ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e48 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[Panthro] All right, everyone.
I'm about to activate
all of the Lair's most
dangerous security protocols.
Is everyone inside?
All ThunderCats present
and accounted for, Panthro!
[Tygra screaming]
Oh, wait. That's not Tygra.
That's that cactus
that looks like Tygra.
- [all] Oh!
- Why do we have that?
[panting] You thought the cactus
was me again, didn't you?
We're sorry, pal.
We're just all on edge.
It's Plundsmas Eve!
The mutant holiday
of devastation and misery!
I know what Plundsmas is.
You don't have to remind me.
No, we must all be reminded,
because every Plundsmas
the mutants commit
their most foul
atrocities against us!
And it always happens exactly
five seconds from now!
That's right! ThunderCats,
battle positions! Ho!
[clock ticking]
Where Where are they?
I bet they're taking so long
because they're planning something
extra heinous this year!
That must be it!
We can't just wait here.
We gotta take the fight
to them!
Preemptive strike. Ho!
Now everyone be careful.
Plundsmas decorations
are said to be so ugly,
they can burn
a ThunderCat's eyes.
Um, doesn't look
any extra ugly to me.
I bet it's a trap! They want us to
think they forgot about Plundsmas
so we just march right up to
their door like a bunch of oafs!
Well, I'm going to march right
up to their door and tell them
this oaf isn't falling for it!
[TV host] And welcome back
to Looking at Slime.
Here's some slime. Oh, look!
More slime
Sorry, mutants,
it's not gonna be
a merry Plundsmas this year!
Uh, are you guys
just watching TV?
Yeah Slithe said
now that Plun-Darr is gone
there's no point
in celebrating Plundsmas.
Huh You don't want to
beat me up even a little?
Well, I guess a little Plundsmas
beating would be okay.
[mutants cackling]
Hey! You jerks better not be
celebrating Plundsmas in here!
Uh, but, Slithe, he came to us!
Don't you want to
I don't want anything
to do with Plundsmas.
Plundsmas is
for dumb baby mutants.
Now everyone go back
to lethargically watching TV!
[mutants] Yes, Slithe.
So, you really
don't want to fight?
What happened?
They said they're not celebrating Plundsmas
anymore now that Plun-Darr is gone.
Oh, my gosh! Really?
This is so
- Wrong!
- Huh?
I know.
The mutants are awful and all,
but they didn't deserve
to have their home blown up.
Actually, they kinda did.
No one should be sad
on Plundsmas.
We're always sad on Plundsmas.
We gotta cheer
the mutants up!
Put 'em back
in the Plundsmas spirit.
That's literally
the worst thing we could do!
I know. Let's call the guy who
knows all about holiday spirit.
He'll tell us what to do.
You've got a call, toy man.
Oh-ho! ThunderCats.
I've been so lonely
here in jail.
That's great, Santa!
But what do you know
about celebrating Plundsmas?
No one should celebrate
that wicked holiday.
Especially not the Eight
Horrors of Plundsmas!
- "Eight horrors," you say?
- Yes.
Plundsmas begins when poisonous
bugs rain from above,
and songs are sung that make
you forget how to love.
Soon you'll see rainclouds
rotting with mold,
and frightening ghosts
that make blood run cold.
So deck your halls
with decorations so vile,
and circle your home
in ceremonial fire.
For soon you shall gather round
the great Plundsmas tree
and Kramp-Borg,
the cyborg demon lord
of Plundsmas,
will be coming for thee!
Whoa! Slow down, slow down!
"Kramp-Borg coming for thee."
Why are you writing this down?
Oh, uh, we're gonna help
a bunch of sad mutants
celebrate Plundsmas!
[Santa] No! You can't!
That's madness!
[Mandora] All right,
time's up, Kringle!
No, no, no! ThunderCats!
Call my lawyer.
Bye, Santa.
All right, who's ready to make some
Plundsmas nightmares come true?
[ThunderCats cheering]
Why are we doing this?
Aw, maybe Slithe is right.
Maybe Plundsmas
is over forever.
Oh, my gosh! Is that
- [mutants cheering]
- Whoa! Look at all those bugs!
Do you think these bugs will
be enough to cheer them up?
For sure! Barbastella said
these are the grossest,
most poison-filled bugs in her castle.
[bug hissing]
Keep dumping.
You guys better not be
celebrating Plundsmas out here!
But look, Slithe.
It's raining poisonous bugs.
The first horror of Plundsmas!
[bug hissing]
Ha! If these were real poison
Plundsmas bugs,
my eye would be
ten times more swollen.
- Hmph!
- [mutants] Aw!
It's not working. Better throw
the really poisonous ones.
I'm on it. Really poisonous
bugs, coming up!
[bug buzzing]
- Uh-oh.
- [ThunderCats screaming]
[narrator reading]
There! Our beautiful
Thunderian voices
could never properly sing
a Plundsmas carol.
But the Berbils can now that
I've modified their voice boxes.
Thank you, Panthro.
We love our new voices.
Can I please
just remind everyone
that we don't need to do this?
[Berbil] What's wrong, Tygra?
Don't you like our new voices?
Do our new voices
scare you, Tygra?
-[Berbils] Tygra? Hey, Tygra! Tygra!
- [Tygra whimpering]
Look! I spelled
Nothing. I spelled nothing.
- [Berbils singing]
- Do you guys hear that?
Merry Plundsmas, Plundsmas
Choke on the horrors, horrors ♪
The Berbils! They're singing your
favorite Plundsmas carol, Slithe!
Choke on the horrors ♪
[Wilykat] Hmm
They don't look any jollier.
Well, don't give up hope yet.
We've still got six more
horrors to go.
We'll either save Plundsmas
or get savagely mangled trying.
Merry Plundsmas! ♪
I guess that's it.
No Plundsmas. [crying]
Look, look!
The Star of Plun-Darr!
[mutants] Hooray!
Merry Plundsmas
Choke on the horrors ♪
Stop being full
of childlike wonder!
Here they come!
You ready, Tygra?
Why do I have to do this?
Remember what Santa
said, Tygra?
The final horror of Plundsmas
is a visit from Kramp-Borg,
the cyborg Krampus.
I know. I mean why am I the one
dressing up as Kramp-Borg?
You're the only one that fits
perfectly in the costume I built.
Why did you build it that way?
Ugh. It smells like gas.
Ow! Ow!
There are gears in here!
- They're catching my fur! Ow!
- Okay. Good job.
[Tygra screaming]
Look! It's him.
It's Kramp-Borg.
I can't wait to tell him
how bad I've been all year.
[Tygra screaming] Aah! My face!
His screams are even more
horrific than I remember.
What did I say?
[stammers] But, Slithe,
Kramp-Borg is really here.
[Tygra continues screaming]
No, Kramp-Borg can't be here.
Kramp-Borg isn't real!
Because if he was
[voice breaking]
Because if he was
He never would have let
Plun-Darr blow up!
[Slithe crying]
Why didn't you save Plun-Darr?
You have all the powers
of a cyborg and a demon,
and you did nothing!
[Tygra] Ow! Ow!
Stop it! Stop it!
I'm not really Kramp-Borg!
[mutants gasping]
Aw I guess Slithe was right.
That wasn't
the real Kramp-Borg.
It was just the ThunderCats
playing a trick on us. [crying]
Hey! This was no trick.
We really wanted you
to have a Plundsmas!
You did?
We sure did. And we've got
the bruises to prove it.
- You do?
- Yeah.
We got beat up real bad
trying to cheer you up.
Real, real bad.
So, there really
was a Plundsmas!
- Huh?
- Don't you see?
The songs, the bugs,
those are all nice.
But the true meaning
of Plundsmas
is watching
the ThunderCats suffer.
[ThunderCats coughing]
And they did!
They suffered horribly!
We sure did.
Plundsmas came!
I tried to stop it,
but it came all the same.
I guess even without Plun-Darr,
there can still be
a Plundsmas.
[mutants] Aw!
We're such good people,
you guys.
Uh what's that?
It's the real Kramp-Borg!
Mutants! You have rekindled the
spirit of Plundsmas in your hearts!
For that, you are entitled
to one Kramp-Borg wish!
[mutants gasping]
I think I know
what we all want.
Destroy the ThunderCats!
[mutants cackling]
Wait! We're the ThunderCats!
[ThunderCats grunting]
[Kramp-Borg growling]
Merry Plundsmas
Choke on the horrors ♪
Merry Plundsmas
Choke on the horrors ♪
[Slithe] Ah, that's beautiful.
Merry Plundsmas, and to all a bad night.
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