Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e51 Episode Script

Episode 51

What do you mean? I'm here to give you what you want more desperately than money.
I'll do it.
What is this? Why would Insu? And you love me too.
So I'll have your baby.
And then? Then what are you going to do? I'll raise it to be the best.
It will want for nothing.
You want our baby to be happy, don't you? As JM Group's heir? As Bae Gyeongmin's son? There must be a mistake.
Why would Insu? There's no way Insu could have known.
When it comes to Bae Gyeongmin and JM, you just don't give up.
I'm living a life most people can't imagine, so why should I give it up? Insu.
Just give me a little, a little more time.
Please tell me.
How do we know each other? We were lovers.
We were born on different days, but we promised to die on the same day.
That was our love.
I'm sorry.
I don't know what I should do either.
I don't I don't know what I want either.
Are you okay? I'm fine.
Thank you for saving my sister.
Suicide? You didn't know? I thought you knew.
Tell me.
Why did he try to take his own life? After your accident, you were in a coma.
They said you might not make it.
That must've been too much for him.
I did see it.
I actually went to the studio and saw it in person.
At the studio? You went to the studio? You pulled her out in your condition? I'm very interested in Ruby.
Insu, you know it too.
You know what I had to do to get here.
For the first time, I have self-confidence.
I used to think I was stupid, lazy, and useless, but on JM Group's wings, I realized how high I could soar.
You love me too.
So I'll have your baby.
And then? Then what are you going to do? I'll raise it to be the best.
It will want for nothing.
You want our baby to be happy, don't you? As JM Group's heir? As Bae Gyeongmin's son? When it comes to Bae Gyeongmin and JM, you never give up.
I live a life most people can't even imagine, so why should I give it up? He knew it all along.
He knew everything.
He knew I was Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
He knew about the switch.
When that happens When that happens, what will you do? I will give everything up and come back to you.
I'll come back to you, Na Insu.
So until that happens, give me some more time.
The real Jeong Ruby might've been able to, but not you.
Why not? Because you're not Ruby.
You're Runa.
You gave up everything but your love for JM Group's prestigious wings.
Runa, this isn't what you think.
There's nothing between me and Ruby - so don't / - Nothing? Runa.
Runa, Runa, Runa! Don't call me that.
You knew right from the start.
You knew everything.
So how could you do this to me? Runa.
Runa, have you Tell me.
Is your memory back? That's right.
I got my memory back.
And you knew all along.
You knew everything.
So how could you? How could you do this to me? Runa.
This isn't right! This isn't right! You knew all along.
You knew I was Jeong Ruby, not Jeong Runa.
So how could you? This can't be! I'm sorry.
I'm truly sorry.
I was wrong.
I'm a real scumbag.
I should've stopped her somehow.
I shouldn't have deceived you.
I should've told you, at the very least.
But I fell in love with you.
I just don't get it.
Why'd it turn out this way? The Jeong Runa I knew wasn't this evil.
How did she end up so broken? I'm sorry.
I was so wrong.
What good does that do now? Everyone thinks that Runa is Jeong Ruby and that I'm Jeong Runa.
I was just going to accept it.
I tried to understand.
It was futile to undo the damage.
Hatefulness and grudges were useless.
I told myself to live this way.
Runa could live as Jeong Ruby, and I, as Jeong Runa.
But I can't.
I decided not to.
It wasn't enough to lie to her loving family, she'll do anything for her own ambitions.
I can't watch idly anymore.
I'll make her stop.
I'll put everything back where it was.
You can't do that.
Why not? Why can't I? Are you afraid that people will find out you were in on this with Ruby? You're afraid? It's not that If not Then do you know exactly what you've done wrong? You tricked me, my family and everyone around you.
I know you were hurting.
But this just isn't right.
You're right.
You're absolutely right.
Then I'll go public with the video and tell everyone the truth.
So Runa, just I know Runa.
She might already have a plan for when you go public with the video.
She never would've started this whole thing if a mere video could stop her.
I'll pay her back in full.
What she did was so cruel and horrible, I will look straight into her eyes and make her see the error of her ways.
And what will you get out of it? In the end, you'll be the one who winds up hurt.
I don't care.
I have nothing left to lose anyway.
Let's stop here.
Let's just get married, move far away, and live our lives.
If you'd like, your mom could come with us, someplace where the air is clean, and lead a happy life together.
Why should I? Runa, I love you.
I don't doubt your love for me.
But that's your love.
Have you thought about my love? I love you.
I wasn't in love with you in the beginning.
I was seeking revenge.
I wanted to be near Runa, so I pretended to love you.
But not anymore.
Runa, I mean, Ruby.
I truly love you.
Do you expect me to believe you? Runa.
I told you! I'm not Runa! If you have any remorse for what you did to me, no matter what I do, act oblivious.
You don't have to help me.
My memories coming back, keep it a secret for now.
What do you plan to do? I'll do things my way now, not as Jeong Ruby, but as Jeong Runa.
You shouldn't.
Don't do it.
Other than myself, no one can stop her.
I have to do it.
I have to stop my sister.
We're home.
- Well, hi.
/ - You came home together.
Have you had dinner? Yes, mother.
We went on a date for once.
A date? Hello? Ruby's in a very good mood.
Be good to her.
Don't forget that your wife is the best thing you have.
Do you think that about me? Of course.
That goes without saying.
But don't let mom know.
Hi, Gyeongmin.
Should I set the table? Aunt Geumhui, this scarf What do you think? Isn't it pretty? Where did you get it? It looked like Ruby threw it out, so I took it.
May I have the scarf? Why? But I love it.
I'll get you something nicer.
You promise, right? Yes.
Don't worry.
I really like it.
Here you go.
Hurry up and shower, dear.
Why was Aunt Geumhui wearing this scarf? You said you'd return it to Runa.
Oh Um I heard you threw it out.
No, I didn't.
Why would I throw out Runa's scarf? I left it on the vanity table.
She must've have been confused.
Sneaking into rooms unannounced and stealing things is her specialty.
So Aunt Geumhui stole it without a word? Yeah.
You see I don't get it.
It's just a scarf.
You could just give it back with a smile.
What about you? You said you'd return it, so why'd you bring it back home? You know I hate it.
Why do you display it to me? Answer me.
What happened during the workshop? Lower your voice.
We're not the only ones who live here.
Why? Do you feel guilty about something? Is that why you don't want to talk about it? Ruby.
You took my laptop, didn't you? And you made Runa's proposal win, right? You sent her to the marketing division to work with me.
Not with me.
Using her proposal as an excuse, you're meeting privately right now.
What are you talking about? Why? Why exactly? Why do you favor Runa? Why? What about you? Why is Runa's lost notebook here? You knew she was looking for it.
Why'd you pretend to be oblivious? And one more thing.
Runa's engagement ring.
Why'd you throw it in the trash? Things I wanted to say, things I wanted to ask, they were countless.
But I held myself back.
Why? Because you're my wife.
Because you were in a car crash, with no memories, you might make mistakes.
That's right.
I was in a terrible accident, so you have to be more understanding.
But your obsession with Runa What obsession are you talking about? What is the matter with you? How can I not be upset? Why were you so nice to me today? You felt guilty.
That's why you were suddenly so nice.
Another squabble? It's true.
Dating is a bubbly fantasy, and marriage is a harsh reality.
What are you doing? It's just a stupid scarf.
I'll get her a new one.
What are you two doing? What are you two doing? What's the matter? Is someone hurt? Gyeongmin, tell me.
Whose scarf is it? Do you remember how to speak? It's mine, grandmother.
So you were cutting up your own scarf with a pair of scissors? I'm sorry.
I was so angry that As angry as you may have been, how could you cut up a perfectly nice scarf? I just can't figure you out.
How do you manage to cause trouble so consistently? I'm sorry, grandma.
She got upset at me, so in the heat of the moment You shut your trap! You dare defend your wife in front of me? I'm sorry.
Since we're on the subject, let me ask you.
What exactly did Gyeongmin do to you that made you throw this kind of tantrum? Did you think I wouldn't find out that you left that scratch on Gyeongmin's face? Does Gyeongmin gamble? Does he beat people? Is he not making money? If not that, then does he sell his body to other women? I'm sorry, grandmother.
But making money, not beating people up, not gambling, and not cheating are standard.
What? Yes.
You're right.
This isn't the Joseon period.
You're smart when it comes to that.
But the thing is, after your marriage and after you moved in, I had this nagging feeling that we let a stranger in the house, not the nice young lady we first met.
I told myself it'd get better with time as we get to know one another.
But that never happened.
Just when I think I might come to like you, you stir up trouble.
You've been doing it over and over again.
You make it impossible for me to like you.
That's not fair, grandmother.
How can you say that? Why can't I? It's the truth.
I was right about you two.
Ru Gyeongmin, can't you see? We've been too nice her.
Her greed goes beyond the clouds.
You young people might think this is okay, but it's not okay with me.
And how dare she storm out when her elder is reprimanding her? Doesn't she know any better? It's all my fault, grandma.
Please forgive me.
Goodness me.
I couldn't be more frustrated and upset.
You saw, didn't you, what those two just did? I'm sorry, mother.
It's my fault.
I'll give them a good scolding tomorrow, so They say children betray you, but what is the world coming to? They have no respect for their elders.
I'll talk to them too, mom.
Please don't be so heartbroken.
I don't even know anymore.
You do what you like.
Get up.
Get up this instant.
What are you doing, Gyeongmin? What are you doing? Gyeongmin.
I'm sorry, mom and dad.
You can't apologize? I'm sorry, mother and father.
Ruby and I are going out for a bit.
This late? Where? I have to take her somewhere.
He's scary, Gyeongsuk.
Quiet cats really do scratch the hardest.
Gyeongmin's scary when he's angry.
Aunt Geumhui, that is not how that idiom is used.
Where are we going? Where are we going? Slow down.
You're making me nervous.
Gyeongmin, please slow down.
We're here.
Where are we? Don't you remember? This is where you and Runa had the accident.
Why did you bring me here? What'd you want to show me? I don't like it.
Let's go.
Get out.
Get out! What do you want me to do? How much longer do I have to wait? How long do I have to wait for your return? Gyeongmin.
Take a good look around.
That morning, we parted ways with a smile.
Then a few hours later, there was an accident right here.
Right here! After the accident, you changed.
You've become a completely different person.
Why? Why? What did I do? How have I changed? I'm me.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
I'm me! I still love you.
I'm waiting desperately for you to come back to your old self.
Why don't you get that? Who are you anyway? Who are you? Why are you turning into a stranger? Why are you breaking my heart? You know that I love you, so why do you make it so difficult for me? Stop it, sweetheart.
I'm sorry.
It's all my fault, so please get back in the car, okay? Let's go.
Is it just not possible? Is it so hard for you to go back to the way you used to be? You weren't like this.
But now, you're pushing away everyone around you and making enemies, even your only sister.
My sister? You're bringing up Runa again? Are you sure nothing happened? Did Runa say something? What did Runa say? She called out my name and she said she hated me.
Why? Why? I told you to tell me! She told me she hated me, repeatedly.
She told me she hated me so much.
She said I was unforgivable.
Happy now? Stop fretting and go to sleep.
It pains to think how upset mother is.
What kind of marriage is squabble-free? How can you be so calm? She cut up a perfectly nice scarf with a pair of scissors.
I can't help but wonder Maybe we should've listened to mother and called off the wedding.
How can you say that now? Don't take on that self-righteous tone.
You said yourself that Ruby was greedy.
At times like this, I really wish there was a baby in the house.
All we'd hear is laughter.
Mom, what do I do? What do I do? I remember now.
I remember everything.
Maybe it would've been better if her memory didn't come back.
The old Runa would have run over to Ruby and thrown a fit.
But for some reason, she's keeping it to herself.
Should I tell Chorim and Ruby or not? Tell me what? What do you mean? Tell me what? Why were you mumbling to yourself? It's nothing.
Yu, you're acting strange.
Something's up, isn't it? Runa's gotten some memory back.
What? What did you say? Are you serious? Wow.
That's fantastic.
We should celebrate.
- I should call her.
/ - No, no, no.
Leave her alone.
I was waiting for this to happen.
So she really got her memory back? Now you have nothing to worry about.
I thought so too, but I'm worried she'll confront Ruby once everything comes back to her.
I don't blame her though.
If it had been me, I would've strangled Ruby Chorim.
Yes? But Runa almost died.
Imagine how resentful she must be.
I totally understand that feeling.
But Gilja, as you know, Runa has changed.
She's kind and unassuming now.
She's finally matured, so she'll get over it.
Don't worry.
I hope so.
I'll pay her back in full.
What she did was so cruel and horrible, I will look straight into her eyes and make her see the error of her ways.
And what will you get out of it? In the end, you'll be the one who winds up hurt.
I don't care.
I have nothing left to lose anyway.
That's right.
I lost everything.
I have nothing left to lose.
Do you know who my role model is? It's you, Jeong Ruby.
Would you be interested in becoming a JM Homeshopping show host? I told her I'd think about it.
What are you planning to do, Jeong Ruby? What do you think you're doing here? How dare you show up here? Why did Ruby do such a thing? Why does she get so worked up over Runa? So your memory has returned? What's it to you anyway? Why is it such a big deal? Why so cold all of the sudden? Don't do this to me.
See you next time
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