ThunderCats Roar (2020) s01e52 Episode Script

Mandora Saves Christmas

[opening theme music]
- Their planet exploded ♪
- [chorus] Thunder ThunderCats! ♪
- They crashed on Third Earth ♪
- Thunder, thunder crash! ♪
- Gotta beat up some bad guys ♪
- Mummies, mutants ♪
- And make some new friends ♪
- Unicorns, robots ♪
Built a big base with a cat-shaped face
and now they're ready to go! ♪
There's WilyKit, WilyKat Tygra, ♪
Panthro, Cheetara Snarf, Lion-O! ♪
[chorus] He's a brand-new Lord
with a magic sword! ♪
It's thunder Thunder, thunder
ThunderCats Roar! ♪
Oh, stupid map.
Third Earth should be right here.
Oh, ho, ho. Never fails.
One planet left and I'm lost.
Elf nuggets!
The fuzz.
Just be cool.
Merry Christmas Eve,
- How can I
- Sir, do you know how fast you were going just now?
Well, I-I have to go pretty
fast to deliver all
Save it, slime wad. I don't
care how they do things
in whatever crime-infested cluster
of stars you oozed out of.
But this is my jurisdiction and
here, nobody is above the law.
Chestnuts to this noise.
We're making a break for it, boys.
This is Agent Mandora
requesting all the back up.
I've got a roly poly perp on the run.
Goes by the name, Santa Claus.
["Jingle Bells" instrumental music playing]
Man. I hate this snowy
season, Snarf.
More chores.
Less adventures.
And I still haven't figured out how to
go to the bathroom in this dumb suit.
Happy holidays,
Thank you,
Berbil friends.
I will try to stay happy even
though these are hollow days.
Such long, cold, hollow days.
[wind whistling]
- [Berbil 1] Okay.
- [Berbil 2] Sounds good.
- That's the spirit.
- All right. Let's go see what boring chore
Tygra wants us to do next.
[Santa groaning]
Did you see that, Snarf?
It looked like a spritely
old man in a magic sleigh
being pulled by eight flying reindeer.
It's an evil snow wizard.
- Let's go beat him up.
- [meowing]
Halt, wizard.
You picked the wrong planet to
crash your wizard chariot into.
Because now you face Lion-O,
sworn protector
of Third Earth.
For the love
of milk and cookies.
Is everyone in this quadrant
Wait, did you say Third Earth?
- That's right.
- Oh, ho, ho, ho, ho.
I made it. Christmas
can still be saved.
I don't know what that is,
but it sounds horrible
and I hate it.
No, no, no, Lion-O,
Christmas is a magical time of
goodwill and cheer. A time
Oh, cool.
Christmas sounds amazing.
I will defend it with my life.
- That was easy.
- You sold me on goodwill and cheer.
Those are two of my favorite
intangible concepts.
Plus, I just saw your sleigh is full
of my favorite tangible concept.
Oh, no. My sleigh.
My Robo-Reindeer.
If I don't complete
all my deliveries by sunrise,
Third Earth will lose its
Christmas magic forever.
No more Christmas?
The thing I just learned about
and love more than anything?
That cannot happen.
Me and my friends
will help you, Santa.
Oh, but I haven't
told you everything.
I ran into this scary lady on a
flying motorcycle out in space,
- and she's coming for me.
- Oh, that doesn't sound so bad.
[machines whirring]
Attention sentient
life-forms of Third Earth.
The Interplanetary Control
Force has tracked
a dangerous fugitive by the name
of Santa Claus to your planet.
Oh, Mandora.
Yeah that's bad.
Third Earth will be
on planetary lockdown
until a full sweep
has been conducted.
Be advised that anyone
found harboring criminals
with bellies resembling bowls
full of jelly will be prosecuted
to the full extent
of the law.
Well, probably
won't affect us.
This ain't good. How are we
gonna get my sleigh past them
with my reindeer
all busted?
Don't worry, Santa. I can
guide your sleigh tonight.
I have mastered
the stealthy art of
classical ballet.
- I thought you were gonna say "ninjutsu."
- Nijinsky?
["Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairy" playing]
[laughs] We made it. Looks like
our troubles are over for
[gasps] Mandora!
[unintelligible mumbling]
Jingle toots.
You're not lying to me,
are you?
Whenever something is
going down on this planet
- you Thunder Oafs are usually involved.
- Not this time. I promise.
We see this Santa guy,
we're calling you.
How great
is this?
Mandora is here to arrest
someone and it's not us.
Tygra, this is my new best friend, Santa.
And Mandora's after him,
and we need to help him
deliver all the presents
or Christmas magic
will be gone forever!
Lion-O, what are you thinking?
Mandora is looking
for that guy.
Do you want to get us all
thrown back into space jail?
- Of course not. I-I just
- No discussion.
Let's just call Mandora,
tell her we have Santa
and pray she goes easy on us.
Please. I have to deliver
these presents tonight
to help keep
Christmas magic alive.
You see Christmas
is a magical time,
a time of goodwill and cheer.
A time
Wait? Goodwill and cheer?
I'm all about goodwill
and cheer.
You guys are not
hard to win over.
We all agree that goodwill
and cheer are great.
But is Christmas worth
breaking the law over?
Oh, ho, Tygra,
Tygra, Tygra.
Perhaps this will
convince you.
Ho, ho, ho.
You see, ThunderCats
If loving Christmas
is a big old crime ♪
Then you gotta be ready
to do the time ♪
You gotta break the law
Yes, break the law ♪
For Christmas ♪
We're sipping mugs of cocoa
in our mug shots ♪
Singing "Joy to the World"
to the whole cell block ♪
Gonna find me a tree
that's ever greener ♪
Don't care if they slap me
with a misdemeanor ♪
I'm wrapping up presents
in my rap sheet ♪
Stringing lights up on the
wrong side of the street ♪
But don't you all care that
our pasts will be checkered? ♪
No, 'cause we're spinning Christmas
Carols on our criminal records ♪
We're gonna
break the law, yeah ♪
Break the law
Break the law, yeah ♪
Break the law ♪
Break the law, yeah
Break the law for Christmas ♪
Break the law!
There you go, Santa.
Better than new.
How wonderful,
You know you're almost as
good at building as my elves.
Some punk elves
think they're better than me?
Uh, I can fix that.
Whoa, y'all better hurry.
It's starting to look
real bleak out there.
[coughs] I am sad.
All right, everyone.
The sun rises at 6:00.
That gives us two hours to get
all these presents delivered.
A whole planet
in just two hours?
I've never moved
that fast before.
Well, you've never worked with
the ThunderCats before.
You're right, Lion-O.
Let's save Christmas.
- ThunderCats, ho, ho, ho.
- Yeah. That's kinda my thing, dude.
[nervous laugh]
Oopsie. Hiya.
Coming up on the Bolkin village.
Take her low.
I got this one.
[all] Hurray!
- Berbil Village. Dead ahead.
- No problem.
Santa came.
And he brought
the greatest gift of all.
Stuff we can rebuild.
Here we go.
[all cackling]
He's close
Target identified.
Sunrise is
in ten minutes
and we only have
one house to go.
We're gonna make it.
Ho, ho, ho!
- [sirens wailing]
- Pull the sleigh over now.
- We gotta turn ourselves in.
- No.
Christmas isn't saved until we've
delivered every last gift.
Almost there
[all scream]
Get this present to that house.
Do whatever it takes.
I'm on it, Santa.
[grunts] Uh-oh.
Ha, ha.
Gotcha. Huh?
- What's this? A present for me?
- [purrs]
Mr. Bottom Dollar. Oh. It's
exactly what I wanted.
- Snuggles.
- [purring]
- Going so soon?
- [meowing]
Oh. You're helping
Santa save Christmas.
I've been there.
Good luck, Mr. Bottom Dollar.
- [meowing]
- Oh. That is adorable.
I knew you oafs
were lying to me.
Technically, we didn't lie-
Technically you're going to spend New
Years in jail. The next 500 New Years.
I know you're mad, Mandora.
But we had to save Christmas.
You've never
had a Christmas.
That's why
you're so angry.
Well, Mandora,
let me explain.
Christmas is
a magical time.
A time of goodwill
and cheer, a time
Wait, goodwill
and cheer?
Yes, Mandora. Now you get it.
Now you Oh.
Goodwill and cheer
do not excuse lawbreaking.
- Nothing does.
- Oh, no.
Don't be sad, Santa. We saved
Christmas for Third Earth.
I know. But I'm realizing,
the only people
on Third Earth
who didn't get to enjoy it,
are you ThunderCats.
Since I'm not on the clock,
Merry Christmas, oafs.
["Jingle Bells" instrumental playing]
Wow. I guess in the end,
Mandora saved Christmas.
I don't really
see how that
- Woo-hoo! Merry Christmas, everybody.
- [all] Hooray!
Keep it down or I'll put you
all in separate cells.
merry christmas guys
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