Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e41 Episode Script

Episode 41

Ruby's Ring That's right, Jeong Ruby.
You were always stealing from me.
You stole mother's love and the boy I loved.
I only took back what was rightfully mine.
I haven't done anything wrong.
I've done nothing wrong.
Do you know how it feels to be hated for living under your shadow? I'm giving back as much as I took.
I'm taking as much as I deserve.
What am I going to do, Ruby? Runa postponed the wedding.
What? So she's not going to get married? Episode 41 Time to work.
Hello? This is Wang Daepung.
You're very punctual.
When I make a promise, I keep it no matter what.
Haven't I told you? Of course you did.
We're working out today, right? Yes.
I'll see you at the park.
What's wrong? Who were you talking to? My goodness, ma'am.
It was a friend from my baking class.
We're going to meet up to discuss something and then work out together.
This is a wholesome meeting, right? Wholesome? But of course.
We'll be working out.
Be careful, Mr.
Hang on.
Hang on, mister.
Where did you get this bike? What do you mean? I bought it of course.
No, it's not.
It's mine.
Don't touch it, kiddo.
You kids are obviously - confused.
- This is definitely mine.
It was stolen a week ago.
You little squirts Does it have your name on it? Does it come with a name tag? Yes.
What's your name? It's Do Pyeongwu.
See the initials? DPW for Do Pyeongwu.
Those are my initials.
What's your name? Wang Daepung.
Then DPW aren't your initials.
What are you talking about? In English, your family name comes last.
D for Dae, P for pung, and W for Wang.
I have my national ID card.
In any case, this looks exactly like mine.
Let's settle this at the police station.
Good grief.
I feel sorry for you two.
Take it, squirt.
Take it.
Oh, my goodness.
Why did you just give them your bike? Those rascals I'm very kindhearted.
I feel sorry for them.
How generous of you.
Riding a bike is nice, but you'll like this too, right Jangderella? We can discuss life as we stroll.
It's here.
It's here, Chorim.
What's here? The guy I told you about.
The guy with the government job.
He wants a date right away.
He wants to see you.
Well that's If he wants to see you, then why are you stalling? You're both single.
Yeah, Chorim.
I'll text him, okay? Hi, Ruby.
I'm sorry I'm late.
I wanted to come sooner, but I had to make a stop.
That's okay.
Let's go home.
I can't stay long.
It's too late.
Is it? Chorim, take Soyeong and go first.
I have to talk to Ruby.
We'll go first then.
Let's go, Soyeong.
Have fun, Ruby.
Why haven't you had dinner yet? Mom, your cooking is the best.
So what were you saying earlier? Runa isn't getting married? They're postponing, not canceling.
Why? When I asked Insu, he said his father was ill.
That's why they're pushing it back.
So it wasn't Runa? Mr.
Na is pushing the date back? Yes.
Why? Why's Na Insu's postponing the wedding? Because of me? Runa's fine with it.
She wanted to get her memory back before she got married anyways.
This must be stressful for you.
You're in charge of all the planning.
It is stressful.
We had all the invitations printed out too.
But life doesn't always go your way.
Mom, remember when Runa ran away from home in middle school? Why would you bring that up? What's up? I'm just curious.
Why didn't you look for her? Didn't you worry? She's my child.
Of course I did.
But I had no idea where she could be.
Secretly, did you hope that Runa would never come back, so you could give up searching? What are you saying? Runa was a bit of a problem child, so I thought maybe, just maybe that might have crossed your mind.
You're a person too, after all.
Yes, I am just a person.
Every time she got into trouble, I'd blame the heavens.
But look at her now.
She's all grown up.
Mom, cuckoos lay their eggs in other birds' nests.
After it lays its egg, it pushes one of the other eggs out the nest.
It does? Why so brutal? It could lay its own.
Why would it break someone else's egg? If the other bird notices that one egg has been added to the nest.
Then it might not protect the cuckoo's egg.
But the baby cuckoo is even scarier.
It hatches first, and while the mother bird is away, it pushes out all the other eggs.
What? Why? For the mother bird's undivided love.
Like you said, it's really scary.
Maybe it does it for the sake of survival.
Birds can't think.
The cuckoo's probably just born like that.
It's late.
You should head home soon too.
Your in-laws must be worried.
Many would condemn the cuckoo.
However, I pity the cuckoo.
In that moment, it must be so terrified.
Because it's an illegitimate child, it won't be loved like the legitimate children.
It pushes the other eggs out in fear and panic.
The cuckoo isn't evil, it's weak.
It's so weak.
Does it make up for its weakness with evil? Maybe it's just following its instincts.
Could it just be doing what it needs to survive? How did you do so well in math? You got a 100%.
Good job.
Runa, what is this? 65%? Mom, I need spending money.
- Please.
- Nope.
I don't have any money.
You suck.
Rosie's mine.
It's mine.
How dare you? Let go.
Good heavens.
What's the matter with you two? Why are you hurting her? Why? She's your sister.
When you see how happy we are, you'll realize how meaningless and miserable your life is.
You'll keep longing for true love and end up living a sad and lonely life.
Because you're neither Jeong Runa nor Jeong Ruby anymore.
Mom, will I really be okay? Will the cuckoo be able to get mother bird's undivided love? Ruby, you didn't have to earn mother's love and so I hated you.
I hated that mom only paid attention to me when I got into trouble.
Even if I was adopted, you shouldn't have picked favorites.
No matter how good of a child I was, the second you took me in as your daughter, you shouldn't have compared us.
Even though I was lonely.
I was so lonely.
But you never knew.
Here's your credit card and receipt.
- Thank you.
- Thank you.
See you again.
Dongpal, help me clear the tables.
There's so much to do.
I have a lot to do too.
Lunchtime is over.
We can take it easy until dinnertime.
We got a lot of customers today, Mrs.
I know.
Chorim's not here so it's even busier.
Do you think the date's going well? Who knows? As long as she keeps her temper she should be fine.
We'll see.
Where's Chorim on a busy day like today? Who cares about the restaurant when Chorim's life at stake? Her life? What do you mean? Did you enjoy the lunch? Yes.
Excuse me.
I have bad teeth.
I went to the restaurant a while ago to have spicy grilled chicken.
What? Our restaurant? You and your sister run it together, right? She's not my actual sister.
She's my sister-in-law.
According to common law, a sister-in-law is indeed a close relation, so it is permissible to call her your sister.
According to common law What? Common law? I'm going to kill Ko Soyeong.
All I see is a gross old man.
And he won't stop picking his teeth.
Do you feel faint, Ms.
Jeong? No, no.
Let's get going.
I ordered them from a florist on the way.
Please take it.
Where have you been, Chorim? We were busy all day.
Where's all this anger coming from? Chorim, how did it go? You got a bouquet? Mrs.
Yu, Chorim's back.
Chorim, how did it go? Where did you get this bouquet? The guy got it for me.
So he really likes you? Is he really 180cm tall, sweet, and handsome? Handsome? Why I ought to Is appearance all that important? It's the heart that counts.
What are you talking about? You told me ugly guys are worthless.
You said if you married a guy who looked like Won Bin, you'd worship him forever.
At this age you're still worried about looks? That's not true.
Ko Soyeong, are you going to keep this up? That's all in the past.
Now I want someone who's sweet and devoted and has a stable job.
Really? You're finally all grown up.
The bouquet is gorgeous.
Why are there so many dishes to clean? You can pick from a wide array of colors we have for you today.
They'll come in handy when you work out at night.
Look at how chic the models look.
You can be stylish and I don't have all my memory back.
We may be in love and have vowed to spend the rest of our lives together, but I'm still Runa.
Insu My dear Runa, you must be busy preparing for the proposal contest.
Are you in the dressing room? Should I get you something to eat? My dear Runa? Runa? Insu, who is your Runa? Me or the old Runa? Why do you keep sighing, dad? Troubles? Troubles? No, no.
Your college exam's coming up.
How're studies, son? Don't worry.
I'm doing well by myself.
But I'm worried about you.
Why should you be worried about me? You need to act your age.
Be carefree and enjoy life.
Carefree? I have to re-take the college exam.
I have to focus on my studies.
Plus, if I'm going to act my age you have to grow up a little.
I'm always worried you'll get yourself into trouble.
You better watch what you say, kiddo.
When I was your age What dad? At my age you had a kid.
Hey, Jihyeok, what if What if what? Nothing.
Just tell me, dad.
This is just hypothetical but What if you had a stepmother? Did you get yourself into trouble again? Is the woman threatening to sue you? Oh jeez I had a bad feeling for awhile.
You always assume the worst.
How many times have I told you, I've turned over a new leaf? I was just wondering what it would be like if I married so we could have a more stable life.
Marriage is like a death sentence.
Uncle Daepung's timing was perfect.
He's survived this long on good timing alone.
It's late.
Turn off the light.
Let's go to sleep.
I have an exam to study for, dad.
I'll go to bed in an hour.
Study hard.
What's your business? Do you think I only come to see you when I want something? The thing is, Ruby, I haven't been able to get a hold of Yeonho.
Do you know what's going on with him? Why are you asking me about your boyfriend? How should I know what he's up to? You two share a special bond.
Yeonho said you two were in the same boat.
In the same boat? What else did he say? What else? That's all I heard.
Yeonho's very good at keeping secrets.
But the way you're overreacting is fishy.
You know something, don't you? What are you implying? What's so suspicious? If you're going to keep spewing nonsense, stop irritating me and get out.
You keep surprising me, Ruby.
Have you always been such a bi Have you always been so high-strung? When we were in school, was this all an act to fool the teachers? Fine.
I'll stop.
Hello? Yes, continue.
Pardon? J Entertainment? Ms.
Yun, why is our sales revenue dropping? It's becoming serious.
I think the season is the biggest culprit.
During the summer, less people watch shopping networks.
But why have our sales dropped more than our competitors'? We are a latecomer, so we have a smaller base of loyal customers.
Also, Ms.
Jeong Ruby, who was responsible for the sharp rise in our sales, is hosting fewer shows.
But she's just one host.
Is she to blame for all of these drops? Given that customers don't get to see the products in person, customer confidence in the host has a major impact on sales.
Given that Ms.
Jeong Ruby is the face of our company I see.
Keep plugging away then.
You can go.
All right.
We're sold out already.
We apologize.
Thank you for your support.
That cheeky fox.
Have Ms.
Jeong Ruby come to my office after she's done with the show.
This was your host, Jeong Ruby.
Thank you.
Good job.
Good job.
Thank you.
Thank you.
Message from director Bae: Please see me after your broadcast.
Just who is she trying to boss around? She can come to me if she wants to talk.
Jeong, could I have a word with you? You're very busy these days, right? Did you ask me here just to ask me if I was busy? I'm actually curious.
Why are you always so high-strung? You're always on the offensive.
They do say offense is the best defense, but do you always have to be like this? Well fine.
I'm not good at beating around the bush, so I'll cut right to the chase.
Do a few more shows for us.
What? As you know, our sales have fallen since you cut down your air time.
We'll need your help until the network's on more solid footing.
Our clients are also asking for you.
I'd like to help, but there are realistic considerations What realistic considerations? How should I put it? I only have responsibilities but no rights.
I have very little say in the management of JM Homeshopping, so I'm limited in how I can help.
Higher sales don't mean much to me, Sera, because you reap all the rewards.
JM Homeshopping will be yours eventually.
What are you getting at? I got a call from J Entertainment, Sera.
They want me to sign with them.
You know what kind of company it is, right? So you're saying you can't help us? That's not what I'm saying.
I'm just letting you know.
In any case, I'll do what I can, but there's only so much I can do.
Come in.
What brings you here? I can't just drop by my brother's office? What's bothering you today, Director Bae Sera? Do you want tea? I'm fine.
Hear me out, okay? What's going on? What kind of person is Ruby really? I'm really confused.
I always thought I was a good judge of character, but I can't figure Ruby out.
Did Ruby say something? The thing is, I spoke to her about JM Never mind.
I don't want to be a tattletale.
You can tell me.
You can ask your wife yourself.
Get back to work then.
As your sister, let me give you a piece of very valuable advice.
Keep your wife in check.
See you.
Two noodles, Gilja.
Here's the receipt.
Thank you.
- Hope we see you again.
- Thank you.
Oh, my goodness.
Nice to meet you.
What? Oh, likewise.
I'm Chorim's husband-to-be, Lee Gongnam.
What? No See here I'll do it.
Why don't you take a break? - Excuse me.
- Coming.
Four grilled chickens.
Who is that? He's the guy Chorim went on a date with.
Nice to meet you.
I'm Chorim's husband-to-be.
Husband-to-be? Chorim's hit the jackpot, right? He looks like Won Bin all of the sudden.
Is he one of those? How can he barge in here like this only a day after they met? You must be jealous.
J-Jealous? What? Get to work.
Don't take it out on me.
Allow me to formally introduce myself.
I'm Lee Gongnam.
I'm Chorim's husband-to-be.
Eh? Hold on.
When did I ever say The moment I laid eyes on Chorim, I knew she was the one.
And I'm sure the feeling was mutual.
Right, Chorim? Of course not, you tooth picker.
Well more than that I'm absolutely sure that I've found my destiny.
Marry me, please.
Well, at this age, can we really be so picky? I have everything ready.
All you have to do is move into my house.
Lee, did you just propose to Chorim? At our age, there's no time for any ceremony.
Even this time is a waste.
We need to be as one right away Please marry me, Chorim.
Well, I We understand what you mean, but these things can't be done in a hurry.
Please stand up.
This ring has waited 15 years to meet you, Ms.
Jeong Chorim.
Our wedding is set for 12 I'll make you the world's happiest and most beautiful bride in the world.
Please take it.
But Chorim's dreamed of her proposal for too long.
Doing it at our chicken joint won't do.
Right, Chorim? Huh? Yes.
Maybe I But Excuse me.
I have bad teeth.
My dentist told me to clean my teeth as often as I can.
My teeth are You're so loud.
Keep it down.
You don't live alone here.
Why the surprise? Oh.
Have you returned the clothes? Let me ask you something.
Why did you postpone the wedding? Can't you tell your only sister the truth? You know better than I do.
You haven't heard? Insu's father is ill.
Insu Mr.
Na has great timing.
Why aren't you picking up? Why did she have to take it outside? Weirdo.
How's the proposal going? I don't think I can enter the contest.
I lost my laptop.
I know it's you.
You took it, Jeong Runa.
What's that laptop over there? I needed one so I bought one.
Jangderella Bakery.
What do you think? Who is he? Be careful around men.
I can no longer help you as of today.
You're no longer a JM Group member.
I'll wait for you, Runa, until you're ready to marry me.
What do I do? See you next time
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