Ghost Force (2021) s01e41 Episode Script

Mascrade / Batata

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air ♪
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight, waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Costume? Check.
Make-up? Check.
Props? Oh! Oh, no!
Where is it?
Yes! Just what I need.
Today, we're reporting
from Roland's food stand
with a foodie first, the new
"Ghost Force Hot Dog!"
So, Andy, excited to try
this new tasty treat?
I know you know a lot
about hot dogs.
Of course! I eat them
for breakfast, lunch and dinner!
I love hot dogs so much,
I can guess the ingredients
without looking!
Wanna see that, Carla?
Not exactly cutting-edge
journalism, but, sure.
Hey, did you know hot dogs
weren't invented by an American,
-but by a German immigrant?
-Wow! Really?
-I didn't know that.
-Hey, wait! Look at this!
Mmm I'd say wasabi,
strawberry jam and mushrooms.
It's amazing how many cool
little fun facts
you know.
Maybe we should do
a whole story about you!
A story about Rajat?
But I did it
with my eyes closed.
That's the story of the year!
A superhero's strength
is not measured by
the size of his muscles,
but by the, um
A superhero's strength
is not measured
by the size of his
By his nose Gah!
Sock size!
-Take 193!
A superhero's stretch is Oh!
OK. Let's have a break!
Oh! What kind of actor am I?
I should have
a stayed a plumber!
Look at you, smiling!
Do you find my pain funny?
Andy left home
really early this morning.
That never happens!
He'll probably be
at the basketball court,
at Roland's or at
Wait. What? The library?
Hey, Andy Uh, are you really
reading the dictionary?
Yes. And I still have
another 1,850 pages to go.
Did you know that cotton candy
is also known as cotton floss
and fairy floss?
Right after I finish the C
words, I can start on the Ds!
Instead of being
splattered in mustard,
he's wearing glasses
and reading the dictionary.
What happened to the old Andy?
Hey, yo, Baker!
Ready to watch me beat you?
After school, me and you
play some one-on-one.
Not today, Drake. Sorry!
You're afraid to take me on?
What are you? Chicken?
(Starts clucking)
a chicken is a domesticated
o-vi-pa-rous fowl
covered in feathers.
You see any feathers on me?
Huh? Guess I need to find
a new rival.
Hey, you!
After school, one-on-one.
Something you wanna talk about,
(Buzzing alerts)
Hello, kids. I need a hand
in the lab right now!
-Uh Ms Jones?
-Oh! Hey, kids!
It's a science experiment.
I was working on this trampoline
made of boo energy
but got
I got the proportions
wrong and now
I can't get off!
Your altitude is several grams
of height, Ms Jones.
Uh You mean metres, right?
Maybe we should give you a hand.
Aaah! Oh!
Thought that would never end!
Now let's talk about
more important things.
An unknown ghost has woken up
and is heading
towards Fifth Avenue.
-Let's go, Ghost F
-Isn't it more accurate to say,
"Let us transform
into Ghost Force"?
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
-I'm such a lousy actor!
-Don't worry!
You're doing great!
Pull yourself together!
We have a movie to shoot!
-What is going on here?
After it!
(Cries of fear)
Argh! Another ghost?
Wait. There's three of them!
According to my analysis,
the ghost changes the mood
-of anyone they touch.
Fury, did you get attacked
by any ghosts this morning?
-Ha, ha, ha!
This ghost is really cool!
But we've gotta neutralize its masks!
Did you know that masks were
first created by, uh, dinosaurs?
Firstly, nowhere near true.
what's gotten into you today?
Krush, you all right?
It's OK. (Sobbing)
I'm totally fine.
Fury! We'll keep it distracted!
Use your flexy boo
to take out the masks!
Let's see.
If I calculate the distance,
multiplied by the elasticity of my flex,
divided by the ghost's elasticity
Uh I mean
I didn't think I'd ever say this
to you, but can you rush?
Myst! Are you OK?
I feel perfectly fine!
He's really tough!
We've gotta get close
to neutralize those masks.
You understand?
Jump in there, Fury!
Wouldn't it be more correct
to say, "dive in there"?
-(Sobbing) All right.
You don't have to yell at me.
Ha, ha, ha, ha!
That wiped the smile off your face!
On it!
(Krush sobs)
Did you know Times Square is not
really square, it's actuall
Tell us what's up with you!
And don't use any fancy words!
I'm just trying to be more
mature. You know, like Rajat.
He knows
lots of new words and stuff!
(Weeping) You don't
have to change, buddy.
You're great just the way you are.
And we need the old Fury back
'cause we can't beat this ghost
without him!
Indubitably. I mean, you got it!
This ghost moves pretty fast.
I'll keep him busy.
You each get a mask!
You'd better do better
than that, funny face!
Glowboo, you're up!
Light's on!
Aw, don't tell me
you're gonna cry now?
Guess he didn't find that funny!
Seems you have trouble
dealing with your feelings!
Well done, Ghost Force!
As I said, a superhero's
strength is not measured
by the size of his muscles
But by the courage of his heart.
Oh! Hey,
I finally got my line right!
Mmm. These hot dogs
really are delicious!
I could totally eat
a bunch more.
Actually, there's a scientific
term for kids like us
"Hot-dog lovers"! Ha, ha!
'Cause we love eating
more than one!
There's no sweeter pleasure
confiscating a student's toy.
(Evil chuckle)
Hey, Charlie.
Uh, say,
we still have 10 minutes
before the math test.
How'd you like to walk on me?
I-I mean, go on a walk with me?
Wish I could, Mike, but I really
need that time to study.
Set it back one hour.
BOTH: Done and done!
That was the last clock
we had to set back!
We just bought ourselves a whole
extra hour every morning!
-You set all the clocks back?
That means I have another hour
to study! So cool!
I'm amazing, I know.
Too bad I don't do autographs.
Um Did you change the clock
in Vladowsky's office too?
Afraid your plan's
not gonna work, then.
Vladowsky always refers
to the clock in his office!
Goodbye extra hour
and hello bad grade.
Um, maybe you can
sneak into his office
-to set back his clock too?
-I could never do that.
Since it's his idea,
I'm sure Mike could.
Unless he doesn't have the guts.
Mike's full of guts!
And he's brave enough
to save the day!
Uh right.
Uh, you can count
on me and my guts.
Guts Guts
Need lots of guts.
(Clock rings out)
Aaah! Whoa!
(Evil laugh)
Whoa! Dude! Don't tell me you
were inside Vladowsky's office?
Is there a problem, Mike?
I wanted to set his clock
back to give Charlie
-more time to study, but
-You couldn't do it!
-Ha! I knew it!
-You couldn't?
Oh So now I don't have
enough time to study!
-Heads up, Mike!
(Evil laugh)
To the lockers, STAT!
Rock'n'roll's good for the soul!
At least she's not locked
in the boo fridge this time!
You scared me, kids!
Oh, wanna hear
my new air-guitar solo?
-It's only 20 minutes long!
-No time now, Ms Jones!
-There's a new ghost!
-It's a bat
that turns everyone into bats,
then those bats
-turn everyone else into bats!
whoever the ghost transforms
can transform other people too!
Hold that for me!
It's heading into
-the sewers?
-Why would it head underground?
It'd definitely scare
more people up top.
Don't know. I've never seen
a ghost like that before.
But one thing I do know,
bats creep me out!
Shall we go ghost-hunting?
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Gotta get a sample to Ms Jones!
(Ominous rumble)
Looks like
it's been through here.
Time to have some guts.
Stand back. I've got this.
Krush, hold up!
Phew! That was close!
You should really look
before you leap, Krush.
Fury's an expert on doing that!
Ha, ha, ha, ha! Huh?
It's going into booster mode!
Don't let it slip away!
-Sample analysis complete.
The ghost is Batata,
a trans-mutating night spectre.
It's gaining power, so you guys
need to capture it quickly
or all New Yorkers
will soon be bats!
It attacks in the dark,
just like a real bat!
Time's a-wasting.
Let's bring it down!
Uh is it night-time already?
My sensors indicate
this sphere grows by absorbing
the energy of the city.
Bat attack!
Oh, no! The sphere it's
absorbing our boo energy too!
(Evil laugh)
Um Hey, ghosty.
Come here often?
(Gasps) Of course!
Batata is sensitive to light!
Glowboo, use your power
to neutralize it!
ALL: Glowboo!
(Evil laugh)
We need to get outta here!
Our boo energy's fading fast!
Spectral gate!
No way I'm fleeing this time.
Fractal power!
Why'd you do that, Krush?
Now you don't have
any boo energy left.
I just wanted to be brave for once.
Dude, you are brave!
Bad news, Ms Jones.
Krush is outta boo energy
and Glowboo's turned into a bat!
Which is very convenient,
since Glowboo's light was the only thing
-that could defeat the ghost.
-Don't sweat it, guys.
I'm on it!
The Ghostlighter
should turn on the light.
But, remember,
it runs on boo energy!
Which means we gotta get
as close to Batata as possible!
But how are we supposed to do
that if we can't go inside?
-Uh Me?
We need to save our energy
to finish up the ghost.
But you can go inside, since you
don't have any boo energy left!
No way! Without my powers,
I'm not Krush any more
I'm just Mike.
And Mike's nothing without Krush.
But without a brave guy
like Mike, there is no Krush.
We need you, pal.
All right, let's do it!
Remember, you have to activate
it at the very last second!
And, Krush, if you see Mike,
tell him how brave he is!
Uh Hoo!
Yoohoo, big bad bat.
Wanna come out and play?
(Evil laugh)
(Battle cry)
Flexy power!
Scare's on you now!
Do it, Myst! Take it out!
It's was truly heroic.
-Well done, Krush!
Great job, team.
Now we've captured a ghost
who sleeps upside down.
Ugh. That looks scary.
Hey, Mike! Thanks to the ghost,
the test's been cancelled!
And now we have time
to take that walk!
(Clears throat)
If you don't all want to be punished,
the person who dared
sneak into my private office
should denounce himself!
Uh It was me, sir.
I was taking back er
something you confiscated.
Very well.
Your punishment is two hours
of cleaning the bathroom.
Follow me.
Mike, you're the bravest person
I've ever met.
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