Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e58 Episode Script

Episode 58

Episode 58 Oh Gyeongmin, you're home.
Did everyone go somewhere? Changgeun and Gyeongsuk have been in their room all day.
Your grandmother so upset she locked herself in her room.
Ruby's upstairs.
I'm sorry, Aunt Geumhui.
You don't have to apologize to me.
Hang in there, Gyeongmin.
Thank you.
Even a family this prominent has its fair share of problems too.
Yes? I'm home, dad.
So has the audit office reached a definitive conclusion? Yes, dad.
What did they say? They said everything checked out.
So everything's true? Oh, my goodness.
So what are you going to do? I'm divorcing her.
What is the matter with you? I already have a lot on my mind.
Ma'am, this is very bad news.
Gyeongmin's getting a divorce.
What? He just told Changgeun and Gyeongsuk that he's divorcing Ruby.
What in the world is going on? Divorce? Gyeongmin, is it true? The thing is, grandma Give me a straight answer.
Are you getting a divorce? Mother, the audit office found that Ruby embezzled money for sure.
What? Oh, my goodness.
- Mom.
/ - Grandma.
How did this happen? Mom.
I know very well how sweet Ruby used to be.
But after we got married I didn't know she'd change this much.
I just don't get it.
Ruby's such a sweet girl.
What could she have possibly done? Gilja, she's changed.
After she married into that rich family, she became a completely different person.
Her personality has changed a bit.
Maybe it was the accident.
But embezzlement? Gyeongmin's company is also my company.
I can't be penalized for using my own money.
Are you serious? The company may be Gyeongmin's, but there are rules and regulations.
You can't just do whatever you feel like.
Mom, I told you.
I've been set up.
It's a misunderstanding.
She must have been set up.
There's no way Ruby would do such a thing.
Yu, come watch this with us.
It's hilarious.
Oh, come on, Gilja.
Chorim, we need to talk.
Soyeong, could you I'll go to my room.
What is it? I went to see Gyeongmin earlier.
What for? What do you mean why? How can you be so oblivious about your own family? Did you forget everything Ruby said? No.
I didn't forget.
I thought it was a misunderstanding.
And if you ask me, Gyeongmin's just bluffing about getting a divorce.
Don't worry about it.
So what did Gyeongmin say anyway? He said he didn't mean it, right? I didn't look that way.
He said that Ruby changed way too much after she got married.
And I got the feeling that Ruby did do something terrible.
But embezzlement? No way.
Ruby told us earlier it was a misunderstanding and a setup.
I know.
But what if Gyeongmin's serious about getting divorced? Divorce? How can you even utter that word? Divorce isn't something you can toss around so flippantly.
Don't you remember how you got married? Back when I was staunchly against it, do you remember what you said? You begged and pleaded with me.
And what about you, Ruby? Remember what you said? You said you could only be with one man, which is why you would never leave Gyeongmin.
I'm sorry, grandma.
Shut up.
All you do is apologize.
You've brought shame upon your parents.
All the newspapers and magazines will say some very nasty things.
The investigation was completed today.
Please forgive me, father.
What did you do with that money? Give me a reason why I should forgive you.
Please forgive me.
Ruby, forgiveness comes second after you tell us why you took that money and what you did with it.
I was shortsighted.
I'm from a poor family, so I didn't understand money.
I thought I could just use it.
That's not our question! We asked where that money went! Stop it, Sera.
That's enough.
Embezzlement isn't the issue right now.
Get divorced.
If you're going to do it, don't wait.
Dragging this out will only make things worse and become material for nasty rumors.
Changgeun Mom, these two simply were not meant to be.
I will never let them get divorced.
This is such a pain! Gyeongmin.
You still can't understand? You really can't forgive me? Even though I'm begging you? I love you.
How can I live without you? I can't.
I can't divorce you.
Please help me out.
Please? Ruby.
What's the most important thing in a relationship? I think it's mutual trust.
And when that's broken Ours is already broken.
My faith in you, my love, and my feelings are all gone.
No, no, Gyeongmin.
That's not true.
This isn't just about you.
It's about both of us.
You might deny it, but I won't let you drag me down with you.
Ma'am, I'm coming in.
I came to give you this.
What is it? The $10,000 you invested in my business.
You got it back? Yes.
President Wang's friend took care of it.
I'm glad it all worked out.
Ma'am, let me massage your legs.
You must be awfully upset.
From now on, I'll make sure I never get conned again.
I won't do anything to cause you grief.
Yes, ma'am? Shut up.
Yes? Mother.
Changgeun, sit.
What is it? I've been thinking about it long and hard, but I just don't think it's right.
I won't let Gyeongmin get a divorce.
Mom, there's still time to think about it It's taken us years of honest, hard work to build the company.
Are we going to let all of that go in the blink of an eye? Mom, is that why No.
It's not just that.
Then what is it? We should just let Gyeongmin Remember how opposed I was to Gyeongmin and Ruby's marriage? Do you know why I was opposed? Ruby's personality She just wasn't the same girl we met, and so I was opposed to the wedding.
So you might wonder why I'm opposed to the divorce now.
That's because divorce is not a good gesture.
I was against them when they weren't married.
But now that they are married, they are a single entity.
You can't just give up when times get tough.
If Gyeongmin wants a divorce, I'm not going to stop him, mother.
Don't be like this.
As an elder, you must teach integrity.
Ruby did cause damage to our company, but she also did some good.
If divorce were so easy, no one would stay married.
In any case, divorce is out of the question, so just keep that in mind.
Why'd you get home so late? We're launching a new product.
So there's a lot of work to do.
Did you hear anything at the office? About what? About your sister.
Gyeongmin says he wants a divorce.
What did Ruby do wrong? Gyeongmin is so sweet and yet he's considering divorce? Runa, you know what Ruby's like.
She had to have been set up, right? Ruby would never do such a thing.
What are people at the office saying? Have you heard anything? I don't know either, mom.
They know I'm her sister.
They wouldn't tell me anything.
Of course.
You're right.
You must be tired.
Go to bed.
Do you meet Insu often? Huh? Yeah.
Is his father doing better? Any talks about the wedding? No.
I don't have that many kids.
Why am I always stressed out? I'm sorry, mom.
Please forgive me.
Stop this, Ruby.
Please Please let's just stop this.
Gyeongmin, why isn't Ruby joining us? She's not feeling well.
I called the audit office.
What Ruby did was disgraceful, but out of respect for mom, we'll keep it under wraps for now.
I know.
I know it's hard.
I feel awful, it must be even worse for you.
Let's just give it some time and think about it more carefully.
I'm sorry.
Jang, go and get Ruby.
Yes, ma'am.
There's no way.
Ruby, are you okay? Is your stomach feeling sick? No.
Please go.
Do you need medicine? Ruby, are you Oh, my goodness.
I don't believe this.
Ma'am! Gyeongsuk! Ma'am! Ma'am, I think Ruby's pregnant.
She has really bad morning sickness.
What? I'll go and check on her.
Oh my goodness, Ruby.
Are you pregnant? You vomited from morning sickness, right? Is it true? I Uh Oh, wow.
Good job.
Good job! So how far along are you? Have you seen a doctor? Yes.
Oh, my goodness.
Go on up and lie down.
We had no idea.
Gyeongmin, what's keeping you? Take Ruby upstairs.
You know what? I'll do it myself.
No, grandma.
I'll do it.
Are we supposed to celebrate this? Are you kidding me? Of course we have to celebrate.
The Bae family will now have an heir to the family name.
Go make some abalone porridge.
- Yes, ma'am! / - Good.
Are you okay? I feel a bit dizzy.
Why didn't you tell me? Given the circumstances, I didn't want to add any stress.
I'm sorry, sweetie.
I didn't meant to, but I keep stressing you out and causing you grief.
Please forgive me.
I must have lost my mind for a while.
I'll be good to you and your family from now on.
Get some rest.
What do I do? If they find out I'm not pregnant, all hell will break loose.
What do I do? I'm scared.
What now, Jeong Runa? Why do you keep complicating things? What are you going to do? What? Ruby's pregnant? What? Gilja, did you say Ruby's pregnant? Of course I'm happy.
You, your husband and mother-in-law have waited for so long.
Oh, no.
I should be congratulating you.
Of course.
All I can say is thank you.
You too.
Gilja, is Ruby really pregnant? Is it? Is she? This is wonderful.
I was worried about the divorce, but this is the best news.
Congratulations, Mrs.
Now we won't have to worry about Gyeongmin divorcing her.
I was so worried that Ruby and Gyeongmin would end up separating.
But isn't thinking that getting pregnant solves everything a little derogatory towards women? This isn't the 15th century.
Good for you, smarty pants.
So when's Ruby due? I don't know.
I forgot to ask.
Gilja, call Ruby right now.
Poor Chorim.
What? Your marriage is late, you'll have kids late.
These days a baby is a woman's dowry.
But you've never slept with Dongpal.
I just think it's a shame, Chorim.
You're switching sides.
You just said this wasn't the 15th century.
Connecting to voicemail.
I wish Ruby would've told me first.
She's not picking up.
Gyeonmin's family's been through chaos.
Don't worry.
When I get pregnant, you'll be the first to know.
Oh my goodness.
Ruby must be thrilled.
What do I do? What should I do? What if I'm not pregnant? No.
I'll be fine.
How far along should I be? I'm sorry, dad.
For everything that's happened lately.
It's not your fault.
Even if you don't say it, I know you tried your best.
Ruby will soon become much more easy-going and generous than she is now.
In this world, nothing's stronger than a mother's love, no? But dad, just because Ruby's pregnant, doesn't mean I can forgive her.
So you're going ahead with the divorce? What about your baby? Will you leave your child motherless? You're married, and Ruby's with child.
Is there anything more important than being there for your child? I haven't forgiven Ruby either.
Nor has your grandmother.
But for the sake of our growing bloodline, we're putting aside our resentment.
When the baby is born, with all the bathing and diaper changes, The baby will start to talk and walk, go to kindergarten And with time, her greed will gradually diminish.
Come on in.
What's all this? Can't you see? It's all the clothes I've been knitting for my great-grandchild.
I didn't know you made so many.
It's not a lot.
You think one is enough? I want three or four great-grandkids.
Mother, so is Ruby just going to What did I tell you? Divorce is not a simple matter.
I know very well that you and Changgeun are still angry at her.
And the same goes for me.
But what can we do? She has Gyeongmin's baby.
I'm going to forgive her.
So we need to have this done by the weekend to give homeshopping enough time.
Okay, Ms.
Seo? Got it.
Well, then.
I'll see you next time.
Let's get to it.
Do you know when Ms.
Jeong's returning? I'm not sure.
Word is that the embezzlement case was a big deal over nothing.
What? What I heard was that Chairman Bae coughed up the money and covered it up.
We were all questioned.
We know that funds went missing.
All's well that ends well though, right? I was so nervous when I was called in.
It's a huge relief that everything got settled quietly.
Right, Runa? What? Sure.
Hi, mom.
What? Pregnant? Yup.
I got the call right as you left for work.
I'm so happy.
Got it.
Get back to work then.
What did she say? She's excited too, right? Of course.
But she had to get back to work.
Congratulations, Mrs.
Thank you, Chef Noh.
You'll be a father soon too.
What? You must be happy, Chorim.
Ruby, grandmother is here.
Ruby, have some porridge.
You made sure it's not too hot, right? Yes, ma'am.
Go on.
You didn't have a proper dinner last night.
But I had abalone porridge for lunch.
This is a different porridge.
It's pine nut porridge.
If you don't like it, let me know.
I will make you whatever you like.
Mushroom porridge, oyster porridge, black sesame porridge, pumpkin porridge Auto, we get it.
Be quiet.
Make sure you take good care of yourself.
And whatever's eating away at you, just let it all go.
Thank you, sweetheart.
Thank you, grandmother.
There, there Mr.
I dropped by your office earlier.
You're a bit late today.
Something big happened at home.
Soon we'll be able to hear a baby crying, no wait, laughing, at our house.
So? Yes.
Ruby's pregnant.
Our house was a war zone for a while, but I guess babies really are angels.
The pregnancy trumped everything else, and peace was restored.
I see.
Why'd you stop by my office? Oh, nothing.
I was just passing by.
See you around then.
See you.
She's pregnant? That's why they decided to cover it all up? No.
I spent hours on those papers.
But I won't stop here.
No way.
This is the start of a new beginning.
With a single accident, you stole everything from me.
But now, I'll take from you what you stole from me one at a time, slowly but surely.
I won't be taking anything from you.
I'll just be taking back what's mine.
What are you thinking about? Your next move? Leave me alone.
This doesn't concern you anymore.
It's Runa.
Jeong Runa.
Don't forget that.
Are you okay? Does your leg hurt? Can you walk? Let go of me.
Stop being like this.
Let it all go and forgive her? But it hurts so much.
I see her face every time my leg hurts, how can I forgive her? Embezzlement It took me forever to find evidence, but it was all for nothing.
And they say Runa's pregnant.
Do I have to forgive all that? Do I have to let it all go? I can't do that! I won't! Don't do this.
It hurts me to see you like this.
Who did I say I was? I told you.
I'm Jeong Runa, not Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Runa.
Take that to heart.
I'm not Jeong Ruby.
I'm Jeong Runa.
Jeong Runa! You kept your pregnancy a secret, you went to the doctor's by yourself, you went to see the doctor alone, I called Dr.
Let's go see him later.
I saw a doctor not too long ago.
Where's the fetal ultrasound? Fetal ultrasound? I heard you're about to become a father.
Are you happy? Are you drinking? Who are you with? I want him.
I want to tell him that I'm Jeong Ruby.
See you next time
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