ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e49 Episode Script

Killing Time

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[Mumm-Ra] A new dawn arrives
and with it, the torment
of all life on Third Earth
at the hands of Mumm-Ra!
[Ma-Mutt growling]
Not now, Ma-Mutt.
- I'll take you for a walk later.
- [Ma-mutt whining]
Ancient spirits of evil,
transform this decayed form
to Mumm-Ra the Ever-Living!
[evil laughter]
[laughing maniacally]
- [Ma-Mutt whining]
- [ancient spirit] Oh, great.
I guess I'll walk the dog.
[evil laughter]
Look at those
unsuspecting Wolos
and their dumb buildings.
Just begging
to be knocked over!
[evil laughter]
these Cheetara Corp expansions
are really gonna put us
on the map.
- [Mumm-Ra laughing]
- What is that?
Oh, great, it's Mumm-Ra.
Don't worry, I got this.
[laughing stops abruptly]
Uh, why?
- [Mumm-Ra screams]
- Safety first, ding-dong.
Okay, the Wolos
may be protected,
but I can still wreak havoc
by kicking around
these dumb robot bears.
[Mumm-Ra grunts]
Aww! Did techy take
a tumble?
I did.
Very astute observation.
[laughs, grunts]
Hey, Mumm-Ra, quit picking on
those Berbils.
[Mumm-Ra grunting, screaming]
[chuckles] Take that.
Well, I can still terrorize
the Bolkins.
They live in dumb little huts
and drive donkeys around,
so their lives
are already sad.
[Bolkins laughing, chattering]
These donkey rides
are a blast!
[all laughing, chattering]
Uh, on second thought,
maybe I'll just cut my losses
and head back.
Hey, it's Mumm-Ra!
Grab his dumb ribbons!
[Mumm-Ra grunting, groaning]
[donkeys braying]
[Mumm-Ra] Ugh, my body.
Thwarted again.
I've been on this planet
for thousands of years
and I've never met anyone as
annoying as those lousy Cats.
Not even that parrot
that only knew how to say,
"Happy Birthday."
Wait. Of course, that's it!
I can just outlast
the ThunderCats
the way I did
that infernal parrot.
I have all the time
in the world.
For as long as evil exists,
Mumm-Ra lives!
I can just go to sleep,
for like, a thousand years.
And when I wake up, the ThunderCats
will have been reduced to dust!
- [laughs]
- [ancient spirit] Mumm-Ra!
Are you sure
that's a good idea?
Of course, it's not
a "good idea."
It's an evil idea. [chuckles]
Now, be quiet,
so I may slumber.
Time will prove them wrong,
as it will prove me the inevitable
victor over the ThunderCats.
Rage sleep!
[alarm beeping]
Ha! A thousand years,
gone in an instant.
And with them,
the ThunderCats.
I'm finally free to torment
this wretched planet in peace.
Ancient spirits of evil,
transform this
decayed form to
Hey, where did the spirits go?
Hey, no touching the exhibits.
Get out of Bumm-Ra's tomb.
I'm in a museum?
That's right.
This exhibit displays
trophies from the ThunderCats'
greatest enemies.
But then,
where's my pyramid?
Oh, they threw that out.
See, there it is.
Just on the other side
of the futuristic, utopian
metropolis we all live in now.
Futuristic, utopian, ugh!
Okay, not what I imagined,
but I can work with this.
Sure, everyone's happy
in this world,
but there's
no more ThunderCats around
to stop me from ruining it.
Watch where you're going,
you clumsy
Ugh, gross, a parade.
Ugh, double gross!
Why is Lion-O here?
What is this?
It is ThunderCats Day.
The day when
everyone celebrates
Third Earth's legendary
heroes, the ThunderCats.
Not for long, fool!
Now that the real ThunderCats
are gone forever,
no one can stop me from
Look, it's the best part
of the parade.
The real ThunderCats.
[crowd cheering]
What? How is that possible?
It's been a thousand years!
Didn't you know?
The ThunderCats discovered the
fountain of youth 999 years ago.
Now everyone lives forever!
In fact, I could use
a little swig myself.
Whoops! I drank too much.
Guess it's
back to kindergarten for me.
Uh, this isn't a total loss.
I can attack
the ThunderCats parade
while they're unaware.
Surprise, ThunderCats!
After a thousand years,
your greatest enemy
has returned to destroy you!
Uh, okay. Where are they?
What do you mean?
I just said
I meant me. I'm your
greatest enemy, Mumm-Ra.
The Ever-Living?
As long as evil exists,
Mumm-Ra lives, remember?
Wait a second.
Yeah, I remember you.
- Yeah, yeah!
- Bumm-Ra, right?
Righ No!
Not Bumm-Ra, Mumm-Ra!
Are you sure it's not Bumm-Ra?
Yes, I'm sure.
I know my own name.
Don't believe it. He's evil.
He's probably saying
his name wrong on purpose
to mess with our minds.
Nice try, Bumm-Ra,
but your evil tricks
won't work on us.
Uh, forget it.
You'll remember my name
after I destroy you.
[evil laugh] Oh, no.
There's not enough evil left in
the world to fuel my powers!
Oh, shucks!
After him!
Ugh, I think the wheels
were faster.
Faster, yes. Cooler, no.
I got to get back
to my pyramid
and find the ancient spirits
of evil.
Oh, no!
[Mumm-Ra screaming]
Whoa! Onwards, steed.
What's so great about donkeys?
Whoa. [laughs] You missed.
[grunting, groaning]
- [yawns]
- [machine beeps]
[Mumm-Ra] What now?
[Mumm-Ra screaming]
Whoa! That's convenient.
As soon as I get my powers,
everything will be
Wait, what?
Where are the ancient spirits
of evil? They're gone!
[Wilykit laughs]
Surprise, Bumm-Ra!
If you're looking for
those evil statue things,
we got Wait, hold on.
We destroyed them
centuries ago,
just like we're gonna do
to your face.
But like, now though.
Ugh, go ahead. I'm done for.
I have no more magic powers
or friends left to save me.
There's only one thing left
to do.
Sleep for another 1000 years
until you're all dust.
- [evil laughter]
- Uh, yeah, right.
Like we'd let an evil guy
like you escape us.
[evil laughter]
Uh, nevermind. He escaped.
[Panthro] Let's just go home.
I'm sure if he was important,
we'd remember him.
Don't clean the bad man's
evil artifacts, Tygra!
[chuckling nervously]
[laughs] Just a small setback.
In another thousand years,
the ThunderCats will
totally mess up
and I won't have to
deal with them anymore.
Hey, I told you not to
touch the exhibit.
No, that's fine.
I can wait all day.
[alarm beeping]
Excellent! My plan worked.
The ThunderCats are gone
and people are turning into
skeletons again.
No, we're all still here.
- Now get out of the
- Little bit more.
[Mumm-Ra] No.
Maybe a thousand years
is too conservative
What is happening?
[all babies] Mummy, mummy.
Don't you look at my babies.
Plan is backfiring.
[sighs] At least this is
relatively normal for a change.
[all] Mumm-Ra detected.
[Mumm-Ra groans]
[Mumm-Ra grunts]
Oh, no! My alarm clock
is broken.
How long have I been asleep?
[nervous whimper]
What is
[trees] Whee!
[birds chirping]
Oh, cut it out!
Hi, Mumm-Ra!
[stuttering nervously]
Yeah, things got pretty weird
a while back
and, uh
Well, we're everything now.
Pretty neat, huh?
- Hello!
- Hi.
- How?
- Well, it's all your fault actually.
Without you hiding away
in your sarcophagus
for billions of years,
we would have never gotten
to this point.
- What?
- Yes.
Since you weren't around
to constantly battle against,
it threw off the balance
of good and evil.
Not that we're complaining.
[all laughing]
What have I done?
I can't get away.
It's just ThunderCats forever!
Yep, past and future.
We're one with all time now.
You mean, we're one
with all time?
Like, even before I went to sleep
and caused all this to happen?
[Lion-O] Yeah, even this time
is part of the Thunder-verse.
Our powers know no bounds,
thanks to this
one perfect moment in time.
I see it. It's just past
my fingertips!
I've gotta get back there.
I gotta get back there.
Hey, did your heart ♪
- Ooh!
- [Mumm-Ra screaming]
Oh, great. There goes a thousand
billion years of progress.
[Mumm-Ra screams, grunts]
[laughs] I jumped back
in time.
I can't believe that worked!
The ancient spirits of evil
are here.
You're all back!
Mumm-Ra, what is the meaning of this?
Didn't you just go to sleep
for the next thousand years?
[laughs] I sure did
and the future was awful.
Everything was worse and dumb.
But I managed to undo it all
and come back to my own time.
So, guess I'm pretty awesome.
Does this mean you can
take Ma-Mutt for a walk now?
Ma-Mutt doesn't need a walk.
He can just use the litter box
like I taught him.
Go on, boy.
[ancient spirit]
Wait, where is he going?
Oh, oh No!
Oh, boy. All that sleeping
sure made me tired.
I'm just gonna take
a normal nap.
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