ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e38 Episode Script

Sword Heist

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Ooh. Ah. Ooh.
Ah, now
that's a good sword.
Ah, now
that's a good sword.
[inhales deeply]
Eh, this one's just okay.
This sword is the most beautiful
sword I've ever seen.
Besides the Sword of Omens,
of course.
[sniffs] Now that's
a good sword.
I bet this one smells
really good too.
That's the Blade of Revenge.
[gasps] The Blade of Revenge?
Never heard of it?
It's only
the coolest sword ever.
You just think about
your greatest enemy
and the sword will lead you
right to 'em.
Oh, and best part?
As long as you're fighting
for revenge, you'll never lose.
Whoa! Blade of Revenge:
show me my greatest enemy.
That's it.
That's the microwave that
undercooked my breakfast burrito.
Your greatest enemy
is a microwave?
Uh. Yes.
I'd better buy this
so no one else can.
Do you take credit cards?
Sure thing, let me just
Oh, look at that.
Someone just bought
this sword online.
They're coming tomorrow
to pick it up.
Well, if I can't get
the sword myself,
I hope it's going to someone
trustworthy and pure of heart.
It's some guy named Ratar-O.
- Ratar-O?
- He's on the phone now.
[laughing menacingly]
Hello, Lion-O.
The second I get that sword,
I'm going to use it
to destroy you
and all the other ThunderCats.
[laughing maniacally]
Ugh, they must've done
somethin' real bad.
I'll tell you what they did.
They launched my precious
Sword of Plun-Darr
into space and now
it's lost forever.
Uh, actually,
we found it again.
- [exclaims]
- But, uh then we broke it in half.
[gasps] You'll pay for this
Okay, it's time to close up
the shop.
Got it locked.
And double locked.
Got the laser grids.
Got the booby traps going.
Removing the weird guy.
Okay, the giant store-sized
metal armor is up.
And, lastly
one Wolo security guard.
Well, that's that.
No one but a master thief
could get that sword now.
I need to get that sword.
But stealing is bad.
But it's not bad if I have
someone steal it for me.
[phone ringing]
Hey, Lion-S.
Lion-O. How'd you get
this number?
It was on the thank you note
you sent me.
I know you've totally reformed
since the last time I saw you,
but I need you to help me
steal another sword.
Eh, I don't know. I don't
really steal swords anymore.
Oh. Please, Lion-S.
If we don't steal it first,
Ratar-O will get
the Blade of Revenge.
The Blade of Revenge?
The sword that lets you get
revenge on all your enemies?
Yeah. That's the one.
Eh, never heard of it.
But sure, I'll help you.
Great. Then meet me at
I'm coming for ya, baby.
[rock music playing]
Did she just hang up on me?
Hey, buddy.
Lion-S. Oh, thank you
so much for coming.
But, uh, did you hang up
on me?
Yeah, yeah.
Don't worry about it.
Now let me introduce you
to the rest of the crew.
Can't have a heist
without a crew.
This is Punch-Borg.
Half man, half machine.
All punching.
Say hello to Fry Wire.
She's got electricity flowing
through her veins. Literally.
These are the Disguise Guys.
I don't see anyone.
That's cause ain't nobody
gonna see
[both] These guys.
And let's not forget,
She can twist and contort
into any tight space.
And, oh, boy, you're gonna love
Contortia's brother, Gibby.
What does Gibby do?
Eh, nothing really, but he
makes killer quesadillas.
And then
there's Wrencher, Cut-Face,
Sticky Fingers,
Snakey McBootie,
and of course, Quick Pick.
Lion-S, should we really
involve all these other people?
Oh, don't worry.
There's honor amongst thieves.
Except for Quick Pick.
Quick Pick will stab you
in the back
and take all the loot
for himself
first chance he gets so do
not take your eyes off him.
Hot tea anyone? A spot of
oolong perhaps?
- Sugar?
- Oh. Thank you.
Okay, everyone.
There's the guard.
You know the plan.
[all clamoring]
[all yelping]
Whoa. That really old Wolo
can fight.
Come on, he's distracted.
Let's go.
But what about the rest of
the crew?
I just brought them on
to take on the security guard.
[Snakey McBootie] Ah!
My little boot.
Okay. Now we just have to get
through all that metal armor.
Step aside, I've got this.
ThunderCats HO!
Let me just try one more thing.
ThunderCats HO!
One, one, one more thing.
This should work.
ThunderCats HO
Good show, chap. But I've got
something a bit more delicate.
Let's see here,
Cheetara Corporation,
Karnor Industries
Ah, here we go.
Swords n' Swords.
A-ha. We did it. As a team.
Okay, team.
I've seen these before
and I know exactly what to do.
Let me just
No need, I can handle this one.
Good idea.
We'll do it together.
Hup, hup, hup.
- Toots.
- Oh, deary me.
I was about to turn those
off for you.
Great work, Quick Pick.
- Cheers, mate.
- Are you sure about Quick Pick?
So far he's been
incredibly nice,
and super helpful.
Those are red flags, Lion-O.
He's gonna try to take
the Blade of Revenge, trust me.
A-ha. The laser grids.
I've definitely got this one.
Ha. Hoo. Ha, ha.
Nice moves, Lion-O.
But watch out for Quick Pick.
Thanks, mate.
[Lion-O screams]
Pat on the back? More like
knife in the back.
Hey, look. The safe.
Oh, but I don't know how
to crack open a safe.
Now that's why
we got Quick Pick.
- Do your thing, buddy.
- Here I go then.
Just gonna crack open
this safe here
Okay, Quick Pick will open up
this bad boy,
and then you'll tackle him
while I grab
the Blade of Revenge, okay?
Great idea.
[Lion-O] Now, Lion-S.
Get the sword.
I'm on it.
Ha. I stopped you
from double crossing us
and taking the Blade
of Revenge.
You really think
I'd steal from you?
I'd never betray
a team member.
But Lion-S said you'd run off
with the sword
as soon as you go it.
- [panting]
- Lion-S.
Sorry, dude. Nothing personal,
stealing swords is just
in my blood.
Well, I take it personally.
And stopping sword thieves
is in my blood.
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
Thunder, thunder, thunder,
thunder, thunder!
Lion-O, you dummy.
Now we're all stuck in here
until the store re-opens.
I know that.
But I also know that stealing
is a slippery slope
and once you feel comfortable
stealing from your enemies,
it won't be long before
you feel comfortable
stealing from your friends too.
That's why I have to do
what's right.
Man, you're a doof.
But I kind of admire
your doofish code of honor.
So, what are we going to do for
the next six hours?
Fancy a little flute concert?
- Ooh.
- [flute music playing]
[laughs] It's sword time, baby.
Ooh, come on.
Open this thing up. Let's go.
Out of the way.
Where's my beautiful sword?
Have you come to steal my sword?
No. I'm actually here
to make sure you get it.
What? Lion-O,
you're just gonna give it to him?
I have to.
[laughs] Well then, ring me up,
my good clerk.
Blade of Revenge. I command you
to strike down Lion-O.
[laughing maniacally]
[laughs] Thunder,
Thunder, Thunder.
Revenge, Revenge, Revenge!
- [whimpers]
- This is for the Sword of Plun-Darr.
[sobs] Never forget.
[Lion-S] Hey, Rat-butt!
- Huh?
- Hands off my doofy friend.
Ha. You're gonna have
to do better than that.
Okay. How's this?
Mother of Daggers!
Shrieking Scimitars!
Snake Sword!
Yeah, I'm gonna be late
to lunch.
Big sword fight here
at the store.
I'd stop it, but technically
they're not doing
anything wrong.
Hey, Ratar-O.
How about fighting the soul
of an ancient warrior?
- This one?
- Yeah.
The kiss of
Thundera. Goodbye.
[laughs] Yes.
Oh, cool. Did we win?
Heck yeah, we did.
And the best part is
no one's feelings got hurt.
Except for when
you betrayed me. Twice.
Twice? When was the other time?
When you hung up on me.
Oh, yeah.
Fools! As long as I possess
the Blade of Revenge
you cannot defeat me!
Any last words
before I destroy you?
Huh, Lion-O, I'm sorry, okay?
I shouldn't have tricked you
so I could take
the Blade of Revenge
for myself.
And I'm sorry I hung up
on you.
Aw, really?
All right, that's enough.
Say goodbye
Hold on a minute.
Uh, this credit card says
"Mumm-Ra" on it.
Sorry, sir, you can't buy this
sword with a stolen credit card.
No. The Blade of Revenge
is mine
and I'm not leaving until
- Security.
- [bell dings]
- No! [screaming]
- [thudding]
This means I can buy
this sword fair and square?
Wow, that's so cool.
So, so, cool.
Like, you own
the Blade of Revenge now.
Do you mind if I just,
like, borrow it?
Just to take a look?
Sure. I'm proud that you're
asking and not just taking.
That, my friend,
is called growth.
Guess you still
can't trust her, eh?
What are you talking about?
Lion-S asked to borrow it.
I'm sure
she'll return it eventually.
Besides, it's not like Lion-S
has anyone she wants
to get revenge on.
All right, Blade of Revenge,
let's do this.
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