
The identity of my master
isn't something
a commoner like you can know.
I was so worried about you.
How do you feel now?
Chong Ming.
Why are you here?
Isn't this
Isn't this the netherworld realm?
I'm in Jiuyi Mountain now?
It shouldn't be.
I'm supposed
I'm supposed to be dead, right?
You're resurrected
because of Star Revival Blood Oath.
It's been more than ten days
since the battle
at Xinghaiyun Pleasure House.
Star Revival Blood Oath?
Star Revival Blood Oath.
It's Yan'er.
It's her, right?
How's she now?
Where's she now?
She only took three days
to divine Star Revival Blood Oath
and then she gave you half of her life.
Both of you have 27 years left.
Then, she left when she saw you safe.
She wanted me to tell you
to take care of yourself
and don't worry about her.
It was the High Priest behind this, right?
He forced her.
She shouldn't have committed to this.
I've failed her.
I killed her loved one.
But I didn't expect to trouble her
even when I'd died.
She could've lived a longer lifespan.
I know you're worried about Zhu Yan.
But you killed Zhi Yuan
for the sake of the nation.
you died for her.
You know her character very well.
If she hadn't saved you,
she would've been living
in guilty all her life.
you died because of her
and she saved your life.
Given this,
I think
both of you're not
indebted to each other.
Not indebted to each other?
She doesn't hate me.
But she doesn't forgive me either.
why wouldn't she meet me even once?
It's fine.
I don't know
how to face her too.
Shi Ying, where are you going?
Shi Ying.
Please leave me alone.
What are you doing?
A few days ago, Miss Zhu Yan
gave me a piece of snow cake she made.
It was tasty.
So, I asked for the recipe from her.
I can't handle the cooking time well.
Come, help me
You're awake.
You said
that Zhu Yan was here for a few days
and she made the snow cake.
Why did she make the snow cake?
I'm not sure.
Are you going to confess
only when I take you
to the High Priest?
I'll tell you.
In fact, you've already woken up
a few days ago.
But you lost your memory for some reason.
Miss Zhu Yan
had been looking after you
for three days and three nights
before she left.
And that's all I know of.
Why did you ask me here?
Because I remember everything
when I'm here.
At this place,
I spent three days with her
as the Crown Prince.
And she danced
the last dance for me here.
(Starry Lake is
where Yan'er and I first met.)
(She would surely choose this place)
(if she wanted to make an end with me.)
You're remembering?
Why did you keep this from me?
Why did you lie to me?
Zhu Yan
has already learned of the tale of doom.
She chose to leave you
because she didn't want
to hurt you anymore.
So, she hid for feelings
for you
and made a clear break with you.
How do you recall everything?
High Priest said
you wouldn't remember anything
in these three days.
Her feelings for me?
What feelings?
Didn't you remember everything?
Tell me.
What are her feelings for me?
You tricked me.
I've lost my memories,
but I didn't lose my heart.
I knew it.
She gave half of her life
to save me.
She had been looking after me
for three days.
She made the snow cake for me.
She danced for me.
Though she told me
that she liked Zhi Yuan,
the man she sacrificed for
is me.
Yan'er loves me, right?
She said that she liked Zhi Yuan
because she wanted to save him.
Chong Ming.
I've never pleaded with you before.
This is the only time I beg you.
Please tell me the truth.
I'm going to look for her.
Don't stop me, Chong Ming.
Since Yan'er was willing
to sacrifice half of her life
for my revival,
why can't I muster
the same courage as her
to fight for another chance
for our relationship?
She didn't hesitate,
and so do I.
Your Supreme Majesty.
Glad to see that you're good.
I'm sorry to make you worry.
It's my fault.
I shouldn't have forced you
into experiencing the mortal world.
I've thought it through.
From now on, you will stay
in the mountain
for cultivation
like you used to do.
I'll groom you
to be the invincible cultivator
in Jiuyi Mountain.
Zhu Yan is the cursed lady for you.
You can't look for her.
I won't allow you
to risk your life again.
I died for Yan'er
and was revived because of her.
We can make changes to the doom.
It's under our control.
I won't allow you to go.
Your Supreme Majesty, you raise me
and guide me.
You've devoted your life for my sake.
And you never stop
considering me even now.
I truly appreciate that.
I, Ying,
have died once
and I know what matters to me.
I want to stay with her
and look after her.
I don't wish to waste
the second life she gave me,
even if it's just for a moment.
In my last life,
I've failed my cultivation duty.
And in this life,
I don't want to fail my loved one.
Your Supreme Majesty, please allow me
to go through Tribulations of Hell
and ditch the priesthood
for reclaiming Yan'er.
Get up.
In your last life,
I'd always forced you.
But in this life,
you should decide your own fate.
Thank you, Your Supreme Majesty.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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