Craig of the Creek (2017) s01e39 Episode Script

The Mystery of the Timekeeper

Who's gonna be around,
never gonna let you down ♪
When you're on a wild ride?
Your friends are
always by your side ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek,
he's gonna save the day ♪
It's Craig of the Creek
[ Hoofbeats ]
[ Neigh! ]
[ Whoosh! ]
[ Thud! ]
I could watch them jump
all day.
[ Beeping ]
[ Inhales deeply ]
[ Note plays ]
[ Thuds ]
6:00 already?
[ Chuckles ]
Guess we better head home.
[ Whoosh! Whir! ]
[ Thud! ]
I-I could watch them jump
all day.
[ Note plays ]
Timekeeper: Dinner!
6:00 already?
Guess we better head home.
[ Grunting ]
Wow. I could watch him jump
all day.
[ Grunting continues ]
It really does feel like
we've been watching him all day.
it's only
We're late for dinner!
[ All screaming ]
-Wait for me, my candy!
Has anyone seen
my little brother?
Has anyone seen
my little brother?!
[ Indistinct shouting ]
[ Birds chirping ]
[ All panting ]
I can't believe
we were all late for dinner.
I know. Being grounded for
one day felt like an eternity.
I started to forget
what your faces looked like.
So thank you for texting me
those pictures
so I could remember.
My dad
was so mad I was late,
he wouldn't even
let me have dessert.
But I think that was because
he ate mine because I was late.
[ Chuckles ]
You're lucky.
My parents weren't mad.
They were disappointed.
[ Gasps ] [ Gasps ]
I don't understand.
Why didn't the Timekeeper
play the tuba?
Maybe her lips fell off.
Hm, maybe.
Let's go see.
Are your lips still there?
Is she even there?
[ Grunting ]
Man, how does she do this
with a tuba?
I don't know. It's hard enough
with long sleeves.
She probably
swole as heck.
Tubas are the densest
instruments on the planet.
She's gone.
[ Clicking ]
Juice box
is still full.
It's all
just the same note.
You guys, the other day
was Daylight Savings!
She didn't
turn the clocks ahead.
That's why we were late!
The Timekeeper forgot
Daylight Savings?
Not gonna lie --
I forgot, too.
But keeping time
is her job!
She's the Timekeeper.
It's the one thing she does!
Look at all these clocks
she has --
how hard could it be?!
I hope she comes back,
o-or else we'll all be late
for dinner again.
But where
would we find her?
We -- We --
We never even talked to her.
Well, there's one place
every creek kid goes.
I was so grounded,
they wouldn't even
let me have any candy!
Ohh. Ugh!
[ Thuds ]
Did you trade
this juice box?
Hmm. Nope.
This is cranberry juice.
I only deal in
cranberry cocktail --
you know, cran-pear, cran-alope,
cran-anana, cran-range.
Where'd you find this stuff,
It was up in
the Timekeeper's tree.
She's gone, and we thought maybe
you'd know where to find her.
After all, you trade with
everybody in the creek.
That's true.
However, I've never had the
Timekeeper come through here.
She must bring her own snacks
or something
since she has to sit
up in that tree all afternoon.
[ Sighs ]
What are we gonna do?
We're kids!
We got playing to do.
We can't constantly be
checking our phones!
Half the kids here
don't even come to the creek
with a full battery.
Like, I'm at 10% percent
right now.
I-I-I can't waste that
on checking the time!
What if -- What if I see
something funny
I want to take a picture of,
like a snake in a little wig?
Well, if the Timekeeper's
not here today,
someone is going to have to
step up and fill in for her.
Wow, Craig!
You'd do that for us?
Wha-- I-I wasn't --
A noble sacrifice
for the common kid.
No, I-I --
Well, well,
let me just grab
a Choco-Roll
for our new Timekeeper.
Wellbut --
but just for today.
WelpProject Yum Yum
Dinner Drum is complete.
That's the only thing
I had planned all afternoon.
[ Sighs ]
This is boring.
[ Laughter in distance ]
Muddy buds!
Making beards, huh?
Hey, maybe you can
throw some mud up here.
[ Sighs ]
You can't hear me.
[ Sighs ] Whatever.
I thought you'd be able to see
more from up here,
but all you can see
is the meadow.
Is this all
the Timekeeper ever sees?
Hey, Craig.
Well, that was terrible.
What'd I miss?
Eh, nothing much
until we ran into Wildernessa,
and she let us ride Cheesesticks
around the creek!
Ah! Riding that dog
was somuchfun!
You really missed out, Craig.
[ Chuckles ]
Aw, Craig!
You should have been there!
It was one of our best times
we've ever had!
But, then, I thought, "Nah, he's
probably having so much fun,
and it's totally fine,
and he's not gonna feel bad
about this whatsoever."
If the Timekeeper
isn't back tomorrow,
it's your turn
to take over.
Is he mad at us?
This shouldn't be too hard.
I just got to sit here
a little bit,
then I get to bang on
this sweet drum.
[ Chuckles ]
Time will fly by.
[ Chuckles ]
Well, I bet it's time right now.
Aw! 3:02?!
I want to play it now!
It's like having a little scab
I want to pick, but I can't.
Maybe I could just play it
super lightly.
Little scab
gets a little tap ♪
A tap-tap-tap-tap-tap-a-roo
[ Buzzing ]
Common vampires!
You won't get me,
you night devil!
[ Grunting ]
[ Drumbeats echo ]
Doesn't it seem kind of early?
I'm not getting grounded again!
The drum summons Boris!
W-- I drummed prematurely!
There's still
more time to play!
If the Timekeeper is still not
back tomorrow, it's my turn.
Those amateurs.
This is gonna be no problem,
'cause I got something
they don't got --
mental stamina.
Plus I'm smart
and setting a timer.
[ Foghorn blows]
I should be able to hear that.
And now to catch up on
"The Adventures of Obsidian
Jetstone: Space Dragon"!
[ English accent ]
"Chapter One --
The dragon who lived"
And as Obsidian Jetstone
looked upon his home world
one last time,
the roar of the ionic engines
kicked in,
and with a blinding flash,
he was gone.
The foghorn of his ship
echoing across the cosmos."
[ Foghorn blowing]
Wow. I can hear it now.
Oh, no.
No, no, no, no, no, no, no!
No, you were supposed to be
loud enough for me to hear!
Oh, no!
[ Panting ]
It's dinner!
Aah! Dinner!
[ Breathlessly ] Dinner
You didn't tell Kit?!
I tried,
but my legs are so tiny,
and my heart is so big.
Kit's been grounded?!
But what --
what are we gonna eat?
How am I gonna
trade this foil ball
for a rubber band ball?!
That's it.
We have to find the Timekeeper.
We can't do her job.
We have the attention spans
of a --
Hey, it's part of
the drum I made!
Single ladies
to the floor! ♪
[ Grunts ]
Oh, I got it!
Love's coming to me!
Okay, so, my turn.
So now I'm the bride and
you guys are the bridesmaids.
Wait. Ohh!
We got distracted!
We got to find the Timekeeper,
and fast!
Kelsey: There's got to be
some clue here.
It's like
she just disappeared.
If she really left the creek,
she could be anywhere.
The Timekeeper kept time,
and in the end,
time kept her.
But she probably just quit
and moved schools or somethin'.
That's very possible.
I just don't understand
why she'd leave.
Where else would she go?
[ Gasps ]
[ Panting ]
Just a little further!
[ All gasp ]
[ Note plays ]
Don't call me that!
I'm not the Timekeeper.
W-What're you
talking about?!
You've got
all those watches on --
of course
you're the Timekeeper!
No, I'm not.
I-I can't be Timekeeper
The Timekeeper keeps the time,
and I lost it.
I'm supposed to help everyone
know when it's dinner,
but I-I forgot
to change the clocks,
and -- and everyone
got in trouble!
Hey, it's okay.
It's okay.
You made one mistake.
We tried being the Timekeeper,
and we made tons of mistakes.
Yeah, I got a bunch of kids
And I'm terrified
of vampires.
And I realized
it's kind of lonely.
it's not lonely to me.
I'm not great at
playing with other kids,
but keeping time
lets me do it.
Even if I'm not
right there with them,
I get to be up there
with my schedules and clocks,
helping everyone.
[ Sighs ] But then I forgot
Daylight Savings. I
Hey, being the Timekeeper
is a heavy responsibility
[Chuckling] as heavy as carrying
that tuba around.
It's a sousaphone.
The point is, you're important
to everyone at the creek.
We should've
let you know that.
Thanks, uh
[ Foghorn blows]
It's almost dinner!
We have to
tell everyone now!
Blow the superphone!
-Whatever! Super salad?
To-may-to, to-mah-to.
You got to play it!
I-I can't! The acoustics
are all wrong here.
I have to
get back to my post!
[ All panting ]
[ Grunting ]
Aah! Ohh! Aah!
Here! We can help you!
[ All panting ]
Okay, go, go, go!
Dang! She might not be able to
run with that thing,
but she sure can climb.
Told you she was swole.
[ Inhales deeply ]
[ Loud note plays ]
[ Sighs ] Yes!
Craig: Hey, Timekeeper!
If you ever get lonely up there
and you need a pal,
hit us up!
You know,
everyone calls me "Timekeeper,"
but I call me "Beth."
Glad you're back, Beth.
See you later, Beth!
[ Plays mid-tempo music ]
When it's time to go to bed
I know
I don't have to feel alone ♪
'Cause I'll see you tomorrow
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