Ghost Force (2021) s01e51 Episode Script

Ninja Ki / Criangle

Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
Shadows crawl, in the street
Up a wall and watch them creep ♪
Dark alley, sewers deep
I can never go to sleep ♪
Full of fear
Please make them disappear ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Feel the power ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force
Spooky hour ♪
Like the night, glow forever ♪
Ghost Force ♪
Appearances in the air
Got to watch out everywhere ♪
Creepy crawlies
In their lair ♪
Out of sight
Waiting in the night ♪
Ghost Force, Ghost Force! ♪
(traditional Japanese music)
-Oh, isn't it beautiful, Aster?
This print shows
the magnificent contrast
of Japanese art!
On one hand,
the delicacy of cherry blossoms.
But on the other,
the art of war!
(martial-arts shouts)
-Oh, my, that was close!
But come, Aster.
Let's go find the students,
shall we?
(haunting music)
(haunted-music theme)
I can't wait to hear
Professor Pascal's lecture
on Medieval Japan!
Did you know samurais
were as skilled as swordsmen
as they were poets?
Sure, I did!
They also ate plenty of sushi,
wasabi, and ketchup sauce!
Uh, I'm not so sure
about ketchup, Andy.
Then why would Rolland
put it in his Samurai Hot Dog?
Worst day ever!
Liv? That's odd.
You've never been late
in your life before.
I know! But today
everything's been going wrong!
It started when a seagull
attacked my breakfast,
then my notes for history class
flew out the window,
then a seagull
attacked my notes.
By the time I found them,
I was late to school!
And to top things off,
I found this in my backpack.
Last night's fish hot dog!
I was wondering where I left it!
(nom nom)
Now my backpack
smells like rotten fish!
Ah, the perfect introduction
to today's lesson!
Ms. Baker's
sudden burst of anger
stems from a loss
of self-control.
This print, kindly lent to us
by the Metropolitan Museum,
shows us that samurais
were famous
for controlling their emotions.
They could remain calm
even in the face
of great danger.
So, that's how they could hide
in the shadows!
No, you're confusing them
with ninjas.
It's a common mistake.
Ah, quite so, Mr. Collins!
It was the ninjas who developed
the art of camouflage.
Legend even has it
that they could make
themselves invisible!
(gasps from the class)
Observe the samurais calm gaze.
You must try to emulate it,
Ms. Baker.
For to overcome your anger
is to overcome
your greatest enemy.
Or in Liv's case,
to overcome the smell
of rotten fish,
you gotta get in the shower.
(all laugh)
Want to say that again, joker?
-(all clamoring)
(haunting music)
(Pascal sighs)
No damage!
And I hope you weren't
damaged either, Ms. Baker.
(all shout)
(suspenseful music)
(panting and barking)
(all screaming)
A tornado? This time of year?
Take cover, kids!
(all screaming)
(sigh) Just what
I needed today, a ghost.
Most likely a telekinetic one.
but our biggest concern now is
where did it go?
I don't know, but our medallions
are still recharging
in Ms. Jones's lab.
We can't do anything
without them!
We need to go get them.
Quick, to the lockers!
(little boy shouting)
(action music)
Oh, Glowboo! You feel
the chakras of the universe
dancing inside our minds?
-Ms. Jones!
A ghost has just awoken
in our school!
A ghost! Woohoo!
I just unlocked a new feature
in Glowboo
and now's the time
to test it out!
Indeed we will,
where is the ghost?
It's heading down 5th Avenue.
Let's go Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
(action music)
Ghost Force!
-(suspenseful music)
The ghost was here!
GLOWBOO: Samples sent to the lab
for instant analysis.
That new feature sure is handy.
You've got to be kidding me!
No worries, sis!
That ghost will be
inside my boocaps in no time!
(Myst grunt)
-(traditional Japanese music)
Huh? Whoa!
Whoa! I knew I should have stuck
to finishing school!
(crowds shouting)
It's going into Booster mode!
(harrowing music)
Things just keep
getting better and better.
On the bright side,
at least it'll have
a harder time staying hidden!
Ah! Where did it go?
Fury, look out!
-(whip crack)
-FURY: Ah!
It can come out of nowhere!
Glowboo's sample analysis says
you're dealing
with a new type of ghost!
An invisible one.
This means catching it
will be next to impossible!
Um Maybe
I shouldn't have told you that.
I don't want to spoil
your confidence.
This day stinks worse
than my backpack. Ah!
-Krush, on your left!
-Fury, your right!
Glowboo, behind you!
I'm not gonna do this all day.
Spectral Bow!
-Why are you playing around?
-I'm not, I'm trying to hit it!
Oh, no.
(screeching rubber)
-(traditional Japanese music)
You do know we aren't ghosts,
Ugh, I didn't mean to do it.
All I'm saying is
maybe try not to shoot us.
at least I'm doing something!
Unlike you two!
Hold up, Myst!
We know you're having
a rough day,
but don't take it out on us.
-We need a plan!
-(dark music)
-(screeching rubber)
Krush, you all right?
That one attack
drained all my energy!
I'm useless.
That ghost sure
is more dangerous than he looks,
which does makes sense
with it being invisible and all.
Hey, kids,
did you figure out how to spot
that unspottable ghost yet?
No, but how do you expect us to
when you keep bothering us
all the time?
-(tense music)
Uh, I didn't mean that.
I'm sorry.
I understand
you're stressing out, Myst,
but you really need
to learn to control your anger.
I know
a little Zen yoga exercise!
Control my anger?
To overcome your anger
is to overcome
your greatest enemy.
You're right, Professor Pascal.
What? Who?
And you're right too, Ms. Jones.
I'll never be able
to stop that ghost
if I let my anger
get the best of me.
Time for me to be Zen.
While we kick some Boo!
(rock-music theme)
(screeching rubber)
(screeching rubber)
(all shout)
-(screeching rubber)
-(drivers shouting)
(all screaming)
It makes itself visible
when it's gonna attack.
And your point is?
I'll provoke it
into showing itself,
then you attack it
with your Flexy Boo!
(action music)
Yo, scary ghost!
You're too scared
to show yourself?
Spectral Gate!
Flexy Blast!
-Myst, I missed my shot!
It's OK, we'll try again.
Is that all you got?
I've met little level 1's
tougher than you! Ha!
(traditional Japanese music)
(harrowing music)
(blades unsheathed)
(slow-motion sound)
Fury, now!
Flexy Power!
-(whip crack)
-(Ninjaki grunting)
Sorry, ghosty.
The only place you're going
is with us.
(action music)
(high-pitched shout)
(high-pitched groan)
(uplifting music)
Thanks, Ghost Force!
(rock-music theme)
Wonderful work, kids!
Our new friend's
invisibility powers
are going to open up
a lot of possibilities for us!
Think you can use it
to create a cool new gadget?
I could build a compact
for invisible Boo makeup!
-Or maybe even a
-Huh? Oh!
Another glitch!
But I changed
the router yesterday!
We've had quite a day,
Ms. Jones.
Maybe you can show us
one of your Zen yoga exercises?
Of course!
(employee grunting)
Oh, this thing is heavy!
The museum's gonna open
in a few minutes,
so quit complaining and move it!
-EMPLOYEE 1: Uh-oh
EMPLOYEE 2: Ah, ghost!
-EMPLOYEE 1: I'm a square!
PASCAL: And don't forget
about the geometrical
art exhibit
at the museum today.
It'll make you realize
our world is simply a series
of shapes and sizes!
Especially New York City.
That's right, the skyscrapers
are just big rectangles.
Say, Liv,
do you think I should get
my hair cut into a rectangle?
Any way you slice it, Carla,
I bet it's gonna look awesome.
-(boing, boing)
BOTH: Huh?
Who knew you knew about hair?
Carla really liked that.
Wish I could be
as smooth as you, buddy.
Um, Mike, I'm heading over
to the museum
to check out
the geometric exhibit.
-Wanna come with?
I'd love to,
but I promised my dad I'd
his basketball collection,
by size, so I think I
I think I understand.
Some other time maybe.
Uh, did I really just see that?
Charlie wanted to spend
the day with you.
I can't do it!
It's just too risky!
Since I don't know anything
about art,
if I accepted her invitation,
I'd have a 98.4% chance
of saying something stupid,
and an 87.3% chance
of disappointing her!
Add to that the 75% chance
that I stutter,
that gives us 492 chances
out of 500
that she'd think I'm ridiculous!
Uh, did you swallow a calculator
or something?
Mike, you gotta stop
overthinking things
and be more spontaneous.
(ring tone)
(heavy breathing)
There's a new ghost in town!
So put some muscle
in your hustle
and come grab your medallions!
We're on our way, Ms. Jones!
(metal doors)
(action music)
(rope stretching)
Good luck catching this!
-(boing, boing)
-824 to 0.
Hm, gonna have to lower
Glowboo's Jokari skills.
Oh, right!
Let's get down to business.
MS. JONES: An unknown ghost
has just been detected
inside the museum.
The museum! But Charlie's
on her way there now.
Wait, if I calculate
the distance
divided by her walking speed,
then factor
in the wind resistance,
she isn't even there yet.
Until I factor in the time
it took me
to calculate all this!
Then she's getting there
right now.
but there's no time to lose.
ALL: Let's go Ghost Force!
Ghost Force!
Don't fear the glow ♪
(action music)
Ghost Force!
-(crowd screaming)
(crowd screaming)
This is Charlie reporting live
as the Ghost Force flies off
to save the city!
What's happening to me?
Don't worry!
I'll get you out of here,
Hey, nice color!
We've gotta capture it
before it switches
to Booster mode.
(harrowing music)
(deep cackle)
-ALL: Ah!
-(squishy zapping)
-(crowd screaming)
We've got to stop this ghost
and free Charlie!
(squishy zapping)
Why, Aster, did you eat
something wrong, my boy?
That triangle's more
of cri-angle, am I right?
It spins
every time it uses its power,
so we need to immobilize it!
I'll just tie it up.
Flexy Blast!
I'll distract it,
you guys
stop its split and spin!
Spectral Arrow!
Flexy Power!
-(whip crack)
I've got Whoa!
(Fury shouting)
A little help, Krush
-(Criangle growling)
-KRUSH: Hold on!
I have to take into account
my shooting angle,
the velocity of my Fractal Boo,
and the Boo energy's level
of inertia.
Computing error, the variables
are too overwhelm
What are you waiting for?
I'm thinking!
If I miss, Charlie will remain
a prism forever!
And that's one mistake
I can't make!
Oh, no, don't spin again
Systems operational again.
-What the
MYST: Oh, no!
-(squishy zap)
-MYST: Ah!
-You OK?
-I'm fine.
I just feel a little edgy.
Myst, I I didn't mean to
Krush, you've gotta get out
of your head
before that ghost
geometrizes the whole city!
Myst is right, we've gotta find
a new angle of attack
and stay sharp!
-(Myst groans)
No offense, Myst!
(action music)
There's gotta be a reason
it's drilling
in all these spots!
-But what?
-We'll work that out later.
Right now, I'm gonna put my fist
square in its face!
Fury, we figure it out now!
How are we supposed to save
New York, Myst, and Charlie,
if we don't take time
to think about it?
Again with the thinking!
We're taking this thing down,
end of discussion!
No, we need to be rational,
methodical, logical
Didn't we already have
math class this morning?
Now enough
with your calculations
(boing, boing)
(dark music)
ALL: Oh, no!
(dark music)
That's it! Now we know
what those drill points are for!
What's the latest, kids?
I'm afraid Myst is out of action
and the ghost
has turned gigantic.
But the boomap doesn't indicate
any rise in its Boo energy.
if its energy hasn't changed,
but its size has,
then there's a fairly
good chance
this giant ghost
is just one giant illusion.
Brilliant calculation, Krush!
Which also means
That the regular-sized ghost
must be hidden
inside the giant ghost!
Let us put that theory
to the test.
(adventure music)
Congratulations, Krush,
your hypothesis was correct.
However, the interior
has geometric properties
that correlate
to the eye beams of the ghost.
I am afraid in a few seconds
we will all be
-BOTH: Glowboo!
(boing, boing)
This is not my favorite shape.
Comparing its speed to ours,
we have a 99% chance of failure.
-We don't stand a chance!
We have a 1% chance!
And if we tackle it together,
we can bump that up to 2!
There's always a chance,
and I've got an idea.
You got first and use
your Flexy powers
to tag me in halfway.
The momentum
should be enough to
(eerie music)
You called it, Krush,
the real Criangle
is spinning right in the center!
Perfect! Better hurry though.
You only have a few seconds!
(action music)
I'm halfway there.
Your turn, buddy!
(shouting in slow motion)
Huh? Whoa
Fractal Power!
-(uplifting music)
(squishy explosion)
Let's go!
You get an F in Geometry,
(adventure music)
(high-pitched squeaks)
-Easy there, Aster!
ALL: Booya!
Bravo, kids!
That's one math problem
you really solved.
You can thank Krush!
And his super analytical brain.
And I thank Fury
for opening my eyes.
Sure, thinking's important,
but sometimes
you just gotta take some risks.
Speaking of which
(heroic music)
Uh, Charlie?
Mike? What are you doing here?
I, uh
Saw there was a ghost attack
and got worried for you.
So, I thought I'd check on you
and, uh
Maybe accompany you
to the exhibit.
Oh, that's so sweet, Mike,
but I've had enough triangle
for one day.
(nervous laugh)
How about we just go
to the park instead?
CHARLIE: I've got so much
to tell you about the attack!
Did you know I saw Krush?
I even got to talk to him!
(action music)
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