Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e53 Episode Script

Episode 53

So I can't provoke her? Why not? Why do you think I shouldn't? Look at the lovebirds.
You're always together so why aren't you married yet? You must be scheming something.
It's of no concern to a sister-in-law.
You can't call me your sister-in-law.
You're not married yet.
Right, Runa? I'll handle my own affairs.
Don't worry about me.
You'll have to act better for me not to worry.
End the small talk and get back to work.
The workday isn't over yet.
Yes, Ms.
Episode 53 How much longer do we have to stay like this? Like Runa said, we're neither lovers nor friends.
We can't keep this up forever.
Let's go far away.
It's not too late yet.
You know very well that I can't do that.
Why not? Why can't you? Because you have to seek revenge? I suppose revenge is the only thing on your mind.
But what good will it do? You won't be able to change anything.
And I know what will happen.
You'll turn into a monster just like her.
I've already tried it.
I vowed to stay by Runa's side, harassing her and seeking revenge until the day I died.
But once I got to know you and fell in love you, I realized the futility of it all.
It's a common soap opera theme.
Revenge leads to more revenge.
Ruby, to end this vicious cycle of animosity, you have to be the first to forgive and let go.
Don't lecture me.
Life isn't like it is in the movies.
I'm not a child.
That's precisely why I'm telling you this.
To catch a demon, you have to turn into one yourself.
If I have to be a demon, that's what I'm going to do.
Let's just give up.
Please let's stop this.
Let's move far away, forget everything, and start anew.
We used to love each other.
Love? No.
You deceived me.
I'll forgive you for that though.
Whatever your motive, you did stay beside me.
But I won't forgive you if you get in my way.
I'll head in first.
To catch a demon, you have to turn into one yourself.
Jeong Runa, if I can destroy you, I'd be happy to turn into a demon.
You just wait.
I'll pay you back in full.
I'll take everything from you, Jeong Runa.
I'll put everything back to the way it was no matter what.
Come in.
Hi, Runa.
Coffee? It smells so nice.
It's espresso.
Seeing that there are only two cups, you must not have known I'd be here.
Vice President Bae, you didn't tell her? I was so busy.
I must have forgotten.
I was going to tell her, but I assumed you already did.
What about you? I'm fine.
I already had a cup.
Your Yirgacheffe espresso is ready.
One more please.
Yirgacheffe espresso? You like Yirgacheffe espresso too? It's strange, but when I smell this coffee it makes me feel calm.
So I drink it often.
Jeong, I'll be working with Ms.
Seo on the new product line.
What? Why? I thought Ms.
Seo was working on promoting a different product.
I make the decisions.
I don't have to report everything to you.
Correct? Gyeongsuk, where's Geumhui? I haven't seen her all day.
I know.
She didn't even have dinner.
Is she seriously ill? Um Yes.
But she saw a doctor.
Why hasn't she gotten better? No, mother.
I can check on her.
No, no.
I'll go.
You stay put.
No, mother.
It's fine.
I'll go check on her.
- But mother / - Yeah? Geumhui's very popular around here.
I'll go check on her then.
You stay put, you silly fool.
Now that I'm checking on Auto are you jealous? No, mother.
It's not that.
I'll go and see her.
When you're a housekeeper and you get sick, it's very difficult.
I know how that feels, so leave this to me.
I'll go and check on her.
Why did you skip dinner? Does it hurt a lot? Is it really that bad? What's the matter? Ma'am I know how you must feel.
It's much worse when you're feeling sick under someone else's roof.
Much worse.
You poor thing Stop crying, will you? You saw a doctor yesterday.
You'll get better in no time.
Ma'am, please just kill me.
What? What are you saying? I can't get a hold of President Wang.
I think I think I've been conned.
What? Let's just give up.
Please let's stop this.
Let's move far away, forget everything, and start anew.
We used to love each other.
Love? No.
You deceived me.
I have to become a demon, then that's what I'll do.
I have to become a demon, then that's what I'll do.
How odd.
You look radiant these days.
You're using high-end beauty products, right? Ko Soyeong, apart from when we each use the restroom, we're together 24-7.
You'd know if I was using high-end stuff.
You do have a glow about you.
Love really does make women more beautiful.
Oh, come on, Gilja.
I've always been beautiful.
Oh, wow.
You're delusional.
It's almost clinical.
Chorim, stop dragging your feet and set a wedding date with Chef Noh.
You should get married while you're pretty.
That's right.
Even one year can change how you look in your wedding dress.
Women these days marry so late that they look old in their wedding dresses like it's their second time around.
You need to get married right away.
That's right.
Hurry up and set a date.
If you worry about this and that, you'll end up walking down the altar at 60 or even 70 as an old lady.
Believe me, I want to, but Oh, right.
What did that lady say? Oh, right.
What did that lady say? Lady? What lady? Oh, nothing.
What did she say? I don't know.
She said all kinds of weird things.
She's just a ditz.
I'm home.
- Hi.
/ -Hi.
Have you had dinner? Of course.
Look at the time.
What were you doing out so late? Chorim, why would you ask that? She was obviously on a date with Mr.
Really? Is Insu very busy these days? How's his father? Mom, the thing is Yeah? What is it? Nothing.
Insu is swamped these days.
Being busy is a good thing.
Do you know how many people are looking for jobs? That's right.
You need to work to be happy.
How's your new job? Is it fun? Yes.
I like it.
Ruby's looking out for you, right? Of course.
I don't have to report everything to you.
Correct? Why is he so cold to me all of the sudden? Seokho and Hyeryeon, can I see you for a minute? And Hyeryeon, you can give all your work to Runa.
What? There's a lot you'll be doing with me.
The newbie should deal with the grunt work.
But I'm younger than Runa, and No.
Jeong is right.
I'll take care of the busywork.
I think we should develop a new line of all-natural beauty products.
But Runa and Ms.
Seo are already working on one based on Runa's proposal.
Do we have to make another one? That's right.
I think it would be better to focus on just one new line.
You don't know anything.
More is always better.
We always need a backup plan.
Plan B.
So stop wasting so much time and come up with some good ideas, okay? Runa, you don't have to pore over those so intently.
It's just routine paperwork.
Just organize them and send them to general affairs.
But I'm new at this.
I want to make sure I'm doing it right.
You and Ruby really must be twins.
You two are so similar.
Ruby was just like you when she first started working here.
I see.
I owe you an apology, Runa.
Excuse me? I didn't get a good first impression of you when I met you in Chuncheon.
But the more I get to know you, the more I realize that you're a great person.
That was a little embarrassing.
In any case, let's work together to turn the new line into a big hit.
We only have the initial quotes and the final expense report, so we don't know the exact details.
The marketing department manages the budget independently.
I'm sure you know, but that was Ms.
Jeong's special request.
So only the marketing department manages its budget independently? That's odd.
Something's not right.
The budget for the concert is way too high.
Geumhui, are you feeling any better? Yes, Changgeun.
It moves me to tears to know that you worry about me.
I'm sure.
Tears Lots of tears What? Gyeongsuk, is there something you need Ms.
Jang to do this afternoon? No.
There's nothing in particular.
Why, mother? I'd like to go somewhere with Ms.
Where? Should I have Mr.
Kim come pick you up? Don't worry about it, Changgeun.
Jang and I are going out to get some fresh air.
We are? What should I wear then? That ditz Should I come with you? That's okay.
You spend some quality time with Channgeun.
Gyeongsuk and I can go a date then.
Did you think I'd jump up and down with joy? I need prior notice.
But it's mom's orders.
We should listen to her if we want to be a good son and a good daughter-in-law.
Atta boy, Changgeun.
Don't encourage him, mother.
Gyeongsuk, you should have fun while you can.
When you get older, you won't feel like doing anything.
Nothing is fun or exciting anymore.
Ma'am, I'm ready.
Where are we going? You said you knew where that fraud lives, right? I can take care of that.
Do you expect me to believe you? Have you taken care of anything right? What's keeping you? You know the way.
Are you in there? If you're in there, say something please.
I don't think he's in, ma'am.
He set out to con you.
I'm sure he's moved.
This was a waste of time.
Let's go.
Come on.
We've been cleaning forever.
Why were there so many customers today? Oh man.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
It's like Chorim doesn't want customers.
Don't you think, Ms.
Yu? Oh, wow.
What's wrong with you two? You always assume the worst about me.
I was expressing how happy I was that we got so many customers.
Come on, Gilja.
Let's take a quick break.
Apples are in season.
They're sweet and juicy.
Look at how neatly you cut them.
Here you go, Soyeong.
You need to eat a lot of apples.
Why, Chorim? They say eating apples makes you prettier.
So you need to eat a lot of apples.
Give me a break.
A whole crate wouldn't be enough for you.
What? Hello.
What brings you here? I have no business with you.
Dongpal, I really didn't want to come, but Why do you walk so fast? I couldn't keep up.
So which one's the fraud's friend? So which one's the fraud's friend? Ma'am, what brings you here? Ma'am, what brings you here? Oh, my goodness.
It's you, Gilja.
So is this? Hello, ma'am.
You remember me, right? I'm Ruby's aunt.
What? Oh, my goodness.
Of all the places You'll be the death of me.
What am I going to do? So you had nothing to do with the fall concert, right? That's right.
Jeong said she'd take care of everything.
Jeong? But weren't you put in charge of planning? Yes.
I can't help but wonder.
Why do you think Ms.
Jeong insisted on doing your work? I don't know.
Maybe Ms.
Jeong considers it her pet project.
She did organize the Hoban Concert.
But why do you want to know? It just seems a bit odd to me.
She must have a lot to do as it is, so I don't see why she's micromanaging this.
You know how meticulous she is.
Plus, she's been taking care of all budget-related work thus far.
I'm sorry.
But we lost the price quote you sent us.
Yes, please.
Right now? Okay.
Thank you.
A fax? Slow down, will you? Your leg is still weak.
It's for me, Ruby.
For you? You don't even do anything yet.
Why would you be getting a fax? Why not? I'm a full-time employee here too.
So what you're saying is that Mr.
Noh's friend took You can call me Geumhui.
So he took Geumhui's $30,000, and now she can't get in touch with him, right? - The thing is / - Yes.
He must have changed his number.
His old number is no longer in service.
Did you lend him the $30,000 or It wasn't a loan.
It was a rental deposit for a retail space.
A rental deposit? Then there must be a contract.
- The thing is / - But of course.
I have it right here.
But I went to check it out, and it turns out the contract was fake.
Auto! Yes, ma'am? Shut your mouth.
I need to speak as well, don't I? In any case, I'm so sorry to trouble you.
I should've come bearing good news.
Please don't say that.
We're the ones who should apologize.
I'm sorry, ma'am.
I'll do whatever it takes to get that $30,000 back.
Jang, please trust me and wait.
Of course.
If I can't trust you, then who else can I trust? Hey, lady! You can't just go around saying that to another woman's man! What does that matter, Chorim? I'm sorry.
Please excuse me.
I will make sure that money is returned.
Please be patient.
The number you've dialed is not in service.
That fraud! I should've never let him back into my life.
Gone with the wind Wang Daepung Darn it.
This isn't the first time.
None of the quotes match up with the final expense reports.
So that means someone's siphoning off money from the company.
The marketing department manages the budget independently.
I'm sure you know, but that was Ms.
Jeong's special request.
Plus, she's been taking care of all budget-related work thus far.
Where did Runa spend all that money? Thank you, Gyeongmin.
I think I've been too irritable lately.
The thing about Runa is, I was jealous because I love you so much.
She may be my sister, but she is a woman.
Women get jealous of their own daughters.
The love you show me, I want it to be all mine.
Hello, Mr.
Good to see you, Insu.
Have you been all right? Yes.
But what's the occasion? I have something to tell you.
Something to tell me? You're making me nervous.
A drink? Sure.
Here you go.
I don't even know where to start.
Is something wrong? Should we discuss the nature of women? I was fretting over nothing.
If that's the topic, then count me in.
Can I talk about Runa and Ruby for a bit? Sounds good.
I'm all ears.
Hi, Runa.
Where are you? Can you come see me? I'm not sure.
It's urgent.
There's no one else I can trust but you.
Runa must want to see you.
I'm fine, so you go on ahead.
Where are you? I'm still at the office.
I'll be right there.
You two make a great couple.
We do? What about you and Ruby? Are you happy? Ruby and me? Well, you know We still have a lot of studying to do.
Studying? Yes.
Marriage requires studying and hard work.
So what was it you wanted to tell me? It'll take some time.
If it's something important, why don't you just tell me? It's nothing urgent, so let's save it for later.
I should get going.
I'm sorry.
Runa says it's very urgent.
Don't worry.
If it's nothing important, we'll talk about it some other time.
What is it? Look at these.
They are budget reports for various PR events Runa worked on.
What about them? The budgets they asked for and the actual expenditures don't add up.
What? So you're saying Runa's embezzling company funds? I think so.
But why? Her husband's family is rich.
Why take the risk? I find it odd too.
She has plenty of money.
So why? If she needed to pay for an underhanded deal, then it would make sense.
Underhanded deal? What's going to happen to Dongpal? What are you talking about? It's not like he conned that woman.
What about joint liability? Dongpal did use the money for his deposit.
Chef Noh didn't know though, so he isn't legally liable, but he will have to give that money back.
It's a lot of money.
He must be worried.
Why does Dongpal have friends like that? Birds of a feather flock together.
Maybe Dongpal's also a con man? Ko Soyeong.
- But / - You I didn't really mean it.
I'm sorry.
Chorim, don't worry.
We've known Chef Noh for a long time.
He tends to talk big, but otherwise, he's diligent and honest.
So don't worry.
I'm not worried at all.
What are you going to do now? I'll expose her.
Really? You're really going to do that? Ruby, please reconsider.
Evil brings itself to ruin.
Even if you don't do anything, Runa's greed and ambition will bring her to her downfall anyway.
That's why That means nothing to me.
I'm going to stop her myself.
But why? I told you.
It'll only end up destroying you.
I'll become the same kind of monster.
It'll be demon.
Please don't.
Do you have any right to tell me what to do? Why did you stay by my side? Why did you try to take your own life? Because Runa betrayed you.
I feel that very same betrayal.
No, it's 10 times, 1000 times worse for me.
Have you considered that? Runa used me.
She not only took my face but also everything else I had.
And you used me too.
Ruby? That's right.
I'm Ruby, not Runa.
Whenever I look into the mirror, I see Runa's despicable face, and I want to cut it with a razor! Do you know how that feels? I want to shatter and destroy everything! Do you know how that feels? When I see mirrors hanging everywhere, I want to take them off the walls and smash them! Do you know how that feels? Do you? I'll tell everyone the truth.
I'll do it.
I'll tell them.
That's too easy.
Don't tell me you did the best you could.
Because I can't forgive you.
I don't care if I turn into a monster.
I don't care if I turn into a demon either.
You just watch.
Whatever I end up doing, I will be the one who decides.
I don't have that kind of money.
Just give me two days.
You have one more day.
Why were you talking to him? Do you two have business or No.
I'll let you see just how far you can fall.
Who would send such a message? I can't sign off on this as it stands.
Get all the proper paperwork and resubmit this.
Why are you being like this? You used to let me take care of everything on my own.
Gu Yeonho is a loose cannon.
What do I do? See you next time
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