Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e38 Episode Script

The Great Fossil Rush

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
Hey, you guys,
I found something!
It's a fossil!
Yeah, and I found it
in the most incredible way --
digging a hole to poop in,
which I just remembered
I still need to do.
A fossil? I'll trade you
10 Choco-Rolls
for it.
No, no, no, 20.
[ Whistle blows ]
I'll tell you how much
that fossil's worth!
Ugh, here comes
the Junior Forest Scouts.
Bet you anything he's going to
start bragging about his badges.
I'm pretty much an expert
on this type of stuff.
Since I have this
paleontology badge,
I can tell you
what kind of fossil it is.
Tony, what kind of fossil
is this?
Hmm. It's most likely an extinct
marine crustacean
known as a trilobite,
which more closely resembles
the modern horseshoe crab.
It's not cool.
It's just an ugly crab.
And it's over
500 million years old.
-[ Gasps ] Wow!
I'll give you 100 Choco-Rolls
for that thing!
You got a deal.
Actually, it's going
to take a while
to get that much product
but in the meantime,
if anyone else finds a fossil,
the same deal goes to you!
[ All exclaiming indistinctly ]
We got to find
more fossils!
Fossils, fossils
stuck in the ground ♪
Diggin' for fossils,
lookin' for fossils ♪
Will make your day
Isn't this great,
all of us kids
gathered together
playing in the creek,
looking for
ancient animal corpses?
Hey. Hey, you!
Don't you know soil erosion
could lead to mudslides?
Digging with your hands
is bad for your cuticles.
And you -- Don't get that dirt
too close to your mouth,
or you'll get ringworms.
-[ Grunting ]
-I hope I find a candy-saur.
Hey, gravel-head,
you're digging all wrong.
-You actually dig like this.
-[ Grunting ]
Let me show ya!
-My shovel.
-I have a digging badge,
so I'm basically
an expert.
[ Grunts ]
What do you know?
You've never found
a fossil.
Hey, I'm just trying
to give you guys a hand!
It's the Junior
Forest Scout motto --
"A Forest Scout
always helps out."
Jason, why do you got
to scout-splain everybody?
Because he's Bobby.
Just look at him!
He didn't even ask
for your help, though.
Look, I'm just trying
to keep an eye on everybody
and help you guys out.
Maybe you don't like it,
but everyone else does, right?
[ Growls ]
Let's just go.
[ All sigh ]
We didn't find anything.
The rest of the fossils must be
super deep below the creek.
Welp, guess that's it
for the fossil rush.
Maybe the dead
should just stay buried.
Man, there go my plans
of revivin' the dinosaurs
and raisin' them
on an island sanctuary.
I would've named it
after me, J.P. --
Jurassic Playhouse.
Craig: All right.
New day, new adventure.
Check it --
They're float shoes!
These babies will let us walk
across water like it's nothing.
They're like enhanced
water skis.
And they're orange.
You workin' on a fall collection
already, Craig?
You're gettin' ahead
of yourself.
More like everybody
needs to catch up.
All right.
Time to test these out.
Physics mean nothing!
Huh? What -- What happened
to all the water?
The creek doesn't have a creek!
How did all the water
just disappear overnight?
I don't know.
Come on, guys.
We got to find out
where all the water went.
Let's follow
the creek upstream.
Hey, is --
is that a kiddie pool?
What is this doing here?
[ Dog growls ]
I mean
[Clears throat]
hey, what's up?
The animals of the creek
are in danger, Kelsey.
Hurry, Cheesesticks!
[ Chuckles ]
Are these fish
going to be okay?
Uh, yeah, now that they're back
in the water.
That's where fish live.
Right, but I meant --
Ugh, I don't have time to
explain how animals work to you.
what's going on?
Do you know
where the creek went?
[ Sighs ]
I do not.
But if the water
doesn't return soon,
the creek is doomed
to become a wasteland.
With the unmerciful
summer heat approaching,
all the resources in the creek
will soon die out.
And with nothing else
to survive on,
the food chain
will start all over again
until a new alpha predator
establishes dominance.
If that happens,
then we should align ourselves
with the dragons. It's our
best chance of survival.
Hey, yeah, we could find
some with giant wings.
And like
a million teeth.
With lightning breath!
And skull helmets! Yeah!Yeah!
We should probably try
to prevent that
from happening, though.
Do you think you can
help us, Wildernessa?
I cannot,
My animal friends
always come first,
and I can hear a tadpole
calling out for me now.
Let us make haste,
Warrior Kelsey,
I wish you and your wards
the best of luck
on your journey,
young Craig especially.
He needs all the help
he can get.
I'll do my best,
Did she wave back?
Uh, I think she waved back.
She's so cool.
[ Chuckles ]
Let's just keep going.
This is awful.
We've been walking forever,
and there's no sign
of water anywhere.
It doesn't even feel like
the creek anymore.
It just feels soquiet.
[ Water dripping ]
do you guys hear that?
It sounds like water!
[ Both gasp ]
A dam? But why?
Who would do this?
[ Clanking ]
Ugh, what are we doing wrong?
We should have found
an entire Tyrannosaurus by now.
[ Quietly ] Jason?
Is he really still
digging for fossils?
I don't know.
Let's look some more.
I thought you said this is
where we'd find them, Tony.
Uh, it is, but if you're
looking for something
from the Jurassic Period,
then we should probably
dig a little deeper
than 5 feet, uh, sir.
Is that supposed to be a joke?
Are you trying to make fun of me
just like everyone else
in this creek?
Boris and Tony were just
trying to help out.
Forest Scouts
always help out.
Well, not me!
What's the point of helping out
if none of these jerks
appreciate it?
Getting this fossil is finally
going to give me
the respect I deserve.
Uh, with all due
respect, sir,
that's not what being
a Forest Scout is about at all.
Well, then I'm not
a Forest Scout anymore!
[ All gasp ]
Aah! Oof.[ Thud ]
Now, just get out of here!
I don't need you traitors!
[ Crying ]
He's gone rogue.
We have to destroy
that dam.
It's not going to be easy.
This is a dam made by scouts.
It looks like they're using
lariat loops,
timber hitch knots, and
[Gasps] the classic
but vulnerable shoelace tie.
And it looks like not everyone
was able to earn
their fancy
knot-tying badge.
Okay, let's meet here
after dinner,
and then we can
take down this dam.
The coast is clear.
[ Groans ]
Okay, you guys.
Get ready.
Once I untie this knot,
the whole thing is coming down,
and the creek
is coming with it.
h, aAaahh. -..-
Aah Aah
What happened?
This big branch
has everything locked up.
[ Straining ]
I'm going to pull it
from the top.
Hey! Hey, you!
What do you think
you're doing, Craig?
Get out of here!
This is my dam.
It may be your dam,
but this isn't your creek,
and I'm not letting you
take it from us.
Do you really think a fossil
is worth all this?
Ugh, if it gets me
some respect.
Yeah, respect!
[ Creaking ]Whoa.
I try every day
to protect the creek
and help everyone out,
but no one cares.
No one listens to me!
[ Wheezing ]
Oh, boy. Things are gettin'
emotional up there.
Jason, maybe kids
would respect you
if you were ever nice to them
instead of trying to show off
and prove what
an expert you are.
Is that why you got
those badges,
so you can act like
a bossy know-it-all?
Or did you get them because
you wanted to help people?
Uh, Craig?!
[ Rumbling ]
Water powers, activate!
[ All screaming ]
Craig, help![ Both screaming ]
Kelsey! J.P.!
[ Panting ]
[ Grunts ]
[ Straining ]
Whoa --
I gotcha!
[ Grunts ]
[ All straining ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Jason, you saved us.
Uh, well, I just --
Okay, I'm confused. Does Jason
have a good twin or somethin'?
Hmm, just what I thought.
akWhe!atItWh'sat a? f
? What?Hmm, just what I thought.
Look on the bottom.
"National Museum
of Natural History"?
It's from a gift shop.
No way I'm giving up
100 Choco-Rolls for a souvenir.
[ All sigh ]
But I heard that you guys
are the reason
the water
is back in the creek,
so I'll trade you
three Choco-Rolls
as thanks.
Wow! Wow!
One for each of us!
Hey, since
the creek is back,
why don't we try out
the float shoes again?
Oh, yeah,
I was actually thinking
about a few modifications.
Jason: Hey, you!
I mean, hey, Craig.
You, uh --
you dropped this.
You're not going to write us up
for littering, are you?
It's just,
a Forest Scout
always helps out.
Let's go.
Ugh! Move, Boris!
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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