Ghost Force (2021) s01e47 Episode Script

Dunky Boss / Scaregrow

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
Up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear
Please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies in their lair ♪
Out of sight
Waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(Zaps and bouncing)
Ah, all done,
better put this dangerous ghost
inside a Golden Boocap
with the other level nines.
Somebody beat my high score
on Spookout?
No way!
(Power up)
(Warning beeps)
Are you sure? It's just
that I promised my son that
-Yeah, I understand.
Ready for our Father-Son day?
First, we'll visit the museum,
then ride the Ferris wheel,
and then do some fine dining
at Roland's Ghost Dogs!
Uh, sorry, Mike.
Plans just changed.
I need to be refereeing
a dunking contest downtown,
but we'll hang another day.
Okay, be right down!
-Hi, Liv.
Would you wanna hang out
with me?
Hey, buddy!
Have a seat and some fun.
Thanks, I really need
to get my mind off of my dad.
Quite an exciting day, Greg.
Tons of fans have turned out
for the big event!
Right you are, Calvin,
and soon we'll find out
who's the best junior dunker
in New York City!
Where's Andy at?
He's getting ready to dunk!
(Sigh) Figures.
MAN: And best of all,
whoever wins the contest
gets to spend the whole day
with our guest referee,
basketball superstar Michael Collins!
(Thunder crash)
Wow! With a grand prize like that,
I'd wanna be dunking too.
(Sportscaster laughing)
And in the lead with 84 points
is Drake Miller!
Let's see if anyone can beat him.
Let's see,
I need a gadget to help me jump.
Got it! Now some kind
of bouncing ghost
And it's just a level 3!
-(Air blowing)
Mike? Why'd you sneak off?
Ah! You scared me!
What are you doing
with that ghost?
I I need it to win that contest!
You can't do that, Mike.
-It's too dangerous.
-It's not.
It's just a tiny bouncing ghost
that will help me make
an incredible dunk!
And win a day with my dad.
OK, I got your back.
Hey, kids, it's Andy's turn soon!
Hurry up!
(Warning beeps)
(Air release)
(Power up)
Okay, Bouncy, let's do this!
(Power up)
Whoa! So cool!
Five! Four! Three!
Two! One! Dunk!
You're up, young "Dragon."
(Crowd cheering)
Gotta give that dunk
a whopping 94 points.
Our new leader: Andy Baker!
Wait a minute, I'm being told
we have one more contestant.
See, anything can happen today,
So, let's give it up
for our next contestant.
Mike Collins.
M Mike?
What are you doing here?
I'm here
to show everyone my moves.
(Sneaker scratches)
-Uh Go!
Five! Four! Three!
Two! One!
Whoa! Ah!
(Horn blaring)
(Crowd cheering)
-(Crowd shouting)
-GIRL: Hot! Hot! Hot!
What are the odds?
I just studied one
of those specimens this morning.
It's called Bouncy.
It's an extremely powerful
magma bouncing ghost.
And it's a level nine!
Wait, but Mike said
it was only a level three.
What? Mike?
What does he have to do
with any of this?
-(Boing, boing)
Mike, did you really take
a ghost out of the lab?
-You did what?
-I'm sorry, Ms. Jones.
You just released a level nine!
-I used the wrong boocap.
I also might be partly
to blame here.
Point being you've got
to capture it and bring it back!
We'll stop it!
Mike? Where'd you go? Ah!
(Power up)
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force
Don't fear the glow! ♪
-(Electric static)
Ghost Force!
-I got you!
Leave my d
Mr. Collins alone!
My son Mike, you've got to help him!
Don't worry. I promise he's safe.
(Ghost chuckling)
Now that everyone's safe,
are you all right, buddy?
Setting a wild ghost on the lose
doesn't sound like you at all.
I just wanted to have
one day alone with my dad.
(Ghost chuckling)
We made a big mistake
and now's the time we fix it!
Let's immobilize that bouncing bozo!
Fractal Power!
-(Ghost grunting)
What do you think would happen
if we got hit by one of those things?
-(Power down)
I had to ask, didn't I?
Stay away from those air balls!
Spectral Gate!
-Ha ha!
-(Power down)
I got you!
You're safe here, sis.
It's way too fast!
We've got to distract it without
getting hit by its spears.
Allow me.
Fractal Trap!
Glowboo, shut down your shield!
Shield deactivated.
Thanks, Glowboo
-(Power up)
Oh, no! It generated enough fear
to trigger its reproductive powers!
Unless you stop it,
hundreds of ghosts will awaken
and New York will turn
into one big basketball court!
That's it Basketball!
I don't know, buddy.
Maybe you should try tennis?
No, I meant that Dunky Boss
is basically one big basketball, right?
So what if we put it through the net?
Outstanding idea!
Try to catch that, hotshot!
Glowboo, ready for another round?
Try and dribble that.
Flexy Blast!
(Ropes snapping)
(Ghost grunting)
-(Ghost whimpers)
-(Ghost grunting)
And three points
for the Ghost Force!
(High-pitched shout)
(Air releasing)
I'm so proud of you guys!
Sorry again for releasing it,
Ms. Jones.
You're not
the only guilty party, Krush.
I let you release it, remember?
True, everyone's made
some mistakes today. Even me.
So why don't we just call it even?
Speaking of which,
I gotta find my dad!
Dad? Dad?
I was so scared.
And what were you doing here?
I thought
you didn't even like basketball.
I don't, but I wanted
to win a day with you.
Sorry I had to cancel our plans, Mike.
But you know that no matter what,
you'll always be
the biggest winner in my eyes.
So, how'd you want
to spend that day, champ?
Hey, wait a minute. I didn't cheat,
so I should have won the con
Uh, but I mean, sure.
I'll take a rain check on that.
Are you ready? Then strike!
Home run!
-Did you see that, Daddy?
Huh? Hm
In the 19th century,
Central Park wasn't even a park yet.
The inhabitants used it
as a field to grow their crops!
So, today, we follow in their footsteps
and learn about growing vegetables.
This is awesome!
Gardening is
like biology meets chemistry.
So, what kind of seeds
did you bring, Andy?
I'm not sure,
found them lying on the floor.
So it's probably the good stuff.
Those are bread crumbs, Andy.
What? Are you sure?
Careful with those peach pits, girls.
They may be small now,
but someday they'll be big trees!
And what are you kids planting?
This is a Solanum melongena seed,
also known as an eggplant.
I've selected it for its compatibility
with local climate,
the richness of the soil,
and how great it will taste
roasted with a sesame cream!
And this is a future tomato plant.
I've read
that they need lots of water.
And these seeds are
not what I thought they were.
Oh, it's all right, my boy.
Not everyone has a green thumb.
Here, you'll probably get better results
planting this artichoke seed instead.
But Baker wants to plant
his bread crumbs
and grow some baguettes.
And what about you boys?
What are you growing today?
Don't know, but it'll be the biggest,
baddest veggie you're ever gonna see
'cause I brought
some super-growing fertilizer!
Oh, dear! No, no, no!
Vegetables need time and care,
not some manufactured chemical!
Please, put that away, would you?
Well, now I'm growing an architect!
However it's pronounced.
Point is,
it will be better than anything
Drake could ever grow.
Oh, really? You think so?
Then let's have a veggie face-off.
Whoever can grow
the biggest green stuff wins.
You're on!
My plant's gonna be so green
you're gonna be greener
with envy!
You two do realize
that whatever you do,
it'll take time
for your plants to grow.
Whatever, junior.
My stuff will grow better than Baker's.
All right, I need to grow
my arti-something
and I need to grow it fast!
But I've got no idea
how to do that.
Tell me what to do!
Why don't you start by planting it?
Yeah, that's how nature works,
you know? Let me help.
-(Comical music)
I'll just go, uh,
throw my crumbs away.
is a chemical additive
that grows vegetables bigger
and faster."
Sounds like my artichoke
is about to become archi-big!
Oh, great work, everyone!
Class dismissed!
We'll come back in a couple of days
to check on your plants.
Andy, you coming?
Yeah, coming! Ha ha!
(Power up)
-(Swishing air)
-Oh, no!
Someone spilled chemical fertilizer
and woke up the ghost.
No way
Who would ever do a thing like that?
It's gotta be Drake!
He's the one
who brought that stuff!
-(Crowd shouting)
(Ghostly growl)
(Radioactive blast)
-A scarecrow ghost?
-It's already boosting!
Asta, have you seen my glasses?
Ah, my glasses!
Oh, help me, Asta!
I'm getting attacked by a snake!
We gotta get everyone to safety.
Let's go, Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
-(Electric static)
Ghost Force!
-Sorry I'm late, kids.
I was cooking a veggie pie
with Glowboo
when the ghost attacked!
Oh, time's up!
Better get it out of the oven
before it burns!
But first, any intel on the ghost?
Ha! Right
Uh, no, I've never seen
this specimen before.
And judging from
its Boo energy concentration,
it's gotta be a level nine,
and a very old
and dangerous one at that.
I better send Glowboo as backup.
Be careful!
Come on, guys,
let's go scare that scare crow!
-(Crowd shouting)
-(Pavement crunching)
Flexy Power!
Whoa! Ah!
Oh, my gosh!
Can I have a ghost-fie?
It's like a selfie
but with the Ghost Force.
-(Pavement crunching)
(Ghost shouting)
-Spectral Gate!
(Ghost grumbling)
You guys, sit tight.
You'll be safe here!
You messed with the soil!
Wh.. What did I do?
You used that chemical!
Not only did it pollute the park,
it woke the ghost, too!
That was a totally irresponsible
thing to do, Drake.
But I didn't do anything.
The professor made me
throw that stuff away.
Wait, how'd Ghost Force know
I brought it to the park?
Because of our
Ghost Force Guessing Power!
Or something.
Guys, if you're done
taking a tea break,
I could really use some help.
On our way!
(Crowd shouting)
Spectral Bow!
Whoa! Ah!
Flexy Blast!
Sorry, big fella,
even with that Gamma Grower,
you're still not big enough
for the Ghost Force!
Gamma Grower?
How do you know
that chemical's name?
Ghost Force Guessing Power?
Wait. Don't tell me you're the one
who spilled it and woke the ghost.
Spectral Gate!
(Grunt) I'm stuck!
This is all your fault!
But I didn't know
all this would happen!
I only wanted my artichoke
to grow faster!
(Power up)
(Pavement crunching)
Oh, I was expecting
something much
(Power up)
Ms. Jones?
This is a catastrophe!
Fury, you've gotta stop
this ghost before its eggs hatch
or the city will get overrun
by its offspring.
But Krush and Myst
just got caught in its roots.
I'm all on my own now!
Not anymore.
I'm sorry, buddy,
I've let everyone down
just so I could grow a huge plant.
Wait. That's it!
We'll turn its tree against it!
Here's what we'll do.
Get ready for one rough
gardening sesh, Glowboo!
I hear it is a very soothing activity.
Won't be this time!
-GHOST: Huh?
-(Rope winding)
(Criss-crossing whizzes)
Looks like you've outgrown
yourself Scaregrow!
And now it's time
you make like a tree and leaf!
(High-pitched shout)
(Clanking thuds)
Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
Krush! Myst!
I'm sorry I spilled that chemical
and polluted the park.
Now I know:
Just let nature do its thing.
That ghost was one big,
bad apple, kids.
But thanks to you,
everything's back to normal.
Nice job!
Maybe you do have
a green thumb after all.
No more Gamma Grower for you,
my little artichoke.
From now on,
you're gonna grow naturally.
-With just sunlight.
-And water.
Artichokes, tomatoes, eggplants,
they're cool and all,
but I could really go
for some French fries!
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