ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e44 Episode Script

Mini Mongor

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
- All right!
- Yeah!
Sweet landing!
Ready to explore nature?
Yeah, dude.
Nature is the best!
Look, a weird bird!
Check out this stinky plant!
Whoa, the entrance
to an underground crypt.
- [thunderclap]
- [spooky music playing]
Ooh! [chuckles]
See? This is the best part
of exploring nature.
Going inside hidden ruins.
Thanks, nature!
- Bye!
- [both screaming]
- [thuds]
- [both groan]
- Yeah!
- Let's do this!
[both chuckling]
I got a jeweled sword
and a crazy looking ring!
Nice. I'm gonna see
what's over there.
Bronze bear.
Silver cup.
Weird rock.
[dramatic music playing]
I bet there's some
cool stuff in there.
Oh, but it looks
pretty heavy
[scoffs] No problem.
I've been workin' out.
[inhales deeply]
[effort grunt]
[breathing heavily]
Let me help.
[Mongor] Fools!
You have released
the mighty Mongor!
Tremble and despair,
for the more you fear me,
the stronger I become!
[angry goat war cry]
Yeah, you're not scary
at all though.
You're so small.
Maybe go pick on
a beetle or an ant.
Cut it out!
I may be small now,
but I feed on fear!
Fear me
so I can become larger!
[bleats angrily]
Not gonna happen, buddy.
Let's go home.
I'm hungry.
Later, goaty.
Oh, man,
I wonder what Tygra's
making for dessert tonight!
Ignore me now,
but soon I will be
big enough
to crush all of Third Earth
under my mighty hoof!
[dramatic instrumental music]
Take that!
Fearful feline.
Hey, you
Knock it off!
I destroyed your diorama.
Aren't you scared?
No, I'm annoyed.
I was trying to figure out
where to put the pool.
You outta here!
Hey! [grunts]
WilyKit! WilyKat!
Do you know anything about
this goat demon?
Oh, yeah, that's Mongor.
We released him
from a tomb,
and now he's
following us around.
- He's a drag.
- What?
We do not keep demons
in this house.
Get rid of him.
- Can we do it after this show?
- [meows]
- Hey!
- [chomps]
Now! Or no dessert.
[both groan]
Okay, time to go, Mongor.
[Mongor gasps]
All right, see ya later.
[Mongor] Wait, no! No, please!
I'm a fear demon.
I need to scare someone
or I'll have to go
back to my tomb
and be all alone again.
I hate being alone.
It's so lonely.
Wait, if we help you
scare someone,
you'll go away?
I promise I'll go away
To destroy Third Earth!
Yeah, cool.
Sounds good to me.
Yeah. As long as
we get dessert.
[both] Time to help a demon!
I'm playing with my toys.
- [vocalizing continues]
- Okay, Mongor,
you go hide with Lion-O's toys,
and when he turns around,
you come to life
and scare him.
Got it.
- [cackles]
- [groans]
What's this?
Mr. Goat-tholemew
is challenging Princess Pony
for the throne?
How dare you challenge me
beardy goat man?
- Neigh
- Ahhh!
[groaning] Must. Use.
Ow. Demon powers.
Don't worry, your highness,
Prince Fuzzbie has your back.
Ahhh! Get off me.
I'm Mongor.
[groaning] Ahhh! Ow!
All right.
It's training time.
Okay, Mongor,
you can do this.
When she runs by,
just jump out
and yell really loud.
Got it.
[effort grunt]
Ready, Snarf?
- [inhales deeply]
- [whistles]
Yup, here she comes.
Behold! The Mighty Mon
- Oh, wait, what?
- Try again.
[Mongor] Hmm. Let's see.
Now! Behold Hey!
Behold! Nope
Behold! Ugh, come on!
No matter.
I'll just stay in place.
Because I am the
[moans] Wait, no!
[voice shaking]
That was a bad idea.
Okay, only one ThunderCat left,
but this one's easy.
Panthro's totally
scared of bats.
Really? Why?
Ah, everyone needs a thing.
Wait, hold on. What
What's my thing?
Anyway, put these on,
and he'll totally lose it.
- It'll be great.
- Okay.
Fear me.
For I am a bat!
Huh? [gasps]
Yes, yes.
Your fear grows.
[breathing heavily]
[softly] Okay, Panthro,
you've practiced this.
Deep breaths.
It's just one bat,
it can't hurt you.
Uh, what's happening?
That's better.
Welp, back to work.
[yelling] You picked
a real lousy time
for some personal growth,
you big jerk!
[sobbing] I couldn't scare
even one of them.
I'm the worst
fear demon ever.
Yeah, pretty much.
I guess I'm stuck this way.
I'm just gonna go
back to my tomb
and wallow
in my loneliness
for the rest of eternity.
Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!
What just happened?
I don't know.
I was just thinking about
how I'm going to be
all alone.
Wait a minute.
Are you afraid
of being alone
with yourself?
Of course I am.
Being alone is horrible.
Hold on.
I've got an idea.
You're still too small.
You're going to
have to go back
to your dumb old crypt.
No. I don't wanna go back.
Ooh! Oh, yeah.
Um, that place is
so dusty and sad,
I bet nobody else finds it
for a thousand years.
[sobs] Don't say that.
Yeah, it's too bad.
Everyone else
in the world
gets to play video games
and eat dessert,
but you're just gonna
cry in the dark forever.
[sobbing] It's not fair.
I don't wanna be
tiny and alone forever.
[both] Hey, Mongor!
We did it!
Thanks for all your help, guys.
You're the best!
[both] High five.
You fools.
Now I have the strength
to destroy you all.
Behold the power of fear.
- [both crying]
- Let go, you big jerk!
- [whimpers]
- [groans]
- [laughs wickedly]
- [both] Ahhh!
[both screaming]
Hey! What's going on here?
The furniture.
Tygra told us
to help out a tiny demon.
Then he got bigger
and he's wrecking the place.
- That's not what I
- Uh-uh.
we'll talk about you
helping demons later.
Right now,
we have to stop him
before he gets
any bigger.
ThunderCats Ho!
Take that.
Nice try,
pitiful mortal.
[angry goat war cry]
I've got you, Lion-O.
Hey, Mongor,
ever heard of
a bolo whip?
No one's heard
of a bolo whip.
Nice job, Snarf.
Nowhere to go now, Mongor.
[laughs wickedly]
Get over here!
Oh, no.
Fear me now, Tygra?
Tygra! Quit helping
the fear demon.
I'm not trying
to help him.
I just got scared!
- [laughs maliciously]
- Toots.
[all groaning]
I can't help it either.
[laughs evilly]
Isn't it scary
how you can't control
your fear?
That's right,
you all fear Mongor!
Hey, you!
Your scrawny goat legs
don't scare me.
Okay, I'm a little scared.
Thanks, buddy.
[Cheetara] He's going to
squish us all. Run!
Oh, man,
grab the spaceboards!
[both screaming]
[laughs wickedly]
[tense music playing]
Fear! Smash, smash, smash.
So long, puny ThunderCats.
Off to crush the world.
And this is why
we don't keep demons
in the house, Tygra.
What are we
supposed to do now?
Mongor's just gonna
keep getting
bigger and bigger forever.
- Wait, that's it!
- [clicks fingers]
Come on, WilyKat!
Wait, what's the plan?
Tygra! Stop helping the demon
by slowing everyone down
with dumb questions.
I'm not helping him.
[dramatic music playing]
[WilyKit] Ready? Jump!
I'm finally big enough
to destroy Third Earth.
All right, here we go.
Hey, Mongor,
what if you're too big?
What a weird thought.
Where was I?
Soon, fear
will envelop the land!
Who's gonna be friends
with you now, Mongor?
I feel so lonely
all of a sudden.
Oh, no.
No one else is this big.
You're the only one.
Maybe I don't want
to be this big.
You're gonna be
alone forever.
Oh, no, what have I done?
I hope Kit and Kat
aren't on there.
I don't want to grow anymore.
[breathing heavily]
Stop freaking out, Mongor,
it's fine.
But what if I
can't stop growing?
It's working.
Pretty soon
he'll be so big,
he'll fall off the planet.
Wait a minute.
We wanna stay
on the planet.
Let's go!
[both grunting and panting]
[both scream]
- Man, this guy is hairy
- Yep.
Good thing he's got
strong follicles.
[gasps] He's getting bigger!
- [both groan]
- Right in the epidermis.
Come on, Kit, let's go.
[bleating fearfully]
Oh, no,
he's still getting bigger.
[both scream]
Where the heck are we?
It's the endoplasmic reticulum.
Quick, hop on a vesicle.
[excitedly] Woo-hoo! Yeah!
All right.
This is awesome!
Hey, uh, Kat,
I think I figured out
what your thing is.
What? Really?
That's not my thing.
Everybody loves
cellular biology.
[both gasping]
Oh, we're going subatomic.
[both screaming]
- [WilyKit] Hey, we're out!
- [WilyKat] All right!
[both laughing]
[both] Woo-hoo!
What did you guys do?
What's happening
to Mongor?
I'm too big.
[screaming] Oh no
[soft instrumental music playing]
Oh, neat. He turned
into a constellation.
Wait, so now he's
an ever-growing mass
floating through space?
Whatever, Tygra!
You didn't say
how to get rid of him,
you just said get rid of him.
Don't worry, it's pretty
cool being stars.
Thanks, Kittens.
Now I'll never be alone.
[Tygra] Oh. Well, that's nice.
[wickedly] Because I'll be
watching over all of you.
Oh, wait, that
that's bad.
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