The Super Mario Bros. Super Show! (1989) s01e63 Episode Script

Santa Claus Is Coming to Flatbush/Star Koopa

Hey Paisanos!
it's the Super Mario
Brother's Super Show!
We're the Mario Brothers,
and plumbing's our game, ♪
we're not like the
others who get all the fame. ♪
If your sink is in trouble
you can call us on the double, ♪
we're faster than the
others you'll be hooked on the ♪
brothers Unh!
H-hooked on the brothers.
Gimme gimme, gimme gimme.
Yo, you're in for a treat,
so hang on to your seat, ♪
get ready for adventure
and remarkable feats. ♪
You'll meet Koopas, the
Troopas the Princess and the ♪
others, hanging with the
plumbers you'll be hooked on ♪
the brothers.
To the brink!
I say h-h-h-h-hooked
on the brothers! ♪
The brothers!
The brothers! ♪
Oh boy, I better hurry up
and finish these boots before
Mario before he gets home
and notices I'm barefoot.
God I wish I could
afford a better present;
business has been real bad,
we're doin' the best we can.
[Mario:] I'm home for
Christmas dinner.
Oh boy and I'm hungry but,
don't come in yet Mario!
I'm not done
wrapping your present!
Wait a minute!
Not yet, not yet!
Ok, come in!
Boy, it's awful
cold our there,
but with this all
worn out old boots,
if I stepped on a dime I could
tell ya if it's heads or tails!
If, I could only
find a dime to step on!
Ah don't worry
about anything Mario.
Hurry up I'm hungry,
what did you get for
our Christmas feast?
Ok, ok, just a minute.
Oh boy, I can hardly wait.
It's two garbanzo beans,
that's all we could afford.
But don't worry, they
plump up when you cook 'em.
You're right.
Tell ya what, I'm gonna go
over there and put them in the
steam shoot, it'll add a
little body and flavour.
Stay up there in the back
Luigi and close your eyes.
Ok, wait a minute.
I got a present for you.
Ok, I won't look, go ahead.
You know I knew you were gonna
get something nice for me,
so I got a special
surprise for you.
Ahh, you shouldn't have Mario.
Can I look yet?
Hey, don't worry big brother,
at least things can't get
worse huh?
[ding dong]
It's Christmas, I'll get it!
Do you mind if I
use your telephone?
I'm so tired, somebody
stole my transportation.
Hey Luigi, throw another one
of those chipped plates on the
table, and
tighten up your belt,
we got company.
Yo, yo!
It's the Mario Brothers
and plumbing's their game, ♪
found the secret warp zone
while working on the drain, ♪
lend the princess a
hand in the Mushroom Land. ♪
Comin' atcha
with the plumbers, ♪
you'll be hooked
on the brothers! ♪
Noooooow, Evil Koopa and his
Troopas are up to misbehaving, ♪
they kidnapped the princess;
Mushroom Land needs saving. ♪
Abusing and confusing
everybody he discovers, ♪
they can't help but be
hooked on the brothers! ♪
Unh! ♪
log number 2001.
We were on our way to help
a space colony of Mushroom
people, because that dastardly
tyrant Darth Koopa was
threatening, to
blow up their planet.
Suddenly we realized, we
were the ones who needed help.
Uh oh.
Mario, check your
rear view video screen!
[Mario:] Koop Star!
It's Darth Koopa's ship!
It's right behind us!
This is your plumber speaking.
The fasten seatbelt
sign has been turned on.
Just when I was winning.
[Mario:] Hang on!
I'm pouring on
the pasta power!
[Koopa:] Princess Toadstool and
the Marios are getting away!
Put the pedal
to the metal, Mouser!
Aye aye, Darth Koopa sir.
Don't worry your
Great Galacticness,
we'll catch 'em.
The spaceship hasn't been
built that could outrun Koop
Star, including that bucket
of old plumbing fixtures they
call the Flying Pizza.
Go to Warp 10, Mouser!
Close in and
activate the tractor beams!
Prepare to board enemy craft.
Do what you want to those
plumbers and that fungus Toad,
but I want the Princess
Toadstool taken prisoner.
[Mouser:] Tractor beam engaged
your Royal Spacey-ness.
[Koopa:] Storm
Troopa pack, attack!
Prepare to repel quarters!
That's what my landlady said
when I asked for my cleaning
deposit back.
Come and get it, Koopa!
Wait a second!
Is it that?
I forgot how to
work my light plunger!
Just say the magic words Luigi:
May the pasta be with you.
Ahh, ahhhh.
If you want
something wrong done right,
you gotta
wrong-do it yourself.
Get out of my galaxy Marios!
You're trespassing!
[Princess:] You're wrong Koopa!
We have a perfect
right to be here,
and so do the
Mushroom space colonists!
And if you think we'll let
you destroy their planet,
you're really spaced out!
En garde, hard shell.
I'm gonna make
linguini outta you!
I'd like to see ya
try it, meatball.
Take the plunge Koopa.
[cheering for Mario]
I have you now
macaroni mouth.
Don't be so sure.
May the pasta be with me.
Say uncle, or I'll
unplug your innards,
Darth barth!
Cool it, faucet face.
[Princess:] Mario!
Yikes, he's frozen solid!
Defrost him this
instant you beast!
Chill out Princess.
It's music to my ears.
Ok Mouser, heat 'em up!
I just had the strangest
dream: I was a TV dinner.
You fiend!
Back off plumber, or I'll
freeze your pipes for good.
What do you want with us?
I though you'd never ask.
Princess Toadstool, I
have to destroy the Mushroom
colonists' planet, because they
refuse to turn it over to me,
but they'll listen to you.
Tell 'em to give up, or face
the power of my unstoppable
Birdo Ray.
[Princess:] My people
will never give up Koopa,
even if I ordered
them to, which I won't.
You're wasting your time!
For once I think you're
right Princess Toadstool.
Activate the Birdo Ray!
Aye, aye sir.
Thirty minutes to firing
time your Royal Badness.
Now, escort our guests to
the intergalactic incinerator,
and make space
garbage out of them!
[Mouser:] As you can see,
Koop Star is equipped with the
latest in garbage
disposal technology.
If I may call your
attention to our flow chart,
you'll see that you'll
be sliced and diced here,
compacted here--
He's showing a plumber how
a garbage disposal works?
And ejected into space here,
neatly packaged in a space age
biodegradable garbage pod,
and never to bother us again.
Have a nice day.
No wonder Mama told us to
be careful in these things.
She was right, Luigi!
Hey, you remember all those
garbage disposals we fixed
back in Brooklyn?
Yeah, they all had
silverware stuck in them.
But I was saving these
for our next picnic lunch.
If you don't toss 'em quick,
we'll be the picnic lunch!
High ho silverware!
[Koopa:] Today, the
Mushroom planet.
Tomorrow, the Milky Way.
Next week, the universe
will be: The Koopaverse!
The plumbers are disposed
of, your Vast Emptiness.
Disposed of.
That's a good one.
That's them now, all wrapped
in a garbage pod with no place
to go but down.
Luigi: Being garbage
really makes a guy feel
down in the dumps.
Everybody got their
seatbelts on?
We're in for a rough landing!
What seatbelts?
Oops, sorry.
Next time you send us through
space in a garbage pod Mario,
make sure it has seatbelts.
This rock is hard!
It got me in the funny bone!
Take that, rock.
I didn't mean it!
Follow me, I have a plan.
Watch this!
Hop on, quick!
High ho Cobrat, away!
[Toad:] Way to go, Mario!
We'll get to the Mushroom
colony just in time for lunch!
Giddy up, Cobrat!
[Koopa:] How much longer until
my Birdo Ray destroys the
space Mushrooms' planet?
[Mouser:] Sixteen
minutes and counting,
Darth Koopa sir.
Sixteen minutes, and I'll be the
undisputed ruler of the galaxy!
[Princess:] In fifteen minutes
this planet will be history!
Can't we do something?
For starters, we
can have lunch!
I always fight
better on a full stomach!
There is no time, Mario.
But we can't just
give up, Obi-Wan Toady!
Someone must
penetrate Koop Star,
in a Mushroom Starfighter,
and disable the Birdo Ray.
Then can we have lunch?
Of course.
I'll do it!
Are you nervous, Mario?
Well, sort of.
This will bolster
your spirits my son.
Not to mention my appetite.
Remember, may the
pasta be with you.
All right!
Storm Troopa Pack!
Oh no!
I'll get ya!
My friend, you
were wonderful!
The Mushroom space colonists
thank you for your bravery
under fire.
I couldn't have done it
without that little snack you
fixed, Obi-Wan Toady!
Or without the help of
my fearless friends.
I guess you could say,
the pasta was with us!
Speaking of pasta, where's
that lunch you promised?
Come on eat up, Nick old
pal, you need your strength.
Here have mine, I'm stuffed.
What about your brother?
Oh he's stuffed too.
Brrrr, wow is it
cold out there!
Hey Nick!
I looked all over the
neighbourhood for your things,
I couldn't find nothin'.
You know how it is, sheesh.
But Luigi what are you doin'
outside with no boots on?
Ohh forget about it Mario,
something was wrong I brought
'em into the shoemaker
don't even think about it.
Boy am I hungry!
Is my bean done yet?
I'd say it was finished.
Oh, oh.
Aw well hey, no time like
the present to start my
New Year's diet.
Well I, sure
appreciate your hospitality,
and all you've given me.
Oh that's alright Nick.
Ho ho ho!
It's midnight everybody!
Merry Christmas!
It must be wonderful getting
presents on Christmas huh?
Oh yea.
Well, we already opened ours.
Oh here sir, we got
presents for ya Nick.
Here you go Nick,
Merry Christmas.
Merry Christmas Nick.
And a wrench!
Say, I really can use these.
[Luigi:] Oh, that's great.
Mario come in here you're
not gonna believe this!
Go figure this
out, look at this!
Look at this, a note.
It says dear Mario and
Luigi, the cops found my
transportation, and there was
a little something under the
seat for you.
Merry Christmas, signed S.C.
I thought his name was Nick?
[Nick:] Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho
ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.
Do you think it
could have been?
Merry Christmas Mario.
Merry Christmas Luigi.
Come here my brother.
Until next time everybody!
Do the Mario!
Do the Mario!
Swing your arms
from side to side, ♪
come on, it's time to go!
Do the Mario!
Take one step,
and then again. ♪
Let's do the Mario,
all together now! ♪
You've got it!
It's the Mario!
Do the Mario!
Swing your arms
from side to side, ♪
come on, it's time to go!
Do the Mario!
Take one step,
and then again. ♪
Let's do the Mario,
all together now! ♪
Come on now, it's
just like that! ♪♪
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