The Longest Promise (2023) s01e38 Episode Script

Episode 38

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 38=
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan.
Qing Gang.
Zhu Yan is awake.
Zhu Yan.
You saved me?
Xuelu and I were heading
to Jiuyi Mountain
for an important matter
to discuss with Priest.
And we ran into you.
You two are staying together now?
Xuelu is my betrothed.
Despite the countless obstacles,
you found each other.
You made the decision to spend
the rest of your life with Qing Gang.
I'm sure you two will live happily ever after.
We are now friends.
I want to apologize to you
for what I have done.
It's all in the past.
I haven't even thanked you for saving me.
Oh, you guys
were trying to see Priest,
weren't you?
Don't let me keep you.
Don't mention my name, however.
Zhu Yan.
What happened between Priest and you?
If Zhu Yan doesn't want to bring it up,
don't force her.
You barely recover.
What if you suddenly lose your hearing
or vision again?
We still have time anyway.
Let us look after you for a few days.
No but.
You said that we are friends.
You can't take it back.
Let me check on the remedial broth.
Tell me about your journey.
Bai Fenglin is still a scoundrel
who will not own up what he has done.
Until Qing Gang came,
we traveled here.
It's a shame that I cannot bring
Mother's memorial tablet
back to the Bai Residence.
Do you think your late mother
would care if her memorial tablet
is in the Bai Residence or not?
I'm sure she couldn't care less
about a man
who never gave her a status.
Nor something symbolical
like a memorial tablet.
You are what she held the dearest.
Qing Gang and you are in love.
You are also
one of the most powerful members
in the White Clan.
I think this is what she wanted to see.
Her daughter has grown up
to become someone
so resilient and unyielding.
Your ancestor, Bai Wei,
left a legacy
not as the spouse of Emperor Xingzun,
but as the warrioress
who quit her throne and status
to fight for her subjects.
you have taken the first step.
Now soar higher.
Do you feel better now?
My vision and my hearing are back.
Thank you.
We still have to find ways
to restore your other senses.
Let's be patient.
Fortunately, you two are here with me.
Oh, Qing Gang.
I owe you an explanation
regarding what happened
at Zhaoyun Crossing.
I am not a traitor
who serves the Sea Kingdom.
I just didn't want to see
the loss of so many precious lives
during the disaster.
So I theorized correctly.
I had the same idea too.
However, it is a major issue.
Once you're healed,
you should present yourself in the court
and explain everything.
I promise.
Zhu Yan.
Priest is relinquishing his title
to enter the Tribulations of Hell.
Is it true?
Everyone is preparing for the ceremony
under the mountain.
All immortal officials
are heading toward Jiuyi Mountain too.
(Master was just reborn.)
(He couldn't possibly survive that.)
No wonder you were reticent.
Priest must have renounced his title for you.
And you left Jiuyi Mountain
to stay away from the whole debacle.
But now,
he is no longer your master.
You two can now be together.
I'm not feeling too well.
I'll get some rest now.
Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan, are you up?
Zhu Yan?
Zhu Yan?
Where is she?
Did she go to Jiuyi Mountain alone?
She must be worried sick
after she heard the news
about Priest yesterday.
I hope they can clear things up
between themselves.
An edict for you, Qing Gang.
Your kin, Qing Yun, was found guilty
of poisoning the consorts
and assaulting His Majesty
due to jealousy.
Her crime is unforgivable
and she has pleaded guilty to it.
Her brother, Qing Dongfang,
was an accomplice
and was found guilty of colluding
with enemies.
In accordance with the current
code of punishment,
he is to be demoted to a commoner.
Qing Gang proves to be
a courageous official
whose fidelity should be exemplified.
Qing Gang is now appointed
the Azure King.
Hereby concludes the edict.
Duly noted.
Thank you, Your Majesty.
His Majesty wants you
to return to Jialan
for your inauguration ceremony.
Please do so
at your earliest convenience.
I shall return
once I conclude my business here.
The Sea Kingdom
was a threat not long ago
and the Ice Clan
is on the prowl at the moment.
We are in dire need
of a brave hero like you,
Azure King.
The Ice Clan?
On our way to the Jiuyi District,
we ran into
a band of travelers from the Ice Clan
who hurried to Jiuyi Mountain.
Qing Gang.
We should head to the Jiuyi Mountain at once.
They must be after Priest.
Are they trying to ambush him
after he is greatly weakened
by the Tribulations of Hell?
Let's go.
You will walk the path to Hell.
Are you aware of it?
Even if you might
cease to exist?
I'll never regret.
Ever since Shi Ying was young,
he vowed to serve the immortals.
Before he achieves his ambition,
he succumbs to the mortal desires.
He wants to break the vow
and leave the mountain.
For this atrocious betrayal,
he wishes to seek atonement
by putting his vessel through trials.
Today, he renounces his title
and stands with his decision,
knowing the risk involved.
Go now.
Surrender your vessel
and wash away your sins.
You will no longer be an immortal
and can return to the Mortal Realm.
(You know very well)
(if you succumb
to the mortal desires or not.)
(You can retain your title.)
(You don't need)
(to go through this.)
(Star Gazing Hall)
(God sees everything.)
I, Shi Ying, will renounce my title
and go through the Tribulations of Hell
to return to the Mortal Realm.
Even at the cost of my own life.
All my life,
I feel like a bird embroidered
on the folding screen.
Perhaps it could escape
from the folding screen
but it could never possess a soul.
I will send you away.
Don't worry.
I will pray for you every day.
I will not end my life.
I will not let those sinister beings
have the satisfaction.
You are faking your death
so you are essentially
deceiving His Majesty.
do not come back.
I will not leave you to suffer alone, Mother.
Our spirits are not caged birds.
They are wild plants.
A great fire will reduce them to ashes
but all it takes is one breezy rain
to breathe life into us.
The freedom outside of Jialan City
is the breezy rain.
I will stay with you forever
and protect you.
Where are you?
You think you can save me?
What is happening to Shi Ying?
He's suffering from the illusion
created by his inner demon.
There is guilt in his heart.
He is now facing the greatest fear
and pain of his life.
And he musters all his blood essence
to overcome it.
If he cannot overcome it,
he will become a demon,
doomed for eternity.
A demon
It's you.
It's me.
Why are you here?
I have been waiting for you.
It's you.
You killed Yuan.
Why would you do that?
You have to pay for it.
I'll kill you!
I'll kill you.
Stop it, Master.
Don't do it.
(I killed your beloved.)
(I will now pay the price.)
Stop it, Master.
Stop it.
I'll kill you!
Zhu Yan.
9,999 trials of the Tribulations of Hell
are created by his inner demon.
He has survived all of it.
And now, his final trial.
Divine Judgment.
The Divine Thunder will attack
his Qihai pressure point
to incapacitate his immortal power.
Previously, all immortals failed at this stage.
Please make it out alive.
- Shi Ying.
- Master!
- Shi Ying.
- Ying.
- Priest of Grand Preceptor.
- Priest of Grand Preceptor.
It's you.
You came.
I have prepared ten years for this day.
Once he ingests this elixir
and we inject
some of spiritual power into him,
he will recover.
The Ten Sorcerers are attacking us.
Others will need some time
to get into this Cryo Barrier.
Protect Shi Ying.
I see the Ten Sorcerers of Ice Clan
came to Yunhuang.
What a rare occasion.
May I know who gives you
the audacity to barge into
our Jiuyi Mountain?
You'll be dead anyway.
You don't need to know.
Get in position.
Mutual Annihilation.
They want us to die with them.
Protect Shi Ying.
Yin and Yang, combine.
I reign supreme.
Celestial Assault!
High Priest!
Your Supreme Majesty.
- High Priest!
- High Priest!
- Your Supreme Majesty.
- High Priest.
Forgive me.
I couldn't restore your power.
Your Supreme Majesty.
Yan'er told me
that you were trying to protect her.
But I know
that you were trying to protect me.
You did everything for me.
For me.
♪Lingering in the mortal world♪
♪Never forgot my promise♪
♪Whether it's against divine providence♪
I know.
Bai Yan.
Don't marry Shi Jun.
Go with me.
♪Finally, we meet♪
♪I burn myself
for the bright future of all♪
I don't want
to see tears
on those eyes again.
♪I burn myself
for the bright future of all♪
♪And turn into a landscape
of everlasting brilliance♪
Your Supreme Majesty!
♪I'll return to the dream one day♪
(Tomb of High Priest Shi Yu of Kongsang)
(Tomb of High Priest Shi Yu of Kongsang)
(Regarding the death of Lady Qiushui,)
(Consort Qing)
(enchanted and controlled your mother)
(to commit the deed via Gu magic.)
When the truth was revealed,
Consort Qing took her life on the spot.
Then Azure King had
his title revoked.
I managed to uncover the truth
and clear your and your mother's name
before I die.
Now, I can leave without any regret.
(Tomb of High Priest Shi Yu of Kongsang)
(It wasn't by mere coincidence
that the Ten Sorcerers attacked.)
(might come under attack again.)
You survived the tribulations
but lost all your power.
I would love to tell you
to stay out of everything
and remain indifferent to the world,
but I know you well
that you will intervene.
(your limit.)
(Do what you can.)
(Don't push yourself too far.)
(Tell yourself
that you already do your best.)
(Because there's nothing)
(more important in this world)
(than staying alive.)
(Back then,)
(I decided to stay out of politics.)
(Tomb of High Priest Shi Yu of Kongsang)
I ignored your father,
my brother, to rule with negligence
at his discretion.
That's why all the officials
are complacent now.
The vulnerability of Kongsang
is our fault,
not the innocent subjects'.
Help us rectify this mistake.
Restore peace
to this world.
Your Supreme Majesty,
may you reunite with my mother
high above in heaven.
Your Highness.
The Ten Sorcerers attacked
at such uncanny timing.
Xuelu and I will return to Jialan
to convene with His Majesty
and strengthen our border control.
Please take care of yourself.
Shi Ying.
I owe you a sincere apology.
If you ever need
Qing Gang or me,
whatever it is,
we will be there at any time.
Zhu Yan.
I will soar high like you told me to.
Take good care of yourself
and I wish you a speedy recovery.
Fingers crossed.
Qing Gang,
we'll meet again.
Don't sulk.
Go take a stroll somewhere.
The High Priest was alone
for most of his life.
I want to keep him company here.
(The memorial tablet of Qing Yun)
Her Highness must have gone to a happy place.
My condolences.
Let's come another day.
If someone finds out
that we are paying respect
to Consort Qing in secret,
we might
I'm sorry.
I shouldn't have paid respect to Mother.
Get up.
Why didn't you tell them
what Bai Fenglin did?
After the recent attack
on Jiuyi Mountain,
His Highness has lost all his power.
Zhu Yan is also afflicted
with a mysterious disease.
His Highness has a lot on his plate
so we shouldn't give him extra burdens.
Since the envoy has said
that His Majesty has made
a full recovery,
as the new Azure King,
you can lay out Bai Fenglin's crime
when you meet with His Majesty.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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