ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e46 Episode Script

Tygra's Garden

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
No, no!
- Stay back!
- [all] Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme.
Come on, it's Cookie O'Clock!
Yeah, Lion-O, you gotta
respect Cookie O'Clock!
No! You guys know
that Cookie O'Clock
doesn't start until
everyone is here!
We have to wait for Tygra.
Hey, guys
Huh huh
Hey, Tygra's here!
Guess what, everyone, it's
[narrator reading]
[all cheering]
Hey, tardy Tygra, catch this!
[banging, thudding]
- [gasps]
- No, thank you.
My girlfriend has me
on a bit of a diet.
[faint laughter]
What? When did you
get a girlfriend, Tygra?
- Yeah, you didn't know?
- They've been dating for months.
Her name is Silky. She's great!
[faint laughter]
But how'd you meet?
It's so cliche.
I was chasing
a giant worm underground.
We started talking
in a dark damp cavern.
Then, true love.
Wait, wait, wait. You met
your girlfriend underground?
Yes. I have to
get down there right now.
Can't be late for date night.
But wait, Tygra!
Who's going clean up
after Cookie O'Clock?
- [all chomping]
- What was that all about?
What was a what a what? [burps]
Cookie O'Clock
is one of the few things
Tygra actually enjoys!
And, now,
he's just bailing on it?
I'm worried about
this Silky person
Being in a relationship is
all about compromises, Lion-O.
Yeah, just let Tygra
do his thing.
[chomps] Whatever you do, don't meddle
in other people's relationships.
Me? Meddle in
other people's relationships?
Ha! I'd never do that.
Honey, I'm home!
So, what do you wanna
do tonight?
Is Tygra talking to himself?
It's up to you.
We could stay in.
No, let's go out.
- [Lion-O] A flower?
- [kissing]
Tygra's dating a flower?
- [continues kissing]
- [giggling] Oh, Tygra.
- Where am I?
- [blows air]
- Now, eat your dirt.
- [chomping]
- [shudders]
- [faint laughter]
- Oh! Cotton candy. [laughs nervously]
- [grunts]
[blows air]
Now, eat your dirt.
Ew, so gross.
[faint laughter] Wha what?
Oh, pizza! [grunts]
- [blows air]
- Oh!
Now, eat your dirt.
Oh, this is bad.
[all chomping]
Stop what you're doing!
We have to save Tygra
from Silky!
- [all chomping]
- Who?
Tygra's girlfriend
who's a flower, FYI.
Which in itself
is kind of cool.
But there's something
wrong with her.
She's making Tygra act strange!
He's in love.
Love makes you act strange.
You'll understand
when you're older. [slurps]
But she's making him eat dirt.
I've heard of
stranger diets! [burps]
We've got to do something before
it gets any more serious!
Great news, everyone.
Silky and I
are getting married.
[all cheer]
You're going to marry that
flower and eat dirt forever?
And I want you to be
my best man, Lion-O.
Whoa, really?
I've always wanted to be
someone's best man.
It's No. 2
on my life goal list.
[sniffles] But sadly,
I don't think I can I accept.
Not if I think
Silky is bad for you.
But I need you
to bless our union,
so I can [reading]
But, Tygra, why?
I will leave the ThunderCats
and go start a new life
with Silky.
Thunderian tradition dictates
that to be
discharged honorably,
the Lord of the ThunderCats
must bless my marriage
with the Sword of Omens.
I'm not gonna do that.
Come on, Tygra.
- The ThunderCats need you!
- [all chomping]
[Cheetara] Who?
A real friend
would bless my marriage.
Well, if you really think
I'm such a bad friend,
then I won't ruin your wedding
with all my bad
friendship vibes!
- [sobs]
- Okay, then.
[all chomping]
Tygra, you forgot the trash.
[ceremonial music playing]
You sure you don't wanna come
to the wedding, bud?
Yup. I'm good. I don't go
to weddings of traitors.
Suit yourself, man!
More cake for us [burps]
- [purring]
- Lame old Tygra!
You know what's more fun
than weddings? TV!
Come on, Bolkins,
time to Bolk up!
Now Squat!
And Squat! And Squat!
- Squat harder now!
- [grunting]
Ignore him.
Just keep squatting!
- Don't pity the fallen!
- [meows]
Oh, come on! What?
Why are you looking at me
like that?
No way.
You can't emotionally
manipulate me with this
awesome scrapbook full of
me and Tygra's best moments,
and Oh, who am I kidding?
These are some
pretty best moments!
Okay. Now, that was a fun day.
And Tygra even
cleaned up after me.
Aw, and that's when I dragged Tygra to
that roller coaster he was so scared of.
[chuckles] He puked for hours.
And there we are
at the dance party
Tygra wasn't sure
if he wanted to go to!
[chuckles] He puked for hours.
[chuckling] Oh, yeah,
I remember that day.
[exhales] Tygra hated that.
[sighs] He hated that, too.
Wow! Tygra is always
doing stuff he doesn't
want to do, for me.
Maybe, it's time
to do something
I don't want to do, for him.
It's time to be
a better friend,
and a best-er man!
- Snarf! Get me to that wedding!
- [meows]
Silky sure has
a lot of friends.
Hey, guys, come on over here.
Let's even this thing out.
[ominous hissing noise]
Uh, okay.
- Wait, what?
- [ominous hissing noise]
Oh, uh, friendly bunch.
- [all scream]
- Oh, no. [chuckles nervously]
No, it's just that worm
Tygra told us about.
Dearly beloved plant creatures
and ThunderCats,
we are gathered here today
to join in the union
- of Silky and Tygra.
- What? Where am I?
- [blows air]
- [zombified groan]
[crying] So beautiful.
Silky. Do you
take this ThunderCat
to have and to hold,
to cherish and to love,
through sickness
and in health
'Til death do us part!
[all] Aw!
[laughs wickedly]
[all] Aw!
[eerie music playing]
[all shuddering]
[all screaming] Whoa!
Tygra, what is going on?
He-he. Sorry guys.
I guess I'm being
So much for the reception!
I guess we'll jump right
to the best part,
getting my wedding present
the Sword of Omens!
What the heck? Where's
Lion-O with the sword?
Uh, Lion-O is not coming.
- What?
- Yup. Looks like your plan's ruined!
I guess it's a good thing Lion-O
didn't come with the sword after all!
- [all laughing]
- I know right. What dumb luck.
I'm here,
and I brought the sword!
- [all] Oh
- Sorry I'm late.
I had to get this
suit tailored,
but I'm here to apologize.
I was wrong to meddle in my
best friend's special day.
Tygra, even if you aren't
a ThunderCat,
- I will always care about you.
- Huh?
And, so, it is my honor,
as Lord of the ThunderCats
to bless this sacred union
between man-cat
and woman-flower
with the Sword of Omens!
Tygra? Sword?
[Silky laughing wickedly]
Foolish cat-man!
I was using Tygra
to get the Sword of Omens!
Tygra, how could you marry
such a devious flower?
No [stuttering]
I didn't mean to!
I think I've been
Ha! Mind-control this.
[screaming] Tygra!
So meddling was the right move.
Take that, Cheetara.
Dude, I literally
don't even care.
- Just save us!
- Oh, right.
Sword of Omens,
come to my hand!
What? No!
Am I the only one who didn't
know he could do this?
[screaming] No!
- [all cheering]
- All right,
let's beat up some plants.
- [grunts]
- [burps]
- Yeah! Get some plants. Uh-oh.
- Speed kick!
- [groans]
- Whoa-oh! Nice one.
[both grunt, chomping]
Tygra did want us to eat
more vegetables.
[both grunting]
- Come on, Tygra.
- Whoa!
[both cheer]
- Well, Tygra, I hope you learned your lesson
- [Panthro screams]
that eating cookies
and being a ThunderCat
is way cooler than
marrying a dumb plant.
- Lion-O, I was
- [screaming]
I was being mind-controlled.
[laughs] Oh, I know
- [yelling victoriously]
- mind-controlled by the heart.
- No, Lion-O. By evil magic.
- [Silky groaning]
Evil magic?
What's the deal, Silky?
[laughs wickedly] Fools,
Silky was but a shadow
of the great wizard,
Mumm-Ra! [laughs wickedly]
Wait, but why?
I did all this
to get the Sword of Omens! Duh!
You dated Tygra
for three months
and planned a giant
expensive wedding with him
just to get the Sword of Omens?
[chuckles] Mumm-Ra,
did you do all this
because you're sad
that you and Tygra
aren't friends anymore?
What? No. No!
Uh, obviously this was
a great plan.
Like, uh, like I said.
It-it almost worked!
I have to go!
Ma-Mutt, it's over!
Wow. Lion-O,
thank you so much
for saving my life.
But more importantly, for saying those
kind words about our friendship.
Sorry your wedding
got ruined, buddy.
- We're here for you.
- [laughs] No, it's fine.
I didn't actually
want to get married.
Like I said,
I was being mind-controlled!
- [all laugh]
- Sure, sure.
You were "mind-controlled."
[laughing] Of course.
[all laughing]
[laughing] That's rich.
I've officiated
a lot of weddings,
and I know love
when I see it, pal.
- [all laughing]
- "Mind-controlled." [laughs]
Anyways, I got
all the paperwork in the mail,
so you should expect to see your
certificates in a couple of weeks!
See yas!
[chomps, coughs]
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