Ghost Force (2021) s01e49 Episode Script

Jellyjack / Kaboom

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
Up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear
Please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Spooky hour ♪
Like the night,
glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies
In their lair ♪
Out of sight
Waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
-(welding gun)
-(stomach growling)
Hm? Yeah, yeah, just a second!
Oh, sorry, Glups!
Slight short-circuit
-(stomach growling)
Are you hungry my little Glups?
Let Mama Jones
get you breakfast.
-(dramatic music)
(haunted theme music)
MIKE: I love Medieval fairs!
You guys know
that knights used to wear armor,
just like the Ghost Force.
So, you're saying knights
were the first superheroes?
Yeah! Except knights' armor
couldn't crash through walls.
Like ours can.
(ring tone)
Kids, I'm about to feed Glups,
so if you want to see
how we do it,
you better shake a leg
and everything else!
What? Now?
But Andy and I
promised Charlie and Carla
we'd join them at the fair.
No worries, I'll tell Ms. Jones
you couldn't make it.
LIV: Have fun!
Renaissance fair,
here thee come!
(upbeat music)
Ms. Jones? I'm by myself!
Andy and Mike are
-And fetch!
-(high-pitched whirring)
Nom, nom, nom!
Enjoy your meal,
my li'l Glupsy-Wupsy!
So, that's how you feed ghosts!
But if Glups can grow a size,
couldn't he also go
into Booster mode?
He could
if he ingested enough fear,
like all the other ghosts.
He'll go back
to his regular size in a bit.
And those are?
My greatest inventions yet!
See, ghosts feed on fear,
and the fear inside these balls
is quantified
to the nearest scream.
Would you like
to try to feed Glups?
-For real?
-(glups giggle)
For real real!
But Glups can only have
one more Scaryball.
Otherwise he could go
into Booster mode,
and even if he's perfectly tame,
I don't want to take any risks.
I am now fully charged.
-How can I h-h-h-help you?
I think Glowboo's update
needs a few more adjustments,
Be right back, Liv!
You look after Glups.
Don't worry, buddy.
I'll take good care of you!
(high-pitched whirr)
(high-pitched whirring)
Ah! Wait up Glups!
(high-pitched whirring)
(high-pitched laugh)
No, no, no, you little glutton!
You heard Ms. Jones,
that's enough food for today.
You are so cute!
Fine, one last one.
-A tiny bit more couldn't hurt.
-(action music)
No, Glups!
You can't leave the lab!
(cheery music)
-No time to lose! Myst!
This armor is an exact replica
of what Knight Jack
wore in the movie
Jack the Dragon Knight!
You saw it too?
You've got great taste
in movies, Andy.
Maybe Jack wants
some new co-stars.
-Say "cheese."
-ALL: Cheese!
(tense music)
(scream rising up)
-(gelatin wobbling)
(crowd screaming)
(high-pitched cackle)
Glups? Glups?
Spectral Gate!
-BOTH: Ah!
-BOTH: Umf!
-How come Myst is already here?
Don't know, but she's gonna need
help boocapping that ghost!
Let's go Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
(action music)
Ghost Force!
Glups, it's me, calm down.
-My turn!
Krush, no!
-Fractal Power!
Myst, are you protecting
a ghost?
Listen to me, there's something
you don't know.
We can't attack him
because it's not just any ghost
storming the park, it's
(gloppy explosion)
(dark music)
It boosted! Let's go!
-Fractal Mace!
-Flexy Beam!
A sword made out of jelly?
What the
-(all scream)
Now that ghost can really
pack a punch!
Myst, what's the plan?
I need to tell you something.
It's not a ghost
like all the others.
(ring tone)
Kids, the boomap says a ghost
is terrorizing New York!
And Myst, where's Glups?
I've looked everywhere
in the lab,
but I just can't find him.
I wanted to make him happy,
so I gave him one Scaryball
too many,
and then everything went wrong.
He ran outside and became mad.
-Wait, you mean
-That giant tin can is Glups?
Of course it is!
Glups is allergic
to sunlight! Ah!
MS. JONES: When he goes outside,
he turns completely wild!
ALL: What?
You've got to deboost him
before he consumes
too much fear
or he'll stay wild permanently!
And we'll never see our sweet,
little Glups ever again
Then there's no time to lose!
Let's disarm this knight!
Wait, no!
We can't fight Glups!
He'll never forgive us!
(thundering footsteps)
-(gelatin wobbling)
You take the left hand, Krush!
I'll handle the sword!
Fractal Power!
(ice crackling)
-(squeaking slide)
(high-pitched blast)
Waiting on you, Myst!
There's gotta be another way!
(whooshing air)
-(whistling by)
-BOTH: Oof!
I know it's hard, Myst,
but that's not Glups anymore.
It's a wild ghost now
and we need to stop him.
Yeah, our Glups would never
make us eat sidewalk like that!
-MYST: Uh-oh
-Watch out!
We're stuck!
Listen, Myst,
you've got to deboost him
before he turns
the whole city to jelly!
(glups cackle)
I've got a better idea,
don't go anywhere.
Uh, I mean
You'll see what I mean.
Gentlemen, hello.
Glowboo! Can you give us a hand?
(thunderous footsteps)
Glups, it's me, Myst.
I brought you your favorite!
Ah! Oh!
That's it, easy
Why didn't it work?
Myst, what's happening?
Its Boo energy just quadrupled!
I thought if I fed him,
Glups would become Glups again.
You can never feed a wild ghost!
You've got to deboost them
before you can befriend them.
Understood, Ms. Jones,
I'll make things right.
Now that was a sticky situation!
Look, I realize we're not
dealing with Glups anymore,
so I'll need your help
to stop
Glad to see you've come
to your senses, Myst!
FURY: Yeah! Let's give him
a taste of his own medicine.
I'll distract him so you can
get past his defenses.
(adventure music)
Hey, big fella!
Ready for din-din?
-(metal scraping)
(slow motion laughter)
Krush, Fury, you're up, guys!
(thunderous footsteps)
Flexy Power!
(ropes rightening)
Fractal Power!
(ice crackling)
Sorry, Glups, but we're
doing this for your own good.
-(adventure music)
(adventure music)
(high-pitched shouts)
(dramatic music)
(crowds cheering)
ALL: Booya!
(rock-music theme)
I hope he's OK.
-(high-pitched squeaks)
Oh, yes!
Now that he's been deboosted
and is safe back inside,
our adorable little Glups
is himself again.
You want some Scaryballs?
Yeah, he sure has
his appetite back.
Sorry, but you've had
enough fear for today.
I'll give you some tomorrow.
-LIV: I promise.
-(high-pitched cheer)
See? He's not mad at you.
On the contrary!
Hello, internets!
This is Stacy
for the Explo-cake challenge.
Getting ready
to play a little joke
on one of our classmates.
I found it in Grandma's garage.
Ew! You call that old
moldy thing a firecracker?
Guess it'll do.
Aster? Aster?
Where are you, boy?
(haunted theme music)
(bell ringing)
DRAKE: Oh, yeah! School's over!
CHARLIE: Wanna hang at the park
and play spookout?
Today couldn't end sooner.
I'm dead tired.
You didn't stop moving all day.
You helped Carla study
for her math test,
Bobby for his science quiz,
chased Professor Pascal's
lost dog all over New York
Ha! All that
without even missing a class!
Just hearing about your day
is exhausting.
I don't mind helping people,
it's a hero thing.
I wouldn't mind a break either.
(ring tone)
Hey, kids,
I just had
the most revolutionary idea
for an amazing training session.
So, who's in?
Me and Mike are!
But don't count on Liv.
-She's totally
-Ready for action.
I'll rest later,
can't let you go without backup.
(upbeat music)
(sneakers squeaking)
(action music)
(action music)
Hey, Ms. Jones!
These two scoops of ice cream
are how it hit me.
Good things often come in pairs,
so you're going to train
against two untamed ghosts
at the same time!
We are?
That's so cool!
That sounds dangerous,
I mean,
two is twice more than one.
Chill, Mike. It's just training.
If it ever gets hairy,
all Ms. Jones has to do
is press a button and voilà!
Ghost goes straight back
to the boocaps.
plus, it's always good
to prepare for those times
where you have to give it
over 100%.
We'll outdo ourselves,
Ms. Jones.
You won't be disappointed.
So, how you rather fight
some level 2's?
Level 3's?
Or maybe you dare
to take on the level 4's?
We'll go with
Hypnolion and Pharaok!
But they're level 7!
-(Mike gulps)
-LIV: Won't be a problem.
We already beat them once.
Yeah, separately!
Couldn't we take it easier
with lower-level ghosts instead?
It wouldn't be heroic
if it were easy, Mike.
(tense music)
Let's go Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
(action music)
(action music)
Ghost Force!
Make way for the Boostyle!
-(dramatic music)
-(hypnolion roaring)
-Or not!
-(Mike gasps)
Remember the ice cream, kids.
You should deal
with one scoop first,
then onto the other.
Though mixing the flavors
could make it tastier
(upbeat music)
Like get ready
for the joke of the year.
No food allowed
in the school's hallways!
-(slimy explosion)
(screeching rubber)
Looks like you bit off
more than we can chew, Myst.
Why'd you stop the session?
but training time is over.
We've got a wild ghost
on the loose!
I hope we do better now
than we did against those two.
We could've still
made a comeback,
we just needed to try harder!
Then you'll try again later.
For now,
according to its Boo signature,
we're dealing
with an unknown level-7 ghost.
It's gonna be tough,
we spent a lot of our Boo energy
during training.
Indeed, I'll send Glowboo
as backup
as soon as he's recharged.
MS. JONES: In the meantime,
pace yourselves.
We can handle it, Ms. Jones.
I know we can.
(rock-music theme)
the most delicious food ever!
An oyster-and-chocolate hotdog!
-(squishy explosion)
-ROLLAND: G-g-ghost!
-(swirling air)
(crowd screaming)
-(swirling air)
Hang on!
It's going into Booster mode!
(crackling fuse burning)
(dramatic music)
I'm gonna cool
that hothead down!
Spectral Bow!
-(crackling burn)
-FURY: Uh-oh!
-(child cheering)
-That's all you got? Confetti?
It was just a bad joke.
Got to be a prankster ghost.
Let's go, now!
(wind blasting)
(crowd shouting)
It seems like the fuse
is its power source.
So that's what we go after!
It changed colors, so its attack
might have changed too.
(alarm going off)
KRUSH: And we're almost out
of Boo energy already.
KRUSH: So I say
we stop to study it
before we do anything.
And I say we neutralize it
before its next attack.
Like any hero would!
Fury, you're up!
Time to kick some Boo!
(fast-tempo music)
Flexy Blast!
-FURY: Oh!
-(wind gusting)
(lips flapping)
(suspenseful music)
(all coughing)
(vigorous scratching)
It itches!
Carry on without me,
I just need to scratch!
-(dark music)
It's about to go kaboom again!
I'll distract it,
you block its fuse
with your Fractal Boo!
It's too risky, Myst!
We need backup.
We gotta wait for Glowboo.
Heroes don't wait around
when things get tough, Krush.
They outdo themselves!
(action music)
-Spectral Arrow!
-(rapid-fire zaps)
(electric static)
Spectral Gate!
-Fractal Trap!
Way to play it, Krush!
-Huh? What are you laughing at?
(Krush shouting)
my head's spinning so much
It's like
there are three of you.
(Kaboom cackling)
(action music)
-MYST: No!
Not now!
-MYST: No!
Oh, hello, Myst. Anything new?
Glowboo! Perfect timing!
(uplifting music)
How's it going, kids?
Hope you're having a blast!
(Ms. Jones laughing)
Anyway, I'm seeing a spike
in Boo energy above the city,
what's going on?
-It rung me like a bell.
-And I'm itchy!
(fuse crackling)
He seems to be preparing
for a combined super blast.
Oh, no! Itching powder,
gong rings, and confetti?!
It'll be the worst party
in the world!
Myst, you've gotta do something!
But how? I can't give it
over 100%
when I'm running on zero!
It was just a figure of speech,
Even a superhero
can't always be going at 100%.
No one can.
You always need to learn
when to take a step back.
Though now may not be
the best time for it!
Actually, I think it is!
I'm all out of Boo energy
but Glowboo, Fury,
and Krush aren't.
Can you guys still fly?
I wouldn't call that flying.
And I can't do anything
without scratching!
-I can!
-I know a way around that!
Let's go Ghost Force!
Glowboo, diversion!
Myst, watch this.
(rapid-fire zaps)
(whooshing through the air)
Fury, Krush, you're on!
(wobbly sounds)
A little to the right!
If that ghost loves explosions
so much,
let's give it one of our own.
Fractal Trap!
Guess you bit off
more than you could chew!
Finish it, Fury!
(action music)
(fast-paced action music)
-(high-pitched gasp)
-ALL: Huh?
-(rock-music theme)
Once again, you've really
outdone yourselves.
Nice job, kids!
All thanks to Andy,
Mike, and Glowboo!
I'm glad you guys still had
some juice left in the tank.
Hey, how about after
we recharge your medallions,
we celebrate
with both ice creams?
And maybe
one more training sesh?
Me and Mike are in!
What do you say, Liv?
-Huh? Liv?
Oh! Looks like someone
finally got her break!
(rock-music theme)
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