ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e43 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
All right, everyone,
just stay calm
'Cause it's time
for someone's snack!
- [chomps]
- [growling]
And that,
my Thundarian friends,
is how you feed
a Gaw-Rak-Rak!
Oh, man!
This Astral Plane
Animal Shelter is the best!
[whale howls]
I'm so happy
you volunteered
to help out, Lion-O.
Are you kidding?
I love feeding these guys.
Tygra, we should
adopt this monster.
Ugh. We're not going to adopt
the monster, Lion-O. [gasps]
Okay, what about this
venom-spitting weasel fiend?
He's so cute.
I wanna take him home.
C'mon, Lion-O.
We can't
Tygra! What about this
mega hissing-demon crab?
Lion-O, we talked about this.
We're here to help Jaga.
We're not adopting
anything today.
- But he's so hissy!
- [hisses]
Don't worry, Lion-O.
All of these astral beasts
will find loving homes
in no time.
Except that one.
No one wants that dog.
[sentimental music playing]
Oh, my gosh!
This dog is the cutest dog
I've ever seen.
Yeah, who wouldn't want
an adorable dog like this?
Nobody would want him.
He's terrible.
But don't feel bad,
he'll just stay here forever.
Alone. Being lonely. Forever.
[sentimental music playing]
Tygra, we have to give
this puppy a home.
We're not going to
By fostering him.
We'll take him back
to Cats' Lair
and find him
a perfect forever home
with someone on Third Earth.
That way, he doesn't have to
stay here in the shelter
and we get to spend some time
with his adorable cuteness.
actually a very
responsible idea, Lion-O.
And if you can't find
a home for him,
which you won't,
you can send him back here
to be alone forever.
That won't happen!
As Lord of the ThunderCats,
I vow to find this puppy
the perfect home!
- [screams]
- [laughs]
I told ya.
[male announcer on TV] And so, the
challengers have completed baking.
It's a tense moment
as Todd removes his pie
from the oven.
Told ya this show was good.
[all scream in horror]
Oh. It's just Lion-O and Tygra.
Yep! We're back
from the Astral Plane
- and we brought this puppy!
- [drools]
[all screaming in horror]
Oh. Actually, it's not so bad.
Yeah, he's kinda cute!
- [barks]
- Whoa!
Yeah, yeah, he's real cute.
Anyways, back to my show.
[male announcer on TV]
And the votes are in
- [thuds]
- [barking]
[sentimental music playing]
He's perfect! Can we keep him?
Sadly, no.
But we will find him
the perfect home.
Speaking of which,
I'm gonna go put up
some posters, like, right now.
- [growling]
- Who wouldn't want a pet like this guy?
I know, right?
Oh, my shows.
And there we go.
These posters are sure to get
a lot of attention.
[scoffs] Look at dumb Tygra
putting up dumb posters
with his dumb hair
on his dumb head.
[mockingly] "Uh, I'm Tygra.
I own a stapler. I"
[ancient spirits of evil]
Are you just watching Tygra
do stuff?
Me? No.
Ooh, look! A penny!
I was, just, uh, formulating
a new, evil scheme!
[hesitantly] A super good
one of them. Uh
Well, what is it?
Uh well
I was thinking that
through my powers of disguise,
I could, uh, pretend
to be someone
who wants to adopt that puppy.
[ancient spirits of evil] And?
And then the DunderCats
would invite me
into their lair,
and then I can, um
Steal the Sword of Omens
for us?
You want that?
I had that sword,
It just gets bigger,
or whatever.
You may have not done
much with it,
but with the Sword of Omens
in our hands,
we could destroy
the ThunderCats.
And then Third Earth
would be ours!
[laughing maniacally]
No? Not gonna laugh with me?
Do you even enjoy being evil?
Now, to blend in with these
ordinary pet enthusiasts.
- [growling]
- [Berbil] Help! Help!
Oh, no! He's biting!
[chuckles] As you can see,
he's a little rambunctious.
I'm not sure
this puppy is for us.
But but, you Berbils
love rebuilding things,
and the puppy
is always breaking things.
It's a perfect match.
You do raise a good point.
But the thing is
Aww, toots.
The Berbils were a no, huh?
He was a tiny bit
too intense for them.
But don't worry.
Surely this adorable puppy
will be perfect
for one of those people.
And perhaps
I am that people.
Did you say,
"I am that people"?
Yes, and that's
a normal thing to say.
I'm Steve Hutchinson.
A normal man.
I'm here to inquire
about the dog.
- Whoa!
- Whoa!
[slurps, sighs contentedly]
[gasping in awe]
Aw! I think he likes you.
Oops! [chuckles] Sorry,
other regular people like me.
I forgot my apartment
doesn't allow pets
and I'm allergic
to dogs anyway.
[sneezes] Ha-ha.
Oh, by the way,
can I use your bathroom?
Thank you!
Huh. I guess this puppy
has a thing for normal people.
Aw, there, there.
We'll find you a home,
- I promise.
- [growling]
See, he's cheering up already.
What's up? I hear you're
giving away a cool guard dog.
- Yep! Here he is!
- [barking]
[all screaming]
[chuckles] That was easy!
People get so dumb and gullible
around puppies!
But not me!
I won't fall for some mutt
just 'cause it's cute and soft
and its face
makes my evil heart
bloom like a flower on a
What's this?
Weapons vault, eh?
Aw, mummy wipes.
My magic is terrible
at picking locks.
- [dog barking]
- Oh, no! They're coming!
[Lion-O] Okay, so the puppy
doesn't like Warrior Maidens,
that doesn't mean
we should give up!
Stop him, Lion-O!
Oh, what wonderful,
evil havoc
that precious puppy wreaks!
Such a dazzling
little creature
Is what I would say
if I liked dogs
but I don't.
Dogs are dumb.
That stupid sword
is way up there. Ugh.
I guess I'm
climbing this thing.
And that's when Dippie,
not Dappie, my eldest, Dippie,
Dippie said,
"Papa, it is we
who should adopt the puppy,"
said Dippie.
Uh, and I said "Dippie"
Sorry about the wait, everyone.
[strains] Easy there.
Why don't you take the reins?
The pup may not look like much,
but he
can fly apparently?
[screams] Whoa
Shoulda seen that coming.
Come on,
we gotta save that Bolkin
and see if he still
wants the puppy.
- All right.
- Let's go.
[cell phone dialing]
Mama, it's Dippie.
Somethin' happened to Papa.
[screams] Dippie
Down. Down, boy! Down.
Almost there
- [rumbling]
- Whoa!
- [tense music playing]
- [barking]
No! Not the weapons vault!
Tell Dippie I said
[softly] "Hi, Dippie."
ThunderCats! Ho
[WilyKit and WilyKat]
We got him!
[both grunt]
Hey, puppy! Fetch the stick!
Ha! Gotcha!
[laughs] You burnt.
Eat capsule bombs!
Ooh. Stinky.
This oughta hold him!
You guys, I got him.
- I got Whoa!
- I got you, buddy.
That's teamwork
- [whimpers]
- Huh?
[sentimental music playing]
Hey! Stop!
No, no, no!
Come back here! Whoa!
- We got this, Lion-O!
- [WilyKat] Woo-hoo!
That dog is just so
perfectly evil.
Whoa! What am I doing?
Keep your head
in the game, Steve.
Time to get me a sword.
- [laughs]
- [barking]
Just gotta jiggle it
outta here and then
Whoa what's happening?
That dog is gonna
blow my cover!
Huh? Not the big grenade!
[tense music playing]
- [whimpering]
- [grunting]
[sighs in relief]
[all groaning]
[screaming in distance]
Wanna adopt the puppy?
Well, it's like I told Dippie,
not Duppie, my middle
child, but Dippie.
- I said, "Dippie"
- [Dippie] Papa.
Come, Papa.
[excitedly] Dippie!
Hi, Dippie.
I'm not adopting the dog.
- [growling]
- Well, that Bolkin was the last person in line.
That means no one wants
this wonderful little angel.
[grunts] The sword!
We'll have to send him back
to the shelter,
where he'll be alone forever.
- [whimpering]
- [all groan]
- I feel terrible.
- It's so sad.
[grunts] I'll take
the darn dog, okay.
How did you get in here?
I've been here the whole time.
Try to keep up, Tygra.
This is great!
The puppy [chuckles]
let's admit it,
is a little bit evil.
[yelling] A little?
He broke my big grenade!
Come on, Panthro.
You still have
your tiny grenade.
Oh, yeah.
[sentimental music playing]
Anyway, I promised the dog
a perfect home.
And that's Mumm-Ra!
Gross. Stop it
Yeah, makes sense to me.
There's just one question left.
What are you gonna name him?
I hadn't really
thought about it
I know!
You could call him, Mutt-Ra.
- I like it.
- Makes sense.
What? No! [laughs]
That's dumb.
I'll call him
Ma Mutt
Ma-Mutt. Yes, Ma-Mutt.
It feels like
you just picked that
to not use Mutt-Ra,
which was obviously better.
Until next time, ThunderCats.
Ugh. Used up all my
stupid magic on this
Looks like everything
worked out just fine.
Lion-O, you gave
an evil demon dog
to our worst enemy.
Oh, yeah. I guess I did.
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