All Saints (1998) s01e39 Episode Script

Moment of Truth

Previously on All Saints:
Steph, can't you see he's after you?
STEPH: Just because you two blokes
locked horns,
doesn't mean you have to
drag me into it.
Trust me, I'm a guy.
I know how we work.
We work alright together?
We're getting there.
So, this whole big Superman thing
is a bit of an act then, hey?
I never said I was Superman.
BRON: Do you like the book?
I loved it.
Something to curl up with?
Oh, I forgot we broke up, didn't we?
You can't tell me what to do!
It was a formal request
and you're expected to abide by it.
Yeah, or what?
You know what will happen.
He's into the straight.
He can see the line.
Will he make it?
He's done it! I don't believe it.
Gold, gold. Brett Cameron wins gold
for Australia.
(both cough violently)
One special chicken combo, extra
potato salad and that's $15.90.
Oh there you go.
Oh, you wimp.
I'm the one who's been working.
Room service.
Far out.
Oh, I love that stuff.
How did you know?
Oh, I'm psychic.
There you go.
Oh, ta.
Are you married, Steph?
Alan's got the hots for you.
Get lost!
(laughs) Oh, it must be
my lucky night.
Don't tell my husband, huh?
I assume you'll be getting
a few leftovers.
If I'm lucky.
CONNOR: Hey, Jared.
Is Amanda still overseas?
Yeah. Greece.
Mum beat me with her latest
postcard when I was over there.
I thought Amanda was wrong for you.
She's kind of stuck up.
Yes. Your taste in women
certainly has changed.
Luke, have you the hots for someone?
Shut up, Connor.
I'll be back in a minute.
Do you reckon those two
will ever get over each other?
I'd watch that, if I were you.
He's a married man.
Can't two people just be friends?
We're just mates.
Anyway, it's none of your business
really what I do.
Or who I do, or don't do it with.
I just don't want to
see you get hurt.
Steph, either.
Is there anything to eat?
I had to skip brekkie.
I felt a bit funny.
Jasmina, you never,
never skip breakfast.
It is the most important daily meal.
Oh, look who's talking.
I've had mine this morning.
Filtered or unfiltered?
Coffee or the fag?
What's this?
Leftovers from last night.
Try some, it's nice.
Potato salad for breakfast? Gross.
Been pigging out on nightshift?
Brett and Alan ordered it.
Must be on the mend then
if the appetite's back.
Are they as close as everyone says?
What happens when one of them
falls in love?
Watch out.
Poor guys. It must be awful
being sick all the time.
Actually, I think they're amazing.
They get such a kick out of life.
How do you know
so much about these twins?
They've never been on Ward 17.
They've never been on Ward 17.
The Cameron twins are famous.
The Cameron twins are famous.
Been in the system all their lives.
Cystic fibrosis.
We opened him up and he's got
a belly full of blood.
I didn't think he'd make it.
Laparotomoy, splenectomy
SO good to be part of it.
You're a sick puppy.
Hey, that's what it's all about.
Was this a bike accident?
Sounds like he's lucky to be alive.
Yeah, he is.
He'll be up from ICU soon.
In the meantime, I need caffeine.
TERRI: You're hypo enough.
Endorphins, you know.
Let me know when he arrives?
That was Pam, the physio.
Oh, yeah. Okay, before I forget
The physiotherapy refresher course.
Back care. I'll tell you.
Back care. I'll tell you.
Straight back, bend your knees,
tilt your pelvis
Straight back, bend your knees,
tilt your pelvis
That's very good.
In my office at 11.30.
Yes, alright.
Morning, doc.
Nurse, that tea I ordered.
Could you hurry it up?
Oh, I'm sorry, Mr McKay
Dr McKay, I don't do tea.
The trolley will be around soon.
I can't wait for the trolley.
Well, everybody else has to.
Come on, girlie, pull your weight.
Come on, girlie, pull your weight.
Girlie?! My name is
Girlie?! My name is
Excuse me, Doctor, you should leave
my staff to get on with work.
Making tea for doctors
IS their work - part of it.
Well, not any more.
(calls) Hello.
I don't reckon there's anybody here.
Could be kids playing
a joke or something.
Making a crank call.
(cries) Help!
Down there.
(wails) Please.
Down there somewhere.
I'm down down here.
Don't move. We're coming, okay?
(cries) Help.
We're here now.
Thank God.
My name's Bron. This is Ben.
You look a bit cold.
A blanket will warm you up.
I'm Lou.
My leg hurts.
(distressed sobs)
I think it may be broken.
Do you hurt anywhere else, Lou?
I don't think so.
Uh-huh. Good.
You've been living here,
have you?
Yeah. The rent suits.
(coughing spasm)
Take it easy now.
Big breaths. You're doing well.
I don't think we should
touch anything, right?
I'm going to go and get Rescue.
Right, that's it, Lou.
That's the way.
Hey, Brett.
Yep, looks like we're all done here.
Percussion time, boys.
Alan can go first.
ALAN: Thanks.
Hey, are you okay?
Are you alright?
Sure. Just kind of dizzy.
What's up?
I don't know.
You were doing well yesterday.
There's nothing wrong with him.
Nothing too weird in there.
It's clearer than yesterday.
I told you.
How's his temp?
Well, his temperature's down from
the 6 a.m. obs, but check him again.
I don't know.
Maybe you're just tired.
Rest while I do Brett.
Sorry, sunshine, can't put off
the moment of truth any longer.
No, he's faking it
just to get out of physio.
Well, he's not getting out of it.
And neither are you. Come on.
Now, breathe.
You're dead meat, Alan.
So, what have we got here?
Ah, cystic fibrosis, eh?
You shouldn't be in here, Doctor.
You'll live to a ripe old age
if you do the right thing.
Strapping fellas. Good to see.
In my day you'd be dead now.
Could you please stop your patient
from wandering all over the ward
and upsetting people?
You're not on staff here, Harry.
It's our loss, I know.
But there it is.
Could I have a word?
Yeah. Yeah.
Samantha O'Hara.
Dr Bowen told me to look after you.
Oh, very kind of him
to send a pretty face,
but tell him I'm already assigned
to the General here.
No, I'm a doctor.
(laughs) Oh, but you're
barely out of nappies.
She is having me on?
Time to retreat, Harry.
Patronising old buzzard.
I don't know. I thought he
was rather complimentary.
Calling me a pretty face?
No. Mistaking you for a nurse.
(gasps) Do you think you could
move that thing?
Um, I guess.
How about when I lift it,
you try and wriggle out?
I'll give it a go.
Alright, we'll do it on three.
Alright. One, two, three
(shouts) Bron, you okay?
What happened?
Ben, hurry.
I tried to get her out and
everything just started to give way.
I told you not to touch anything.
I know that.
But her leg was hurting.
Okay, okay.
At least you got her out.
It hurts. I can't breathe.
Her heart? Angina?
I just want you to
try and relax there, Lou.
Does it hurt anywhere else?
My neck
Arm? Have you had this pain before?
Have you seen a doctor about it?
It goes if I wait.
100 over 50.
We're going to give you
a little tablet now, okay?
Just put it under your tongue.
It'll take away some of the pain.
We've got to get her
on a stretcher.
Alright? Are you okay?
Come on.
Oh, God. I don't believe it.
Harry, what are you doing in here?
You know this place
is out of bounds.
Where do you keep
the anti-embolic stockings?
The WHAT?!
It's a
No, no, no.
I know what
an anti-embolic stocking is.
What on earth do YOU want it for?
On second thoughts,
I'd rather not know.
Pantihose would do.
Even the bomb-proof variety,
if you can spare some.
Get out!
Who's the old bloke
getting up Von's nose?
Harold McKay.
Sorry, DOCTOR Harold McKay - PIB.
Not Harold E McKay, the writer?
I wouldn't have a clue.
Harold McKay was a field surgeon
in Korea.
Wrote a book about it.
I read it when I was a kid.
Half the reason I became a surgeon.
Oh, Hawkeye Pierce
in the flesh, huh?
Who's Hawkeye Pierce?
Now I feel old. Really old.
I wonder if it's him?
What does PIB stand for, Jaz?
Pain in the bum.
That's very funny.
Ah, here he is.
Hi, Andrew, I'm Dr Forlano.
I've been looking after you.
You're in good hands.
We're going to get you settled in.
Hi. What's going on?
Alan reckons he can't see properly.
There's nothing wrong there.
My throat feels funny.
I I can't swallow properly.
Look, Dr Updike
was in the corridor just now.
I'll see if I can grab him
and run this one past him.
How's it going, Alan?
Not too good.
We've got dizziness, dysphasia
and blurred vision.
We can't figure out
what's causing it.
At least I can see two of you today.
(hacking cough)
Okay, she's stable. Let's go.
What? Shouldn't we wait for Rescue?
This place will come down
any second.
We have to go now.
Are you ready?
One, two, three, lift.
Good. Keep going.
The whole place
is going to come down.
Go, go, go. Move it. Quick.
Down the stairs, go!
Go, go, go.
Oh, gee.
Is anybody hurt?
I'm okay. Are you okay, Lou?
Are you alright?
Take nice deep breaths. Here.
Car 325 to base.
Car 325 to base.
I can't get anything.
There must be
reinforced concrete up there.
Oh, just as well.
You don't think that's going to
come down, as well, do you?
No, I don't think so.
It'll be alright.
So, Rescue know that we're here?
That's right.
All we have to do
is sit tight and wait, okay?
And pray.
Oi. Will one be enough?
Ah, you're a gracious woman.
Is it clean?
No, Harry.
I just whipped it off
a pusy patient.
You're a fine nurse.
Oh, thank you.
I'll just put 'em in here.
Ah, tennis balls.
Oh, they belong to Reg.
He was using them
to exercise his hands.
So, what are you doing with them?
Practising your grip on reality?
(laughs) Very good.
Dr McKay.
Your test results are back.
You've got an all-clear
on the eco-cardiogram.
Ah. I told Bowen
there was nothing wrong.
Now, where is young Bowen?
Why can't he see me himself?
Dr Bowen's very busy. So am I.
So, let's get on with it.
We still don't know what's
causing those dizzy spells.
There is some evidence
of heart disease,
high cholesterol,
reduced lung function
Old age, my dear. That's all.
Maybe it's time
you slowed down a bit.
Private practice
can be pretty stressful.
For kiddies like yourself, maybe.
No, I don't find it so.
Dr McKay, I've been asked
to find out
what's clinically wrong with you.
And I promise you, I will.
How could I be so stupid?
I shouldn't have moved that beam.
I should have realised when
Hey, hey. Just relax. Relax.
I'm okay.
It's not your fault.
Well, it's not your fault.
Hey, we'll go out for dinner and
we'll argue about it, but not now.
Hey, hey, hey. Just breathe, okay?
It's alright, Bron.
You're just cold.
Are you right, Lou?
Are you right, Lou?
Is it your heart? Chest pain?
Is it your heart? Chest pain?
Same as before?
Worse. It's much worse.
Yeah. 2.5 milligrams.
Give us the needle.
Just hang in there, Lou,
it's going to be alright.
Bron. Hey, are you okay?
Just stay with me, eh?
Yeah. It's coming.
You were a mess when they
brought you in, Andrew.
You've had a splenectomy,
which is abdominal surgery.
You've had a splenectomy,
which is abdominal surgery.
We repaired your liver
and worked on y
We repaired your liver
and worked on your legs.
My legs?
What's wrong with them?
Just lie back down there, mate.
Did they talk to you in Recovery?
I don't remember.
That's unusual.
Well, the, um
the right leg's fine, Andrew.
Just a few lacerations.
But we put a steel pin
into the left femur.
That's your thigh bone.
The knee escaped the worst of it.
But the lower leg
was completely crushed.
We couldn't save it.
Wh-what do you mean?
Well, we had to amputate it.
Y-you cut off my leg?
(distressed breathing)
Andrew, just take it easy.
Take it easy? You cut off my leg.
Andrew, calm down.
You'll hurt yourself.
You didn't even ask me.
Who do you think you are, mate?
Get out of here!
Get out!
Mate, you're going to hurt yourself.
Come on.
We're trying to look after you.
I can't believe it.
I spent half the night
saving his life.
I spent half the night
saving his life.
It is a pretty natural response.
It is a pretty natural response.
Abusing me?
The guy did wake up
to find his leg's gone.
But at least he woke up.
You did a great job, Luke.
I guess you didn't know about
the horse riding.
He's an equestrian.
Hoping to compete in
the 2000 Olympics.
Well, he was.
It wouldn't change the outcome.
No, but
I'll have a chat to him
this afternoon.
Yeah, thanks. That'd be good.
How about you?
You don't look so good.
Looked in the mirror
yourself lately?
I've been up all night.
What's your excuse?
He's getting sicker by the minute.
Had anything like this before?
He says no.
We're worried about you, Alan.
Look after him.
I'm okay. I promise.
(thumps buzzer)
Mate, just get back to bed.
We know what we're doing.
What's going on?
He's got a pulse.
Don't panic.
Respiratory arrest.
(sobs) Alan!
We're looking after him.
What's going on?
We'll take him down
to Intensive Care.
You can't take him away.
They can look after him
properly there.
Then take me, too.
You can't separate us.
Something awful will happen.
(heartbroken sobs)
Have you ever seen anything
like this before?
Are you sure his brother's alright?
Not really. He's recovering
from the lung infection.
He's not as strong as Alan,
He's not as strong as Alan,
but he's not presenting
these symptoms.
But he's not presenting
these symptoms.
We must find
what we're dealing with.
We must find
what we're dealing with.
We've never been apart.
He's my big brother.
He was born two minutes before me.
He always looks after me.
Try not to worry about it, Brett.
They'll find out
what's wrong with Alan
and he'll be back down here
paying out on you in no time.
Hello, son.
Got a little present for you.
What is it?
That is a high-tech
chest percussion device.
This is how we used to do it
in the olden days.
(laughs) How about that?
You see, you get your full lung
expansion with your breathing.
You get exercise and percussion
at the same time.
Think you can handle that?
Go on, have a go.
Sit up straight now.
That's it, yep.
Ah, now you've got it.
You're a natural.
Hey, Sister?
Okay, BP's 95 over 55.
Her pulse has stabilised, as well.
She's asleep. Just as well.
It'll stop her worrying.
She should be in Coronary Care.
And we should be outside where
there's sunshine and air and space.
I'm going to be sick.
No, you're not.
I am.
You're not going to be sick.
If you're sick on Lou and me
that'd be terrible.
Wouldn't that be terrible?
It's alright.
You should have been home hours ago.
Yeah. Well, you know how it is.
Have you got a minute?
I'm not going anywhere, am I?
I had a real chance to make the
equestrian team for the Olympics.
Do you know what that means?
I can imagine.
You're too busy playing God.
You're upset.
It's not surprising considering
what your body went through.
Yeah. You chopping hunks out of it.
The leg was shattered.
You could have waited.
Asked me when I woke.
You wouldn't have had a choice.
I wouldn't have let you.
The leg HAD to come off.
It was my life.
I've worked hard for this
for the last 20 years.
You have ruined my life.
Why were you riding a motorbike?
Have you seen the statistics
on motorbike accidents?
Doctors and nurses don't create
situations, we just clean them up.
Just shut up.
How is the dressing?
It's oozing a bit.
I'd better take a look.
No, you leave me alone.
I have to do this, mate.
It might be a bit uncomfortable.
Use your PCA. It'll make it better.
Ssh! Listen.
I can't hear anything.
(calls) Ben. Bron. Are you in there?
Yes. We're down here.
Under the stairs.
Here. Can you see the light?
(both) Hey!
Nurse, who's the young fella
in there
who fancies himself
as a bit of a surgeon?
Dr McKay, A - I am not a nurse,
I am a doctor.
YOUR doctor.
And B - what's that in your pocket?
You're not going all po-faced
because I called you a nurse?
My eyesight's not
what it used to be.
Dr McKay?
And what other medication are you
taking that we don't know about?
A nitro-lingual spray, maybe?
That would explain the dizzy spells.
You've been self-medicating.
Young lady, I've been prescribing
longer than you've been alive.
I know what I'm doing.
Why didn't you tell us
what you were doing?
None of your damned business.
You lot want to treat me like
an old fool. I say, go ahead.
You do things your way
and I'll do them mine.
Not while you're under my care.
Come on.
Won't be long now.
You said that half an hour ago.
So, shoot me.
I'd rather they got it right than
the whole thing fell on our heads.
Point taken.
Hey, finally.
Hi, guys.
Cosy enough in there?
It's a wonder
you haven't killed yourself.
I'm a damned fine doctor.
For other people, maybe.
Von has the new medication.
I've written it up for you.
It'll be simpler to use, too.
Dr McKay, I know
you don't believe me
but I am trying to do
what's best for you.
Don't get soft on me now.
I've known hand grenades with more
sensitivity than you, missy.
You okay?
Who ever said
they were the gentle sex?
She's got a point though, eh?
Why don't you retire?
Enjoy your old age.
Take up golf or something.
I don't think so, Nurse Ryan.
Medicine has been my life.
There's only one way I know of
to retire from life.
These blokes are going to
take care of you now, Lou.
Tell that nice Bron I said thanks.
You bet.
Thanks, man.
No worries.
Is your offsider alright?
Yeah, she'll be alright.
Looked shaky when we got her out.
No. It was just really cold
down there, that's all.
Hey, how are you doing?
Sorry, I'm just
What's the matter?
I'm just a bit
I just can't help it. Sorry.
It's alright.
I'm such a wimp.
No, you're not.
Ben, I was so scared in there.
So scared I just felt like
I really let you down.
No, you didn't. You didn't.
You were fine.
I didn't even know
I was claustrophobic.
I didn't even know that feeling.
You don't have to be.
There's something
about being trapped.
The reality of it is a lot worse
than the theory, you know.
You did good.
You hung in there.
You looked after the patient.
Time for your nebuliser, Brett.
How's Alan?
Have you heard anything?
Well, he's still down in ICU.
They're doing more tests.
But there's been no change.
He's in the best of hands, mate.
He'll be fine, Brett. You'll see.
Oh, I'm not used to sitting
in one place for so long.
I've got pins and needles.
I've got to go back to work.
Will you be okay?
Try and get some sleep
and I'll come back later.
Jared, a word.
He doesn't look right to me.
But there's nothing in his obs
to indicate deterioration.
But there's nothing in his obs
to indicate deterioration.
It could be he's fretting
It could be he's fretting
for his brother, but still
I'll keep an eye on him.
Um, you actually don't look
all that well yourself.
I know. I'm coming down with
a bug or something.
I thought I'd make myself scarce.
Things are bad enough
without me spreading infection.
Just go home.
Your shift's almost over, anyway.
I wanted to make sure
Brett's okay and Alan's okay.
Man, I am starving.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
I don't know what happened.
It was just so sudden.
It's some kind of virus.
You didn't feel it coming on at all?
Sort of. I just thought I was tired.
Oh, Steph, you poor thing.
Okay, the trolley's arrived.
Great. Give me a hand.
It's okay, I can do it.
You sure?
It's okay, I've got you.
VON: You know, this looks like
food poisoning.
LUKE: Steph, what have you
eaten today?
Um, apple, ham sandwich.
From home?
Canteen. Um, before that
a chocolate bar, orange juice
..I'm going to be sick.
How long has she been like this?
Just came to say see you later.
Oh, Ben, this is stupid.
Come on, we have to work together,
we have to be able to talk.
Do you want to go and have a drink?
Okay. Come on.
I'm never bending down
to save anyone again.
Done your back in, haven't you?
(defensive) No.
I saw the way you caught Steph.
It's God punishing you for being
a smart-arse with the physio.
It's a strained muscle, that's all.
Okay, thanks.
The canteen sold 60 of those ham
sandwiches going back to 9 o'clock.
So, if it's food poisoning, why
haven't we had any other reports?
Luke, I can't see properly.
My fingers are numb.
Doesn't sound like food poisoning.
So, what is it?
Hey, thanks. Thanks a lot.
Danny, you were warned
about coming here.
You don't have to worry.
You got me fired.
I-I didn't
Leave now or I'll call Security.
LUKE: Come on, mate. Get out.
You alright?
If he comes here,
call Security straight away.
I need to get hold of Ben now!
Forlano has the bedside manner
of a goat,
but he'll make a good surgeon.
That's one fine stump
you've got there, son.
It's true. I've seen a few
in my lifetime.
Some of them not too pretty, but
this is a nice clean piece of work.
You'll be riding again in no time.
Yeah, right.
With a working knee
and modern prosthetics.
Mark my words.
Of course, you've got to want it.
In there.
Some people don't have the bottle.
She's got similar symptoms
to the Cameron boy in ICU.
Von, what about the potato salad?
She didn't have any.
She said it tasted nice.
WHAT potato salad?
I'll get it.
The Cameron kids had takeaway.
Apparently she's had some.
Alan wasn't vomiting
but his vision was disturbed.
Steph - potato salad.
Did you have any potato salad?
Just a taste.
Here it is. Ergh!
Have you considered
Clostridium Botulinum?
Get real!
Preserved vegetables in here,
and non-acidic.
I saw a lot of botulism in Korea.
Very rare these days, Harry.
Rare doesn't mean extinct.
With respect, Dr McKay, things
have changed a lot since then.
I've never seen a case of botulism.
With respect, you've only
been around five minutes.
I won't take chances.
Botulism can be fatal.
Take that to Path right away.
Let's assume the worst.
Get Steph to ICU and Brett, too.
You'll need anti-toxin.
Where's Steph? I want Steph.
She can't be here right now, Brett.
Harry, this isn't a good time.
No, I don't want you to go. Stay.
I'll try and keep out of your way.
Yes, okay. Come on
I want Alan. I want to see Alan.
Listen, Brett, we think
you've got food poisoning.
We have to give you drugs
to make you better.
The sooner you relax,
the sooner we can get you to ICU
to be with your brother.
That's what you want, hey?
That's it. Ssh.
We're looking for him.
Mmm. How is she?
We've got the anti-toxin.
Have we got it in time?
Well, if it is botulism, I'm afraid
your guess is as good as mine.
It hurts.
Can you show me where, Brett?
In my bones.
I can't see!
Nurse, get help. Do something.
(shouts) Connor!
It's a cardiac arrest.
Excuse me. Now!
No pulse.
Brett. Brett.
Excuse us, Doc.
Here you go, Jared.
It could be a reaction
to the anti-toxin.
Call ICU and stop them
giving it to Alan and Steph.
One two
Dr Updike, Ward 17 just rang.
The other Cameron boy arrested.
They think it's a reaction
to the anti-toxin.
They think it's a reaction
to the anti-toxin.
They want us to hold off.
They want us to hold off.
We might lose him if we hold off.
..three four five.
TERRI: He's in VF.
You'll have to shock him.
..five. Take over, please.
One two three four five.
Brett, don't give up on us now.
Three four five.
Charge it to 200.
It's charged.
Arrest Team is on its way.
Good. Hang in there, Brett.
Draw 1 milligram of adrenaline and
100 milligrams of hydrocortisone.
Draw 1 milligram of adrenaline and
100 milligrams of hydrocortisone.
Okay, clear.
Okay, clear.
One two three four five.
What's going on?
I don't know.
He's not decompensating.
I don't understand.
Charge it again to 200.
..and three and four and five.
One and two and
He's not reverting.
Charge it to 300.
One and two and three
A bolus of 300 milligrams.
We're going to lose this kid.
He's back.
(chuckles) Well done.
Whatever it was, it's over.
Here's to Lou.
I didn't come here
to talk about Lou.
I'm not sorry I kissed you, Bron.
Hello - you're married.
I know.
I just can't stop
thinking about you.
You're great.
You're easy to work with.
You're fun.
Yeah, yeah. I'm gorgeous, too.
Doesn't mean you're
falling in love with me.
I reckon I know you
just about as well as anyone.
That's because we work together.
Ben, you know, you're a great mate.
And that's it?
That's it.
Not for me, it isn't.
You are gorgeous.
You make me laugh.
I'm not Steph.
I know you two
have been having difficulties.
I'd feel this way about you
no matter how things were
between me and Steph.
Look, Ben, you get close
with somebody you work with.
It's not love, it's
"My marriage sucks right now
so I'll fool myself
into falling in love
with somebody else".
That's what it is.
That's all it is.
That's all it is.
DOCTOR: Come on, people.
We don't want him arresting again.
Makes it all worthwhile, doesn't it?
I'll be down in a minute.
Is he going to be okay?
Yeah, it looks that way.
Have you seen Danny again?
Um, I was speaking to Lola
in Human Resources
and he left a couple of hours ago.
What a relief.
Come on, don't feel guilty.
You didn't get him fired
from his job.
I know.
Now, I'm a great believer in karma.
So, what?
This is some sort of cosmic payback?
Call it what you like.
You are now working in
a Danny-free environment.
I'll be in ICU if anyone needs me.
Mmm. Okay.
So, I just wanted to say thanks.
For the botulism call.
The least I could do, young man.
And I really enjoyed your book.
I didn't think young people
read any more.
Decent, Harry? Oh!
Like they say.
Check your modesty at the door.
Anyway, thanks again, Mr McKay.
Ah, nice chap.
Has Samantha discharged you?
No, I'm discharging myself.
You were right.
I am past my use-by date.
You can't check out of life, Harry.
I'm not doing anyone any good
any more, Von.
My patients or myself.
Don't be ridiculous!
I will have you scheduled
if you start talking suicide.
Actually, I was thinking
of going fishing.
Actually, I didn't think
you were the fishing type.
There's a lot
you don't know about me.
Think you could find a doctor
to write up a script
for these new medications?
Off the motorbike.
I spend half the night patching
him up, then he abuses me.
Then what did you do?
Checked his dressing.
You did what any professional,
caring doctor would do.
Yeah, but what about
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But, nothing.
You did what you consider an
excellent job and he criticises you.
Basic human nature
to be upset by it.
Maybe the guy's got a point.
Oh, get over it.
You did what you had to do.
You helped save a guy's life.
You're just tired
and worried about Steph.
We're ALL worried about Steph.
The guy thinks
I've got a God complex.
It doesn't matter what he thinks.
The only thing that matters is that
you go home with a clear conscience
knowing that you've done
the best job you can do.
Did you?
Well, there you go.
Learn from it and move on.
It's Danny.
Sad bastard. I'll get rid of him.
No, don't.
Jaz, maybe you should just leave it.
What do you want?
You've already got me sacked.
I didn't do anything.
You opened your stupid mouth.
You raped me.
I said no and you still
went ahead and did it.
You're getting everything
you deserve.
I mean, every time you're with her,
you get that look on your face.
Even now, when things aren't that
great, you still have that look.
That's what love is.
You know,
you're a beautiful man, Ben.
Really, I really mean it.
(terse) Sorry to interrupt.
Your wife's in ICU.
She's been asking for you.
We've been looking for you
for hours.
Brett's here now, Alan.
You're both doing really well.
You knew how sick he was,
didn't you?
We should have listened to you.
You won't be separated again.
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