Till The End of The Moon (2023) s01e40 Episode Script

Episode 40

Li Susu,
pick up your cup.
Do you devils
also make toasts to Heaven and Earth?
This cup of wine
is for all the sins in the world.
This one
is for all deaths.
Those are worth a toast indeed.
This last cup of bridal wine
is for us to be together forever.
Lady of Spirituality,
today is our wedding day.
Are you displeased with anything?
Should I be overjoyed
to be in this dark and sunless hellhole?
That was negligent of me.
Mount Changze has towering terrain,
while the Devil Palace is gloomy and dark.
You certainly will not get used to it.
This problem is easy to fix.
It's time to restore this Devil Palace
to its former appearance.
The Devil God has returned!
All shall be befouled!
The Devil God has returned!
All shall be befouled!
When I became the Devil God,
all karma
appeared before my eyes.
That was when I understood
that all good and evil
are caused by karma.
As long as sins do not cease in the world,
the Devil God
will never perish.
Only with the All-Grieving Way activated
and the whole world befouled,
can all living beings
truly return
to the same place.
What is that?
It's the Devil Palace! It's in the air!
-Hurry up, everybody.
-Let's go.
My dear,
are you satisfied
with the gift that I have given you?
The Four Continents and Three Realms
do seem to belong to you now.
When the All-Grieving Way
completely swallows the world,
the Four Continents and Three Realms
will all belong to me.
And you
will forever be
my caged bird,
as well as the most interesting decoration
in this Devil Palace.
Indeed, you gave me
a generous gift.
I should give you a big gift in return.
Chongyu Harp.
Li Susu,
you should know
that you can't hurt me in the slightest
with your current spiritual cultivation.
Although I can't deal with you,
the Chongyu Harp is a divine artifact
containing divine power.
Do you intend to burn the Chongyu Harp
to release the divine power?
It has accompanied me for many years.
When the divine power is exhausted,
it will be time to say goodbye.
How generous of you.
I won't need it in the future anyway.
The Devil God is in the air.
What is that red light?
It's the Self-Sacrificing Array.
Susu has activated it.
The Self-Sacrificing Array?
Do you recognize it?
Li Susu.
Would you rather die
than be my wife?
If possible,
I want you to die with me.
Gongye Jiwu, what should we do?
Li Susu has trapped the Devil God.
Perfect. We can start our formation.
Susu won't be able to escape.
Today, we are throwing caution to the wind
regardless of the cost
in order to eliminate devils,
not to save Li Susu.
Very well.
Very well said.
Li Susu,
you should indeed hate me.
But you should hate yourself even more.
If you could have realized earlier
that love is nothing but a delusion to me,
would the world
have ended up like this today?
You're right.
All immortal sects!
-I was foolish.
-Follow my orders!
Get in position!
-I tried to bring you into the light.
Hence bringing such oppressive darkness
upon the Three Realms.
Now I can only make up for it with my life
and try my best to remedy this.
Even having activated
the Self-Sacrificing Array,
you can't kill me.
Whatever you do
will be in vain!
Long ago,
the 12 gods sacrificed themselves.
Although they failed
to annihilate the Devil God,
they still severely injured him,
allowing the God of War to purge
the Three Realms of devils.
I'm a disciple of Hengyang Sect
and the daughter of Qu Xuanzi.
Sacrificing my life
to eradicate devils is my duty.
Even if I die today,
there will be more immortal sect disciples
who will follow in my footsteps
until you are killed.
Tantai Jin,
Go and stop them!
Guard the formation!
It looks like it has all begun.
Hurry up!
Li Susu,
your fellow disciples are all here.
Since you are so persistent,
I will sacrifice you all
to the All-Grieving Way!
Li Susu, come here.
Let us witness
the annihilation of all immortal sects.
Jiwu, all sects are ready.
Tantai Jin,
today is
the day you die.
Astral Punishment Formation,
It's the Astral Punishment.
It seems that your immortal sect friends
are ready to give up on you.
As long as the Devil God can be killed,
I will die without regret.
The Astral Punishment
delivers 81 thunderbolts.
Even with my Devil God's body,
I can hardly leave unscathed.
To sacrifice you
in exchange for severely injuring me,
your immortal sects are quite calculating.
And yet,
you still want to trap me for them
and perish with me.
The Astral Punishment will hurt a lot.
I don't want to suffer through that.
Since you are bent on dying,
you can take it for me.
Tantai Jin.
Li Susu,
These 81 thunderbolts
are what you deserve.
Enjoy them.
Regard it as your compensation to me!
What? Tantai Jin escaped!
-What should we do? Chief Gongye.
How could this happen?
Tantai Jin!
Chief Gongye,
now that the formation has begun,
you really don't care for details
or former friendships.
You even have the heart
to kill Susu.
As long as we can get rid of you,
Susu's death will be meaningful.
-Xiaoyao Sword Intent, break!
-Xiaoyao Sword Intent, break!
Who are you brats?
We are disciples of Xiaoyao Sect!
Immortal Zhaoyou's students!
Gongye Jiwu,
with your power,
you shouldn't have such abilities.
What have you done?
Everything I have done
is so I can kill you.
Gongye Jiwu,
how could you use a forbidden spell
to absorb your fellow disciples' power?
You have changed beyond recognition.
Do you even remember who you are?
So what?
As long as I can kill you,
what is the problem
with borrowing a little of their power?
Once he becomes a devil,
he will be completely beyond salvation.
Gongye Jiwu,
stop it!
Gongye Jiwu,
you have gone astray.
This was how you treated me too.
Gongye Jiwu,
you shouldn't be like this.
and twisted.
I will now repay
all my debts to you.
Gongye Jiwu,
don't degenerate any further!
don't let evil thoughts control you.
These are the sins that have accumulated
since the beginning of the world
and also the reason
you want to destroy the world.
I am the Devil God.
We are connected,
live or perish,
rise or fall.
The evil bone has left my body
and empowered the All-Grieving Way.
Like in the battle of Gods and Devils,
there is just one more step.
Get out of here!
Li Susu,
hate me from the bottom of your heart.
Tantai Jin,
what do you intend to do?
The God-Slaughtering Crossbow?
How can we give up
without fighting until the end?
Yes, immortal sects
have existed for 10,000 years.
Today at the Barren Abyss,
we would rather die than retreat!
Everyone, Flying Sword Formation!
We do need to finish this.
Is this 10,000 years ago
or 10,000 years later?
If it is before the war of gods,
why is Heaven Lake already here?
If it is after,
why is the Heavenly Pillar still here?
I never knew
that there was such a place in my heart.
That is because
it only exists
when you see it.
We have waited for you for too long.
Too long.
Li Susu.
Come with me.
What is this place?
I don't know.
But this is the last place
that hasn't been devoured
by the All-Grieving Way.
It will disappear soon.
Tantai Jin.
The reason it hasn't been devoured
is because it is the farthest place
from the All-Grieving Way.
The farthest place from the Devil Palace,
killing, and the blood-soaked Devil Realm.
Li Susu,
what are you trying to say?
in this final moment,
we still have time to talk.
Li Susu,
you just made a breakthrough
in the Heartless Way
and ascended to godhood.
you are the only god in this world
and the only one
who can kill the Devil God.
How do you have time to chat with me?
this is what you want.
To let me kill you?
You figured it out.
Yes, Tantai Jin.
So you don't have to wear
this false husk anymore.
The moment I mastered the Heartless Way,
I saw every corner of this world,
heard every sound
between heaven and earth,
and sensed everything in this world,
including your heart.
You absorbed the Devil God's power
but was never controlled by him.
Yet you still chose
to appear in front of me
as the Devil God.
You forced me to abandon all love,
undergo tribulation, and reach nirvana.
You want to watch me
as you end all of this.
I'm sorry.
This is the only way.
It should also be the Devil God's ending.
Tantai Jin,
I once wanted to protect you,
yet I fooled you time after time.
I once wanted to save you,
yet I drove six Soul-Slaying Spikes
into your heart.
I once wished
to live a full life with you
and grow old together.
But now,
we will not age anyway.
I never imagined
that my existence
was created
for your death.
It's all right.
my life has been so hard.
You can end it for me.
Let me take you somewhere.
Why did you bring me here?
I just wanted to show you the view here.
The world looks so small.
But what a shame that this view
can only be seen by me and you.
The mountains are like peas.
The rivers are like threads.
Even the All-Grieving Way
looks like a tiny speckle.
Every living soul
is too small to be seen.
This is what the gods see.
The mortals living in it
will never see such scenery
even after living their whole lives.
they can never see past it
and can never break free.
You are different.
You can.
You can remedy all disasters
and change the fate of the world.
The Devil God's goal
was never to rule over the Three Realms.
His true desire
was to destroy everything
and let it all return to chaos.
I've connected myself
with the All-Grieving Way.
The All-Grieving Way and the Devil God
live and die together.
Kill me
and the All-Grieving Way
will be destroyed too.
The conflicts and karma
of the past 10,000 years
will come to an end.
Tantai Jin.
I still have a lot…
A lot of things
to say to you.
I'm listening.
But you are too naughty.
I don't want to say them to you.
I will say them to you
when we meet again.
All right.
Let go.
Just this time,
let me hold you tight.
Without the Devil God,
this world no longer needs a god.
All right.
The All-Grieving Way disappeared!
The All-Grieving Way.
I'm sorry, Susu.
I'm going to lie to you again.
This time,
we will truly never meet again.
This is
the end of you and me.
Look! That thing is gone!
-That's right.
-It's true!
This is great!
We're saved!
-This is great!
-We're saved!
The All-Grieving Way is gone!
Look! The All-Grieving Way is gone!
This is the Jing Kingdom's
royal mausoleum.
I'll give you an opportunity
to pick a place you like
and decide
where you want to be buried in the future.
Don't get ahead of yourself.
I never said
I would spend eternity with you.
Answer me.
Do you like me?
Of course.
We're married after all.
I don't mean marital duty.
I only want your true affection.
Tantai Jin,
are you leaving?
I'm leaving.
All right.
Then I'll be waiting here for your return.
You must come back soon.
All right.
I will be back soon.
Tantai Jin,
don't be sad.
You're not the Devil God.
You're not a murderer
or a monster that brings disasters.
Your name is Tantai Jin,
the one I like the most.
Ye Xiwu,
the one I like is you.
I'm able to have feelings
only because that person is you,
not anybody else.
Even if we're stuck here forever
in Hengyang Sect,
I'll stay here
and enjoy the mountains and rivers,
as well as sunsets and mornings with you.
No scenery is better
than being with you for all eternity.
Tantai Jin,
you lied to me again.
If I, Tantai Jin,
go back on my word,
Heaven and Earth will slay me.
My body and soul will perish.
The world is finally at peace now.
Mortals, immortals, and demons
can live in harmony.
Lord Immortal Jize,
now I finally understand.
Mother, come on.
Is there anywhere else
in the mortal world that is fun?
There is one more place
that is quite pretty.
Mother, look.
There are so many tiny fish in the water.
The Mohe River flows on and on.
It seems to be changing all the time,
but it seems to have never changed either.
I wonder.
When love fades,
hatred dissipates,
and our physical bodies perish,
how can we prove that these emotions
existed once?
Will the story between us
be known by posterity?
what is this place called?
This waterway is called the Mohe River.
Long ago,
on the banks of the river
stood the Sheng Kingdom
and the Jing Kingdom.
And long before that,
a lot of tiny clams dwelled in this river.
Deep at the bottom of the river,
there lived a clam princess.
What happened next?
What did the clam princess look like?
One day,
on the bank of the Mohe River,
the clam princess saw
the invincible and handsome God of War.
The God of War?
Was he as amazing as my father?
He was just like your father.
Brave, resolute,
and loved everyone in the world.
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