Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e39 Episode Script

Episode 39

Ruby's Ring Runa.
Who's picking up Runa today? Should I go? Insu says he was going.
Thank goodness it's nothing serious.
If we look on the bright side, Runa got some rest, a vacation day before her wedding.
I suppose you're right, Soyeong.
Hi, Ruby.
What? What are you talking about? Runa disappeared? I don't know when she left.
She's not answering her phone either.
She didn't come home did she? What? Yes.
Don't worry, mother.
I'll look for her.
Where could she have gone so early? Why couldn't she tell someone where she was going? This is killing me.
Hello? This is Insu.
Hi, Insu.
What? Okay.
What a relief.
What did Insu say? Runa went to his place.
She left the hospital and went to Insu's? Good grief.
No matter how much she loves Insu, she shouldn't have rushed off like that.
Gilja, what do you think would have happened, if she wasn't getting married to Insu? She likes him that much? Would it kill her not to see him for one day? She had her family worried sick over her.
Even with his busy schedule, he came to the hospital to see her.
Jeez Runa.
Runa, are you all right? Do you know where you are? Why did you leave the hospital? We were all worried about you.
Is it because I left too soon last night? I was planning on picking you up today.
Did you come by to chew me out? Silly.
We're getting married soon.
After the wedding, we can be together forever, okay? No.
I can't get married.
I can't marry Insu.
I love you, Runa.
I'm not Runa.
I'm Ruby, Jeong Ruby.
Excuse me.
Runa, are you okay? We need a fresh new idea, but nothing comes to mind.
Could we recharge our energy and come back? I know that the cool autumn breeze is distracting you.
But get focused.
Yes, Ms.
When are we getting our newbie? In due time.
I can't wait to move up in rank.
Me too.
You have no idea what you have.
Being at the bottom is best.
You can look forward to moving up.
Plus, once you move up, you're forced to say things like, "Dinner is on me today.
" Then Ms.
Seo, dinner is on me today.
Wait until the newbie gets here.
Hello, Ms.
Perfect timing.
We were just about to head out to dinner.
Do you still like espresso? Runa.
Do you feel better? Are you here to get coffee? Don't tell me you've come in for work.
You should rest for a few days.
Too many questions.
Is that so? I came in briefly because there was a show.
I'm heading home now.
Ethiopian espresso? You know it.
Maybe I'm just old-fashioned, but my preferences don't change.
Preferences for women too? What? Women? You've asked me an odd question for the second time.
Your coffee, sir.
I'll have another one of the same.
- Yes, sir.
- You take this.
Even though we may have been apart for a long time, you were the only one I ever considered marrying.
In the States, the aroma of rich espresso always reminded me of you.
Why are staring at me like that? Am I really that handsome? It's me, Gyeongmin.
Can't you see? I'm Jeong Ruby, your first and only love.
I'm the love of your life.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin, but I have to run.
Vice President Bae, join us for dinner.
Let's eat something delicious.
What now, miss? Do another loop around? There are many men in the world.
Just forget about him.
There's only one man in this world that I love.
I don't want anyone else.
It has to be him.
What should I do? Why is this happening to me? Dinner was exquisite.
Thanks for helping me save face in front of the staff.
Don't mention it.
It's been so long since you looked happy.
It's making me feel good.
I'll be better from now on.
Is she home yet? I'm tired.
It's gotten nippy out.
Why isn't she under the blanket? Is Runa sleeping? Yes.
She must have been exhausted.
She hasn't even changed into her pajamas.
She's not even well.
She should've taken a few days off.
So stubborn.
She'll be taking days off for her wedding and honeymoon, so she felt obligated.
Runa has definitely changed a lot.
She works really hard.
She doesn't drink or go to clubs.
If it was the old Runa, she would've been all over town.
Runa just never applied herself.
She was always diligent.
She's selfish because she's diligent.
Diligent? Come on, Gilja.
She's your daughter and all, but still.
You used to cry all the time because of her.
And now you say she's always been diligent? Hey, diligence.
Where are you diligence? Diligence left a long while ago.
Stop it.
- Why? - Enough with your silliness.
Go to bed.
- Diligence.
- Diligence, where are you? - Diligence.
- You too? Diligence.
I'm Jeong Diligence.
If only this were a dream.
This smells heavenly.
Try this, Gyeongmin.
- Yes, grandma.
- Atta boy.
What about me, grandma? Find a man to feed you.
Gyeongmin, where's Ruby? She's still sleeping.
She's not feeling well.
She must be tired.
If she's always tired, when will the baby arrive? Before I die, right? Mom.
I'm sure they're trying.
You have to watch the sky to see the stars.
But it's true.
Ruby's always busy.
If all she ever does is work, ten years of that won't make a baby.
Right, Gyeongmin? Atta girl, Auto.
You said something smart for once.
Take that to heart, Gyeongmin.
Work is important, but you two should set your priorities straight.
Oh, my.
Turn your phone off when we're eating.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
'Tis the season of harvest and abundance.
I would like to exercise with you, my lovely autumn blossom.
Let's meet at the park at 11.
Yours, Wang Daepung.
Hey, Ruby.
Can you do me a favor? Do you have a nice tracksuit? If you do, may I borrow it? Aunt Geumhui, do you really think you'd fit into my clothes? Of course.
I wasn't going to say this, but if you touch my wardrobe again, I won't forgive you.
Do you know how much that blazer cost? Fine.
I won't do it again.
As someone older and wiser, let me give you a piece of advice.
Watch the sky.
What? Watch the sky to see stars.
Get it? I can't even So annoying.
What are you staring at? Hurry.
You're going to be late.
Yes? What is it? Do you have something to tell me? You silly goose.
Why? After you get married, you think I'll be lonely? Every woman does.
They say women never really understand their mothers until she marries and has a baby.
See what happens when you have a daughter.
Your grandma used to say it all the time.
And I'm saying the same thing to you.
I packed some side dishes.
Drop them off at Insu's, okay? Chorim, Soyeong.
Come have breakfast, now.
What's keeping you, Soyeong? I'm so tired.
Didn't even wash your faces.
Will I be able to find a man like Won Bin? Won Bin appeared in my dream.
A dream like that brings good fortune.
Sell your dream to me.
Really? Seeing Won Bin is a good thing? Of course.
Seeing a celebrity is good luck.
Won Bin is a very famous star, so your dream will bring lots of good luck.
I'll buy it from you for $5.
Only $5? Only? I was only actually going to offer you $1.
But still, Chorim How can I sell you my beloved Won Bin for a paltry $5? It doesn't do him justice.
I'll give you $6.
Do you want to sell it to me? Come on, Gilja.
Since it's such a good dream, I want to get it for Runa to wish her a happy marriage.
I'll just give it to her as a wedding gift.
You can have my dream, Runa.
It's yours now.
Where are you going for your honeymoon? We have to make reservations soon.
You haven't already? There's not much time left.
You need to decide soon.
You should hurry or there won't be flights or hotels.
When's your wedding photo shoot? We decided to skip that.
I think it's a waste too.
The giant wedding photos stay on a couple's wall for six months at most.
Women say when they get into an argument with their husbands, they want to rip those photos into pieces.
Mom, Aunt Chorim.
What do I do? What should I do? It's gone way down.
Where are you going? To the park to work out.
You're going to work out like that? Why? It's nice.
Please try and be honest, Changgeun.
It doesn't look "nice" to wear all those accessories when she's going to work out.
Changgeun brought these for us.
I want to wear them as much as I can.
- See you, Changgeun.
- See you.
Don't be too late.
I won't.
Are you going somewhere, Auto? Yes.
She's wearing all those accessories to the park to work out.
Leave her be if that's what she likes.
What did you say? To work out? Yes.
What a ditz.
But Geumhui has brought a lot of laughter to this household.
I'm not sure it's laugher or if it's stress.
She's brought us a lot of stress too.
Why the sudden workout invitation? In today's world, we must strive to stay fit.
The fact is, the most intelligent people work out the hardest.
Working out is a sign of intelligence.
I see.
People are getting fat because they lead sedentary lifestyles.
You said you no longer dance, so you should find yourself a new sport.
I was actually thinking of starting a sport befitting my level of intelligence.
You're wearing so much jewelry.
My brother-in-law got them for me.
You look beautiful.
She is definitely well off.
This is perfectly seasoned.
Tell your mom I said thanks.
I should call her and thank her now.
She's getting ready to open the restaurant.
I bet she's busy.
Yeah? You look especially beautiful today.
Oh, right.
We should make plans for our honeymoon.
Where do you want to go? I heard Maldives is excellent.
But because of global warming, that beautiful island will sink away and disappear under the sea.
Really? We should see it before it's gone.
But we're cutting it close.
We might not be able to make reservations.
I should call now and find out.
It would be quite pricey.
Yes, but a honeymoon is a once-in-a-lifetime event.
Oh, right.
What about the wedding dress? You promised to show it to me.
But you haven't said a word about it.
It has to be cleaned and pressed.
Really? You'll look so pretty in a wedding dress.
Can I wear a wedding dress? Would I be able to? I'm sorry, Insu.
But I know everything now.
Insu, you're being deceived too.
I'm not Runa.
Do you feel better? How's your leg? Your wedding's coming up.
Watch your step.
I heard Gyeongmin gave you money.
I don't know how much, but it should do.
He's a generous man.
We need to talk.
About what? The conversation we didn't finish.
What conversation? When? Right before I fell down the stairs.
What were we talking about? I don't remember.
Just let it go, Runa.
I'm sure it wasn't anything important.
Don't let it bother you.
Just focus on your health and the wedding.
I have to run.
I'll come by the house when I have time.
Take it easy.
Why? Why? Why did Runa have Gu Yeonho harass Insu? Why? It was Gu who framed Insu for accepting a bribe, but then he turned himself in.
Why? I heard Na is working late today.
Why was he at Insu's apartment, and why was he talking to Runa? What was he asked to take care of? Why? There's something between Runa and Insu.
There's some secret they're hiding.
What could it be? Does Insu know about the secret? Does he know I'm not Runa? I don't love the Jeong Runa of the past, I love the current Jeong Runa.
Not the face that I saw through the camera, but the deep, kind and loving heart So Insu might know that I am not really Runa.
But if he does No.
That's not possible.
If he does know, there's no way he'd want to marry me.
Insu thinks I'm Runa.
But why did he rip up Runa's pictures? Why did he rip up the pictures of someone he loved so much? And why did he keep the fetal ultrasound? I'm sorry.
You must be upset.
I don't know if this is a good excuse, but I wanted to erase everything.
Everything before your accident.
Those times were terrifying and horrible.
What happened? Was I really pregnant? Was this Was this really my baby? Tell me everything.
Be honest.
That's right.
Insu knew Runa was pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
I'm pregnant.
Surprised? You think I deserve it, don't you? No.
Why would I think that? I thought I was going to explode.
I couldn't tell anyone.
Ruby, what am I supposed to do? What should I do? What about the father? He'll take care of me.
He'll marry me.
But that's not what I want.
I don't want to do that.
I think I have to get an operation.
Runa didn't want to get married.
But Insu was in love and wanted to marry her.
Does Insu know about the switch after the accident? No.
If he does know, he wouldn't have stayed by side and taken care of me with such devotion.
He wouldn't have asked me to marry him.
I don't know.
I don't know.
I just don't know what's going on.
That was supposed to be me.
I should've been the bride.
It should've been me, Jeong Ruby.
It's mine.
Give it back.
- Give it back.
- Make me.
Too bad.
This is perfect.
What's the big deal? You were always like that.
You always took from me, as though they were yours from the start.
I'm your sister.
Why didn't you just stay in your coma? Go abroad and study.
I'll pay for it.
You were never sorry.
You never once apologized to me.
Because Jeong Ruby was an idiot who let you take everything from her and never fought back.
But not anymore, Jeong Runa.
We're of the same blood.
How could you? How dare you steal my face and my life? I can't figure you out, Jeong Runa.
I will never forgive you.
For taking everything from me, I will never forgive you.
Since you've abandoned your humanity, I'll abandon mine as well.
I'll make you pay for stealing my life.
Just wait, Jeong Runa.
Runa's engagement ring? I gave it back.
Mom, will I be able to manage? Let's postpone the wedding.
Don't leave me.
Stay by my side.
Does Runa not want to get married? Have you two decided to break up? Don't you think people are seeing too much of you on TV these days? You're not in the entertainment industry.
Why are you dressed like that? What's gotten into you? Don't you remember? This is who I am.
The snobby airhead, Jeong Runa.
Don't let this surprise you, Jeong Runa.
I haven't even started.
See you next time
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