ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e39 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
All right, Berbils,
we're all here.
What's this
"amazing" new invention
you "had" to show us
"right away"?
Take a look.
It's a black-hole generator.
What? Why would you
build such an insane
Because building!
[all screaming]
Yep. Pretty much
what I expected.
The Berbils got
sucked into a black hole
and they're lost
out in space now.
- [all gasp]
- [Wilykat] Oh, my gosh!
There must be some way
to get them back!
Well, I suppose if I had about
50 galacto-tons of nickel,
I could build a giant magnet
tuned to the metallic code
of the Berbils!
But that'd be like
all the nickel on Third Earth!
What are we supposed to do,
ask everyone on the planet
all at once?
It can't be done!
There is one way.
No, Tygra, I can't.
You know that stuff
messes me up.
There's no other choice.
We need you to contact everyone
on Third Earth
with your telepathic powers.
Wait, Cheetara has
telepathic powers?
Yes, but using my mind powers
has a strange effect
on my brain.
If I use them too long,
I could lose my grip on reality
and become
Something terrible.
It's why I've never
used them before.
Or even mentioned them.
Exactly. [sighs]
I know it's the only way
to save the Berbils,
but it's way too dangerous.
Don't worry, Cheetara.
I'll make sure you don't lose
control of your brain powers.
It'll be my personal mission
to keep your mind sane.
'Cause that's what
buddies are for!
Okay, I'll do it.
I'll use my psychic powers
I've always had
to help get enough nickel
to save the Berbils!
[all cheer]
But can we try to not make
a big deal about it?
I guess that's a no.
Don't worry, I'll be
right here the whole time
making sure things
don't get outta hand.
Good, because
I'm a little nerv
And three, two, one,
you're on!
[Cheetara] Hello, everyone,
and welcome to Berbil Aid!
Ah. Nice and hot.
[Cheetara] Broadcasting live
inside the heads of everyone
outside Cats' Lair
- [brakes screeching]
- [horns blaring]
with the help
of my psychic powers!
[all grunting]
[all] Ooh.
Due to a tragic
black-hole accident,
the Berbils were recently lost
somewhere out in the galaxy.
So please,
call in and donate now.
Even a pledge
of one piece of nickel
can go a long way in helping
to bring the Berbils home.
[all cheering]
[Lion-O] Nice work.
Now let's check in
with our phone banks
and see how it's going so far.
- [phone rings]
- Thanks for your donation and the great conversation!
- Ugh! One nickel?
- Hello?
That's it?
Give me all your nickel
or I'm gonna tell everyone
you hate the Berbils!
[laughs nervously]
All right.
Uh, let's get to
our first act!
A reading from Tygra of
"Thundarian poetry"?
Ugh, seriously?
Well, at least poetry rhymes
This first piece is titled,
An Indictment of Rhyming.
"A rhyme may sound nice,
But merely repeats a sound
more than once."
- [slurps]
- [all groan]
- [tires screeching]
- [all] Whoa!
Oh, no!
Tygra's poetry is so boring,
the audience is tuning out!
"What is a rhyme
but an obfuscation"
Stop it, Tygra!! I'm losing
my grip on the masses!
What a great joke.
We'd never actually
air something that boring.
Now let's move on
to the real first act.
Hachiman the Magnificent!
[dramatic music plays]
I am the mighty warrior,
[all] Oh!
I have studied
every martial art,
mastered every weapon
Yes! The psychic signal
is back!
There is no foe
I cannot vanquish.
Not even
the dark villain, gravity.
[audience exclaims]
Um, ignore the suction cup!
Burn it from your memory.
- Argh!
- [audience laughs]
The psychic signal
is stronger than ever!
Good. We can't let on any
more snoozy acts like Tygra
and his Yawndarian poetry.
We gotta
keep people interested,
so I can stay
in their minds forever!
You've got it, buddy!
But, uh, you're not losing
control of your powers, right?
Relax, Lion-O. I just wanna
keep the show entertaining,
so people never stop watching
as long as they live.
- [audience cheering]
- For the Berbils.
Cool. Just checking.
Wow! That sure was
amazing, wasn't it, folks?
Let's check out those pledge numbers!
How're we looking?
Really good.
The people of Third Earth
are opening up their hearts
and their wallets!
Listen, buddy.
You better pledge more nickels
'cause you're gonna need
the Berbils back here
to rebuild your face
after I break it!
[laughs nervously]
[recorded voice]
You got more nickels!
Wow, that's fantastic.
Now, you're probably wondering
where all that nickel
you're pledging is going to.
Well, let's check in
with Panthro backstage
and have a look.
So, uh, Panthro,
can you give
the audience at home
a look at why
we need their nickels?
Sure thing.
It's a giant magnet
that can lock onto the Berbils' metallic
code anywhere in the universe
- [clinking]
- Wait.
- [stammers] Did you say, "audience"?
- Yes!
You're being broadcast live
to everyone on the planet.
Ahhh! [stammering] We'll use the
magnets to bring the Berbils home!
You see, the magnets
[chuckles nervously]
We won't let
one second go by
without keeping you
super entertained!
Get ready,
'cause here's our next act.
- The Classic Mutant Boy Quartet!
- [audience clapping]
[audience cheering]
Who knows how long
I can go on ♪
With all the Berbils
Up and gone ♪
No one knows
What will happen ♪
Without the Berbils here
To build our weapons, so ♪
Bring the Berbils back ♪
Please do your part ♪
Bring the Berbils back ♪
So we can tear
those ThunderCats apart ♪
We need those Berbils here ♪
And it's a fact ♪
So help us bring them home ♪
And destroy
the ThunderCats ♪
[audience cheering]
Wasn't that nice?
Now let's check
on those numbers.
Oh, yeah, we're going up!
- Oh, yep. Almost there! Almost there!
- [buzzing]
What? They've stopped!
Why did they stop?
We've gotta do something
even more entertaining!
Like this!
- [grunting angrily]
- Oh, no.
Cheetara's powers
are pushing her
to the brink
of psychic oblivion.
If I don't stop her,
she's gonna snap!
Ooh! Uh But the numbers
are going up again.
[recorded voice] Awesome.
Keep going, Cheetara!
[in distorted voice]
Yes! Yes!
I can feel the limitless power
pouring from my mind!
You wanna be entertained?
[recorded voice] Yay!
Whoa! Cheetara, you sucked
everyone into a psychic trance.
Everyone except for me.
You see, Lion-O's brain
is so perfectly small
that it fits right in between
Cheetara's dominating
brain waves.
Just a hair bigger,
and he'd be affected
just like the rest of, uh
Hmm. I need to find some way
to get inside Cheetara's head
so I can free everyone.
But how?
Maybe if I
Whoa! [laughs]
That was easy.
- [all] Uh
- Beep, beep!
[Cheetara laughing]
Welcome back
to Berbil Aid, Lion-O!
Coming to you from
the collective subconscious
of everyone on Third Earth!
[mutant] Oh, boy! What a show!
All right, that's it!
As your leader and buddy,
I implore you to stop this.
You were always
a terrible leader.
I know you don't
really mean that.
You're only saying it
because your mind powers
have driven you bananas.
And a bad buddy.
I'm a great buddy!
Well, I've got new buddies now.
- Psychic projectiles.
- [all gasping]
That's not what
buddies are for!
[all exclaiming]
[Cheetara] Hachiman!
You're up! Hup!
[Lion-O grunts]
- Cool.
- Buffoons!
Hit him with your canes!
- Ahhh!
- [gasps]
[Lion-O grunts]
Get 'em, boys.
[Lion-O] Oh, hey guys.
[Lion-O grunts]
- Kittens.
- [Wilykit] Whoa!
Okay, here we go.
Thunder, thunder, thunder!
- [Wilykit] Awesome.
- [Wilykat] Whoa!
[all sighing]
Oh, this is a great show!
I'm not making any progress!
[Cheetara laughing]
Go on, Lion-O,
just keep fighting.
This cool battle is making my
grip over everyone stronger!
- [laughing]
- She's right.
The harder I fight,
the cooler the fight is!
[gasps] That's it!
I need to be boring.
[laughing] Hey, what?
I need to be like Tygra!
- Hey.
- "To be, or not being also
I don't like questions."
What do you think
you're doing?
That's boring.
[grunts] Cut that out!
"For what is a question,
if not a rhyme of the answer."
It's too late
for poetry, Lion-O!
[all screaming]
I now control
the combined psychic energy
of everyone on Third Earth!
"The answer is always was"
What? No!
"and what was the answer"
is always isn't."
Get outta my head!
"And was isn't was,
but always is."
That's so meaningless!
[spits] Cold!
[all gasping]
[screaming and sighing
in relief]
[all groaning]
All right, Cheetara.
Well it looks like we're back
in good old-fashioned reality.
Hey, uh, Lion-O,
I'm really sorry I said
all those mean things to you.
I was out of my mind.
Uh, well In my mind
Whatever. I'm sorry. My bad.
No, Cheetara,
the "bad" was all mine.
I promised I'd help you keep your
powers from getting out of control,
but I really whiffed it.
Are you kidding?
You pulled me back from a
full-on mind power meltdown.
You're a good leader
and a great buddy.
[crying] That's all I ever
wanted to hear.
[laughs] Well, I guess everything
worked out for everybody then!
[all cheering]
What a sweet ending.
I wonder if they
ever got the Berbils Back?
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