Ghost Force (2021) s01e43 Episode Script

Prehistorrible / Chaorion

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear,
please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force,
feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force, spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air,
got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight, waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
Mr.. Kasenti! Now the ceremony can begin!
My apologies, Miss Spancer.
My previous meeting
ran a bit later than expected.
Let's get started.
I would also like to ask you
some questions
at the end of the ceremony.
I'm a journalist and it's not every day
that I get to meet
the richest man in New-York.
Hey, hey! Behold my latest creation!
a chicken dog with berry coulis,
a sprig of broccoli
and a dash of whipped cream!
That's the wildest thing I've ever seen!
That looks even more appetizing
than my salad crumble!
Maybe I can you treat you to lunch.
It's almost noon.
-I totally forgot!
-Forgot what?
The creator of my favorite comic
has a signing session at the bookstore.
But it ends at noon!
I'll never get there in time!
But I could. Just leave it to Andy!
-Are you sure?
-Surer than sure!
-Why wouldn't I be?
-Well, it's just that
You're not great at keeping promises.
Like when you promised
to bring me that vase.
Or when you said you'd take care
of my carnivorous plant.
Or when you swore you'd clean my locker.
Sorry, but I'm usually
pretty good at keeping my word.
(Phone pings)
Hey, bro, you promised you'd join us
for the exhibit, remember?
Ha, ha! Guess we'll go
without you. But don't worry,
we'll take lots of pictures!
(Nervous laugh)
I'll get your comic signed
and bring it right back to you.
I promise!
Andy, that's impossible.
The bookstore's over two miles from here!
I can do it. You have my word!
-(Whistle blows)
-No, no, no, no, no!
No, no. Shh! Shh!
I wonder where Kasenti is.
-Is he coming out soon?
-We don't what he looks like.
Ladies and gentlemen,
for those who do not know me,
my name is Nolan Kasenti,
President of KasKorp Industries.
He's as famous as my father
and his technological works
are incredible!
As a lover of antiques
and as the museum sponsor,
it's my pleasure to welcome you
to this special prehistoric exhibition!
-KasKorp is a corporation
that excels in the tech,
media and finance sectors.
Watch out, little one!
-(Deep reverberation)
(Giggles) Huh?
-(Evil laugh)
Hi, Liv! We've got a new ghost to capture!
We're on it, Ms. Jones.
Call Andy, we'll need his help!
-Move, Mike!
(Evil laugh)
-(Phone rings)
Andy! Get ready to kick some serious boo!
We got a ghost on the loose!
Uh Can it wait a few minutes?
Oh, sure! I'll just tell
the ghost to hang out
before it tries taking over the city!
Quit joking and transform! Now!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
I got this, Ms. Jones.
The ghost is moving around
in the subway tunnels.
It should come out in Midtown any second!
No worries, I'm right on top of it!
OK, I've got four minutes and 45 seconds
to capture that ghost
and get Carla's comic signed.
Maybe not so peasy!
Flexy blast!
Of course, ma'am, the subway
station is right over
Get out of here!
(Evil laugh)
Hey, that's not cool! That's cold!
Ms. Jones! The ghost's merged
with a subway train!
I could really use some backup!
Well, then we're on track
to capture it! Ha, ha! Get it?
Get it? It's funny because it's a
it's a subway.
Ahem. OK. Anyway Why aren't
Liv and Mike with you?
They're still at the museum?
Liv? Mike? What's going on?
They aren't answering.
Something must be wrong.
I'm sending Glowboo to go check!
How am I supposed
to stop this thing by myself
in three minutes and 20 seconds?
Three minutes and 20 what?
Andy, what are you talking about?
Uh, nothing! Call you back!
First things first.
Shut off Frosty's trunk!
Flexy power!
Hi, there. You look all tied up!
I got it, Miss Jones!
-Good, then Boocap it, now!
Sorry, Ms. Jones, but my hands are full!
This is gonna hurt! Aaah!
-Fury? Fury?
Glowboo, status report. Fury needs help!
I have arrived at the museum.
Liv and Mike have been
completely frozen over.
Aaah! OK, send me
a Boo-energy analysis ASAP!
Hmm. It's using
freeze-o-genic spectral energy.
Ha, ha! But ice is nothing
my freshly modded ghostblaster
can't melt!
Set temperature to 100 degrees
and get our heroes free.
Commencing meltdown. Now.
Brr! T-Thanks Glowboo.
It was fr-freezing in there!
We need to hurry.
Andy needs help with the ghost.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force! Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Huh? Whoa!
Oh, no! Time's up!
No, no, no, no, no!
You are welcome. No need to thank me.
Saving lives is my hobby.
What's your deal, Fury?
Why were you standing in his path?
Remember me? The girl you froze?
Fractal Trap!
Fury! Your turn!
Flexy power!
Sorry, pal,
but you're going nowhere fast!
Well done, team!
You've saved New York from
Prehistorrible does sound kinda catchy.
Sorry! Got a thing to do!
Excuse me. Is it still possible
to get this signed?
Fury? Oh! Yes, of course!
I'm one of your biggest fans!
(Delighted chuckle)
Carla! Here it is!
Wow! Andy, you did it! Thank you so much!
Would you mind doing me another favor?
I need help brushing the teeth
of Prof Pascal's dinosaur.
Sure! I'll help you. I promise
Actually, I'll help,
but I can't promise I'll succeed.
I've put enough pressure
on myself for the day!
Red Alert. Asteroid
entering Earth's atmosphere.
Repeat. Asteroid
entering Earth's atmosphere.
Ah! Such a gorgeous day
to enjoy the sky, eh?
What better way to appreciate its beauty
than with one of my very first inventions?
The Megascope!
Whoa! Did you build that yourself?
Oh, indeed I did, Mr. Collins!
And it works just as well day or night.
And did the others dinosaurs
give you a hand back then?
Um, are we gonna watch
dinosaurs in space?
Well, um, my Megascope may
not be all that young any more,
but it still has its 16-lens scope
and digital-surround zoom lens!
-Ha, ha!
That scope is wild!
Prof Pascal is always full of surprises.
He's so smart and knowledgeable!
Just like you, Mike.
Before we examine the heavens,
let's see what you all know about it, eh?
What is the largest planet
in our solar system?
Ah, correct, Mr. Coll
-Oh! I mean, Miss Baker?
And which planet is the smallest?
What is its circumference?
9,525 miles!
You sure know a lot about astronomy, Liv!
She studied all night long.
She's the best of the best!
What is Mercury's atmosphere composed of?
Um Uh
Nitrogen, oxygen
and trace amounts of argon!
Correct again, Miss Baker!
Oh! Most impressive!
-Woof! Woof!
-You're crushing it, sis.
You're super smart, Liv!
Oh, and with that, how about
we take a look at Mercury, eh?
Wow! Is that Mercury?
Oh, well, you know,
the zoom on my Megascope
is even better than I remembered!
-Chaorion! Chaorion!
-Chaorion! Chaorion!
-Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
That is one seriously huge eye!
Must be tough finding glasses to fit that!
I've never seen anything like it!
Oh! I wonder what its family is.
Specter? Molecular?
Huh! Finally something she doesn't know.
We'll find out after we've captured it!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force! Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Ugh! That's gross!
Heh, heh! Looks kinda fun, though!
-(Evil laugh)
-Ms. Jones,
we've got a brand-new ghost!
Please send Glowboo as backup.
There's a ghost?
Oops! Sorry, I was busy playing
SpookOut's latest update.
Glowboo's on his way!
So, team, how are we gonna take it out?
We should start with its eye!
If the genius says so.
Fractal Power!
BOTH: Krush!
I'll stun him! Fury, get ready to strike!
Spectral arrow!
Krush, are you all right?
Yeah, you really are on a roll today!
Heads up!
Chaorion! Chaorion!
MYST: Aaah!
Spill it, Krush! What's wrong?
Why do you think something's wrong?
Because you're mad at me
and it's jeopardizing the mission!
It's just that
you wouldn't let me answer
any of Professor Pascal's questions!
So this is all about your ego?
Do you realize Fury just got
hypnotized because of you?
Because of me? You were the
Boo-yah. Where is our ghost?
This is a bizarroid-family ghost
of alien type.
I just got Glowboo's analysis!
You're facing Chaorion,
an extremely rare specimen.
And it's a level nine!
Level Nine? Any idea
why it's making everyone spread
Boo energy throughout the city?
None, but a level-nine ghost
will want to reproduce itself.
So we need to capture it before it does!
On it!
What are you playing at, Myst?
Krush, if you don't snap
out of your bad mood,
we don't stand a chance! We're a team!
But giving the right answers
is my role on a team!
If you take that away from me,
what do I have left?
Your courage, your kindness, your loyalty.
You've got plenty of tricks
up your sleeve.
My systems inform me
that an intense force of attraction
emanates from that symbol.
What would a ghost from space
want to attract?
Chaorion! Chaorion!
Ms. Jones, what's going on?
Night's just fallen over the city!
That's not the night sky.
It's the shadow of a giant asteroid!
As if the ghost wasn't enough,
we've got a meteorite to stop too!
Do not worry, friends.
I calculate our chances
of stopping it at 99%.
BOTH: Glowboo!
My apo-lo-gi-ies.
It ap-pears m-my c-calculations
were inco-rrect.
This is awful! The meteor
is about to pancake New York!
Krush, you take care of Chaorion.
I'll use my spectral gates
to dash up and stop the asteroid.
Myst, no Ghost Force armor
has ever been to outer space!
It's too risky!
And your weapon's not powerful enough!
Maybe hers isn't,
but mine should do the trick.
Fractal mace!
But, Krush, won't you need that
against Chaorion?
Don't worry. I've got plenty
of tricks up my sleeves.
Fractal power!
Hurry, Myst! I won't be able
to hold him off for very long!
MS. JONES: Myst,
you're leaving the atmosphere.
Be careful with the
It is trying to reproduce itself!
Spectral arrow!
Time to give us some space!
Well done, Krush!
You really taught that ghost
not to mess with planet Earth!
Chaorion was one of the most
powerful ghosts I've ever seen!
Ah! I'm proud of you, Ghost Force!
It's all thanks to Myst's courage.
Thank you, Krush. But I couldn't
have done it without ya.
It appears my c-c-calculations
were n-not that f-f-far off,
a-a-after all.
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