Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e70 Episode Script

Episode 70

The stew turned out beautifully today.
I hope you enjoy it, ma'am.
It smells beautiful.
It's beautiful indeed.
Let's eat.
When's Ruby coming back? Gyeongmin, has she called? Sending her over to her mother's won't solve anything.
We're all on edge.
I think it would be best for Ruby and Gyeongmin to stay apart so that Ruby can think about what she's done.
What do you think, grandma? Let's eat.
Dad, what's this smell? The stew's burning, dad! Oh, no.
It's all burnt.
Dung Beetle, what are you doing? You burned the stew.
Gilja, come have breakfast.
The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Now her phone's turned off altogether.
Runa, tell Ruby to call me when you see her at the office today.
Ruby hasn't come in for a few days.
What? So she's Why didn't you tell me your sister hasn't been coming into work? I'm sorry.
I thought she was just taking time off.
How can you be so aloof? She's not answering her phone either.
Is she really with her in-laws? I tried calling too, but she didn't pick up.
How can you all be so callous? The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected What is going on? Where can she be? Gilja, why don't you call her in-laws'? The thing is, given what's happened, it doesn't seem right for me to call.
Good grief.
The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected Hello, Ms.
How has everyone been? Long time no see, Ms.
How may we help you? Why else would I be here? I came for our hit product, Healing Sense.
You'll launch it on Homeshopping too, right? I'm not sure.
It's up to Ms.
Where is Ms.
Jeong anyway? Is she out? She hasn't been coming in.
Why not? Runa, Ms.
Jeong must be getting heavier.
Has she gone on maternity leave already? We need to hold a meeting first.
After the meeting, we'll let you know.
Okay then.
Take it easy.
By the way, Runa, the camera loves you.
I enjoyed the interview.
Thank you.
- See you.
/ - You too.
Runa, could you please call Ms.
Jeong? We have Healing Sense's homeshopping launch to discuss, so ask her to come in briefly.
The recipient's phone is turned off.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges Her phone's off.
I'll try again later.
If I leave with Runa, will you give up seeking revenge? If that's what you want, I'll do it.
And then what? Once you two leave, what will I be left with? Yes.
Even if Runa and I were to leave, you won't be able to get Bae Gyeongmin back.
He was your brother-in-law.
No matter how much you love him, you'd never get him to come back.
So what are you going to do, Jeong Ruby? And what about me? What am I supposed to do? Hello? It's me.
Insu, when you saw Runa, did she tell you where she was staying? No.
Wasn't she staying at your place? We thought she had gone back to her in-laws', but we must've been wrong.
Oh, right.
She might be staying at Eunji's.
The recipient is unavailable She's not answering? No.
Do you think something happened to her? Do you know where Eunji lives? Yes.
We should go.
I have a bad feeling about this.
What time is it? How long did I sleep for? Does this girl ever go grocery shopping? There's nothing to eat.
Oh, my goodness.
You're still here? What's going on? I told you to mind your own business.
You're always so snappy.
Rudy, did you see my phone charger? I was in such a rush to get to the shoot, I forgot to take it.
I was using it to charge my phone.
Why didn't you put it back? Here.
Who could it be? Eunji.
Eunji, are you home? Isn't that Runa? What's she doing here? Don't open it! Why not? Runa called me a bunch of times.
I told you not to open the door.
That's funny.
I thought this was my house.
I don't want her to know I'm here.
What's really going on with you? I'll explain everything later.
Turn her away somehow.
I can't do that.
She came all this way.
Just do as I say.
I don't know what this is all about.
Oh? Mr.
Na, you're here too.
What brings you two here? Is my sister here? Ruby? Why would Ruby be here? Really? Are you sure? Of course.
Then let us in.
I just want to check to make sure.
My place is a mess though.
That's okay.
Please let us in.
I can't What's the matter anyway? See? She's not here.
Why didn't you believe me? I'm sorry.
I just wanted to make sure.
What's all this craziness about? Did something happen to Ruby? - Well / - Why can't you just tell me? Did she get kicked out by her in-laws or something? Oh, my goodness.
So she did get kicked out.
Oh, hi.
Why haven't you called? I'll be right back, Runa.
If she's not here, where'd she go? Do you think something happened to her? You know very well what Runa's like.
If she had the courage to kill herself, she would've never let this happen.
She's probably hiding somewhere plotting another evil plan.
"How can I get out of this situation?" "How can I deceive everyone again?" That's what she's thinking about.
Ruby, you're worried about Runa, that's Who did Insu just call Ruby? Why? I hope Runa's okay, but I keep getting a bad feeling Ruby just called me Runa.
Has her memory returned? No way No way Ruby, stop acting.
The reason? Why were you trying to rush our marriage? Jeong Ruby has amnesia, and yet she came up with this? What's the reason? Why are you so obsessed with my memory? You really don't know why I won't marry Insu? I hate you.
I resent you.
Seeing my beloved brother-in-law in pain is something I don't want either.
Her memory has returned.
Why didn't I prepare myself for this? But then If so Why is she keeping it a secret? Why? Why? Is she plotting something? Yes? Vice President Bae, are you busy? Hi, Sera.
What is it? I can't say it's nothing.
I was wondering if you talked to Ruby.
Have you talked to her? Is she coming home? She's not picking up.
Really? You don't suppose something's happened to her, do you? So you knew? Did you get your memory back? You remember, but you pretended not to so that you could be Jeong Runa? All this time? Yes.
You caused all my recent troubles.
You brought the wrong cue sheets and caused that talk show debacle, and you tipped Gyeongmin off about the embezzlement of company funds.
It was all you.
Why? For revenge? It's true, the quiet ones are the scariest.
You duped me.
Yes, I did.
Are you going to criticize me about that now? What gives you the right? You're Jeong Runa, not Jeong Ruby! While I was in intensive care, you became a fake Jeong Ruby.
You deceived mom and Aunt Chorim and even married the man I love.
You stole my entire life.
But what? You're upset that I deceived you? Who deceived me this whole time? Who fooled everyone and used them? Why did you do it? Did you hate me that much? Was it so terrible to see me happy? Yes.
It was terrible.
I was envious.
I wanted your life.
I was a reporter on a cable network, married to some penniless guy, living in squalor.
Your life was a million times better.
Marrying the heir to JM Group, marrying into that kind of family Isn't that what everyone wants? Plus, they said you'd never recover.
Be that as it may, did you forget? We are sisters by blood! Sisters by blood? Give me a break.
Who cares about blood relations? Did you ever consider me as your sister? And what about mom? She only ever took your side.
She only ever beat me.
Tell me.
Has mom ever laid a finger on you? Never.
You were never beaten.
Enough with your ridiculous excuses! You think it'll make me forgive you? You broke the bonds of family.
Bonds of family? You must be angry.
You must feel betrayed.
But that's too bad.
No matter how hard you try, you can't turn anything back.
Jeong Runa.
Do you want to blame someone? Then blame mom.
Blame mom for putting your ruby ring on my finger at the hospital.
Blame mom and Aunt Chorim for calling me Ruby as soon as I woke up.
And what about Bae Gyeongmin? He also called me Jeong Ruby, he held me and even comforted me.
He even got me plastic surgery so that I could become an even more beautiful and perfect Jeong Ruby.
Didn't you know? No, no, no! Calm down.
Calm down, Ruby.
Calm down.
What'll you do now? I married the love of your life and he impregnated me.
What'll you do about it now? Do you think Gyeongmin will run back to you? What's done is done.
Even you know that.
Just forget the past and live as Jeong Runa.
At least you're not the same pathetic troublemaking Jeong Runa I was.
You became a successful, sweet, and functional Jeong Runa.
So for everyone's sake I was holding back! I bit the bullet and endured it all! You shamelessly showed affection to Gyeongmin in front of me.
And in front of Insu, who knew everything from the start, you pretended to be Jeong Ruby.
I was enraged, but I held back for mom and our family! But I'm done with that.
I'm taking back what's mine.
Are you stupid? Don't you get it? Even if you tell everyone you're Jeong Ruby, do you think it'll all go back to what it was? Why not? No matter what you say, one thing's clear.
If I can't get back what's mine, I will put you back in your place, as the original Jeong Runa.
Don't do that, Ruby.
You know I didn't plan any of this.
The traffic accident, for one, and also the identity swap Plus, they said you might die.
You know what happened.
You were in a coma for a year.
I'm sorry.
Don't do this.
Please spare me, Ruby.
Spare you? Spare you? Even though you killed me? You should have begged me a long time ago.
When I regained consciousness No.
When you were about to get surgery to take my face! I won't forgive you until the day I die.
Bring it on then.
You won't take anything from me.
Not over my dead body.
I'd rather die than give anything to you.
This face, this name, I will take them with me to the grave.
Ruby! They found you? Calm down, Ruby.
What? Ruby? What's going on? It's over.
It's all over.
It's all over now.
Gilja, are you waiting for Ruby to call? I wish one of the girls would call, but no one's calling.
Runa said she was going over to Eunji's, so she'll call soon.
Where can Ruby be? Welcome Hi.
Chef Noh's Mrs.
Yu, this is Dongpal's son.
Chef Noh's son? What are you doing here? I'm sorry, Ms.
Jeong, for showing up here like this.
It's my dad Please save my dad, Ms.
Jeong, otherwise, he'll die.
What are you talking about? Your dad and I are no longer together.
How would I save him? I don't know what you're talking about, but me and Dongpal are over.
Go home.
Soyeong told me.
You said you'd only marry a bachelor.
What's that got to do with you? But my dad is a bachelor.
What? The truth is, I'm not his biological son.
I only just found out a few days ago.
But then I heard you broke up with my dad because of me.
I feel bad enough knowing he raised me when he didn't have to but to know that I caused the breakup Ms.
Please don't dump my dad.
If I make you uncomfortable, I can move out.
If I make you uncomfortable, I can move out.
I won't bother anyone.
I'll live quietly on my own.
I'm old enough to move out anyway.
If that's what you two want, I'll never show my face again.
What are you saying? We get your point, but this isn't something that begging and pleading will solve.
I know just how much my dad loves you.
He tries to hide it, but he calls out your name in his sleep.
Because he chose to raise me, his family disowned him.
And now, he's losing the love of his life.
If I were him, I would've abandoned me ten times over and ran away.
But my dad Just for me I know how much my dad struggled for me.
People may say otherwise, but I know he worked hard to raise me.
And because of me, he made some poor decisions.
But he's not a bad person.
So please, Ms.
Please forgive my dad.
Please take him back.
I'm begging you.
What are you doing? The floor's really cold.
Please stop, Jihyeok.
Jeong, I promise I'll be good.
I'll do everything you ask.
If you want me to go, I'll go.
If you let me stay, I'll be ten, a hundred times better than any biological son until the day I die.
So Ms.
Please don't dump my dad.
I'm taking back what's mine.
You stole my entire life.
I will never forgive you until the day I die.
It's all over now.
I have nowhere else to go.
What now? What now, Jeong Runa? Isn't that Jeong Ruby? What? Jeong Ruby? - Yeah.
/ - Where? Where? - You're right.
/ - Take a picture of her.
Where's she going? What is this? What have I become? Look at yourself.
Look at how pathetic you are.
You're too scared to go into stores.
You're running away from cameras.
What is this? What happened to you? Thank you, Vice President Bae.
May I ask you for something? The coffee smells so good.
Could I please have a cup? Of course, Jinhui.
The aroma is wonderful.
What happened? Is it true what they're saying about Ruby? Rumors are scary.
Whether you want them or not, they make their way around eventually.
Let me ask you as an old college friend, just the other day, you were all lovey-dovey.
What happened? Did you two get into a serious fight? I'm sorry, Jinhui, but I'm still rather confused.
I can't really tell you anything right now.
I understand.
I'm sure you're upset.
I'm sorry for prying.
But Gyeongmin, you must remember, in the end, you're all she has left.
Bae Gyeongmin is all she'll ever need.
I'm not married, but this is what my married friends say.
Parents are too old and feeble to rely on, and in-laws are strangers after all.
Siblings have enough on their plates too, so for better or for worse, they say their husbands are all they have until the divorce papers are signed and they go their separate ways.
Let me ask you one thing.
What do you think about Ruby? Is she the same Ruby she used to be? Not sure.
If I said she hasn't changed a bit, I'd be lying.
In fact, she's changed so much that I've wondered sometimes whether she's the same Ruby I used to know.
But you know it full well, she was in a pretty severe accident.
It could be the result of that accident.
Don't you think the trauma from such an accident would be serious? It's Ruby's battle to recover, but don't you think a husband should support and help his wife? I thought I did the best I could, but maybe that wasn't enough for her.
I don't know what else I can do for her.
I guess you're having a hard time.
Excuse me.
Two orders of fried rice, please.
Two orders of fried rice for table 3.
Dongpal's not here, and both Mrs.
Yu and Chorim have checked out.
I'm dying here.
The recipient is unavailable Soyeong, I need to go home.
Keep an eye on the shop.
I wish Dongpal or Runa would just call.
Chorim, Mrs.
Yu went home.
I have way too much to do.
I need some fresh air.
But we have customers We just got another order.
Chorim! Where could she have gone? She can't go to Eunji's anymore, she has no choice but to return home.
Shouldn't you get back to work? Yeah.
You should go.
And call me if Runa gets in touch with you.
Are you worried about her? You know that Runa and I still have a lot to talk about.
What are you going to do now? Are you going to tell everyone? I don't know anything yet.
I don't even want to think about it.
Dongpal, what should I do? All she took with her was her purse.
How long can she last out there? Don't you know how resilient Runa is? You can return the favor by lending me money.
I'm sure Runa's fine.
It's all mom's fault.
What if something happens to Ruby? What will I do? I'm sorry about everything I've done to you.
No, Ruby.
See you next time
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