ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e51 Episode Script

The First Thundsgiving

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
[Tygra] All right, Snarf,
this is our most
important mission yet.
Creating the perfect
brunch menu.
I need recipes,
little chef!
[purring, kissing]
Thundersquab Frittatas.
Wispy waffles with
a drizzle of Thunder-Honey.
Mixed Thunder-Fruit salad.
Ah, this will be
perfect for tomorrow.
It's the one-year anniversary
of the Thundercats
landing on Third Earth.
I know everyone's
gonna be super sad
thinking about our
old home, Thundera.
So, I'm making
a brunch menu
full of traditional
Thunderian favorites
to cheer us all up!
[purring happily]
That's the spirit.
[announcer in robotic voice]
Well done, Tygra.
All right. Come on, Snarf.
[Tygra] Thank goodness
I installed this secret pantry,
or the other Thundercats
would've eaten through
all my Thunderian
ingredients by now.
[all chomping hungrily]
- [horrific gasp]
- [chomping hungrily]
- No!
- [chomping hungrily]
[chomping hungrily]
[gasps in horror]
[dramatic gasp]
Tygra, you gotta try some
of these great snacks we found.
Look, I saved you
a thundersquab egg.
Oh, no, I ate it.
[angrily] You! You!
Hey, you look different.
Did you do something
with your chin?
I can't believe
how selfish you all are.
[grunts in anger]
[inhales deeply]
[indistinct shouting]
Huh. You know, I always figured
we'd eventually push Tygra
over the edge,
but not because of snacks.
What's this?
A bunch of recipes?
And a menu
"Thunderian Brunch?"
Oh, wait a minute.
Tomorrow's the anniversary
of us landing here.
I bet Tygra
was gonna make us a meal
with these ingredients
to remind us of Thundera!
[both] Aw!
I wish I was old enough
to remember Thundera.
What? I remember Thundera,
and I'm way younger than you.
Oh, "Thundera."
I was thinking of something
else I don't remember.
But I do have an idea
for how to cheer up Tygra.
Let's make this special meal
for him.
That's great,
but there's no way
to get these
Thunderian ingredients.
That's even better.
We'll show Tygra that
Third Earth is awesome too.
I'll just run these
Thunderian recipes
through Snarf's universal
ingredient translator,
and he'll give us
the Third Earth versions.
It's a map to where
we can find the ingredients.
Grab a recipe, everyone!
We're going
grocery shopping!
[all cheering] Yeah!
[upbeat music plays]
[engine accelerating]
[both] Yeah!
Spaceboards! Spaceboards!
Whoo! Whoo-hoo!
[clears throat]
[heroic instrumental music]
Oh, yeah! Here we go.
- Yes, yes, yes, yes!
- [farts]
Okay. [sighs]
"Thundersquab Frittatas"
are made with
Thundersquab eggs.
Aw. Look at that little guy.
The closest thing
we can get on Third Earth
are Bull-Hawk eggs.
[ominous music plays]
"Aqua Hornet?"
What the heck
is an Aqua Hornet?
Remember how on Thundera,
we had Thunder-Bees?
Those friendly little guys
that made honey?
- Aqua Hornets are like those.
- Oh!
Except much bigger.
And meaner.
And they live at
the bottom of the ocean.
But they make the sweetest
honey in the galaxy.
Or so the legend goes.
The only guy to ever try it
was mysteriously poked
full of holes.
Nobody knows
what happened to him.
Was he stung by Aqua Hornets?
There's a lot of theories.
Anyway, time to get in
our shark suits.
I'm so glad we finally
get to use these!
Look at me, I'm a shark!
Can you zip me up?
Do sharks howl on this planet?
Yeah, I'm guessing they do.
Last one in's a Bull-Hawk egg!
- [splashing]
- [gurgling]
[sighs] Oh, well.
At least I'm not Lion-O.
I don't know why anyone
would volunteer
to get fruit
from the fruit bears.
Those things are vicious.
[in baby voice]
Who's a silly bear?
Who's a silly little
fruit bear?
You are! Yes, you are.
[cooing and giggling]
Okay, WilyKat,
one of us has to sneak
under there and grab an egg.
I don't wanna do that.
Me neither.
Hmm. A-ha!
Thundercats, Thundercats
Zim zam zoom ♪
Two little Thundercats
In a room ♪
One plays checkers
One plays chess ♪
Two is more
And one is less ♪
- [fuming]
- One potato, two potato Bubblegum please ♪
Three potato Hanging
from a Bubblegum tree ♪
Stop! Just stop.
I'll do it.
Heh. Undefeated.
- [tense music plays]
- [snoring]
Okay, WilyKat,
you can do this.
Remember your training.
Just have to make sure
[startled gasp]
[horrific screech]
Yeah, she's awake.
[screaming in fright]
[WilyKat] Hey! Over here.
[heroic instrumental music]
- [howling]
- [gasps]
Ha! I love these suits.
Nobody can tell
we're not real sharks.
I gotta say,
you did a great job.
Hey, look.
The Aqua Hornet's nest.
What's next?
Way ahead of you.
- Pull that cord.
- Ooh!
- [swishing]
- [explodes]
Panthro, these look terrible.
I know.
I spent all my time
on the shark suits.
Remember the shark suits?
So cool.
They're never gonna believe
that we belong here.
[breathing heavily]
[breathing heavily]
[chuckles nervously]
Buzz, buzz.
See? Aqua Hornets
aren't smart like us.
Now let's steal honey from
a bunch of lethal creatures
on the bottom of
the ocean floor
so we can make waffles.
Yeah, we're real smart.
Hello. Hey. What's up?
TGIF! [chuckles]
- [Cheetara] Look.
- Whoo!
The honey chamber.
[suspenseful music plays]
All right.
Let's make this quick.
How many do we need?
This stuff is really heavy.
[chomping] Sorry,
I can't hear you.
[chomping] So good.
[chomping] Oh, dang.
[whispers] Panthro! Back away
from the honey. Slowly.
Uh So sticky.
[chuckles nervously]
[all buzzing]
And there goes our cover.
[screams] Run!
[dramatic music plays]
[breathing heavily]
We made it.
I'm stuck.
This is why we have rules
about not eating on the job.
- [gurgling]
- He's a lot smaller than I thought.
You won't mind
if we take some fruit, will ya?
After all, you're
the only fruit bear here,
and the walls
are totally covered in fruit.
- [cooing]
- [gurgling]
Hey, you're covered in fruit,
just like the walls.
- [growling]
- Huh.
[intense music plays]
- [roaring]
- Ahhh!
- [screeching]
- [screaming]
That was a close one.
Okay, change in plans.
- What are you doing?
- Jump.
That thing hates red light.
Now every light it sees is red!
She's flying herself
into the sun.
[both] Hooray.
Let's grab some eggs
before she comes back.
Should we feel guilty
about this?
No way! Look at all these eggs.
There's no way she could eat
all of these by herself.
She's coming back.
[both screaming]
- [screeching]
- [both screaming]
- [straining]
- [grunts]
Oh, my gosh.
Are you okay?
Ahhh! Swim for your life!
- [buzzing]
- [splashes]
[both gasp]
- [screaming]
- [buzzing]
[effort grunt]
Hey, guys!
How'd your grocery run go?
- I had a little trouble getting
- [all screaming]
[narrator on TV] And so,
the lonely bird will wait.
Honking out
in search of a friend.
A friend who will never
return his honks.
[bird honks]
[glass breaking]
- What now?
- [growling]
Salt! I need more salt.
What's the difference
between minced and diced?
Someone pass me an apron.
- [screeching]
- [grunts]
What's the difference
between minced and diced?
What the heck did you guys do?
Are you trying to make this day
even worse for me?
Sorry, Tygra.
We felt so bad for eating
your Thunderian ingredients
that we decided
to make your brunch for you,
- using ingredients we found here on Third Earth!
- [slurping]
That's the nicest
thing you've ever
done for me.
Wait a minute!
You felt bad for stealing
from your friend,
so you stole from us?
Yeah. Sorry about that.
It's been a confusing day.
We didn't even know you guys
could talk to be honest.
Of course, we can talk!
We can all talk.
Well, that's good to know.
You can all talk,
but can ya cook?
[all] Yeah. Hooray!
Oh, man,
these Third Earth ingredients
are even better than
Thunderian ingredients.
Ooh, I don't think
I can eat any more eggs.
Heh. Told ya so.
I'm so glad we can celebrate
our old home
with our new friends.
You know,
we should do this every year.
We can make it a new holiday.
We'll call it Thundsgiving!
To Thundsgiving!
And to our new friends.
[all cheering]
Hear, hear!
And maybe next year we can
[painfully] Hospital. Please!
[bird honking]
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