ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e50 Episode Script


[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Grune, Grune, Grune ♪
[both] Oh!
[both] Ooh.
I'm not so sure
about this, Bundun.
We don't belong in
this scary tomb.
We're just simple farmers.
I know, Hurrick.
All we wanted
was total control
of Third Earth,
but those ThunderCats
defeated us.
So we're going to awaken
the evil spirit trapped in here
and it will destroy
the ThunderCats for us.
But, Bundun, what evil
was supposed
to be locked away in here,
Who can say?
One of those normal,
everyday evil spirits,
I'm sure.
- How do we get in?
- Hm
[both] Ooh.
That's not a normal,
everyday evil spirit.
I am no man's normal!
I am Grune the Destroyer,
and I am here to
to uh
Actually, where am I?
You're on Third Earth,
Mr. Destroyer.
And you're here to destroy
our enemies, the ThunderCats
if you don't mind.
The ThunderCats are here?
[both whimpering]
You know, I think we did
a good thing.
Yes, we're good people.
[Panthro humming]
Bologna, you know me,
like nobody do ♪
Bologna, no phoney,
I love you too ♪
Oh, Bologna ♪
Guys, guys! You've gotta see
what Jaga's been teaching me!
[laughs] What kinda weapon
is that?
Double Dutch! Double Dutch!
Double Dutch! Double Dutch!
Uh all right.
It's such a joy
to visit you all.
I like my home on
the astral plane,
but it does get lonely
You cats make me feel alive.
- WilyKit!
- What? He's a ghost.
It sure is a good thing Jaga
is on our side.
It'd be really hard to
fight a ghost.
What a specifically ominous
and yet highly unlikely
thing to say.
- [alarm blaring]
- What's going on?
Aw, shoot.
[Jaga] So what's all
the commotion?
- [Tygra] I'm not sure
- [both whimpering]
- [Tygra] But from the looks of it
- Ah! My crops!
[Tygra] Some giant jerk
is terrorizing Third Earth!
[chuckles] No biggie.
Our ghost friend Jaga
will know what to do.
Um yes.
Uh, heh. Not that it alarms me,
but why is Jaga so scared of
this rando?
Also, why does he look like
a Thunderian?
That's our thing!
Hold on, Cheetara.
I think he is Thunderian.
I think that's
Grune The Destroyer!
- [growls]
- Who?
Grune. The Destroyer?
Ugh, hang on.
No one ever pays attention
to my history lessons,
but that's fine,
it's all fine.
- [all] Ooh.
- A laser bagel!
That's right, Lion-O.
The Thunderian Education
Council made a video.
[Lion-O] Ooh!
Now I love learning!
- [music playing]
- [man singing]
Grune, Grune, Grune ♪
Grune the Destroyer ♪
So, any questions?
Yeah. Why don't all your
lessons have a song, Tygra?
That is not what you should be
taking away from that video.
We should be focused on
how Grune is obviously
coming to our lair
to destroy us
and take the Sword of Omens
for himself!
All right. What'd I miss?
[music playing]
So, Grune wanted to overthrow
my dad
and now he's coming to get me?
He's gonna be tough to beat,
if even Jaga
is scared
to face him again.
- [whimpers]
- That's not it, Cheetara
I'm not scared to face Grune
as an enemy
I'm ashamed to face him
as my best friend.
[all] What?
[Panthro] Keep it down!
Trying to learn in here!
It's time I tell you
the real story,
not the one that got recorded,
via entertaining song,
onto the laser bagel.
Grune and I were
the King's advisors
but we were also best buds.
We spent all our free time
hanging out, eating 'za,
and having dance
parties. [chuckles]
But Grune could see that
Claudus was a terrible king.
No offense, Lion-O.
None taken! He's also
a terrible dad!
[Jaga] He didn't listen
to anyone, and worst of all,
he didn't care about
his fellow Thunderians
he only thought
about himself.
I kept quiet.
I didn't wanna rock the boat.
But Grune confronted the king,
hoping there was a chance for
Claudus to change.
But instead,
Claudus deemed him a traitor
and declared war on him.
But he didn't give up. Grune
wasn't going down without a fight.
- [growls]
- No one could hope to defeat Grune the Great.
Except, that's right me.
It was an epic battle,
but I was finally able
to get the upper hand.
And once I did,
Claudus ordered me
to use my magic
to imprison Grune
and banish him into space
and I I I did.
[snaps fingers]
It's my one regret
betraying my best friend.
Wow. That's a really sad story.
But also, you're responsible for
the destruction of Thundera,
so, maybe you should make room
for a second regret.
Oh, yeah! [laughs]
Okay, I watched the video.
Great song.
And this Grune is the worst.
I hate him!
No, Panthro, catch up!
- [rumbling]
- [all screaming]
ThunderCats! Show yourselves!
He's got a Thundrainium mace!
- What's Thundrainium?
- Oh, I'm glad you asked!
Thundrainium is
the opposite of Thundrillium
It will disable all of
our technology and skills!
Is there a catchy song
about this?
I think I get it.
Tygra is saying with
that mace, Grune is
He's unstoppable!
- [growls]
- [all gasping]
[all screaming]
[all whimpering]
- [all exclaiming]
- He big.
Time to destroy the ThunderCats
and get my revenge!
Jaga, my former-BFF.
How dare you face me
after what you did?
- You came to me!
- And you.
I'd recognize
that dum-dum face anywhere
tell me you aren't
the monster king's son?
Well, our relationship
is actually
a little complicated
right now.
I'm trying to work
through it in therapy, but
So, that buffoon's dynasty
is still intact?
And Jaga, you're still
serving him?
I couldn't stop Claudus,
but I'll make sure
you don't live to repeat
his mistakes!
Those sound like fight scene words!
ThunderCats, ho!
Oh, right.
[laughs] Ghost rules.
- [announcer] Maced!
- Wait, so do we hate him or not?
It's kind of a shades of grey
Snarf, Code Hairball!
[announcer] Maced!
Let's see if you can catch me,
- [grunts]
- [announcer] Maced!
- Let's get him!
- Yeah!
[grunting] That didn't work.
- [both grunting]
- [announcer] Maced!
[laughs] Is that all
you've got?
Prepare to be hypnotized!
[meows, purrs]
- Uh-oh.
- [announcer] Maced!
You wanted to face
the ThunderCats?
Face this!
I told you Thundrainium
Well, I forgot, okay?
Next time make a song.
Time for you to learn why they
call me Grune the Destroyer!
Oh, no! He's gonna Grune me!
Wait, hear me out, old friend.
Please, don't hurt
the ThunderCats
for the mistakes I made.
I should have just told Claudus
to stuff it.
Best friends don't trap
each other
in a magical tomb
for possibly all eternity
I see that now.
And yet after all that,
nothing has changed.
You're still covering for a fop
doodle of a Lord of the ThunderCats,
who doesn't deserve the title
or the Sword of Omens!
- [screams]
- Wait!
Ha! Do you really think
you can stop me?
I think maybe long-run I could
but it doesn't matter, because
I'm not going to fight you.
I'm going to surrender.
[all gasping]
You're right, Grune.
Claudus definitely
didn't deserve
to be Lord
of the ThunderCats
And maybe I don't either.
What are you saying, Lion-O?
Come on, guys, I don't know
anything about leading
or being a king.
All I know is, I won't let you
get hurt because of me.
So I'll give up being Lord
and give you
the Sword of Omens,
if you agree to leave
my friends alone.
Jaga, is this
the kind of thing
you've been teaching the kid?
Yes. All the ThunderCats
have been showing Lion-O
how to be a better king
than his father was.
Ugh. I let myself get
so blinded by revenge.
I was wrong. You deserve
this more than I do.
You deserve to be king.
I'm sorry for
attacking you all.
I used to be proud to be
a ThunderCat
and now I'm proud to
have such noble successors.
Aw, buddy. You really are
Grune the Great.
Ghost hug!
- [all whimpering]
- What are you gonna do now?
I don't know.
Then maybe we can pick up
where we left off, old friend.
- [upbeat music playing]
- [all cheering]
[Panthro] I love being
a ThunderCat!
["Grune the Destroyer" playing]
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