ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e40 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Hey, kids, do you like malls?
And do you also like board games?
If you like both those things,
then you'll love this because it's
it's both those things.
- the mall-based board game.
- Mall-Mentia!
Ooh! I'm on a shopping spree,
you guys.
Just two more turns and I win.
Hey! My game piece.
Not so fast, Tygra.
You got a date
with Food Court Frankie.
[all] Ooh
Aw, man, I almost won.
Quiet, Tygra! It's my turn!
[board game speaker]
Sale at the shoe store.
Get there now.
Ha! Out of my way,
you worthless
mall security guards.
[board game speaker]
You maxed out
your daddy's credit card.
You're the queen of the mall.
[all cheering]
Mall-Mentia really is
my favorite mall-based,
talking board game.
Yes. As much as I love it here
on Third Earth,
the one thing I really miss
about Thundera
is all the amazing malls
we had.
[all groaning]
- I'm depressed
- We miss malls.
So, you BlunderCats
love malls, do you?
Well, what if someone
were to build an evil mall
that trapped you forever?
Thus twisting
your ultimate desire
into your ultimate prison?
[laughing maniacally]
Welp. It really would be great
if someone did that.
Good night
Ancient Spirits of Evil.
[Ancient Spirits of Evil]
That thing you just said
The evil mall thing,
you should actually do that.
Oh, yeah! I should do that.
I mean, I was already
gonna do it.
I knew it was a good plan.
[Ancient Spirits of Evil] Then
why did you say "Good night"
like you were going to bed?
[hesitantly] I meant, like
it's gonna be a good night
when I trap
the ThunderCats forever.
Ha! You know?
It's not a weird way
to use that phrase.
I'm being normal.
You guys are the ones
being weird.
[Ancient Spirits of Evil]
Is he seriously
the only evil mummy wizard
on this planet?
Can we find
no one else to work with?
Better make sure
this cursed land is evil enough
- for my evil mall.
- [device beeping]
Eh, pretty medium.
[gasps] Whoa! Nevermind.
[maliciously] It's perfect.
First up,
I'm gonna need a labyrinth.
Some stairs
a couple columns
and some walls.
That's an evil labyrinth,
all right.
Time to cast my illusion.
[laughs maliciously]
[instrumental music plays]
And now to find some way
to lure those wretched
ThunderCats here
Everyone, look. It's a mall.
[indistinct shouting]
I knew I smelled pretzels.
Oh, that was easy.
Step right this way
O.M.Jaga! You guys,
this place has everything.
A 300-screen movie theater.
Military-grade laser tag.
Fifty-six pretzel stands.
Each with 13 unique
dipping sauces.
That's half a million potential
dipping sauce flavor combos!
Can those numbers be right?
When it comes
to dipping sauces
I always get the numbers right.
Hey! A kitchenware store.
I can do some
comparison shopping
for new spatulas.
- [all groaning]
- Seriously?
That's the first thing
you thought of?
Ah. Who are we kidding?
Everything about malls
is great.
Even Tygra's boring ideas.
Come on, guys! Mall day!
[all cheering]
Lousy ThunderCats.
Always steppin' on me.
Enjoy it while you can
ThunderCats. [laughs]
But the mall's charm
will soon grow old
and when you look
for a way out,
you'll discover
that this gift shop
has no exit!
[laughs maliciously]
[alarm beeping]
Huh? Where Wow!
Two hours already?
Even those mall-loving
must be starting
to realize that
[ThunderCats laughing]
They're having
the time of their lives?
Well, it'll probably
take awhile
for their dumb brains
to realize they're trapped.
Just be patient Mumm-Ra
[all laughing]
they're starting to crack.
[ThunderCats laughing]
- Soon they'll lose all hope
- [laughing continues]
and beg for freedom.
It's going to happen
[laughing maniacally]
How can they
still be enjoying this?
It's been 18 hours.
Half of which
they've just spent
watching the dancing fountain.
[yells] Water is
not that entertaining.
Perhaps it's time
I get in there
and help move things along.
[evil laugh]
Okay, ThunderCats,
everyone recharge
with some 'zza and 'da.
We've still got a whole
lot more mall to explore.
Did you guys see that one store
that's just a portal
into a gaping, cosmic void?
I wanna check out
their makeup counter.
[evil laugh]
Like cats to a flame
time to split.
[snaps fingers]
Come play with us, Panthro
Come play laser tag
Aw, yeah!
I love me some zappy tag.
But I don't know
if it's fair for me
to play with a bunch of kids.
It's okay.
Laser tag can't hurt you.
That's right. It can't.
You creep-wads are on.
[wickedly] Unless you
play with real lasers.
[all cackling]
All right. Let's do this.
Huh? Where you at?
- [footsteps]
- Huh?
[all cackling]
[gasps] What?
[laser beaming]
Whoa. You guys are good!
Guess I don't have to go
easy on you anymore.
Wait a second
Why did we give him
real lasers, too?
Ugh. I'm fine.
Man, this is fun.
Comin' to get you.
[all screaming]
Ahhh! We gotta get out of here.
Hey! These laser effects
are pretty cool, huh?
It really looks like I'm blastin'
holes through the walls.
[all screaming]
Great game, guys.
Hit me up if you ever
wanna play again.
[all groaning]
this isn't over yet,
Before this night is through,
you'll wish you never Huh?
Hey! Wait!
Where are you going?
Leave me alone, Dad.
Get back in my body!
[upbeat instrumental music]
It's Mall-Mentia ♪
You've got Mall-Mentia ♪
The need to shop
Can't be denied ♪
It's Mall-Mentia ♪
You've caught Mall-Mentia ♪
When you're not at the mall ♪
You're dead inside ♪
Whoa, whoa, whoa ♪
Whoa, whoa ♪
Mall-Mentia has you now
It's a real condition ♪
But not one with a cure ♪
From your local physician ♪
So don't ask why
Or wonder how ♪
Just go to the Mall ♪
You live there now ♪
[singer] Whoo!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
[singer] Yeah!
[girl laughing heartily]
'Cause it's Mall-Mentia ♪
You've got Mall-Mentia ♪
The mall owns you now ♪
It controls your life ♪
It's Mall-Mentia ♪
Mall-Mentia ♪
Give a kiss to the mall ♪
'Cause it's your wife ♪
He's got Mall-Mentia ♪
She's got Mall-Mentia ♪
You've got Mall-Mentia ♪
I've got Mall-Mentia ♪
We've all got
Mall-Mentia ♪
[Tygra] Hmm
Decisions, decisions.
Let's see here
[licking, lip smacking]
What did you say
the difference between
these two spatulas was again?
[frustrated] I didn't.
They're the same spatula.
Oh, right. Right.
Right, right, right,
right right
[frustrated] Ahhh
Dang it, Tygra.
Spatula-licking freak.
Ugh! What's the point?
The ThunderCats
just love malls too much.
They're never gonna crack.
They're just gonna stay
in my labyrinth forever
never realizing
it was actually
an evil plot to
Hey! What am I
moping around for?
The ThunderCats
are gonna be here forever.
Meaning I'll never have to
deal with them again.
I mean, I'd prefer it if the
ThunderCats were unhappy.
[slurps] But come on,
take the win, Mumm-Ra.
All I gotta do is
find my way out of here,
and, uh
[chuckles nervously] Oh
Oh This is a
pretty good labyrinth.
Okay, okay, okay
I built this maze.
I'm sure I can remember
Hey! Check out this sock store.
It's full of kooky socks.
Ugh! Gotta get out of here.
Maybe this door?
Yes, freedom!
- [gasps]
- [squeaking]
This arcade is awesome.
You can win a stuffed Berbil
for only seven billion tickets.
That's way too many tickets.
Maybe the exit's up here.
Huh? How's this
Zappy tag. Round two.
- [screams]
- [groans]
Ugh. Disgusting.
They're not even using
the pretzels anymore.
[horrified] Where's that
infernal exit?
[gasps] What is this?
Another sock store?
And they're having
a buy-one-get-one-free sale.
Stop being excited about socks!
But those are really nice.
Never going to leave
trapped forever
but it's okay
Malls are great.
I love the mall.
Look at me go!
I'm shopping.
[laughs maniacally]
I'm shoppin'
because I love the mall.
Mall, mall, mall, mall ♪
[laughs excitedly]
Mall Mall Mall!
Mall, mall, mall, mall!
Hey, look gang.
Another friend
who loves the mall
just as much as us.
That's right
I love the mall
I love it so much
that you can call me
You shop at this mall too?
I don't just shop at this mall,
I live at this mall!
Mall! Mall! Mall, mall, mall!
Mall. Up is mall.
Down is mall.
Right is mall. Left is mall.
Um All of a sudden
this mall is feeling
kind of weak.
- Wanna go?
- Yeah.
I'm not hanging
at the same mall as Mumm-Ra.
Do you guys remember
where we came in?
Oh, yeah.
Right over here.
What? You found the exit?
Wait for me!
[screams] No!
Great Mall Day, everyone!
Can't believe Mumm-Ra
is still in there.
Doesn't he get sick of it?
I guess some people
just love the mall
a little too much.
- [all laughing]
- [WilyKit] You're right about that.
[Mumm-Ra yells]
Let me out of here!
[frustrated screams]
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