ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e41 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
This sector's clear!
No signs of danger.
Looks like another totally
normal day on Third Earth.
ThunderCats! It's an emergency!
Do you see what's
happening out there?
Yeah, Tygra. We've been keeping an eye
on every part of Third Earth all day.
And it's looking good.
[loudly] Have you
looked at the sun?
Looked at the sun?
Well, you can't now because
someone is blocking it out!
Whoa. Think that'll
affect anything?
[unicorns neighing]
Life is good, going out
I'd say there's a slight effect.
What in the frogdog
is blocking out the sun?
[camera zooms in]
Look, there's a phone number!
I'm gonna call 'em.
[keypad beeping]
[phone ringing]
- [audio feedback]
- Salutations,
this is Eclipsorr,
CEO of Eclipsorr Corporation.
What'd you want
to rap about, friendos?
What'd you do with our sun?
Our planet's freezing over!
I hear you,
and let me assure you,
you have nothing
to worry about.
Your sun is totally fine.
[all exclaiming]
We're just building
a Dyson Sphere,
a giant metal construct
which will surround your sun
and syphon off its solar
energy like a battery!
Ooh, you can do that?
It's pretty cool, right?
Now your sun can finally give power
to a planet that really needs it.
But we really need it.
Sorry. I meant a planet
that can really afford it.
You won't get away with this!
So, I'd love to
sit down in person
and have a listening sesh,
but sadly,
you can't make it to my hang
zone without a spaceship.
So there's nothing I can do.
Hey, smuggo.
We had a spaceship!
We're from space!
Yeah. It just got
all smashed up
and now it's our
house/place of work.
Hmm. Sounds like something someone
without a spaceship would say.
[all groaning]
If you ever do gain
the power of space travel,
let me know. Till then,
It's not like
I can't build a spaceship!
It's been on
my to-do list forever.
I just need parts.
Okay, good. Where are they?
All over Third Earth.
Cool. And how much time
do we have,
- before our planet is frozen over?
- [computer beeps]
One hour.
[shouting] What?
One hour!
There's no way I can get all the
parts and build a spaceship by then.
[all sighing]
Aw! Panthro,
you don't have to do it alone.
[sniffles] I don't?
That's right! We can
split up, get the parts,
and then help you
put it together.
We'll show Eclipsorr
who he's messing with!
Yeah! He's underestimating
our most kick-butt strength,
You guys are the best pals
a cat could ever have.
Can we hurry it up?
'Cause we're all gonna freeze.
Way to ruin the moment, Tygra.
All right you guys,
these are the four things I need
to build our spaceship right.
[all cheering]
[Panthro] First, we need a
piece of the warp drive engine
from the wreck of the RatStar.
It's behind Castle Plun-Darr,
but the Mutants
won't wanna share.
The Berbils' prototype
black hole generator,
which honestly, I've been meaning
to take from them anyway.
It's really dangerous.
That meteorite that crashed into
the Black Pyramid a while ago.
[Lion-O] Mumm-Ra's so lucky. The
coolest stuff always crashes there.
[Panthro] There's a
Thunderian Time Capsule
with solar system coordinates
in the Caveman's cave.
Tygra, you'll have
to arm-wrestle for it.
[Tygra] Why me?
[Cheetara] We've all arm-wrestled him.
It's your turn, dude.
Oh, no! Catch you later,
Come on, Kittens!
I got you, Lion-O.
[crying and groaning]
Stop messing around, Tygra.
Whoops! Almost forgot.
All right.
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
[all cheering]
- We got the stuff!
- All right. Neat.
[Panthro] I dub thee,
The Feliner.
[all gasping]
Hop in.
[all exclaiming]
[all shrieking]
[all groaning]
[sighs] I got this.
[all cheering]
[Panthro] Let's do this!
[all exclaiming]
All right,
let's find Eclipsorr.
We'll show 'em,
who has a spaceship now!
Ooh, I hope it's us.
Uh, it is. Man, we just Spent all
that [sighs in exasperation]
Let's just get our sun back, before
everyone on Third Earth freezes.
We're here.
[all exclaiming]
[Panthro] That thing is
[laughing] really big. Ooh.
- ThunderCats.
- [all exclaiming]
Thanks for coming by.
Can I interest you
in some sparkling water?
There's no time for bubbles.
If you don't shut down the Sphere, Third
Earth will be completely frozen over!
I always love engaging
with the local populace
about the footprint,
the Eclipsorr Corporation
is leaving on
their communities.
The footprint [yelps]
Toots to that! Let us in
so we can shut you down.
Ooh, that's gonna be tough.
I'm about to go
into a bunch of meetings,
but I can send my community
outreach team to rap with you.
Thanks, much!
Wuh-oh. Time to engage
the Feliner's weapon systems!
We did build those, right?
Does Eclipsorr smell
like rusty lattes?
Yeah. I don't know. Probably?
[Panthro] He does!
[all screaming]
[Panthro] Targets locked.
- [all] Yeah!
- [thudding]
[all groaning]
I'll get 'em. Hup! Going up.
[in sing-song voice] Space Lion-O!
[Panthro] Lion-O, get back here.
Whoa. Don't wanna miss my ride.
Oh, you wanna play, huh?
Awesome, Lion-O. Now it's my
turn to turn up the heat.
So, you just thrust
this one forward
- [grunting]
- [Snarf meowing]
[both] Cool!
Time to punch things up.
Fight mode activated.
Epic punching.
Lion-O, you've got a tail.
Really? Oh,
I don't have a tail at all.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
But there is a spaceship
heading right for me.
[all screaming]
Panthro, this is not good.
I think we're surrounded.
I still got this.
Slice, slice, slice, slice!
[all] Yay!
[all cheering]
[indistinct shouting]
Uh, what?
I said, I was saying, "Hooray".
Yeah. Hooray!
[Eclipsorr laughing
and applauding]
[Eclipsorr] Congratulations.
Yes, we We did it. Good job!
It's too bad you took so long.
Otherwise, this would have
been way less awkward
- [all gasping]
- Aw, toots.
Well, we can't mourn
your planet all day.
You guys ever heard
of a solar-flare cannon?
Ooh, no. What's that?
I am so glad you asked.
He's using our own sun
against us!
This is so unfair!
Why must society always stand
in the way of progress?
Panthro, get us out of here.
We've got no place left to go.
Third Earth is frozen solid.
Come on, Panthro. That might
be true, but we still have us.
And we're awesome!
You're right,
we're not giving up yet!
[all screaming]
[all screaming]
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
Ugh. [gasps]
You guys! It's the hang zone.
Oh, uh, cool.
You guys, uh, made it.
Would you like a glass of our hip,
sparkling water? It's on tap.
Toots to your bubbles!
We're here for our sun.
You sound upset.
Let's rap.
I'm so glad you came to me
with your concerns.
You froze our entire planet.
How's that for a concern?
Yes. Well
My girlfriend was on there.
Space is a big place.
Yeah, and the Berbils
were supposed to do
the kitchen renovations today.
Do you have any idea
how long I've been
waiting for this?
Yeah, where am I supposed to
microwave my burritos now?
You ever think about that?
Huh? Huh?
Yes, I hear you
[loudly] Yeah, and now I'll never get
to beat Kat's high score at Trash.
Because it's frozen!
- [grumbling]
- [sputters] Yeah. Actually,
I'm I'm pretty cool
with that, Eclipsorr.
Yes, but it's really important
- to, uh
- [angrily meowing]
Uh, okay. I I hear you.
And uh, thank you, for those
thoughts, ThunderCats.
You've brought a lot
of very good points
to the table
for me to think about.
So, tell you what,
I'm gonna pack some green tea,
go on a silent retreat,
really rethink
this whole Sphere project.
[all exclaiming]
Good rap, guys.
Feel free to address
any more issues to HR.
- [robot drone] Self-destruct initiated.
- [machine beeping]
Have a good day.
[all gasping]
Yeah. So, listen.
The Dyson Sphere
is gonna blow up now.
- What?
- No way. You're not getting away with this!
Okay, laters.
[Lion-O] I hate so much
how cool that was.
[all exclaiming]
Forget him. We gotta get
back to the Feliner.
But Panthro,
the ship's broken.
- Uh-huh.
- Uh-huh.
Don't worry guys. I got this.
There we go,
I fixed the hang zone.
Panthro, fix the ship!
We're going to explode.
Oh, [laughing] right.
Yeah, I just got distracted.
[all cheering]
Hmm? Hmm.
Thank you guys, for helping
me build the Feliner.
I couldn't have done it
without you.
And we couldn't have saved
Third Earth, without you.
Who knows what kind of wacky adventures
are waiting for us in space?
I know one thing for sure,
I'm never letting
my guard down again.
From now on, I will always
stare directly at the sun
to make sure no one
is stealing it. [scoffs]
Lion-O, you're not supposed
to look directly at the sun.
- Lion-O!
- [all laughing]
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