Ghost Force (2021) s01e45 Episode Script

Dinozos / Piraniak

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
Up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear
Please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight
Waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(Gasps) Phew!
Thanks again for the installation.
May I offer you a spot of tea
to say thank you?
Ms. Jones just finished
checking our medallions.
- She's charging them now.
- So they'll be ready
in a few hours.
We'll swing by the lab after class.
Ha, ha! First things first
Heh, heh! Andy!
Today I'm launching
my spectacular new hotdog,
the Cave-Dog!
- Wow!
- Roast wild boar,
jalapeño peppers and slathered
in chocolate sauce! Ha, ha!
Bon appétit!
Now that's a really hot hotdog!
Heh, heh! Happy to hear!
'Cause today
I'm counting on it to win
the "Best Hotdog in New York"
If you really want
your hotdogs to win,
you should enter with
something a lot more basic.
Basic? What what do you mean?
Well, less bizarre.
Like, instead of combining
hot peppers and chocolate sauce,
use foods that actually taste good
I think
what she's trying to say is
You don't like my hotdogs?
It's not that I don't like them.
I just think they're, uh
- inedible.
- What?
Come to class, kids!
Today, we're taking a trip
back in time! Ha!
Uh Gotta roll, Roland.
We'll catch you later!
Why were you so rude to Roland?
I wasn't rude!
I was trying to help him!
He's got no chance
of winning that contest
with a nasty hotdog like that.
Wow! Is that the fossil of a
Tyrannosaurus Rex?
Indeed it is, Mr. Collins. Ha!
Mrs. Van Grol of the New York
Natural History Museum
kindly lent this prehistoric skeleton
for our paleontology lessons.
Oh! (Sniffing) Oh oh!
Ugh! I never knew
fossils smelled so bad!
It's not the dinosaur
that stinks, Professor.
It's Baker's hotdog!
- RAJAT: Absolutely putrid!
- Did you get it
with extra gross-out sauce,
Nobody likes those hotdogs.
Well, I like 'em!
And that means
other people might too!
(Evil laugh)
It's OK, kids! Mr. Baker's
smelly hotdog can't hurt you!
We need our medallions!
Come on, let's move!
(Evil laugh)
Over here, quick!
(Evil laugh)
- Mike!
- Aaah!
It's boosting!
(Sniffing) Mmm
BOTH: Phew!
(Phone rings)
Hmm? Roar!
- Run!
- Aaah!
- Aaah!
- Andy!
It can't fly.
It can't reach you up here!
Don't go anywhere!
Uh, I wasn't exactly
gonna go on vacation.
Oh, no, no, no, no, no!
That was way too close!
Over here!
Andy! Liv!
Why weren't you answering me?
And wait, where's Mike?
I'm afraid he got transformed
by the ghost.
Yeah, some kind of giant T-Rex
that turns everyone
into piranha skulls!
Did you say a T-Rex? Oh!
I remember coming across
a similar specimen
- during my undergrad studies.
- Yep, that's our guy!
Apparently, we're dealing with Dinozos,
an extremely old and rare ghost.
- The hotdog!
- I'm sorry you're hungry, Liv,
but all I've got is instant noodles.
The smell of boar meat
attracts it.
That means it was awakened
by Roland's hotdog!
So now the ghost and I have
the same bad taste in food?
For the last time,
I was only trying to help Roland
by telling him the truth!
But even if it was the truth, Liv,
you could've told him nicely!
Oh, can you stop being
so stubborn and immature?
Less bickering,
more ghost fighting, kids.
Dinozos is heading for Fifth Avenue.
You gotta stop it, now!
But how? All we know about it
is that it can't fly.
Hmm. It must be
a very special specimen.
Did it attack you?
It tried to bite me
at least five times!
Then you've got to muzzle
its jaw!
Our power may not be enough
to keep it shut.
Plus our medallions
aren't even fully charged yet!
But the Ghostcar is!
As for keeping
our ghost's mouth shut
We'll have to make do
with Freezofear's Boo energy!
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
(Muffled roar)
- Roar!
- Aaah!
Fury, you're ready to fire?
Wait. You want my help?
Aren't I too stubborn
and immature?
- Now is really not the time!
- Words hurt, Liv.
Maybe it's time
you got that through your head.
Ghost approaching.
- Roar!
- FURY: Gah!
Fury, hit it!
Glowboo, what's going on?
Diagnosis. Critical damage.
The propulsion system
is completely out of order.
Which means we are stuck here.
However, I can still fix
the firing system.
We'll use that!
I'll bring Dinozos over here.
Just how you gonna lure
something that size?
It's too big
to fit inside your portals!
Uh (Gasps)
- I know exactly what we need!
- Huh?
Rol I mean, sir!
Mind if we borrow a hotdog?
It's an emergency!
I wouldn't touch that thing
if I were you!
Apparently, my hotdogs stink!
Oh, that's probably
just someone's opinion.
But today, your hotdog
is gonna save New York City!
Hey, getting hungry, bonehead?
Well, dinner is served!
How we doing, Glowboo?
Firing system
will be operational
in 20 seconds.
It's coming into range.
Get ready, Fury!
- Um, Glowboo?
- Ten seconds.
Nine, eight, seven, six,
- five, four, three.
- MYST: Oh, no!
- Aaah!
- Firing systems operational.
- Gah!
- Roar!
About time you shut your mouth!
(Cries of relief)
Oh! So you're finally starting
to like Roland's hotdogs?
Not really. But you were right.
I should have expressed myself
more nicely.
Lesson learned, Fury.
And thanks.
Now that Dinozos is captured,
I'll finally be able to close
the "Jurassic" chapter
of my studies!
Nice going, team!
ROLAND: Hey, kids!
Get ready to taste
my latest entry
into the hot-dog contest.
My brand new Dino-Dog!
- So? What do you think? Huh?
- Honestly?
It's a really great effort,
But maybe it'd be better
without the frog legs?
And I know exactly
what to replace them with!
Snails! Heh, heh, heh!
What do you call
that thing again, Carla?
"A Bizarro Detector."
It lets you know
when you come across
something supernatural!
Seems very unlikely
you could actually detect
Something supernatural's
in there!
Let's see if that lockpicking
summer camp paid off!
- Whoa! It's so cool!
- Andy, you've been staring
at this smartphone's poster
for ten minutes.
- We're gonna be late for class.
- It's not just any phone!
It's the Powergold!
"The greatest phone
for the greatest people!"
It's got mega-selfie mode,
a near-indestructible,
gold-plated shell,
and it can make calls
from anywhere in the world!
All great people own a Powergold.
Even Mike's dad has one!
It's also super-expensive,
so I don't expect our parents
to ever get you one.
(Sighs) Yeah,
and Christmas is so far away!
Know what their slogan
should really be?
"the greatest phone
you'll never get."
Oh, come on! It's just a
- Truly fascinating.
- Wow!
- What's the commotion, Mike?
- Drake's dad got him a phone
for his birthday.
Think it's called a
Whoo! Ha, ha,ha!
I'm now officially
one of the "Greatest People!"
Uh Everything all right?
I've gotta call my, uh Mom!
But my battery's, uh, drained!
Hey, Drake,
think I can borrow your phone?
- Please?
- Dream on, Baker.
You're not even worthy
of touching a Powergold!
Come on, Bobby! I gotta show you
its X-ray GPS before class!
(Phone rings)
Yes, Ms. Jones?
You kids gotta come down here
as soon as possible!
It's beyond urgent!
It's a catastrophe!
Um, are you talking about
your hair, Ms. Jones?
I wanted to have some fun,
so I tried
building a new gadget,
but my ghostpainter misfired.
Guess it still needs
a little work.
Maybe you should build
another gadget instead.
Like, uh a Powergold?
- Ugh! Andy! You're obsessed!
- Um, guys
I think
there's a ghost on the loose!
Oh! How did I miss that?
We're facing an unknown ghost!
- We're on it, Ms. Jones.
- I am ready for action.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow!
Ghost Force!
What are they doing?
It looks like we're dealing
with a hypnotic ghost.
My sensors indicate
that these civilians
- have fallen under its spell.
- DRAKE: Yo, Ghost Force!
Say cheese!
- Ha, ha!
- You gotta be kidding me!
(Evil laugh)
BOTH: Aaah!
(Evil laugh)
Launch your Boocaps! Quick!
(Evil laugh)
Should we not have captured it
before it went
into booster mode?
That's always the plan.
Funny how it never works out!
What? How can he give away
his Powergold?
- Fury!
- Don't worry!
I'll just hold onto it
during the mission!
- (Evil laugh)
- Huh?
- What the what?
- (Evil laugh)
- What is that?
- (Slams)
Close your eyes! Quick!
Fury, don't look!
Its chest appears empty.
If we're gonna attack,
it better be now!
Stealing is wrong, little guy!
Flexy blast!
It's using her to fight us!
Glowboo, you try and stop her,
while Fury and I
deal with the ghost!
Friends do not fight friends, Myst.
(Sighs) If I hadn't gotten
so close to the chest,
Myst wouldn't be hypnotized!
Stay focused.
Only catching this ghost
will bring her back.
How are things on your end,
Ghost Force?
Bad. Myst got hypnotized
and now,
she's firing arrows at us!
- What?
- FURY: This ghost is tough.
It's sucking gold inside its chest
then spitting it out
to hypnotize people!
Ah! I remember reading
about such a ghost
during my undergrad research.
Its name is Piraniak!
An incredible specimen
last seen in the Caribbean
hundreds of years ago.
It powers itself
by sucking gold into its chest!
So if we can keep it closed,
the ghost will be powerless!
Better hurry
before it finds more gold!
Live from my rooftop, my latest gem,
the Powergold!
A quick tutorial for my fans
- Dad!
- Aaah!
Fury, take care of the chest!
My Powergold!
Powergold? Not again!
Saved! Huh?
Get to safety, sir.
- Fury! You OK?
- I couldn't help it.
The phone was falling!
I didn't think!
You abandoned your post
just to rescue a smartphone?
It already cost us Myst!
You're right. I'm sorry.
- BOTH: Glowboo!
- Powering down.
Take care of the ghost!
I'll handle Myst!
It's leaving New York
to look for more gold!
Flexy beam!
That's it! Gold!
Ms. Jones, I've got an idea,
but I'll need your ghostpainter!
- Hang tight!
- No!
FURY: Uh Ms. Jones!
We could really use
that ghostpainter right now!
Here it comes!
Hey, you hungry?
How about a little snack?
(Evil laugh)
Whoa! Sorry, sis!
- You leave me no choice!
- Whoa!
What's wrong?
Ate something
that doesn't agree with ya?
All that glitters isn't gold!
- Huh?
- What?
Ha, ha!
Myst! You're back to normal!
Sorry for letting that ghost
turn you into a creepy bad guy.
Glad to see you
out of your butt-kicking hypnomood!
You really didn't
pull you punches out there!
Yeah, I wasn't really myself.
But you guys handled my attacks
like true heroes!
Congrats, kids! Now can someone
bring Glowboo back to the lab?
Sure thing!
But first,
we've got a little mess to clean up.
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