ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e47 Episode Script

The Space Beam

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[scared gurgles]
[Slithe] Vultureman!
Raise the periscope!
Looking Looking.
Aha! There it is!
Looks like it's all clear.
The ThunderCats
won't suspect a thing.
Monkian! Jackalman!
Ready the Plund-Tonium Torpedoes!
Ugh. Vultureman,
aim at the Cats' Lair.
Aha! Perfect.
Hi, mutants.
[groans] Here we go again.
[Lion-O] Death charges Ho!
- [explosions]
- [mutants screaming]
Good job, everyone.
Now, who wants
to have a boat party?
Oh, yeah! You know
what they say!
There's no rules on a boat.
[narrator reading]
No! No, there's
more rules on a
- [cheering]
- Yay, boat!
Stop dancing on the boat!
[mutants screaming]
[mutants groaning]
I can't stand it anymore!
We've been trying to destroy
the ThunderCats for so long.
We've been loyal mutants
of Plun-Darr,
and I'm sick of getting
our butts kicked all the time!
I'm sick of this
whole dumb planet!
Yeah, me too.
Nuh, stupid planet!
Let me go! This is between me
and the planet.
Hey, I hate Third Earth
just as much as you do.
I'd do anything
to get back to Plun-Darr.
[all] Yeah.
Well, what should we do
with this dumb thing?
Just dump it on the pile
with the rest of the failures.
[mutants straining]
[ratbots] Ratar-O.
What's happening?
The Plund-Tonium must be
activating the old weapons!
[mutants screaming]
[automated voice]
Systems online.
Oh, I didn't think
the RatStar still worked.
Look, the communication array!
Incoming call
from Plun-Darr Control Center.
It's the Mutant Council.
Maybe they can get us
off this planet!
RatStar, come in! This is Luna,
of the Lunataks.
Your systems just came online.
Who's down there?
The Lunataks?
Who put you in charge
of Plun-Darr?
That doofus Ratar-O,
when he crashed the RatStar, and
lost the Sword of Plun-Darr.
That makes sense.
Well, we're the loyal mutants
sent to destroy
the ThunderCats.
But we miss Plun-Darr
and want to come home.
We hate it here.
We love Plun-Darr.
We start every meeting
with the Plun-Darr anthem.
Huzzah for Plun-Darr ♪
For mountains made of mud ♪
For oceans
That are boiling hot ♪
And amber fields of crud ♪
Tell you what. There's a Space
Beam homing beacon on the ship.
[Vultureman] What?
[Slithe] Ooh.
If you activate it on top
of the ThunderCats' Lair,
we'll bring you home,
and blow up
the ThunderCats for good!
Did you hear that?
We're all going back
to Plun-Darr!
[laughing] No, no, no, no, no.
We're not
bringing you all back.
Just whichever one
activates the beacon
as a reward for that famous
mutant loyalty!
Whichever one of us
gets to the Cats' Lair
and turns it on will get to
go home to Plun-Darr?
That seems like the deal.
But honestly, if I can't return
home with my mutant brothers,
then I don't want to.
- I love you guys.
- Aw, best friends forever.
Oh, come on.
We're obviously all gonna
try and backstab each other
so we can be
the one who goes home.
Are we gonna pretend
like we aren't?
Yeah, you're right.
Why waste time?
The homing beacon is mine!
Aha! Ow!
[mutants grunting]
I'm coming, Plun-Darr!
[grunts excitedly]
Give it back!
He's got the beacon!
[Slithe] Get over here!
I got it! I got it! I got it!
Oh, I don't got it.
Ha-ha! This old
jetpack still works.
Why'd we throw it away?
Whoa! Whoa! Whoa!
[screaming] Help!
Get me down!
As you wish.
Perfect. [laughing]
Ah! Whoa! Whoa!
Oh, no! What the [screaming]
I'll be taking that. [laughing]
[Slithe screaming]
So long, Third Earth!
Hey, wait up!
There's more than one way
to the Cats' Lair.
They'll never catch up.
[laughing] Huh? Oh!
- Jackalman?
- What?
You were waiting for me?
No. I got lost
and fell asleep. Hmm?
Oh, yeah! The beacon.
I'll be taking that.
- [Vultureman] Yoink!
- [gasps]
- Ugh. After him!
- [Jackalman] Look out!
[Vultureman cackling]
[Slithe] Get him!
[all] Go! Go! Go! Go!
All right, another one
for Snarf.
- [alarm blaring]
- [automated voice] Intruder alert!
Mutants detected.
It never fails.
As soon as we sit down
to a pie-eating contest.
All right, mutants!
If you're looking for a fight,
you've got one! Hmm?
[mutants grunting]
[Jackalman] Get him!
Oh. [chuckles] You started
without us.
That's cool.
I'm confused.
Are they attacking us or not?
Well, they're definitely
attacking near us.
Good enough for me.
[painful grunts]
[Wilykit] Yeah!
Are we winning?
I have no idea.
Ugh! Lion-O,
what are you doing?
Whoa, sorry. This battle
is really confusing.
I thought you were a
Uh, sorry.
Hey, it looks like
he's climbing up to the roof.
Gotta get to the top.
Almost there.
Oh, no, he's not!
If Tygra says I'm not allowed
on the roof anymore,
then nobody is! Get him!
- It's mine!
- Get off of me!
Huh? Oh, it's mine.
Ow! Quit it!
Tygra? I thought you were
someone else.
I hate this battle.
- It's mine.
- No, it's mine!
Wait, what's mine?
Nothing now.
- [laughing]
- [Wilykit and Wilykat screaming]
Ah! Finally.
[mutants yelling]
[automated voice]
Homing beacon activated.
We We did it?
Sweet mother of mudhogs,
we did it!
We finally accomplished something
without the ThunderCats stopping us!
[all cheering]
- We did it!
- [beacon beeping]
I see the beacon is activated.
Excellent work.
Now, which one
of you lucky mutants
are we taking back
to Plun-Darr?
To be honest, I don't even know
if I want to go back to Plun-Darr
if I can't go back
with all of you.
We could all
just stay right here
and keep committing evil
atrocities together forever!
Yeah! Who cares
if we stay on Third Earth?
You're right. It won't be so bad
once the ThunderCats are gone.
Then we mutants can take over.
[chuckles] You hear that, Luna?
Either you bring
all of us home,
or we're all staying
on Third Earth.
[mutants laughing]
Okay, let me
spell this out for you.
There isn't going
to be any Third Earth.
The Space Beam is going to
blow up the whole planet!
Come again?
Planet go boom.
Third Earth go bye-bye.
You don't stand a chance.
Uh, yes. Thank you, Alura.
I only told you to take the
beacon to the Cats' Lair
so I could see which one of you
was worth saving.
[mutants] Oh!
- I pressed it first.
- No, I did.
[overlapping chatter]
Since you can't decide, we just
won't bring any of you home.
Oh, well. See ya,
wouldn't wanna be ya.
Because I'm blowing you up.
[Jackalman] Hey, look,
it's Plun-Darr.
Hey look, it's the Space Beam.
Hey, look!
Maybe it's just
a big, red cloud?
It's the Space Beam, you oaf!
Do something!! Do something!
Uh, maybe if I
[Vultureman whimpering]
It's getting closer!
[panicking] Come on!
We're going to blow up!
[Vultureman] I'll, uh,
switch this around.
[mutants screaming]
[all sighing in relief]
Good work, Vultureman.
How did you do it?
Easy. I just reversed it.
[mutants cheering]
[all crying]
What did we do?
I guess we
didn't need to stop them?
Oh, man. I feel bad for 'em.
You know? Oh, I've got it.
Let's cheer the mutants up
with a roof party!
[party music playing]
Oh, yeah! No rules on the roof.
[narrator reading]
There's more rules on the
[ThunderCats cheering]
[mutants crying]
[mutants continue crying]
Uh, you know, maybe we'll just
We'll pick up the roof party later.
You just, uh, take
all the time you need.
[mutants continue crying]
Ooh! I just remembered,
we have pie!
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