ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e42 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[all] Aw!
Aw, so cute!
Look at his little feets!
[makes kissing sound]
Little feets! Little feets!
[all speaking gibberish]
- Morning, ThunderCats!
- [Snarf farts]
All right everyone,
you heard Tygra!
Time to stop relaxing
and do whatever boring
chore he's got for us!
No matter how much
we don't want to!
I appreciate the sentiment,
Lion-O I think.
But I don't need you guys
to do anything today.
- [all gasp]
- What?
There's no evil activity
on the scanners,
no natural disasters,
and most importantly
I already cleaned and polished
every inch of Cats Lair
while you were sleeping.
Dat's clean.
You're right!
Every surface is so shiny.
Just look at my skin.
- [squeaks]
- How did you even
I didn't clean you, Lion-O.
Just Anyway
I want everyone to relax
and take the day off.
You've all been
working really hard
- and you're worn out.
- You got it, Tygra!
Now, who wants to go wake up
Cheetara and tell her to relax?
- I'll do it!
- No, me!
No! Let her sleep in.
Everyone calm down and
take it easy today, all right?
[inhales deeply]
[exclaims] Mirror ghost!
Smaller mirror ghost!
[all] Cheetara!
[clock ticking]
See? Isn't it nice
to have a quiet,
relaxing morning
for once?
It is quiet.
Too quiet.
- [chomping noisily]
- [thud]
- That's better!
- Guys!
This is going to sound weird
and you might not believe me
but I just saw a creepy
ghost in my mirror!
- [all scream] Mirror ghost!
- [Snarf grunts]
They got some nerve spying on us
when we're still in our jam jams.
No one is gonna see me
with my hair like this!
Whoa! Let's not start
waving axes.
Before we jump to conclusions,
we should figure out
what's going on.
But Cheetara said she saw
a creepy ghost in her mirror!
Are you saying
you don't believe her?
[stutters] Of course,
I believe her.
I just think we need
to look at this rationally
and not go nuts.
Tygra's right.
We gotta play it cool.
Thank you. Now
I have been watching you!
[exclaims] Mirror ghost!
Okay, everyone.
This is not a drill.
We have a mirror ghost
in Cats Lair,
and it's time to go nuts!
[Cheetara] I'm on it!
Oh, yeah!
[yells] Tink.
All right, that's
the last of 'em.
Not a single mirror left.
Now can we try to figure out
what the ghost wants?
I am Wizz-Ra!
Evil! It wants evil!
- [TV thuds]
- No!
Our cartoon giver!
How could the mirror ghost
appear on the television?
Maybe it isn't
a mirror ghost at all.
Maybe it's a shiny
reflective object ghost.
So, it can appear on
any shiny appliance?
- We have to get rid of everything shiny!
- [Tygra gasps]
No, no, no, no!
- Be gone with you!
- [shrieks]
- No!
- [shrieks]
- [glass shatters]
- [shrieks]
No! Please, no!
[Wizz-Ra] ThunderCats!
[both] Spaceboards! Spaceboards!
[grunts in frustration]
[yelps] Snarf! Please no!
- Not little horse Tygra!
- [Wizz-Ra] It's me again.
[glass shatters]
That was custom-made!
[objects clattering]
All right. I think
that's everything!
That's enough!
We're not just gonna throw
all our stuff out the window.
[stutters] I mean,
we did, though.
But you shouldn't have!
We need to learn
who this ghost is,
and that's how
we get rid of it.
We need a book.
Ooh! The Big Cookie Bookie?
- No, not that book!
- [whimpers]
What we need is The Third Earth
Encyclopedia of Ghosts and Apparitions.
It says here that
mirrors can sometimes act
as windows into
the seventh dimension.
Well, that sounds bad.
[Wizz-Ra] Trapped!
Where's that coming from?
Trapped in the
seventh dimension!
The walls!
It's coming from our
spotless lair itself!
I am Wizz-Ra!
[all scream]
I told you cleaning
was stupid, Tygra.
Please don't learn that lesson.
Snarf! Engage picnic mode!
[Wizz-Ra wails]
We need to mess up
the whole lair,
so there's nothing shiny
for Wizz-Ra to appear in.
Oh, no. We're definitely
not gonna do that.
It's too late!
[Wizz-Ra] Ooh!
[Wizz-Ra wails]
Time for the finishing touch.
Oh, no! What are you gonna
Oh, that was unexpected.
No, stop it, no, no!
Yay! Great job everyone!
Not a shiny thing in sight.
You know what? I like the lair
better like this anyway.
Well, if you're all
done going nuts. [sighs]
Let's see if there's
Ah! Here it is.
[chuckles] I knew it.
Look at this!
Yes, ThunderCats! Look at this!
[all scream]
Tygra's been possessed!
He's a mirror demon! Get him!
Hold on, now.
It's me, Tygra.
[stutters] Don't do whatever
you're about to do.
Don't listen to him.
He's not himself.
[Tygra screams, grunts]
We did the right thing, right?
We didn't overreact by literally
throwing Tygra out the window?
Cheetara, we had to!
He was possessed.
Yeah, he's probably
been possessed all day.
That's why he shined
the whole lair!
[frantically] This one,
and this one, and this one
WilyKit! You don't have to cross
him out of all our pictures!
Can't be too safe!
Let's just focus
on the positive.
The rest of us don't wear
glasses, so we'll be fine.
Technically, we all
have reflections
in our eyes!
That settles it. Everyone,
give me your eyes!
- [screams]
- Leave my eyes alone! Leave my eyes alone!
[pounding on door]
[Tygra] ThunderCats, let me in!
Hey Tygra! Um,
now isn't a good time.
Maybe you should
come back later.
[Tygra] Read the book.
Read the book!
- Ooh!
- [Tygra] Not the cookie book!
- Aw.
- I bet reading that book is what got him possessed.
I told you guys,
reading is dumb!
Please don't learn that lesson.
- WilyKit is right!
- Oh, boy.
And as Lord of the ThunderCats,
I vow to stand up
to zombie Tygra
and never read this book!
- [book thuds]
- There!
No ghost book,
no ghost Tygra.
[pounding on wall]
- [growls]
- [screams]
Zombie Tygra's breaking
into Cats Lair!
Oh, no, he's not!
[all] Go Panthro, go Panthro!
Ha! He'll never get past
the security system.
[loud clanking]
Why would you throw
the book away?
- [all gasp]
- But just to be safe
Everyone to the basement!
Go, go, go, go, go, go, go!
[Tygra grumbles]
[all scream, grunt]
[all groan]
Don't worry, guys. The basement is
the safest place in the entire lair.
If zombie Tygra
wants to get to us,
he's going to have to make it through all
of my impenetrable security measures.
How'd he do that?
He's got ghost powers!
He's a monster!
[automated voice]
Please stop. Please stop.
[exclaims] He's pure evil!
He's going to send us
to the seventh dimension!
- [all scream]
- [pounding on door]
[all scream]
What is wrong with you? [thuds]
- Um, you are still a zombie ghost, right?
- No!
I never was!
And Wizz-Ra is a good guy!
Say what now?
That's what it said
in the book! See?
[sing-song voice] Good guy!
[Tygra] Wizz-Ra
was a good wizard
who used to fight
bad guys like Mumm-Ra,
until he was trapped
in the seventh dimension.
Now he can only
communicate with our world
once every 7,000 years.
Hmm. If he's so good,
why did Wizz-Ra possess you?
[growls] He didn't!
I don't know.
If you didn't have
ghost powers,
then how did you get past all
the security systems? [growls]
I'm a ThunderCat! I'm a
highly trained warrior!
We all are!
Yeah. I guess that is true.
[screams, whimpers]
Let's just talk to Wizz-Ra
and find out
what's so important.
Then at least this whole terrible
day will have been worth something.
- ThunderCats!
- [all gasp]
What is it, oh Wizz-Ra?
What message have you waited
7,000 years to tell us?
I have been watching you.
And you're doing
a great job. Keep it up.
- What?
- Yeah, that's pretty much it.
I only get one day,
so I figured I should let you
know that you seem real cool.
- Hey, thanks, ghost pal.
- We are pretty great.
I guess this was all
just a big misunderstanding.
- Kinda funny when you think about it.
- No, it isn't!
None of this is funny!
You threw me out a window!
And you! Who opens
a conversation with,
[wails] "I've been
watching you."
- Well, I
- You can't just show up in people's mirrors!
That's not cool!
And in the bathroom?
I don't know what manners they
taught you in wizard school, but
Mm! That's really good.
Where'd you get this?
From the Big Cookie Bookie!
- Mm
- Well, I guess Tygra was right all along.
The answer was in a book!
[all laughing]
Oh, no, you don't!
Don't just start laughing like we solved
something. I'm still
really mad at
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