Ghost Force (2021) s01e39 Episode Script

Turbokorn / Biballoon

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight, waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Ethan, we are here to look
at the art, not touch it.
Okay, Mom.
Say good night, Katastrophe!
Wowza! Amazing job, guys!
End training session.
I guess we don't need
to train any more.
Or we could
move out of easy mode.
Next time, maybe you could
train with the Ghost Car!
The Ghost Car's ready? Really?
Sure looks that way.
And I can't wait to fire its cannon!
Sorry, but I'm an archer,
and my aim is better.
If anyone's using the cannon,
it's gonna be me.
We'll do that another day.
I'm hungry. Let's get a hot dog!
Maybe Mike can join us?
Not today.
Mike's at the museum with Carla.
Check this one out.
I hear the artist actually lived
as a hot dog for two months
- to create this masterpiece.
- Masterpiece?
Um If you say so.
Aaah! Aaah!
- Ghost!
- (Laughter)
(Evil laugh)
You picked
the wrong place to wake up.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Krush, the Boomap says
a ghost's on the loose! You okay?
Already on it!
Careful, Krush! We're on our way!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Ghost Force!
Aaah! (Mocking laughter)
And here it is, everybody.
The fastest car in the world!
(Evil laugh)
Too late, guys. It already merged!
Yeah, but it looks so cool!
- Vroom, vroom!
- Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
You were saying?
I've never seen
anything move that quickly!
Then it must be time
to break out the Ghost Car!
Whaddaya say, Ms. Jones?
- Wait. The Ghost Car's ready?
- Yep,
and when I fire its cannon,
I'll take that ghost out,
- no problem.
- Hey! I should use the cannon!
- I'm faster!
- But my aim is better!
Save your breath, guys.
Nobody's using the Ghost Car
without training first.
You're just gonna have
to do this on your own!
Given its speed, we'd better
anticipate its movements.
According to my calculations,
it'll reach the Brooklyn Bridge
- in T-minus five seconds.
- What are we waiting for?
Better make a U-turn, big fella!
Glowboo, how about
we lighten things up a bit?
Indeed. Observe.
Activate traffic light.
Flexy blast!
Hope you remembered to buckle up!
Fractal Ugh!
(Evil laugh)
- We can't let it get away!
- We'll never catch up to it!
Ms. Jones, without the Ghost Car,
we don't stand a chance.
Correction. We have
a one-in-ten-thousand chance.
Wish you could have
trained in it first but, uh,
this is an emergency!
The Ghost Car is on its way!
ALL: Really?
ALL: Wow!
Presenting my latest,
maybe greatest, invention!
GLOWBOO: Fascinating.
- I'm working the cannon!
- Ugh! Way to take charge, Myst.
No time for bickering!
You've got a ghost to capture,
Fury, you're in charge of driving.
All right! Time for
some controlled spin-outs
and some serious loops!
Myst, you'll work the cannon.
I loaded it
with Katastrophe's Boo energy
which will help against Turbocorn.
And, Krush, you'll be overseeing
the car's electronics.
Oh, please take good care of it.
As for you, Glowboo, you'll guide Fury
with the built-in boomap.
- Any questions?
- Uh, just one.
Where's the start but Aaah!
This is awesome!
Mm, focus, Fury!
Glowboo, where's Turbocorn?
At the next building, turn right.
No, your other right!
Vroom, Vroom! Vroom, Vroom!
Vroom, Vroom!
Almost there, Myst! Do it!
- Huh?
- (Chuckles)
Whoa! Whoa!
A good thing we didn't have lunch!
MYST: Stop the swerving!
FURY: Hold on!
Our target is on the move.
200 yards. 400 yards
Don't worry!
Ghosty's going nowhere fast!
Huh? Krush, what's happening?
The engine's been hit! I'm
trying to reverse the circuits.
Fury, if you weren't driving
like a maniac,
- this wouldn't have happened!
- Me?
I'm not the one
who kept missing the shot!
If I was working the cannon,
we'd be done by now!
And if I were driving,
we wouldn't be in the sewers!
Look, you two obviously
aren't at the right stations.
Why don't you switch?
But I am the sharpshooter!
It's better
if I stick to what I know!
Sometimes it's good to get out
of your comfort zone, you know.
Target now 1500 yards away
and moving.
(Evil laugh)
Time to put this Turbocorn
out to pasture!
Nice shot, Fury!
You're a crazy driver, sis!
In a good way!
Thanks, bro.
You're not so bad yourself!
Yes, Mr Cassenti.
Target locked! Heh, heh!
- Hmm?
- KRUSH: Watch out!
I can't get near it!
Of course you can!
You're the best driver here!
but you're coming with us!
Hope you enjoy the ride!
That was one bumpy ride,
but you did it, sis!
And you really knew
how to work the cannon
way better than I did.
You guys totally rocked
the Ghost Car!
It was way better
than any training sess!
About that
When can we go again?
Not quite yet! The Ghost Car
takes many months to recharge.
That's a good news. I'll need
at least that long to recover!
Hey, come on! We got to inflate
these balloons for the ceremony!
It must be busted.
We'll get rid of it later.
We need to hurry.
My latest video's
got over 10,000 hits!
- Everyone loves Myst!
- Sure, Myst beat the ghost.
But don't forget
Fury helped too.
I guess. But Myst has got style!
Hello, New York, and welcome
to the 73rd Annual Central Park Festival!
Well, the years go by
faster than I can remember.
I'm Alice Spancer, and I'm delighted
to be emceeing today's festivities.
since we're gonna start off
- with a very special treat.
- A treat?
I love treats!
This year, the Mayor's asked me
to award one of the city's
favorite citizens.
Someone who helps us all
sleep better at night.
So, let's hear it for Myst!
- Huh?
- Woohoo! Yay, Myst!
Hmm. I guess Myst is too shy
to come up and join us.
Maybe if we start chanting
her name Myst, Myst, Myst!
Myst! Myst! Myst! Myst!
Myst? What about Fury and Krush?
Huh? Where is she?
- Uh
- There she is!
Myst! Myst!
Wow! Here's Myst!
Whoo! OK, here she comes!
Asta, no! Don't be scared!
It's just applause!
Here she is!
The leader of Ghost Force,
standing on this very stage!
The leader of the Ghost Force?
I always thought of us
as more of an ensemble, really.
This is all very nice,
but I'm just doing my job.
Oh, stop being so modest!
You're New York's favorite celebrity,
according to the latest survey!
Which is why the Mayor's
decided to give you
the city's Medal of Honor!
- Huh?
- Huh?
- Even if I deserve it more
- Ahem!
I offer it to you with all my heart.
- (Cheering)
- Thanks, everyone.
Thank you so much!
Asta! Where are you, boy?
(Whimper of alarm)
- (Laughter)
- Grr!
I'm sure she'll ask Krush
and Fury to join her any second.
So, Myst. How about a word
to your adoring public?
I'm very touched by this honour.
But it wouldn't be possible
without the help of
my ghost, Octocat!
- Wow!
- Aw! It's so cute!
- You were saying?
- Wow! A real ghost!
It's thanks to its power that I
manage to unboost other ghosts.
Octocat is a ghost
of the spectral family
changed to help me.
Oh! Wait! Who ordered
the balloons released?
It's too early!
- Boo!
- Aaah!
It's a ghost!
Everybody get to safety!
Where did you learn to fly?
- Ghost!
- (Laughter)
- (Gasps)
- Don't worry. I'll handle this!
I promise!
Heads up, everyone,
there's a ghost on the loose!
Judging from the Boomap,
it looks like a multiplier.
We know. We're in Central Park!
Hold up a sec.
Liv's already transformed?
You mean,
the leader of the Ghost Force?
- Huh?
- Um, we'll explain later.
Right now,
we'll need Glowboo, STAT!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Ghost Force!
Stop right there, you big blowhard!
We got six of 'em.
We'd better split up!
If you say so, leader.
They're going into booster mode!
(Evil laugh)
(Evil laugh)
- Come on, team!
- Oh, now we're a team?
A ghost is rampaging
through the city.
Good thing Myst's team
is on the scene.
Are you kidding me?
Myst, wait!
What is our team strategy?
No time! I promised I'd stop it!
Spectral arrow!
We have to tie its big mouth up!
Fine with me,
if Myst stops attacking it solo!
I wasn't going to do nothing!
New Yorkers are counting on me!
(Evil laugh)
Ever since you got
that fancy medal,
you've become even more
big-headed than this ghost.
Flexy power!
Way. Too. Strong!
Aw Hmm.
BOTH: It comes from its tail!
Gah! Ouch!
Sorry I'm late. Ms. Jones forgot
where she put me. Again.
We figured out how to stop it!
It needs its tail to inflate!
- Huh?
- Oh, no!
OK, here's the plan.
Glowboo, you
Make sure you listen to her,
Glowboo. She's our leader!
Is this really the time?
It's not my fault
they wanted to honor me.
But it is your fault
you didn't ask us to join you!
(Sighs) I guess
in all the excitement, I forgot.
I'm sorry.
You're right.
Let's talk about this later.
We got bigger things to worry
about. So what's the plan, sis?
How about we go
and pop that balloon?
- Glowboo, you're up!
- Time for Boostyle.
Fury, behind you!
- Fury!
- Fury, go!
Flexy power!
Sorry, ghostie,
but you're full of hot air!
Huh? Aaah!
- (Barking)
- Oh! Asta!
- Yeah!
- Booyah!
- Go, Myst!
- (Cheering)
Way to go, Myst!
Now, this is why you deserve your medal!
But I couldn't have done
anything without the help of
my friends.
They deserve
this medal as much as I do.
Probably even more!
Well, usually, the medal
only goes to one person.
But, in this case, I'm sure
the Mayor'll make an exception.
- Long live the Ghost Force!
- (Cheering)
- Long live the Ghost Force!
- Long live the Ghost Force!
Here you are in a safe place
now, little Biballoon?
Biballoon has a nice ring to it!
Indeed. But there is something else.
It's thanks to its power that I managed
to unboost other ghosts.
Octocat is a ghost of the spectral family,
changed to help me.
Liv, we can never, ever reveal
secrets of our boo-technology.
Anyone could watch this program,
even evil people.
You're right. Sorry, Miss Jones.
It's okay. You're still learning.
Guess we all are.
The good news
is that we have a medal!
I'm proud of you, children!
You deserve it!
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