Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e46 Episode Script

Episode 46

Gilja, are you up? You should have breakfast.
I'm not hungry.
Episode 46 Is it because of Ruby? But her father-in-law forgave her.
He says he has forgiven her, but what she did was very serious.
If she just agreed to stay at home and have a baby, things would've been fine.
But she had to insist on returning to work.
She's had a very busy life, hosting a talk show at whatnot, so how can she suddenly be a homemaker? She used to be so good at helping around the house.
It seems like since she got married, she hasn't done any housework whatsoever.
I'm worried she'll get in her in-laws' bad side.
Gyeongmin's there.
Don't you worry.
You know what, Gilja? I just can't figure Ruby out.
What do you mean? For some 30 years, she's never caused you any grief.
But as soon as she got married, she started getting into trouble.
I thought Ruby would marry Gyeongmin and have adorable babies and lead a normal life everyone else.
I thought so too.
But life is full of surprises, right? Who knew I'd end up leading a life like this? What is it about Chef Noh that you like so much anyway? You're driving me up the wall.
Just so you know, I look Why are you taking it out on me? What did you say? What now, Jeong Runa? What's your next move? Ruby.
Get up and have a little something.
I'm sorry, grandmother.
Stop apologizing and eat.
You haven't eaten or slept properly in days.
You should rest up.
With time, things will quiet down.
Thank you.
I'm not doing this out of my love for you.
I just don't want to see Gyeongmin upset and crestfallen.
People have been criticizing and nagging you left and right, but let me add one more thing.
Please be good for Gyeongmin's sake.
I beg you.
I will, ma'am.
Now have some porridge.
Don't eat too fast.
How are you feeling? Have you eaten? Yup.
Are you leaving for work already? The award ceremony is today.
Oh did I tell you? The contest winners were announced.
Oh, really? Call Runa and congratulate her.
What are you talking about? Her proposal won the grand prize.
Runa submitted an entry? Yup.
I knew she was working on something, but I didn't know her proposal would be so good.
The idea is great, and with some tweaking, we might be able to commercialize the product line.
Runa's proposal really came in first place? I swear.
Why won't you believe me? So make sure you congratulate her.
This is a good chance to mend fences.
What happened? I could've sworn I stole her laptop.
Where could it be? Aunt Geumhui, have you seen a laptop in my room? No.
Are you sure? I haven't seen it.
Is it something important? Here's the laptop.
This isn't it.
It's fine.
But don't come in here without my permission! I have to clean, don't I? And you said your laptop was missing.
Please leave.
Okay, fine.
I'm leaving.
So what happened to the laptop? What's that laptop over there? I've never seen it before.
I bought it.
I saw you with another laptop a while ago.
Could it have been? Congratulations.
Jeong is so lucky.
How big is the prize money? I'm jealous.
Aren't you? Why the long face? I didn't drink for a whole month to work on the proposal for this contest.
It was all for nothing.
You can drink your fill tonight.
As you may know, Ms.
Jeong Runa will be working with us as of today.
Thank you, Seokho.
You know my name? Ruby's told me about you and Hyeryeon.
It's nice to have you here.
Say, what should I call you? Ms.
Jeong? Ms.
Runa? But you're my senior here.
Please just call me Runa.
How congenial and amicable.
I like it.
We'll reorganize the desks this afternoon, so until then, you can use Ruby's desk.
But It's fine.
Seokho, could you and Hyeryeon grab us some coffee? Ruby will get back up in no time, so don't worry, okay? You heard from the legal team, right? They settled the lawsuits against Ruby.
It was a big blow to the company so we can't just brush it off like it was nothing.
Dad's not letting Ruby do any live shows.
Will you be able to manage? Right now, she'd only make matters worse.
This is my chance to step it up a notch.
Oh, right.
I heard Runa's starting today.
People are talking, and with the two sisters working in the same office, it will only get worse.
You know that, right? I should stay on my toes too.
Get back to work.
Ruby, did you see my laptop in the dressing room? I stepped outside for a bit, and when I returned, it was gone.
How should I know? Why steal her sister's? What for? Jealousy? But why would she be jealous of Runa? Runa.
What brings you here? I came by to make sure you were working hard.
Is it tough? I don't know yet.
It's been too long.
It's been too long? It's the first time since the accident that I'm working at my own desk.
I suppose.
I have to go see the vice president.
The vice president? Yes? Come on in, Runa.
Congratulations on becoming part of JM Group's Marketing Division, Ms.
Thank you, Vice President Bae.
This feels a bit awkward, but we're following protocol.
I revised the proposal as you asked.
Please look it over.
But you just got here.
You're quick, aren't you? A marketing proposal takes time.
It takes meeting after meeting, revision after revision to finalize.
There's a lot of work ahead.
You've never done this before, but you've done such a perfect job.
It puts me to shame.
I ask for your objective and fair assessment, Vice President Bae.
I'll get going then.
Why don't we have lunch, Ms.
Jeong? I think it'd be better for me to have lunch with people at my office.
Then let's do dinner.
Dinner's fine, right? Is 7 okay for you? I'm sorry, but the office is hosting a dinner.
Why do I keep? I'm just Jeong Runa to you.
Not Jeong Ruby, but Jeong Runa.
I told you not to call.
Don't you know it's a bad time? Of course I do.
You've been dealt a heavy blow.
Newspapers, TV, magazines Everyone in Korea's talking about you.
It just comes to show what a huge celebrity you are.
Doesn't that make you feel good? What are you getting at? I thought the press would be camped out in front of your house, but they must have all left.
No one's here.
Are you in front of my house? Have you lost it? I have to see you, but you never call me.
I decide whether or not we see each other, so never call me first That has been our arrangement, but I must insist on seeing you this time.
I have something to give you.
If you don't want come out, I'm willing to pay you a visit.
I'll see you in two hours.
You're a cool cat, Wang Daepung.
My good looks are finally back.
Wang, our business plan is moving along smoothly, right? I look forward to hearing from you.
I'm sorry, Jangderella.
Forget about me.
It won't be long before I'll be selling cakes and greeting customers.
I love you, dear customer.
You and that "I love you.
" - Are you preparing vegetables? / - Yes.
When can I see the store space you leased? Do you want to see it in person? Of course.
I'm a partner after all.
What did you expect? I'm sure I'll hear from him soon.
By the way, do you want a job? Given you age, you'd have to work part time, not full time.
A part-time job? Yes.
I'll man the oven, and you can man the cash register.
You can be overbearing, so you may scare away customers, but I have to cut costs.
Don't underestimate me.
I sold relief goods to come up with the seed money for JM Group.
Can you really smile at picky customers? That's easy.
My goodness Your bakery doesn't even a store sign yet.
What are you talking about? Oh I have a sudden craving for kimchi soup.
so I was just about to tell her to make some for dinner.
Got it, ma'am.
Kimchi soup.
I don't have much time.
What do you want? You do know the Na Insu bribery scandal ruined my business, don't you? So? I did a lot of thinking about what I should do to make a living, and I just came up with a new business plan.
Did you call to ask me about some business that has nothing to do with me? It has nothing to do with you? Seeing how startled you are, I don't think I'll have to explain.
I paid you more than enough.
Why are you harassing me again? I told you.
I have a new business plan.
You bastard.
Do you plan to blackmail me? Do you think I'll let you? Dream on.
You know you're done for if I go down.
I heard Na Insu is engaged to your sister.
I'm smarter than I look.
A video of you and your sister's fiancee, and taken at his apartment no less? I bet a lot of people would want this, especially after recent events.
There's a lot of fake videos.
No one will fall for it.
I'm not sure about that.
Even if this were fabricated, how many people would believe you? You're this stupid and doing business? Don't you know that disseminating videos like this gets you jail time? What I'm saying is, let's do what's best for both of us.
You scratch my back, and I'll scratch yours.
So long as Na Insu lives, you can never let your guard down.
Plus, I might be helpful down the road.
So a little downpayment could be very helpful.
Let's go.
We're heading out first.
- Good luck cleaning.
/ - Yup.
Runa's so lucky.
She gets to work with Ruby.
How random.
Are you jealous? When I see women in nice suits going to their desk jobs, they look awesome.
If you think that, why don't you start working on job applications? Oh, no.
Who will help you out here then? How sweet of you.
You're the only one around here who works hard and doesn't cause trouble.
Hi, Ruby.
What brings you here this late? Soyeong, get me some water.
Can you be out and about? I'm not an outlaw.
Don't worry.
I needed an excuse to get out of the house.
How do you feel? Are you sleeping well? I could be better.
You know Runa started working at the marketing division today, right? You look out for her, okay? That wicked little I lost my job and private life because of her, and yet she starts her new job? It was a mistake.
What can you do but forgive her? She'll never change.
She continues to cause people grief.
Get over it already.
She's trying.
She worked hard on that proposal and won.
She should've just moved overseas.
Why did she have to work at JM? Ruby, she's your only sister.
How can you be so callous? She makes me mad.
Do you know how hard she's made things for me? I've been feeling really bad about Gyeongmin bearing the brunt of all this, so I invited him over to our place this weekend.
Mom! Yikes.
What's wrong? How could you invite him without telling me? I'm telling you now.
Did I even have a chance to call you? That house is tiny, there's no dinner table.
Why'd you invite Gyeongmin? It's embarrassing.
Let's just have lunch outside.
I'll make the reservation.
Ruby are you being serious? Gyeongmin's family now.
He's like a son to me.
I haven't been able to cook for him properly.
But it's like you don't care.
And I figured this would help you save face.
Save face? All my family's ever does is make me lose face! What? Is it so wrong of me to invite my son-in-law for lunch? That's not what I mean, mom.
You don't have to come.
Gyeongmin can come alone.
Good heavens.
To our newest member, Jeong Runa! To Ms.
Jeong Runa! Thank you.
Please look out for me.
You must have experience with proposals.
The layout is great, and so are the details.
I got a lot of pointers from looking over Ruby's old proposals.
Jeong Ruby certainly has a knack for it.
Say, when is Ms.
Jeong returning? Next week.
I hope she doesn't drive Runa like a slave.
I thought there was an office dinner.
What are you still doing here? Seokho and Hyeryeon have plans.
Uncanny, right? Here you go again, Ms.
There's nothing going on between us.
Na, when are you marrying Runa? Ms.
Seo Soon.
Aren't you tired? I'm fine.
I won't drink today, so go ahead and have just one beer.
I'll drive you home safely.
How did you two meet anyway? Us? At a cable network in Chuncheon as a producer and reporter.
Oh, right.
Ruby told me that.
So you've been together for a long time.
What attracted you to Mr.
Na? What? I don't know What about you, Mr.
Na? I'm sure you know this yourself, but love is inexplicable.
It just sort of pulls you in magnetically.
Right, Vice President Bae? Yes, of course.
Gyeongmin and Ruby were hopelessly drawn to each other too.
And they ended up making it to the altar.
It's a shame.
I must be destined to merely applaud for the couples around me.
Don't worry, Ms.
I can't divulge names, but in my office, there are two handsome guys who have the hots for you.
Really? Then tell those handsome lads to come and whisk me away before I die a spinster.
Men have to be go-getters, you know? I'll let them know.
Enjoy your drink.
Why did you drink so much? I'm really tipsy.
- Gyeomgmin, get me a cab.
/ - Yes, ma'am.
You can come with us.
We can drop you off.
I must respectfully decline.
I have better manners than that.
Jinhui, the cab's here.
- Here you go.
/ - Good night.
Thank you.
Have a good night.
Sorry about that.
Are you okay? Yes.
Good night.
Drive safe, Insu.
Gyeongmin, have you ever brought me here before? I'm home.
Is your mom very ill? What about the restaurant? She's tired and achy all over, but she was at the restaurant.
You should've stayed and helped out.
I wanted to, but mom insisted that I get back early.
You know your sister started today, right? Yes, father.
I heard she used to do TV work.
Marketing must be unfamiliar to her, so help her and give her guidance.
Wait a minute, Changgeun.
Are you letting Ruby return to work? Wouldn't it be better for her to take some time off to regroup? If she's not going to quit for good, might as well hit the ground running.
Thank you, father.
Mother, grandmother, I won't let you down.
You don't have to push yourself.
Try not to stand out, just do what everyone else does.
That'll keep people from spreading rumors.
Are you well enough to return to work? Yes.
I feel much better now.
The weather's really nice, right? Yup.
On a night like tonight, if I had a motorcycle, I'd zoom down the highway.
Why a motorcycle? If I had a choice, I'd choose a sports car.
One in red.
Chorim, I have the biker's look.
But your style doesn't fit a sports car.
Yeah right.
Keep dreaming.
Whether it's a motorcycle or sports car, we won't get to ride them.
Can't you just let a girl just dream? Can't you? You're upset again.
Wait up.
You can't just stop like that.
Dongpal, I want this.
It's totally my style.
What are you doing? It's very stylish, but on you, it would be a bit A bit what? Why can't I wear it? What would be the problem? What's wrong? No, no.
It'll be a bit short for you.
Aren't your legs really long? Forget it.
I don't want it.
How was the date? Why are you all still up? We wanted to hear about your date.
It wasn't even a real date.
Her face is going red.
I've never seen her like this.
What? I'm not blushing.
Is it because you're thinking about how nice it would be to marry Dongpal? Stop it.
Here we go again.
What's this, Runa? The award ceremony was today.
It's the first-place prize money.
Prize money? How much could it be? I'm fine.
You keep it.
But it was a lot more than I expected.
Of course.
It's not a small joint.
Such a huge company won't give out chump change to the first-prize winner.
I was thinking you could get a decent car.
What do you think? A car? We don't need a car.
There's no one to drive it.
What are you talking about? There's Dongpal.
And if he can't, I'll drive it.
Chorim, you don't have a license.
Yu, I have a driver's license.
I'm a good driver.
Enough, you two.
We've done just fine without a car.
We can't afford a car anyway.
Then call some friends and go on a trip.
Trip? What trip? Yes, Gilja.
Do that.
Dongpal and I can watch the restaurant.
You have me too.
Mom, I've caused you a lot of grief.
I was a troublemaker, always spending your money.
I've never given you anything back.
Runa, you're all grown up now.
Thank you.
I'm so proud of you, Runa.
You're making me tear up.
I didn't have time to get you anything.
This is for me? Oh, my goodness.
Thank you so much.
I'm welling up too.
Oh, wow.
I'll be good to you both from now on.
I'll give you allowance and send you on trips.
I'll even get you herbal medicine.
You too, Soyeong.
What's going on here? So Gyeongmin It's as though we've been living together for a long time.
Have you told Bean Pole about Jihyeok? I will.
This is so not like you.
What's going on with you? Why are you doing this to me? I hate you.
I resent you.
You shouldn't have blamed her Are you taking Runa's side? She ruined my life but she's living happily with Gyeongmin, I guess that made me jealous.
Has her memory returned? See you next time
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