ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e45 Episode Script

Swampy Johnny

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
That oughta do it!
These hydraulic lifts
should raise the
Berbils' homes way above flood level.
- Hooray!
- Oh, joy!
- Nice work, Panthro!
- Yeah.
Uh Oops.
Thank you, ThunderCats.
Our homes will surely stay dry
in space.
They sure will!
Hey, guys! How are the rest
of those relief efforts coming?
Didn't have enough cement to patch
all the cracks in the Wolo dam.
But some of the Wolos
Just finished puttin' up the
sandbags around Castle Plun-Darr!
[both snickering]
I'm, uh, hitting a bit of a
wall with the Warrior Maidens.
[snorting, grunting]
Well, do what you can,
and get back to the Lair!
We don't want to be
out in this storm much longer!
Rain makes our fur
smell weird. [sniffs, shudders]
Got it! Come on, ladies!
Those loin cloths
aren't gonna keep you dry.
And these ponchos
are top of the line!
Fine. But do you have any
- without cute little duckies on them?
- [chirping]
- Sure! I also have ones with goslings!
- [honking]
That's a little less cute.
Okay, stay dry, ladies!
[sniffs, grunts]
[thunder rumbling]
Ugh, I can barely see anything
in this rain!
Whoa, whoa, whoa! [grunts]
Uh, who there?
Get outta here.
Ooh! All right,
show yourself creep-wad.
[jolly music playing]
All right, cool car.
Hmmm, cool dude. Interesting.
I didn't see ya there, Spots!
Hope I didn't give ya
a case of the heebie jeebies!
Heebies? Jeebies?
I don't think so.
Hey, how do you get your hair to
stay up in the rain like that?
When you're cool like me,
the rain don't tell
your hair what to do!
Oh, yeah, totally.
Mine does that, too.
What's your handle, Spots?
Cheetara. The fastest
living person in the universe!
That's quite a mouthful.
They call me "Swampy Johnny."
[male reading]
I'd love to chat,
but I gotta make space tracks!
I think my cosmic cruiser has
a case of the "dead battery."
Any chance you could
help with that?
Sure! But you shouldn't be
driving in this storm.
Why don't you come back
to my base?
It's shaped like a cat.
Now that sounds like
a big ol' slice of all right!
Now, how's about youse
jump my car
and we'll skedaddle
before the monster gets us?
- "Monster"?
- Oh, yeah!
And it's the real uncool kind
if you catch my drift.
Uh, okay.
Okay, give it a shot!
[engine ignites]
Hey, all right.
We're all good, Spots.
- Cool.
- [growling]
- [screaming] Ah! Monster!
- Holy macaroni! Hop in!
- Or hop on, all right.
- Go, drive!
[engine revs]
- [sighs] Huh?
- [roaring]
- Buckle up, I'm gonna give her a boost!
- Right on.
- [panting]
- [grunts]
- [growling continues]
- [Cheetara exclaiming] Whoa!
- [grunts]
- You got some moves, Spots.
Swampy, what was that thing?
That big, bad bug is a Terator.
An alien species aiming to
outlaw everything cool.
That's why they're after me.
Probably why they're
after you, too.
You seem like one hip kitty.
[chuckles nervously] I mean,
yeah, uh, I'm pretty cool.
Whoa! Cat's Lair! Dead ahead!
- [beeps]
- [growling]
- [growling continues]
- [both sigh]
Now that's cool.
Hey, pretty slick pad
you got here, Spots.
Cheetara, who in Thundera
is this guy?
I thought we all agreed,
no more unannounced guests!
I know.
But you don't understand.
This guy is really cool!
Oh, my. No!
We can't just let strangers into
the Lair because they're cool!
Oh, my gosh! Who is that totally
cool guy that lives with us now?
Hey there, kitty catties
and cattie daddies!
- I'm Swampy Johnny!
- [male reading]
This is absurd!
What makes him so cool anyway?
Check it out. [grunts] Yeah!
- Wow!
- That's all the proof I need!
Only super cool hair
can do that!
- [male reading]
- Oh
Your hair is fine.
- Um, what's that?
- [growling]
Oh, right!
See, Johnny is so cool
an entire species
of cool-hating aliens
are here to destroy him.
- That's terrible!
- Any one of us could be next.
Yeah, you cats get it.
I just wanna be cool,
and share that coolness
with the whole wide world
I may be green ♪
But I don't feel blue ♪
'Cause all I want's
to share my swamp ♪
With you ♪
If I had one wish ♪
I'd live with all the fish ♪
And the mold and the fungi
in a petri dish ♪
That spread around
the world ♪
So my favorite girl ♪
Could dive right in
and go for a whirl ♪
Because all I want to do is
share my swamp with you ♪
All he wants to do
is share his swamp with you ♪
If I had the power ♪
I'd make it rain for hours ♪
Drape the whole wide world
in one big shower ♪
And when it was done ♪
We'd have some fun ♪
'Cause our life in the Swamp
will have just begun ♪
- Yeah, all I wanna do ♪
- All he wants to do ♪
- Yeah, all I wanna do ♪
- I know his heart is true ♪
All I want to do
is share my swamp with you! ♪
Well I guess that cool song
answered all your questions.
- Right, Tygra?
- It answered nothing!
Uh-oh. While we were singing,
the alien called for back-up.
[all growling]
Don't sweat it, everyone.
They won't get past my
defense systems [thuds]
unless the storm
knocks all the power out.
Swampy Johnny, you go!
We'll fight em' off!
Yeah, you can take the
catamaran out the back exit!
You're sweet, Spots. But ain't
no way I'm leaving you behind.
You have to
so cool can live another day.
All right,
for the sake of coolness,
I'll take the catamaran
and flee! [grunts]
I, uh I don't know
where I am.
[Cheetara clears throat]
- [Swampy Johnny] Yee-haw!
- Here they come!
[monsters growling]
Too bad you bozos hate cool,
'cause we're about to give you
the coolest butt kicking ever.
ThunderCats HO!
[all groaning]
Ha! You'll never catch
Swampy Johnny!
You'll never stop him
from being so cool.
Uh, I'm sorry.
Did Johnny tell you we were trying
to catch him because he was cool?
Uh, yeah. Why?
We're trying to catch him
because he destroyed
our home planet with a flood!
And he's doing it again here!
Say what now?
[stuttering] But he sang
a song to us.
[laughs] Hold on.
We got a song, too.
One, two, three
Oh, Swampy Johnny ♪
He may seem cool ♪
But he turned our home
into a damp cesspool ♪
He's got a satellite
he controls from space ♪
It's why there's rain
all over this place ♪
Don't be fooled by his hair ♪
Don't fall for his pomp ♪
He's gonna turn Third Earth
into one big swamp ♪
For real ♪
We know our song's
not as good as Johnny's,
but we hope
it got our point across.
That fiend! How could he
lie to us like that?
He didn't!
He literally sang a whole song
about turning the world
into a giant swamp.
So, you'll let us go
so we can catch him?
We have to get his satellite
remote and save your planet.
No, we'll let you go,
but I'm going to catch him.
[all gasp]
All right, still lookin' cool.
Where do you think
you're going?
Hey, Spots. Hop in!
We'll go for a ride!
My name is Cheetara!
And you're gonna give me that
satellite remote, right now!
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
Let's just slow things down
- and talk this over!
- [engine revving]
- Ugh!
- You can run on water,
but I guess
you can't stand on it.
- So long, Spots!
- [coughs]
Swampy jerk!
Check it out, Spots.
The whole world
is our swamp now.
Just like we sang about.
I thought that was a metaphor,
and you know it!
- Uh Spots?
- [screams]
What are you doing, Spots?
- Stop, stop, stop!
- Whoa, whoa!
Satellite remote, now!
All right! Sheesh!
Why are you being so un-cool?
You lied to me!
The Terators weren't trying to
arrest you for being too cool.
You turned their planet
into a giant swamp!
Hey! I didn't lie.
I just so happen to think
flooding an entire planet
is super cool.
I I never thought about it
like that.
I guess the lesson here is,
everyone has different ideas
of what cool means to them.
And, maybe, you shouldn't
judge someone just because
they tried to drown all the
non-aquatic life on your planet.
Wow, that's beautiful
Hand over the remote.
[faintly] Here you go. [coughs]
[Lion-O screaming]
Cheetara, we're coming!
All right, Johnny.
Time to face the music.
Gotta say that was the
coolest beat down I ever got.
Maybe we can
do it again sometime. [laughs]
That sounds like
a big ol' slice of all right!
- [all laugh]
- Wait What? No!
You can't still possibly think
he's cool.
What are you talking about?
He's super cool!
Yeah. He sang that cool song.
And has that cool hair.
Yes. Honestly,
anyone who doesn't think
Swampy Johnny is super cool
is a super dork.
- You got that right!
- [all laughing]
[Terator coughs]
- Yeah, all I wanna do ♪
- All he wants to do ♪
- Yeah, all I wanna do ♪
- I know his heart is true ♪
All I want to do
is share my swamp with you! ♪
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