Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e38 Episode Script

Episode 38

Ruby's Ring Why did you do it? Why'd you do that to Insu? What are you talking about? I know everything.
You're the one who got Gu Yeonho to frame Insu for accepting a bribe.
You might also be the one behind the burglary.
Explain yourself right now! What's wrong with you? Have you gone mad? I'm asking you because I haven't gone mad.
Why did you try to get Insu into trouble? What was Mr.
Gu Yeonho doing in front of Insu's apartment? Why did you call him? What did you ask him to take care of? What did you ask him to do? What are you talking about? Shut up.
If you don't tell me right now, I won't give up.
Let's go.
Let's go talk somewhere else.
Episode 38 Hello? Yes, President Choi.
That's right.
I'll see you tomorrow then.
The recipient is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Is she still on the air? Out of Service What do you think you're doing? That's what I'd like to ask you.
What are you accusing me of with Mr.
Na? You really don't know? You're misreading this.
Misreading? Misreading? Just answer me one thing.
Why'd you do that to Insu? I've had my suspicions, but I never said anything to you because I trusted you! Calm down.
I don't know where you got this information, but I didn't do anything wrong.
It was Mr.
Na who started it.
Don't you remember what I told you? That Mr.
Na isn't a good person? Ruby.
He's misleading you.
He's a vicious person.
If you knew what kind of person he was, why'd you ask me to marry him? If he was that terrible of a person why'd you push me to marry him? I did tell you to break up with him, but you refused to listen.
Can't you tell me the truth? You told me break up with him.
Then you told me to study abroad.
And now you tell me to marry him.
Why are you doing this? For what reason? Reason? I don't need a reason.
I'm your sister.
All I want is what's best for you.
This is what's best for me? Why have you been trying to get Insu into trouble? Why? Why are you doing this? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why you ask? What if I tell you? Like I said, Mr.
Na started this.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Na harassed me first, so now I'm here.
I'm telling you as your sister.
It's dangerous for you to be with Mr.
What's really dangerous isn't Insu, it's you.
You're not thinking straight.
Come to your senses.
Come to my senses? You come to your senses.
I told you.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Like I said, Mr.
Na started this.
If he hadn't started this, I would've been fine! You're crazy.
You're crazy.
Crazy? Me? You want to see crazy? I haven't even started.
How can you call me crazy? This is just the beginning.
I am going crazy.
You and Na Insu are driving me insane! Do you know that? Ruby.
Ruby, wake up.
This wasn't my fault.
It was an accident.
I didn't do anything.
I've done nothing wrong.
This wasn't my fault.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Focus, Jeong Ruby.
Don't be weak.
Snap out of it.
What am I going to do? Should I go back? What if she's dead? If she's dead If she really is dead, then will I finally become the real Jeong Ruby? Will I be the only Jeong Ruby in the world? Runa.
I'll get it.
Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
What? Runa? Okay.
Which hospital? Hospital? What happened? It wasn't my fault.
It was an accident.
An accident.
I thought she was dead.
Actually, I hoped she would disappear.
That's only natural from my perspective.
Then I'd be able to hide this secret forever, and live forever as Ruby and not Runa.
Because there'd only be one Jeong Ruby in the world.
She shouldn't have woken up.
She should've disappeared.
Good job, everyone.
Thank you.
You said you'd show me your dress.
Are you playing hard to get? In any case, I love you no matter what.
Is "I love you" the only way to get you to call me back? Have you heard, Insu? Runa fell down the stairs.
She's at the hospital.
What? Could she have died? Could she be dead? No.
You can't die, Ruby.
This is all my fault.
This is my fault.
I'm sorry, Ruby.
Hello? Why is it so hard to get a hold of you? Gyeongmin said he called many times too but couldn't get through.
I'm sorry, Aunt Chorim.
I was busy.
Runa fell down the stairs and was taken to the hospital.
What? So what happened? Did she die? Is she dead? What? Why would she be dead? Your mom just called.
She's fine.
Hurry up and go see her, okay? Gyeongmin and Gilja are with her.
This is awful.
Chorim, have some water and calm down.
You're sweating.
You must be very worried.
Drink up.
What happened, Gyeongmin? It's like I told you.
I found her at the bottom of the stairs.
Has she regained consciousness yet? No.
Where's mom? She went to see Runa's doctor.
She'll be back soon.
I'm going to step outside for a bit.
What do I do? When she wakes up, she'll remember what happened.
But I didn't push her.
She lost her footing and fell.
I didn't do anything wrong.
Are you okay, Runa? Are you awake? Are you back to your senses? My face Runa.
Runa, what happened? When you didn't pick up I knew something was wrong.
Runa, how does your head feel? Are you in any kind of pain? Runa? Runa? Oh, my goodness, Runa.
Good heavens, Runa.
Are you okay? Are you conscious? Fortunately, the doctor says nothing's wrong.
I was so scared especially since your wedding is coming up.
Runa, how did you fall down the stairs? You should've been more careful.
You need to rest.
You still seem dazed.
You'll feel better with some rest.
Go to sleep, okay? Mom, where's her medicine? Shouldn't you go get it? Right.
Get some more sleep, okay? Rest up.
This has to be a dream.
It must be a dream.
Is Runa okay? Yeah.
She woke up.
What a relief.
Does she have to stay at the hospital? I wanted to bring her back, but Ruby insisted.
Ruby said she'd stay with her.
We've been saying Ruby has changed, but she's being a good sister.
But of course.
Ruby's no ordinary girl.
Chorim, I'm going to bed.
Good night.
So how did Runa get hurt again? She fell down the stairs.
The leg she injured in the accident must not have fully healed yet.
It's good that it wasn't anything serious.
It bothers me that all these awful things keep happening to Runa and Insu.
We might need a good exorcist to drive away the evil spirits.
Exorcist? If exorcisms actually worked, no one would ever be sick.
You think I don't know that? I just feel helpless, okay? This is why you don't have a boyfriend, missy.
What does that have to do with anything? And what about you? It's not like you have a boyfriend.
So what? You want a piece of me? It was you again, wasn't it? What are you talking about? You made Ruby fall down the stairs, right? Don't make me laugh.
Is everything my fault now? Who else would've done it? You're wrong.
I don't have to do those things anymore.
The reason? Because you'll be my little sister's husband, like I wanted you to be.
She's your older sister.
The thing is, when you and Ruby first started cozying up with one another, I got scared.
If we became family, you'd harass me forever.
But I'm really happy now.
You're in love with Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
You wouldn't want to tell the truth and hurt the woman you love, right? What's your reason? I know it's just a charade, but what is your real reason for actually marrying Ruby? I thought you wanted revenge.
You said you'd never let me go.
Why are you asking me that? You just said you knew I was in love with Jeong Ruby and that you're happy I'll be marrying her.
I am happy.
I'm ecstatic.
I'm ecstatic beyond words.
Who knew I'd get to know Ruby and end up marrying her thanks to you? I had no idea your evil deeds were a blessing in disguise for me.
Thank you, Jeong Runa.
You're lying.
Don't lie to me.
You still love me.
You're marrying my sister so that you can be around me forever.
No? Love? Jeong Runa, who doesn't believe in love, is talking about love? How interesting.
I wasn't enough for you? Did you want both my body and Ruby's soul? The truth doesn't change no matter how much you want to deny it.
Of course not.
Just like how no amount of surgery can hide the vile soul of Jeong Runa.
I was attracted to your face and body.
I was shallow then.
But not anymore.
People like you will never understand.
In this world, nothing is more valuable than people's hearts.
In this world, nothing is easier to change than people's hearts.
Do you think that the heart alone can bring happiness? Do you really think your love alone can make my sister happy? So that might be your heart, but what about my sister's? Does she even love you? Is she really happy? Have you seen a person's heart? No, right? Hypocrites.
Their hearts want money and fame but they believe love triumphs over all.
That's how they rationalize.
That's how they comfort themselves.
Pathetic losers.
Runa, what happened? When you didn't pick up I knew something was wrong.
Runa, how does your head feel? Are you in any kind of pain? Runa? Runa? Something's not right.
But what? What's not right? Yes? May I come in? Yes, grandma.
You're already inside anyhow.
What is it? Please sit down.
Do I need to have a special reason to come to your room? Of course not.
I don't have to tell you why I'm here, do I? No.
I'm pretty sure I know.
Being pretty sure won't cut it, you have to be confident.
Gyeongmin, I want you to be a patriot.
Serve your country with many babies.
Having ten kids isn't a problem at all.
Having lots of babies makes a true patriot.
Oh, right.
I heard Ruby won't be coming home tonight.
Runa has been hospitalized.
There was an accident at work.
The bride-to-be? Is she badly hurt? No.
The doctor said she could go home, but Ruby was worried and insisted that she stay at least one night.
I see.
You must be tired too.
Get ready for bed then.
Good night, grandma.
You too.
Sera, shouldn't you visit Ruby's sister at the hospital too? I was planning to go tomorrow, mom.
Hey, dad.
Since she hurt herself walking down the stairs because the elevator was out of order, doesn't the company owe her compensation? I did look into it, but there was a company-wide announcement about the elevator.
And it was the third floor.
Some take the stairs even if the elevator is working.
But still.
She was at work.
Look into our industrial accident bylaws.
I gave her a wedding dress she couldn't try on and now she's in the hospital again.
Why are you still up? Go lie down.
Runa, about what happened earlier Earlier? You don't remember what happened? You don't remember.
You don't remember anything, do you? You should've been more careful.
You leg must be weak after the accident.
The elevator was busted so you used the stairs, but you lost your footing and fell down.
Was I really alone when I lost my footing? You weren't? Do you remember something? I think I was with you.
Weren't we talking about something that became a heated fight? No.
I was there, but I went back up because something came up.
But later I heard you were unconscious, at the bottom of the stairs.
I don't remember anything.
You know very well I suffer from amnesia.
Something traumatic must've happened.
I don't recall a thing.
Do you know how worried I was? I'm so relieved you're okay.
Stop this charade.
You were there with me, and I fell down the stairs because of you.
I know.
You didn't push me.
I lost my footing.
So you do remember.
Don't worry, Ruby.
I know why you were so upset.
You were apologizing to me, right? Yes.
That's right.
I'm sorry, Runa.
I flew off the handle because you kept badgering me over nothing.
I know.
And I missed my footing.
Should we get something to drink? Should I go buy some? Sure.
I was actually getting thirsty.
She knew the whole time.
That conniving witch was faking it.
My face.
My face.
My face.
My face.
My face.
My stolen face.
Runa, what have you done to me? What's the reason? Why? Why are you doing this to me? What did I ever do to you? What do I do now? How can I live like this? This isn't my face.
I don't like this face.
I don't like it.
This isn't my face.
What do I do? Runa.
We need to talk.
The conversation we were having right before I fell down the stairs.
Why's Runa harassing Insu? Are you okay, Runa? It's me, Gyeongmin.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
That was supposed to be me.
I should've been the bride.
Jeong Runa, I will never forgive you for taking everything from me.
See you next time
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