Fighting Spirit (2000) s01e51 Episode Script

The Group Date

Huh? Mom. Where am I?
You're in the hospital.
When the match ended,
you came straight here.
I'm sorry. I must've made you worry.
You had me really worried,
but I'm glad you're awake now.
I'm sorry.
That's all right.
Worry about your own health instead.
Hey, he's awake!
Come on, Takamura-san.
This is a hospital,
so please keep your voice down.
So, how do you feel?
They've been coming to see you every day.
Every day? Um
I'm sorry I made you worry.
I'll be fine now.
-Hey, is it time?
-Soon now.
She's the punctual type.
Huh? What are they getting excited about?
It's checkup time!
-Oh! Makunouchi-kun, you're awake!
Thank you for coming every day.
That's all right.
It looks like his fever is down,
so he'll be okay now.
Thank you so much.
Please relax.
He should be able to go home
in a few more days.
So, they were only after a nurse.
Well, Makunouchi-kun,
let's extract your urine.
Nurse, have you been doing this
for me every day?
Stand back, Reiko-san.
Okay, Aoki! Milk it out of him as usual.
-You got it!
-As usual?
At first, it was scary
because it was so big,
but I'm totally used to it now!
I'll go do it myself!
Why's he refusing our kindness?
I can't believe they played with me
while I was helpless!
Well, I'll come again when it's time
for his afternoon checkup.
Hey, hey!
How about that thing we discussed?
Shh! The head nurse will hear you!
The blind date party, right?
I said their dates
would be professional boxers,
and they got really interested.
You mean
It's a go!
All right!
Oh, and bring Ippo-kun along.
He's a cutie,
so he's a hit among the nurses.
That means we'll have to make it
the day of Ippo's release.
That makes us four.
As a precaution,
we should confirm the number of girls.
Leave it to me. I'll make sure we add up.
I know! We have a junior nurse
who's related to a boxer.
I'll bring her because she'll have
something in common to talk about.
Well, I'd better get going.
We're counting on you.
Looking forward to it, hons.
I'm glad the ink was water-based.
I'm not fully recovered yet.
Are you okay?
Uh, yes.
I don't think you should be walking
around just yet.
The girl at the bakery!
It's been a long time. Do you remember me?
Huh? Um
I see. You've forgotten about me.
No! You're
Mashiba-san's little sister, aren't you?
-You remember me?
-Uh, yes!
I remember you quite clearly, too.
I left her with a bad impression,
for sure.
She watched that match.
After that match, my big brother,
he's been repeating,
"You'll see, Makunouchi!
You'll pay for this!"
over and over like a voodoo curse.
Oh, but
Please don't let it upset you!
I don't hate you because
of the outcome of that match,
and I'm sure he doesn't hate you either.
After that, he
became extremely focused on boxing.
So, I'm now able to cheer for him
more honestly than before.
Really? Oh, that's right!
How did Mashiba-san's
A-Class Tournament turn out?
-Then he won?
Wow! He's awesome!
I'm really happy to hear that!
It's inspiring to think
that he's doing well.
-By the way
I wanted to tell you this originally
It's just such a relief to see you
looking so healthy.
It always worried me.
She said she worried about me
and then turned bright red?
No! I just about got reeled in
by the usual short-lived elation.
But is it possible?
Your front is open.
Oh, so that's what she meant.
What? A victory-slash-hospital
discharge party?
Understood! I'll be right there!
Sorry to keep you waiting.
Oh, you're here!
You're late, bozo.
I feel kind of bad
having all of you get together for me.
Think nothing of it.
Today, I'm the M.C.
I'll make sure everything runs smoothly.
Thank you so much! So, where are we going?
Well, wait a little longer.
-Everyone will be here soon.
They're here!
We're late!
I'm sorry. It was difficult
to get us all coordinated.
Don't sweat it.
We just got here ourselves.
Good evening, Ippo-kun.
What's wrong?
I see. So you guys totally used me
for one of your schemes.
Used you? You're wrong about that.
You're our wallet!
The tournament prize money
was 800,000 yen, wasn't it?
Please, Ippo-chan?
It looks like tonight will be expensive.
Since you're the wallet, go along with it.
-You won't get away!
Forget it!
I'm gonna buy Mom
a massager with that money!
Um, is it inconvenient for you,
Pay no attention to him.
Hey, isn't that Mashiba's kid sister?
I get it! She's the girl
that's related to a boxer.
Oh, I'm so sorry.
It looks like Ippo's got
a previous engagement.
Are you leaving, Ippo-kun?
Uh, no
Oh, well. Let's have a good time
among the rest of us!
Come on, Takamura-san. Let's go!
Well, let's go, let's go!
A massager, huh? That's so precious!
Aw, I'm so disappointed.
Be a good son to your mother, you hear?
Oh, please! Takamura-san,
enough of the dirty stories.
I can't hear you!
It's your own damned fault
for being so over endowed.
-Oh, stop!
-Take that and that!
You're awful, Takamura-san!
Good going.
It was a piece of cake. But what now?
Takamura-san's idiotic stories
will go on forever if we don't stop him.
That's true.
We have to start getting paired off quick.
If our types overlap
and it turns into a free-for-all,
Takamura-san will use his biceps.
Leave it to me.
We'll settle this fairly with a game.
Wow, it's been forever
since I went bowling.
So, is it okay with you gentlemen?
We ask out the girls in the order of
who gets the best score.
What do you mean?
That's not funny! I ain't going for that!
What's this? Are you chickening out?
That's not like you, Takamura-san.
Fine! I'll take you up on that!
All right, it's settled.
Damn. What's fair and square about this?
Now I know why Aoki volunteered
to be master of ceremonies.
He's practically a bowling master.
He was once known as "No-Error Ao-chan."
No-Error Ao-chan?
Keep your wits about you, too.
If you're in last place,
you're going to hell.
You'll end up
pulling the old maid from the deck.
You're kidding.
What's your average?
I've never played before!
Right on!
All right!
She's cute!
I'll do this!
Right on!
And that's all there is to it.
They're all good at this.
All right, I can do it, too!
Makunouchi-san, good luck!
Right on!
Take that!
-How's that?
Not bad.
The guys are really getting into this.
You're really going at it!
Of course we are.
Depending on the result of this game
We'll either get heaven or hell.
I'm going next.
He's the definite dropout
with nonstop gutter balls.
However, it will be impossible
to catch up to Aoki in the lead.
You ain't getting second place!
I did it! I got my first strike!
All right! Three in a row!
That's incredible, Makunouchi-san!
I kind of got the gist of it.
Get real.
It's gotta be a fluke, right?
All right!
-Five in a row.
-This is absurd!
I'm way out in front,
and you guys are both in second place
with 155 points each,
so if Ippo takes down
more than three pins,
he'll turn around and take second place.
Really? Guess I'll give it my best.
Damn! He looks so damned laid-back.
Your one throw says
whether we're going to hell, you know.
Makunouchi-san, this is the last one!
Everything is riding on this one ball.
Heaven or hell?
He wilted under the pressure!
All right!
So! Without further ado
I will allow myself to be the first
to ask out a girl!
Damn it, which one?
It's not good.
Are you free after this?
Boy, that sure came out of nowhere!
I forgot he was a freak.
The game was pointless!
Well, be seeing you.
Yeah, and take her right home!
I'll see Reiko-san home,
so you take care of Kumi-chan.
Take her back home!
This is a rare opportunity.
Hit her with your best shot!
Best shot?
Well, see you later!
I bet she's bored.
I have to say something.
Thank you. This is where I live.
Oh, really? Okay
Well, see you later.
Nothing happened.
That's just how it is. Yeah.
-Excuse me?
Um, if you like
Would you like to come in?
Come in?
But Kumi-san has no parents, right?
It's about time for Ryo to come home,
so won't you say hi to him?
I forgot about her brother.
Please come in.
This is kind of embarrassing.
Your picture is hanging up inside.
Good morning, Ippo-kun.
That sort of stuff only happens
in romantic sitcoms.
Ryo always looks at it to get himself
in a fighting mood.
Oh, really?
What? He isn't home yet.
Oh, please have a seat. I'll make coffee.
Thank goodness he isn't home yet.
Wait a second. That means
We're all alone together!
-How many?
-Huh? Oh, I'm 19!
I mean how many lumps of sugar!
I got it wrong, but I made her laugh.
She's unbelievably cute when she laughs.
This is a rare opportunity.
Hit her with your best shot.
That's what he said, but
Is something wrong?
Huh? Not really!
Could it be
Uh, no
Are you afraid of seeing my brother?
No, not at all.
You're kind of acting
like you're hiding something.
No, that isn't the case.
Oh! Welcome back, Ryo!
Just kidding! See, I knew it.
I'm not afraid!
That's true. You beat him in a fight,
after all.
No, who knows what could happen
if we fought a second time,
because Mashiba-san's flicker jabs
are really amazing.
When we were competing
for Rookie of the Year,
I didn't completely get them.
But I'm also looking forward to seeing
how far I can go in my current condition.
I think I'm getting a little carried away.
Too carried away.
I'm sorry! I have no excuse!
You're looking forward to it, huh?
Want to go at it right now?
No, thanks! I'll be going now!
Thanks for having me over!
Honestly! He was waiting for you,
you know.
Didn't look that way to me.
Man, that startled me!
I'll call it a day and go home and sleep.
It's so late I'll have to take a taxi.
Where should I go to catch one?
Oh, thanks!
I haven't done anything wrong!
I didn't do anything to her!
What are you talking about?
I thought I'd at least talk with you.
We've both got title matches coming up.
I'm gonna take mine. You take yours, too.
Is he offering encouragement?
Don't get the wrong idea.
I'm just saying
that I get dibs on slaughtering you.
See ya.
That's right. The next fight
is a title match.
I have to start getting myself
in motion soon!
Huh? That's good to hear.
So Reiko-san is coming to see
your next match?
Shh, keep it down.
If Takamura-san hears, he'll go ballistic.
I'm sorry.
I parted ways with her yesterday
with only a promise in my pocket.
After I lost the tournament
and the title match came to nothing,
it's like I found something to fight for
when everything's up in the air.
Reiko-san is a great human being.
-How did it go with you?
-Uh, well
which is how it happened.
You can't touch her
while her big brother is around!
Did somebody mention a big brother?
Yeah. Nice impersonation, buddy.
How dare you look so happy.
How did you fare, Takamura-san?
Stupid! It looks like Aoki pushed his luck
and went out drinking,
but I went right home.
You're kidding, right?
You don't get it, do you?
What comes after the A-Class Tournament?
The Champion Carnival!
That's right!
I doubt there's anyone left
to jeopardize me, but
I won't get careless for anything.
I won't let anyone have my belt!
Looks like you finally feel
some of a champion's responsibility.
Listen up! The date
for the Champion Carnival is set.
Middleweight is in late January,
and Featherweight is mid-February.
This is not a wait-and-see kind of event.
-If you're going to do it, do it to win!
-Yes, sir!
All right! We're gonna hang two belts
on Kamogawa Gym.
Yes. I sure have nurtured
a promising champion.
As your reward, I'll give you this.
It's this week's "Priday."
You'll find something interesting in it.
Oh! This idol bared all?
You're right,
it does have interesting stuff in it.
The next page'll make your mouth water.
You old pervert!
You'll get me all excited.
Yeah, I nurtured you all right.
Into a champion letch.
-Don't "anyway" me!
I'm going to split open your rotten skull!
Shut up! I am a champion!
A scandal is proof of my fame!
I don't want to be a champion like that.
Laugh at me!
So what if I'm a champion letch?
Laugh at me, please!
Oh? Come to think of it,
I wonder how Aoki-san is doing?
Good one!
Aoki-kun, eh?
I'm sure he's at home
crying from a broken heart.
Oh, I know! Let's call him up
to laugh at him.
That's in poor taste.
How come I gotta be
the one to make the call?
Oh, I'm sorry! I got the wrong number.
What are you doing? Give me that!
Still, it wouldn't be funny
if he's the only one who got lucky.
With that woman?
That would be more of a laugh!
Hey, is this Aoki? It's me!
Oh! Please wait a moment.
Come on, Aoki-kun.
He says his name is "me".
Come on, wake up.
Judging from the situation,
it looks like she stayed the night.
Stayed the night? In Aoki-san's apartment?
Which could only mean
Yeah? It's me, Aoki.
-Think I'll start practicing.
Huh? Hello?
Hello? This is Aoki.
Japan Champion.
The strongest boxer
in his weight class in Japan.
Boxers who starve themselves
in harsh diets like it's expected.
Men with highly trained bodies
and strong willpower.
Someone who stands above them all.
I came this far
because I wanted to fight him.
I wonder how far
the enormous difference in our skill
has balanced out since we first met?
Next time, "The Challenger."
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