Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e39 Episode Script

Challenge in a Foreign Land

Now, Runsak versus
Ichiro Miyata from Japan
has been carried over to judges' decision.
Ichiro Miyata put up a splendid fight.
Runsak also gave it his best.
The referee is about to read the points.
What will the decision be?
Did you misread that?
Where are the judges looking?
He has two knockdowns in his favor.
Also, not a single point
was scored against him.
Is this nonsense permissible?
Hey! Don't bitch
about the judges' decision.
It's a draw, got it?
Act like a man!
Go home!
Go home!
Go home!
Hometown decision.
It's probably unavoidable
when you enter alien territory.
It can also happen in Japan.
This was his comeback
after the Mashiba fight.
He took down a fifth ranked
opponent brilliantly by KO,
but I came all the way to Thailand
just to tie with an obscure fighter.
I made my debut
as a so-called brilliant prodigy,
so what the hell am I doing?
It's been two months
since we came to Thailand.
I've gotten used to the food,
but this heat is hard to take.
We see a lot of Japanese people here,
too, considering.
Although they're mostly tourists.
And they're about
the same age as Ichiro-kun.
He's sweating a lot due to the heat,
but the dieting is as difficult as ever.
There are other featherweight boxers
measuring five-foot-seven,
but in Ichiro's case,
his build won't allow it.
The best weight for his body type
is lightweight.
To lose the most weight,
you have to give up all worldly desires.
The youths he passes on the street
are totally different from him.
At the tender age of 18,
he gave up the right
to be young of his own accord.
Come to think of it,
I haven't seen him smile recently.
The application for the next match
is here, but it's a little
Jimmy Sisfar.
His fight history
is ten matches, ten wins, ten KOs.
Jimmy Sisfar?
The hopeful causing the most buzz
in the Pacific Asia region?
Yes, it's the same former Muay Thai Jimmy
who switched over to boxing
after a glorious record
of 32 matches, 32 KOs undefeated.
He's close to super stardom
in this country,
so why would a fighter like that
approach Ichiro-kun?
That's right. Ichiro was nominated
to be nothing more
than a prospective loser.
You're kidding. What should we do?
Good question.
What Ichiro needs most right now is a win.
Stop making me feel uncomfortable.
Say what's on your mind!
They don't understand Japanese.
Payao, you know
a little Japanese, don't you?
Translate for me.
They say the Japanese must not be hungry.
To people of Thailand,
to fight a strong opponent,
is a chance to get a lot of money.
But they say the Japanese guy ran away.
Ran away? Who did?
I don't think you ran away.
I think you have no choice.
Jimmy is too strong.
It is natural to avoid confrontation.
What's this about, Dad?
You don't need to worry.
We're taking your next match
to Junior Light.
Junior Light?
It'll make your dieting a lot easier.
We'll also be able to utilize
your real speed and power.
Don't cling to featherweight anymore.
I want to cling to it.
When I first entered this world,
I had no worries.
The only vision in my head
was a straight path to the world.
But he barged in front of me.
If I go around him, I'll avoid everyone
who gets in my way from now on.
If I do that, I'll keep
taking the longer way around.
I know about Jimmy Sisfar.
I know he's vastly superior to me
at this time.
He may not be someone I can beat. However!
If I run from dieting
If I run from the opponent in front of me
I'll never make it to the world.
I can't run away!
I can't allow you to fight Jimmy.
He outmatches you too far
in your current condition.
It sounds just like you're telling me
I'll lose for sure.
Isn't boxing supposed to be unpredictable?
You are a prospective loser.
I can't allow my son
to participate in that.
I want your opinion as my trainer!
All right, I'll tell you!
The counter, your weapon,
will not work on Jimmy Sisfar.
I realized something at the Mashiba fight.
Yes, your punches are sharp.
So sharp, I believed
they were deadly with a single blow.
Your punches are light.
The lighter and quicker the cuts,
the quicker they are to heal.
Your punches aren't heavy,
the kind that leave the body
with a lasting impression.
The nature of your punch
is something you are born with.
This is something we have no control over.
And on top of that,
Jimmy comes from Muay Thai.
He is a powerful fighter
with 32 kickboxing wins under his belt.
He won't fall from a couple of
your counterpunches.
I realized that.
I knew the nature of my own punches.
But I have no choice
but to rely on my fists!
If I lose faith in my fists,
I can't fight anymore.
I know it's selfish, but
I will fight Jimmy.
It's the same as when it happened to me.
I grieved over my own powerlessness.
My pride didn't allow me
to step into the ring,
while knowing my own limitations.
He may feel the same as I did back then.
Don't tell me it's gone that far.
He crushed another sparring partner.
Manager, it must be more difficult
finding sparring partners
than matches to fight.
Are you aware that Ichiro Miyata
has accepted the match?
Of course! Everyone's
focused on Jimmy's matches.
Jimmy's strength has already been proven
through Muay Thai.
He switched to boxing
in order to gain worldwide recognition.
I believe that will be a plus for him
in the upcoming match.
My counter won't work on him?
In that case, I'll fight him
with speed and combinations.
I'll put out the most punches
and win by points
even in the worst scenario.
You idiot. What do you mean, points?
In any event, I need a KO to win.
But how?
-Uh, no.
Your shadowboxing is clean, very fluid.
It made me stop to watch.
It is a punch I can't see,
though I am in the same line of work.
Like a well-sharpened knife.
What's wrong? Did I say something wrong?
No, it's nothing.
I bet Jimmy Sisfar had
these kind of beginnings.
Jimmy is a boxer
who gives children a dream.
Everyone thinks that if they work hard
they can be like him.
So he's a hit with kids, too, huh?
Looks like I'm the bad guy
in this country.
That isn't true.
I am definitely cheering for you.
And you have a fan.
A fan?
Hey, do you want something?
Do you understand Japanese?
This is my little brother, Chana.
He is the fan I was talking about.
Now tell Ichiro what you told me.
You take too long!
That's why everyone bullies you.
I don't believe it.
I have a friend who's exactly like him.
I hate the guy.
I mean, I hate how powerful he is.
If you work hard, you can be strong, too.
Your counter
I want to be a boxer,
not a Muay Thai kickboxer.
There are a lot of fighters
like Jimmy in Thailand,
but I like the boxer type.
If possible, I want to learn
to throw counters like you, Ichiro.
After seeing your last fight,
Chana became your instant fan.
Please. I want to see even more
amazing counterpunches.
I'm sorry, Chana.
My counter isn't that great a punch.
If I had something more amazing,
I wouldn't be worrying.
Something better?
Something better than my counter
the way it is now?
Was I that conceited
with myself all this time?
Thinking that my counterpunch
was complete in itself,
that nothing is superior.
A counter superior to my current one
would have unmatched accuracy
and be heavy as well as sharp.
So powerful that if it hit fully,
a knockout would be assured.
A counter to surpass all counters!
A counter to surpass all counters.
His finishing move
is always side-to-side hooks
from infighting, no exceptions.
He's an orthodox fighter.
No knockdown experience.
The more I know about him,
the more his strengths stand out.
Huh? Uh, yeah.
By the way, where is Ichiro?
In the sauna.
Hasn't he come out yet? Oh, no!
Did I drift off?
He doesn't even realize he fainted.
Haven't I made it there yet?
He doesn't eat or drink and sweats it out,
but his weight still won't drop.
He won't have the stamina
to take on Jimmy for ten rounds.
That means his only hope is an early KO.
But we already know his counterpunch
won't work on Jimmy, so
If Ichiro caught a cold now
This is amazing!
I've never been in a squall before!
Aw, I'm totally soaked.
Why don't you
strip to your swimsuit again?
Silly, what are you talking about?
Come on, let's go!
Did you come here for me?
I appreciate the thought,
but it would be pointless
to use an umbrella.
Ichiro, you
You never smile, do you?
All the Japanese people who come
to Thailand look like they're having fun,
but I've never seen you smile even once.
The guys at the gym
say that you won't beat Jimmy.
Because you're Japanese,
because you're not hungry.
But you don't eat your food!
You don't drink water, either.
You are living a more hungry life
than Thai people.
Thai boxers get into the ring
because they want money.
But I think Japanese boxers are different.
Why do you get in the ring
if it makes you suffer?
Is it fun?
You don't look like
you're having fun at all, Ichiro.
I don't understand why you box!
Uh, I I'm sorry.
But you look a little pained.
Let's go home. You'll get a chill.
Thanks, Chana.
I don't smile, huh?
That's true.
Still and I may be the only one
who thinks this way,
but I believe in something.
I believe that there's a time for smiling
that only a boxer can experience.
You said you wanted to see me
do an amazing counterpunch.
I see. You want to see me do it, huh?
He's down again.
He's been off his game for a while,
but he's worse than ever today.
And there's only a few days left
until the match.
I'm not through yet.
I want you to continue, Payao.
But, Ichiro
Counter chance!
No! That was the perfect chance!
Ugh, look at him charge in headfirst!
We should stop him!
He's in bad shape today.
His punches are sharp for a guy
in such bad condition.
It's no good! Even his timing is off!
I can't stand to watch!
I'll stop him, Miyata-san!
Stop, Payao! That's enough!
Ichiro-kun, are you all right?
What's wrong?
I barely took any clean hits,
but something left
a lasting impression on me.
It's completely different
from his punches so far.
What is this?
It looks like he's getting closer.
Closer to the answer of the counter
to surpass all counters.
I'm almost there. I'm almost there.
You managed to pass
the weight test somehow.
However, down to his fighting spirit
and the glow of his skin,
Jimmy's in top condition
He has a case of the nerves.
You can't blame him.
Ah, damn it!
Look at me, I'm pathetic!
I can't even concentrate
in the green room!
I put up a front and left Japan
and I've got nothing to show for it
except for my shortcomings.
And the betting odds
are 30 to one against me?
How many other boxers
have had to fight their way
against pathetic ratings
like they're giving me?
I really am the perfect loser for the job.
No, I'm just chickening out!
Damn it, damn it!
The match is only minutes away now.
Resign yourself to your fate.
I forgot!
I totally forgot.
I can name a boxer who fights
even when his ratings are bad.
Is this how he always felt?
Did he fight this kind of pressure
in the green room?
And overcame it?
Hurry, hurry! We'll miss the match!
I couldn't help it! I had to work!
Ichiro, make sure make sure you win.
Now the ten-round fight
everybody's waiting for is about to begin!
In the red corner is the man carrying
the Thai boxing world on his shoulders
Jimmy Sisfar responds to the cheers!
And in the blue corner,
visiting from Japan, is Ichiro Miyata!
A thunder of calls erupts for Jimmy!
And now, the long-awaited opening bell
is now
Jolt counter.
A counter that starts
by resting full weight on the front foot
and throws the entire body into one punch.
If it hits home,
it sinks the opponent into the mat
with terrific destructive force.
But if it fails, that force
will be flung back at the wielder.
Will he lose everything as a boxer?
Will he earn a victory?
It's the ultimate counter
that sucks away the life of the user.
Next time, "A Counter
to Surpass All Counters."
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