ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e37 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[dramatic music playing]
[footsteps running]
Your Highness! Your Highness,
please wake up.
There is urgent business
that can only be resolved
by the Lord of the ThunderCats,
King Claudus.
I am he.
[chorus singing]
Time to rock and rule!
Now, tell your wise king
what's the matter.
Oh! It's terrible,
King Claudus.
The stock market
is crashing.
- Ah, no problem.
- [aide exclaiming]
Just build a new one.
Your Majesty,
the farmers' crops are failing!
Well then, I'm putting
the entire planet on a diet.
[straining] Your Majesty,
there are reports going around
that the Royal Aides feel
like they are being ignored
and mistreated.
[sighs] You're right,
stair guy, I'm great.
King Claudus,
the Planetary Science Committee
just issued a report
saying the whole planet is going
to explode at any moment!
So, uh, tell them to issue a report
saying it isn't going to explode.
Man, I love bein' king.
[gulping, burping]
[Tygra] It's up to you, Lion-O.
As the last
of the royal Thundarian family,
you are Lord of the ThunderCats
and only you
can make this call.
- [phone beeps]
- [line ringing]
[pizza delivery guy] Spigatoli's Pizza.
How may I help you?
We'll take an extra large
with pepperoni,
uh, anchovies, pineapple,
feta, peppers, cinnamon sticks
and orange soda on it, please!
- [all groaning]
- Orange soda on pizza?
Why would you
ruin two good things?
What? I got everything
everyone wanted.
I thought you'd be happy.
Come on, be happy.
That's not
how being king works.
You can't please everyone.
Sometimes you gotta
make the tough calls.
Aw, toots.
I hate making calls.
Especially tough ones.
Hey, that's my phone!
- [rumbling]
- What's that?
What's going on?
Oh, it can't be!
Bless my bolo!
It's King Claudus!
You survived
the explosion of Thundera!
Just barely.
I was floating around
in space for so long,
I almost ran out of sandwiches.
Hold on a second here.
What you're saying is you're
not the pizza delivery person?
He's the King of Thundera!
And your father!
I have a father?
Good thing I forgot,
or I might've been
really sad this whole time.
My dear boy.
Look how you've grown!
Actually, I guess I'm your son?
Why, you're even bigger!
Although uh, not the biggest.
[Panthro chuckles nervously]
Well, I can work with it.
Oh, there are
so many things on Thundera
that I wish I could have saved.
But you, Lion-o, were
definitely in the top three.
[all] Aw.
You poor lambs.
You've been all alone
all this time.
Well, worry not,
your King has arrived.
Now where's the throne
in this joint?
What is this,
some sort of a shoeshine?
Um, Dad,
about you being king
I love talking about
me being king!
The thing is,
since we thought you blew up,
we decided I would be
Lord of the ThunderCats
- [knock on door]
- Pizza delivery.
- [Wilykat] Yuck!
- [Cheetara] Gross!
This won't do at all!
We'll take this one!
Feast, my glorious
and wretched subjects!
We love you, King Claudus!
Wow, Dad.
You just took charge,
like it was nothing.
All in a day's work.
People don't like to think,
they want their king to make
the tough calls for them.
What crops to grow,
which suspect to imprison,
whether the sun rises
in the east or the west
Oh, uh, what were
you gonna tell me, son?
Uh, nothing.
Just glad to have you
here, King Claudus.
All this magnificent leadership
has exhausted me.
I will retire.
But tomorrow at sunrise, I will
ring in a new era of triumph.
He's glorious.
And I'm off the hook.
- [all yawning]
- Ugh, why is sunrise so early?
I can't wait to hear what King
Claudus has planned for us.
But we are waiting.
The sun rose half an hour ago,
where is he?
The sun rises when
King Claudus says it rises!
Oh. Um, I mean
Uh, he He'll be here.
[all snoring]
[fanfare plays]
King Claudus!
Good morning, Your Majesty
[Tygra grunting]
Indolence! Sloth!
Why is everyone asleep?
We had a meeting scheduled!
Yeah, five hours ago.
Sorry, we were busy getting me
fitted for my new royal duds.
[clears throat] My boy,
I respect your initiative,
but reprimanding commoners
is a king's job.
Repri-what-ing who-now?
You there, spotted marm.
For your insolence,
I order you to punch yourself
in the face a dozen times!
Lion-O. You're just gonna
let him say that to me?
He is the King.
Forget this, I'm out.
Thanks for
having my back pal.
My most fuzzy lord,
I took the liberty of
writing up a list of decisions
that need to be made.
Someone has been
putting them off.
Great, well,
none of this important.
I'll tell you
what needs to be done.
Painting a royal portrait.
Carving my likeness
into the side of a mountain.
Turning all your rooms
into one master suite for me.
And who does a king need
to exile around here
to get some catnip?
- [Wilykit] Right away!
- [Tygra] You got it!
[Claudus] Come on, son.
We have more pressing
matters to attend to.
I'm gonna teach you
how to truly be king.
Okay, Papa.
[Claudus] See that? As king,
everything the light touches
is your kingdom.
What about the non-sunny places?
Those, too.
- What about at night?
- Even then.
What about, uh,
inside a turtle's shell?
My boy, when you're king,
everything and everyone
belongs to you.
Wow. That's a lot
of pressure, huh?
What? No! It's great!
I mean, there are
literally no downsides.
Come, my boy,
you have much to learn
and it's Time for Royalty!
Lesson number one,
a king never
looks where they're going.
What do you think,
Your Majesty?
Oh, wow!
It looks just like you
Claudus has spoken!
Ahhh! [groans]
- Start over!
- [grunts in anger]
[grunts] Ahhh!
Hmm, yeah.
This is looking pretty nice.
But it's too drafty!
Put the wall back up!
A king must have
proper ventilation.
Wow! It's perfect!
Nope. A king always has
constructive criticism.
Pedestrian! Amateur!
[both slurping]
Hold, boy.
A king dares not
soil his royal shoes.
Soil me instead,
Your Highness.
Ah, yes, good.
Really give him
a good stomping, boy.
The peasants love it.
[laughs and groans in pain]
I guess if this
is what he wants
You're not stomping.
Oh, yeah.
[laughs nervously]
[Claudus] And lesson number 78
is how you can fall asleep
while sitting upright
on one of your subjects.
- Wow. Thanks, Dad.
- [snoring]
I'm learning so much.
Hey, Lion-O. A word?
Bye, Papa.
So what can I do for you
Time for some real talk, man.
Oh, if it's that important,
I should get my dad in here
- [Wilykit and Wilykat] No!
- Lion-O, your dad's a dink!
We're sick of his demands.
We want you to be king again.
Me? No way,
things are way better now.
Yeah, 'cause he hasn't been
ordering you around!
Yeesh, if you're really that
upset, let me talk to him.
He's a good dude.
He'll understand.
[Claudus] Mutiny?
It's war, then!
Uh Okay.
He's taking your concerns
into consideration.
We must strike down the rebels!
Have at thee!
[Wilykit] If it's a war he
wants, come and get it!
You'll all rot
in the Thunder Brig!
I guess I see what the other
ThunderCats are talking about.
If only there was some way to make
my dad treat them more kindly.
There are so many things
on Thundera
that I wish I could have saved.
[echoing] Saved, saved,
saved, saved.
Oh, whoa!
I just got an idea!
See what we mean
about your dad, Lion-O?
Look, all we need to do
is give him a chance
to prove how much
he cares about us.
If he thought Third Earth was
gonna blow up like Thundera,
he'd for sure try and save us.
- Let's go, Snarf
- [Snarf exclaims]
All right, buddy, patch into
all the systems and wreck 'em.
[electricity crackles]
[thrilling music playing]
What's going on?
Terrible news, Dad!
We just heard, Third Earth
is about to explode!
You mean, like Thundera?
Very much like that, yes.
Oh, no! I can't make the same
mistake I did last time.
Ooh! It's working.
[in monotone]
Oh, no. Save us. Help.
Here he comes.
Now you'll see
what a great king he really is.
There isn't much time!
I've come to save that
which I hold most dear!
[all gasp]
And of course,
what I'm referring to
is the refrigerator!
Tygra! Grab the microwave!
Kings never
eat pizza bagels frozen!
For Thundera!
Hurry, servants. I need to
pack and get outta here.
Dad, what are you doing?
There are so many things
on Thundera
that I wish I could have saved.
Like mustard.
My sandwiches were so dry!
Is that all you want to save?
Of course not.
I also need mayo.
A king always doubles up
on condiments.
You're all set, Your Highness.
Now, if I could just
squeeze in there Oh!
Only room for kings in here.
Now somebody press that button.
I gotta get outta here
before the planet explodes.
Wait, Dad, the planet's
not actually
Oh! All a king needs
is a sandwich
[sighs] Enjoy your sandwiches.
Sorry about losing your dad.
I'll miss him,
but I had to do
what was best for everyone.
Yes! Phew!
Finally got rid of
that deadbeat, am I right?
[laughs uncomfortably]
Don't worry, Lion-O.
Claudus may have
been a bad king,
but you're a great one.
You really think so?
You kidding? You ended a war
and overthrew a despot!
- Heck, yeah!
- Total king moves!
In that case,
I've made another decision.
Ice cream for dinner!
[all] Yeah!
Oh, yeah. My dad
took all our food to space.
Mmm, that is a moist sandwich.
Oh, I sure will
miss that son of mine.
Maybe I'll see
what his sister is up to.
What was her name again?
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