The Longest Promise (2023) s01e40 Episode Script

Episode 40

♪Your silhouette in the twilight's glow♪
♪Awakens like snow, delicate and cold♪
♪Within your gaze,
countless destinies intertwine♪
♪A lifetime, a world of illusion
of just one person♪
♪As moonlight shimmers♪
♪Falling petals rest in my palm,
it's your sacred promise♪
♪Cultivating amidst the fleeting time
of this mortal world♪
♪To be as one, inseparable,
like a shadow in rhyme♪
♪Grant me a lifetime
of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
♪Unafraid of the destined trials♪
♪I only wish to make a vow with you♪
♪Like our initial encounter
etched deep within my heart♪
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
(Adapted from "Zhu Yan" by Cang Yue)
=The Longest Promise=
=Episode 40=
Your Yao Yi is dead.
Zhu Yan,
who looks just like her,
is not her reincarnation.
She has no feelings for you.
From now on, they'll travel in pairs
while you'll be all alone.
Stop it.
Stop it!
I don't want to hear that!
I don't want to hear that!
Zhi Yuan,
let's work together.
I'll help you turn Zhu Yan into Yao Yi.
I'll let you enjoy her soft embrace.
You just need to bring me across Biluo Sea
and locate the Sea Emperor.
even if I do die,
I will never let you destroy Yunhuang.
Zhi Yuan,
stop struggling.
I feast on greed, anger,
resentment, and hatred.
I avoid genuine love.
Your beloved is already dead.
Now, there's no one
or anything in the world
that can make you reject me.
I'm trying to wake you up here.
I want you to sober up.
We can only achieve a win-win situation
if we work together.
That's right.
That's right.
We should work together.
You will bring Yao Yi back
while I'll locate
the Sea Emperor for you.
(Post of Ice Clan)
Liquor store)
(Jialan Imperial City)
Yan'er, are you okay?
Take a break.
Eat up while it's hot.
have you heard of this?
What is it?
The Crimson Clan had shielded the leader
of the rebel faction, Zhi Yuan,
for 200 years.
Before this, Zhi Yuan
staged a rebellion
with the Merfolk marine force.
And now, he's the leader of the Ice Clan.
I think he's bent on going against Kongsang.
Colluding with Zhi Yuan is a heinous crime.
I heard that the clan leader
and his wife took their own lives
to avoid punishment.
They deserved it.
What did you say?
Who took their own lives?
The Crimson King and his consort.
If I must say, their clan got it easy.
Only two of them died.
After committing such a crime,
the entire Crimson Clan should've
Should've been executed, am I right?
Yeah, precisely.
They're so detestable.
(Memorial tablet of Crimson King and his wife)
Please accept my condolences.
Wake up.
Please wake up.
Please accept our condolences.
His Lordship and Her Ladyship
died because Zhi Yuan
Even if Yuan invaded Kongsang,
Father and Mother could've waited for my return.
They could've explained themselves
in front of His Majesty.
Why didn't they wait for my return?
Did someone force them to do so?
Did someone force them
to take their own lives?
Tell me!
Tell me!
It's because Zhi Yuan
issued a challenge against Kongsang.
He said
What did he say?
Tell me!
He said he would call off the war
if we handed the Crimson Clan princess to him.
If not,
he'd attack Jialan straight.
He'd massacre the cities he conquered.
Xuyao wants to use the Crimson Clan's
honor and reputation
to force you to submit to him.
That's right.
The Crimson Clan
was subjected to public criticism
because of that.
His Lordship and Her Ladyship
had no choice
but to take their own lives
to sever their ties with Zhi Yuan,
appease the people,
and protect the clan.
They were worried
that Zhi Yuan might capture them.
When that happens,
you will be restricted.
You'll have no freedom by then.
This isn't your fault.
(Crimson King's Residence)
Father, Mother,
you can head back first.
Once I'm done with revenge,
I'll console you back at home.
I no longer have parents now.
Father and Mother were worried
that I might not get used to
life around here
when they built this residence for me.
That's why they decorated it
just like our home.
However, this isn't Extreme Wind City after all.
The trees of Western Huang
cannot grow here.
Mother and her servants
tried to figure out a solution.
In the end, bay leaves,
pine trees,
and ginkgo trees
started growing here.
Now that Mother is gone,
these trees have withered too.
Their leaves are falling one by one.
These are what my mother
left behind for me.
I cannot let go of the things here.
I think
your mother requested these leaves
to pay you a visit
as she was afraid
you might be heartbroken.
She hopes that you can continue to live on
just like how the trees of Western Huang
are surviving in this place.
Don't worry.
I won't fall.
I still have plenty of things to accomplish.
I'll come up with a way
to deal with Xuyao as soon as possible.
You haven't slept for some days.
You should rest early.
(It's salty.)
(It's my tear.)
(I've regained my taste.)
are you okay?
I'm fine.
Maybe I'm just exhausted.
I'll be fine after some rest.
promise me.
Don't let your imagination run wild.
(Could it be that Xuyao's spell
is affecting me?)
(Is he going to turn me
into great-great-grandmother?)
Your Majesty,
Prince Shi Ying seeks an audience with you.
Greetings, Your Majesty.
You're back.
The incident with the Crimson King,
it happened due to my incompetence.
I knew he was a loyal subject.
However, I could only sit idly by
as he sacrificed himself.
I cannot escape my responsibility.
Your Majesty, please grant me
authority over your soldiers.
Zhu Yan and I
shall repel the Ice Clan
and uphold justice
for the Crimson King and his consort.
Zhi Yuan
is just a merfolk.
How did he end up
getting involved with the Ice Clan?
The current Zhi Yuan
is no longer the person we knew.
Now, he's just a puppet
under the God of Destruction's control.
The God of Destruction?
Are you referring to
That's right.
It's the God of Destruction,
one of the primordial gods
in Yunhuang.
It's the God of Destruction, Xuyao.
Xuyao has no powers.
However, he's extremely adept
at manipulating people's desires
to turn them into their puppets.
Back then,
he was the one who instigated
Emperor Xingzun.
Emperor Xingzun.
Your Majesty,
back then, Xuyao manipulated
Emperor Xingzun's obsession
toward Empress Bai Wei.
That's how the situation
ended up like this.
we're going against
the God of Destruction now?
Our warriors who returned from
the frontline said
he was immortal.
The Ice Clan army he commanded
looked like they were possessed.
They charged forward
with no hesitations.
That's the effect of Xuyao's
bewitching power
after being enhanced by the Ring of Houtu
and Heavenly Divine Ring.
That's how the soldiers of the Ice Clan
turn into zombies.
Seems like God wants Kongsang
to die here.
Your Majesty,
that's why Zhu Yan and I
have to retrieve the Ring of Houtu
and Heavenly Divine Ring
before Xuyao locates the Sea Emperor.
If not,
Kongsang will not be
the only one in trouble.
The entire Yunhuang
might be jeopardized too.
And now, you're volunteering
to go against him?
Aren't you afraid
of going against a god?
If a god gains pleasure from
the suffering of all living beings,
he doesn't deserve to be worshipped.
Men have never slain gods before.
If so, I shall be the first.
You should escape.
If I escape now,
where can all the other beings
escape to?
I won't escape.
(Crimson King's Residence)
Your Highness.
Young Lady has headed
to the top of White Tower.
She said she would wait there for you.
The top of White Tower? Why?
Maybe Young Lady has something
to tell you, Your Highness.
Shi Ying.
You once promised me
that you'd marry me.
Does that promise still count?
Of course.
If so, you and I should get married right now.
I no longer have any family members.
Shi Ying,
I want you
to be my only family member
for the rest of my life.
(Bowing to the heavens,
with the stars as witnesses.)
(The moon waxes and wanes,)
(while the stars reflect eternity.)
(Bowing to the ancestral hall,
seeking the ancestors' blessings.)
(Bowing to each other.)
Gods above,
I, Shi Ying,
am willing to marry Zhu Yan.
I will love her, protect her,
and support her forever.
Gods above,
I, Zhu Yan,
am willing to marry Shi Ying.
I will respect him, love him,
and never leave his side.
You don't drink usually.
But you should at least
drink during such an occasion.
Of course.
Those are the Gong and Shang Stars.
These two stars
are reflected in our cups.
Seems like these two stars
are the guests
God has invited to our wedding.
I have no regrets now.
I'm sorry.
I couldn't fulfill the wish you made
in Extreme Wind City.
I couldn't provide you
with a lively wedding.
Initially, I thought
my friends and family members
would join us
as we celebrated our wedding.
I'm already lucky enough
to hold your hands
in such a chaotic world.
Once the crisis in Kongsang
has been averted,
I'll definitely hold
another wedding ceremony
that you like.
The starry sky
is watching over us.
It's as if we've returned
to the lakeside of Starry Lake.
This is already
the happiest night of my life.
♪Jade Bone hairpin between tresses♪
♪Arousing the memory of you♪
♪Unfinished fate and love
while passion has gone♪
♪Like a nightmare♪
♪Longing to meet again in dreams♪
♪The constant missing♪
♪Like the bright moonlight
quietly sneaking into the night♪
♪Waiting a lifetime, just for one glance♪
♪Imprinted in my flickering soul,
the most touching connection♪
♪Asking what year, asking about tomorrow♪
♪Crossing over eternal rendezvous♪
♪It's my missing for you♪
(We cannot afford to let
more innocent people die.)
(If he desires me,)
(I shall go to him.)
(I'll find a way to defeat him completely.)
(But since we've promised)
(to grow old together,)
(I'll definitely return to your side.)
(When I was young,)
(I always wanted to wear)
(the grand red robe of my clan.)
(It looked gorgeous.)
(You guys always smiled)
(and patted my head,)
(saying that the robe
could only be worn)
(by the female leader of the clan.)
(You guys said you wanted me
to wear it for you guys)
(in a few more years.)
♪It's your sacred promise♪
(are you seeing this from Heaven?)
(Lately, the past memories)
(between great-great-grandmother
and Zhi Yuan)
(have been appearing
in my mind frequently.)
(I'm actually afraid.)
(I'm scared)
(that I might turn into another person)
(because of that spell.)
(But that won't happen.)
(Father, Mother,)
(it's because)
(I'm Yan'er, the daughter you love.)
(I'm sure you guys are
watching over me in Heaven.)
(I will definitely avenge you.)
(Please bless me.)
(Help me find a way to defeat Xuyao.)
I will not lose myself.
It's because I have you with me.
♪Grant me a lifetime of enchanting sights♪
♪I defy fate, turning it around♪
♪Fearless of heavenly decree♪
♪It is the courage
that blooms for you, profound♪
Your Highness!
Your Highness, I finally found you!
His Majesty's condition suddenly
deteriorated yesterday.
The imperial physicians
couldn't do anything about it.
I'm afraid
Your Highness,
please head back and take a look!
Your Highness,
please return to the palace!
Shi Yu.
I can't live for long.
I'll leave the kingdom of Kongsang
to you now.
Don't leave us!
You're here.
I know
that one of the two most important people
in your life
died while harboring a grudge
because of me.
As for the other person,
I couldn't protect her or her clan.
Do you hate me?
I've let you down
all this while.
I don't expect you
to forgive me.
But as your father,
I'm begging you.
Please look after Shi Yu.
Please protect Kongsang
and its people.
Do not let
the Menghua Dynasty
be eradicated.
Shi Yu.
As an emperor
or as your father,
I was a failure.
I've let you two down.
You two
look after each other.
I'll definitely keep my promise.
Don't worry.
(The Menghua Dynasty
will fall eventually.)
(I will lay waste to
the corrupted Jialan)
(and rebuild Yunhuang.)
I will take over the world.
And, I want her to turn into my Yao Yi.
Facing the Ice Clan army
who was resistant
against pain and death,
the soldiers of Kongsang
still fought on valiantly.
Although they tried their best,
they were already exhausted.
And, those were just their vanguards.
More of their soldiers
are on their way here.
Tracing back to its roots,
it's all because of Xuyao's growing power.
right now, our priority is
to ensure Jialan's safety
by breaking free of their encirclement.
We can make other plans after that.
- Yes, Your Highness.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Is there anything we can do?
I brought some help.
Jiuyi Mountain will contribute
to the cause
when the world is in chaos.
Qing Gang,
Bai Xuelu,
you two shall be the commander and
vice-commander of this battle.
You two will lead the entire army
and provide reinforcements
to whoever requires it.
- Yes, Your Highness.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Lan Xiqiao,
Zi Yaoguang,
Zi Qianqian,
and Xuan Shuang.
- Yes, Your Highness.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Each of you will lead an army
to battle the Ice Clan army.
Defend your ground.
Do not let them enter the city.
- Yes, Your Highness.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Four Grand Marshals,
please lead
your immortal officials in the battle.
If you encounter any strong opponents,
use the smoke signal.
- Yes, Your Highness.
- Yes, Your Highness.
Our nation is on the brink of destruction.
I shall entrust Kongsang's safety
to you all.
We shall defend the nation
with our lives
and repay the nation.
Yao Yi?
It's you.
Shi Ying,
have you figured out any solutions?
I've been thinking
all this while.
No matter how strong the two divine rings are,
they were forged by Emperor Xingzun.
Qiyao was created by
Emperor Xingzun as well.
We could try fighting fire with fire.
It's worth a shot.
Since when did you turn into Yao Yi?
The day I returned to Ye City,
I saw the bodies
of the Crimson King and his consort.
I was filled with anguish and despair.
I began to hate my identity as Zhu Yan.
Zhu Yan is conceited.
In reality, she cannot achieve anything.
She only drags her parents down.
I think that's the reason
the curse in my body was activated.
If that's the case,
you should hate me.
They died because of me.
Naturally, I would hate you
if I was Zhu Yan.
But now,
I'm Yao Yi.
Although I cannot forgive you
for what you've done to Kongsang,
if you can stop what you're doing
and turn over a new leaf
You're using the same trick again.
My spell didn't work at all.
You're still Zhu Yan.
You came to me
so that you could trick me
into achieving your goal.
You're not Yao Yi.
How is it?
Was I right?
How did it go?
I sensed the power
of the Heavenly Divine Ring just now.
there's a stronger power
that's fighting for the ring too.
I think Xuyao activated
the Heavenly Divine Ring's chant.
And then?
I tried my best to resist it.
But I was no match for him.
Xuyao had to expend more energy
in order to control the Heavenly Divine Ring.
I think he cannot use his power,
which was enhanced by both rings,
to bewitch the soldiers for now.
Darned Shi Ying.
How dare he summoned
the Heavenly Divine Ring?
Now, I've lost control over my army.
He has the Emperor's Blood.
He was the original successor
of the Heavenly Divine Ring.
You're still speaking up for him?
I knew you were lying to me.
Of course I'm Yao Yi.
you aren't my Yuan.
Priest of Grand Preceptor,
the Ice Clan army has returned
to their mortal forms.
Seems like my prediction was correct.
The Ice Clan army has returned
to their mortal forms.
Chong Ming,
let's go.
We should use this opportunity
to achieve victory.
But what about Zhu Yan?
Shi Ying,
I know the Qiyao spell
cannot help us to retrieve
the Heavenly Divine Ring.
However, we might be able
to save Zhu Yan with it.
We can't afford to wait any longer.
What if something happens to her?
Shi Ying,
I will assist you.
Let's give it a try.
I cannot go.
Yan'er and I made a promise
to grow old
She'll definitely return to me.
No matter what decision she makes,
I'll give her my full support.
I guess we have no choice then.
What should we do now?
After Jialan breaks free
of its encirclement,
I will bring her back
no matter where she is.
Yao Yi,
I made a deal with Xuyao.
Since you've returned to my side,
I have to bring him to Biluo Sea
and locate the Sea Emperor.
Locate the Sea Emperor?
What happens after that?
Don't tell me
you want to use the two rings
to activate the spell of destruction
and destroy Yunhuang?
Since I've already
made a promise to him,
I should honor my promise.
(This is bad.)
(Seems like Xuyao convinced Yuan
to join him)
(when his obsession with Yao Yi)
(was realized.)
(I have to find a way)
(to steal the rings from him)
(before he brings Xuyao to Biluo Sea.)
I'm doing this for your sake.
For my sake?
I wish to create Neo Yunhuang,
where everyone is equal.
This way, you can fall for a merfolk
without any consequences.
No one will criticize you again.
But before that,
I have to eradicate Yunhuang completely.
I think
you have a point.
Yao Yi,
do you understand my point now?
By then,
we shall rule the world together.
Just like what Xingzun and Bai Wei did
7,000 years ago.
But Yuan,
when you activate
the spell of destruction,
the two divine rings will protect you.
I will be reduced to dust.
You don't need to worry about that.
I will protect you.
However, you know this too.
I'm not willing to become a parasite.
The two divine rings
were worn by Xingzun and Bai Wei respectively.
Now, I shall give you
the Ring of Houtu.
I will also teach you its incantation.
With this, you can protect yourself
during Yunhuang's destruction.
In the future,
you and I will be equal.
We'll be a perfect match.
I will definitely fulfill your wish.
Through my entire life,
no regrets, no remorse.
May these mountains and seas
be boundless and limitless.
Through my entire life,
no regrets, no remorse.
May these mountains and seas
be boundless and limitless.
Aren't they a perfect match?
the incantation of this ring
sounds so compassionate.
I wonder
what the incantation of
the Heavenly Divine Ring
sounds like.
You will know
during the destruction of Yunhuang.
when do you plan to
locate the Sea Emperor?
I think it can wait
until the night of our wedding is over.
All right.
I promise you.
Wu Xian!
The Ice Clan armies have
either surrendered or died.
Your army is annihilated.
You won't be able to escape!
You won't be able to kill me off.
The sage gave me this.
Do you think you can still survive
without the Nine-Tailed Core?
Shi Ying?
You must've waited for a long time.
Follow me.
are you okay?
I'm fine.
Although I took the initiative
to act on my own,
you understood my intention.
I'm very happy.
I've already retrieved
the Ring of Houtu.
He still has the Heavenly Divine Ring.
as long as you can get your hands
on the ring's incantation,
you can wield it.
Just now, I came up with an idea to fish
the Heavenly Divine Ring's incantation
out of him.
Yao Yi.
Yao Yi, where are you?
Shi Ying,
encountering you
was the happiest thing
that had happened to me.
I mustn't let Yan'er
take the risk alone.
Yao Yi,
where are you?
Yao Yi,
I thought you left me.
(Yan'er's power is enhanced
by the Ring of Houtu.)
why would I leave you?
if you're still worried about me,
why don't you complete the spell
you haven't cast
and turn me into Yao Yi completely?
What did you say?
For your sake,
I'm willing to erase
all of my memories as Zhu Yan.
Don't be silly!
Cast the spell
and turn me into Yao Yi completely.
All right.
I'll cast the spell now.
Through my entire life,
no regrets, no remorse.
May these mountains and seas
be boundless and limitless.
Through my entire life,
no regrets, no remorse.
May these mountains and seas
be boundless and limitless.
Why isn't it working?
Through my entire life,
no regrets, no remorse.
May these mountains and seas
be boundless and limitless.
the horn of Kongsang
has been sounded!
Hurry up.
Cast the spell and turn me into Yao Yi.
Let's fight off the enemies together.
I shall enter the real state.
I shall enter the real state!
(I shall enter the real state)
Through my entire life
Shapeless and formless.
and formless!
No regrets, no remorse
The millenniums of Yunhuang.
The millenniums of Yunhuang!
May these mountains and seas
Be boundless and limitless
And free of worries!
(And free of worries)
It's you?
Are you okay?
I was barely surviving with it.
Shi Ying,
I never expected you
to learn the last part
of the incantation
at the very last moment
he was chanting the incantation.
You lied to me again.
Now, we have both Heavenly Divine Ring
and Ring of Houtu.
we will never let you harm Yunhuang.
will be our final showdown.
I'm going to kill you guys!
You guys can never kill me.
I will trap you guys
in this Illusionary Realm forever.
Kongsang will suffer
the same fate as you two.
It will be shrouded by darkness
Shi Ying!
How is this possible?
Zhi Yuan,
the person you loved was already gone!
How could you break free of my control?
- Yan'er.
- Don't come near me!
Just let me perish together with Xuyao.
you must've suffered.
It's all my fault.
I only managed to sober up
after so long.
I'm sorry.
It's Xuyao.
Xuyao has entered your body.
That merfolk
wanted me to leave.
Such wishful thinking.
I'm Xuyao, the God of Destruction.
Zhu Yan,
it's your turn.
The person I love is
right in front of me.
I have no obsessions.
Don't try to bewitch me.
But your parents died
because of you.
Shi Ying
already died once
because of your cursed existence.
that's not your fault.
Do you think your beloved
can stay by your side
for the rest of your life?
Only I am good enough for you.
don't listen to him!
He's doing this to control you
so that he can
- Yan'er!
- Shi Ying!
Good girl.
This is more like it.
I'm over here!
Do you still remember?
You were the one who made
the Star Revival Blood Oath
to save my life.
Your parents
will never blame you for this.
I only want them to stay by my side.
The rest must die!
It's all my fault.
It's all because
I failed to protect you.
please remember this.
Encountering you
was the happiest thing
that had happened to me.
Shi Ying.
Shi Ying?
- You are
- Don't come near me!
Shi Ying!
This is truly unexpected.
Shi Ying,
did you think you and Zhu Yan
could trap me?
Shi Ying!
I will seal you away with my life.
No, Shi Ying!
Do you think you two
can trap me, Xuyao,
the God of Destruction?
Is that so?
Let's just wait and see!
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
The two divine rings
are mine now.
Zhu Yan,
you two will never be able to kill me off.
and Kongsang,
it's mine now!
Shi Ying!
You two will never be able
to eliminate me.
I'm sure there's another way.
Shi Ying!
Another way?
You two
will never be able to kill me off!
Don't come here!
Shi Ying!
we can definitely get rid of Xuyao
with our powers combined.
I told you already.
You two will never
be able to kill me off!
You're the one who killed him!
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
What should I do?
What should I do?
by killing me, you'll be helping me.
This way,
I can seal Xuyao
in my body forever.
You two are still as naive as always.
You two can never kill me off.
I'm Xuyao.
The both two rings are mine!
Zhu Yan,
will you kill Shi Ying once again?
Will you kill off the person you love?
Do it.
Do it!
I can't!
I knew you couldn't do it.
do you remember?
As long as you're willing,
you can always make it in time.
You can always achieve it.
Shi Ying!
Zhu Yan,
you're the cursed lady
in Shi Ying's life.
Will you lead him
to his death once again?
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
just do it.
Kill me.
Do it.
Shi Ying.
Shi Ying!
Zhu Yan.
Why do
Why do we cultivate our powers?
To save the world from danger.
the Snowy Rosa blooms,
that means I'm here to visit you.
Shi Ying.
♪Amidst the passing years♪
♪Gazing into those eyes♪
Shi Ying.
Shi Ying!
Shi Ying!
♪My mortal world love♪
♪Let me go though the fate tribulation♪
♪Wishes gently emerge♪
♪Attaching to you
in my unawakened dreams♪
♪When this life reaches its end,
fallen petals become intertwined♪
♪Snowy Rosa at the temple,
blooming the most beautiful verses♪
(whenever the Snowy Rosa blooms,)
(that means I'm here to visit you.)
(One year later)
Your Majesty,
the Azure King and White Queen
seek an audience.
- Greetings, Your Majesty.
- Greetings, Your Majesty.
There are no outsiders here.
Spare the formalities.
What do you need?
I'm here to step down from my position.
I recommend Qing Yi
to be the Azure King.
But why?
All clan leaders
must station themselves
at their territories.
I'm the Azure King
while Bailu is the White Queen.
We never had time
to spend with each other
even after our marriage.
I no longer wish
to continue such a life.
Xuelu is superior to me
in both political affairs and working effort.
If so, I shall fulfill her wish
of reviving Ye City.
All right.
I will approve your request.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.
- Thank you, Your Majesty.
Luckily, I have you two
as my trusted aides.
If not, I won't be able to deal with
like the Ice Clan's rebellion
and the God of Destruction's evil plan
one year ago.
I saw Zhu Yan at the entrance just now.
Zhu Yan has been pursuing
the rebels of the Ice Clan
all this while.
Now that the war is over,
she can finally take a break.
It's a shame
that the Priest of Grand Preceptor is
I'm sure Ying will watch over her
and Kongsang
in Heaven.
why don't we visit Father?
Long, have you been a good boy today?
Did you make your mother angry?
Your Majesty, please stop joking around.
It would be terrifying
if our child could speak at this age.
- Am I right?
- Long.
Long, come.
Yong Long is our first child.
It's not surprising even if he can talk
before he's one year old.
So many things have happened
in the past few years.
He's so adorable.
I hope our child can live up to his name.
May Kongsang prosper
and the Menghua Dynasty last forever.
This is the place
where we first met.
When the wind rises,
it sounds like bells.
When the wind falls,
flowers fall like snow.
But all these beautiful sceneries
are nothing compared to you.
I kept my end of the bargain.
What about you?
You said you would
hold another grand wedding for me.
You said we would travel
Yunhuang together.
You said we would never be apart,
just like the Gong and Shang Stars.
But you didn't even
appear in my dream
in the past year.
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
♪How fragile,
like glass and snow's embrace♪
♪Love and hate entwined,
♪How prophetic, a single word spoken♪
♪How transient,
the rise and fall of destiny♪
♪How balanced,
each sip and bite, no debts owed♪
♪Tears well in eyes
with jade-like brows♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from you♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Securing my path,
thousands of miles long♪
♪Never apart from your side♪
♪The drop of blood in your heart♪
♪Has dried into a lock that binds me♪
♪Even if our hearts
and guts are torn apart♪
♪Our gazes forever intertwined♪
♪How fateful was our encounter♪
♪How tragic, destined by fate's decree♪
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