Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e72 Episode Script

Episode 72

Please, Gilja.
Where are you going to find Ruby at this hour? Let's call the police first.
Like that'll help.
I have to look for her.
If we don't do anything, Ruby will die.
No, Chorim.
If something happens to Ruby, I won't be able to live.
But you can't just head out like this without a plan.
How can you say that when your sister's in trouble? Chorim, I'm going to her in-laws' too.
I'll make a scene and demand that they find her.
Even if Ruby made some mistakes, they can't just kick her out like that.
I don't care if they're rich.
Who do they think they are? Okay, Gilja.
You need to calm down.
What if Ruby dies? Ruby can't die.
Gilja! I'll come with you, okay? Darn it.
Oh, no.
What if something actually happens to Ruby? Dongpal.
Hi, Runa.
Why're you calling so late? Has Ruby come back to your place? I haven't heard anything from her.
She borrowed my clothes too.
She's a celebrity.
She has nowhere to go.
Where could she be? She has no money.
What? You didn't know? She had no money, and all her credit cards were canceled.
She had to borrow money from me.
So she left without any money? And her cell phone battery's probably dying.
Recharging your phone costs money.
What is this, Jeong Runa? Are you really going to kill yourself? Is Jeong Ruby back yet? Jinhui Why are you calling so late? You talked to Ruby? Okay.
Where is that? No.
You're the only one who can stop her.
She's thinking of taking drastic measures.
If you don't call her, there's no telling what she'll do.
Call her right away.
You have to talk her out of it! Hello? It's me, Jeong Ruby.
Is it really you? Is it really Ms.
Jeong Ruby? Yes.
So you wanted to talk to me? Why? I don't know.
Just I thought you'd be able to understand how I'm feeling right now.
Is it true? I heard the news.
You're having dark thoughts.
Life no longer has any meaning.
Meaning? Whether it's money, honor, love, or family, you have to live for something.
But I have nothing.
I have no one.
And I'm nothing.
You're still young, what would you know? What the heck would you know? What did you say? I thought you of all people would understand.
Is everything you say on TV a lie? Whatever.
Nothing matters! Gilja, what brings you here at this hour? Did Ruby come by? Ruby? Ruby's not back at your place yet? Oh, no.
What if something happens to her? What are you talking about? She called and said she was ending it all.
What? But how Please come in and sit down.
Come in.
Gilja, calm down.
Tell us what happened.
I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I'm very desperate.
Has Ruby called here by any chance? Or Gyeongmin Where's Gyeongmin? I don't know.
Just I thought you'd be able to understand how I'm feeling right now.
I thought you of all people would understand.
Was everything you said on TV a lie? Yes.
This might actually be my way out.
Pick up.
Pick up.
Come on.
Pick up.
Hello? Jiyeon? Why'd you call? You said I was immature.
You don't care what happens to me.
You're right.
I don't.
But I'm a bit angry.
You see, I was in the middle of something very important.
But because I had to call you, I wasted my precious time.
You know time is money, right? I'm a stickler for time management.
What? The truth is, I The truth is, You and I are thinking the same thing.
What? Didn't you hear me? I don't want to live anymore either! Hello? It's me, Gyeongmin.
Have you gotten in touch with Ruby? I think I know where she is.
I'm heading there right now.
I heard Gyeongmin come in, but he must have gone out again.
Huh? My poor Ruby What if something happens to her? Please don't worry, Gilja.
I'm sure she'll be fine.
You're sure she'll be fine? After what she said to me on the phone? I'm deeply saddened by this.
I know Ruby did some terrible things.
Probably worse than terrible.
Even so, how can you kick her out and send her things to my place? I'm not condoning what she did.
But both she and I pleaded with you.
We got down on our knees and begged.
Shouldn't you have given her another chance? The poor thing was so anxious and so uneasy that she couldn't even stay at my place.
She left and is now considering suicide.
Your daughter-in-law is still your baby.
No matter how big her mistakes are, don't you have the duty to take care of your daughter until death? How can you be so cruel? How can you be so callous and cold-hearted? We're sorry.
Please calm down, Gilja.
Call Gyeongmin again.
Of course.
It's Gyeongmin.
Gyeongmin, where are you? What? Where are you headed? Okay.
Call us when you get there.
He's on his way to a place where he thinks he might find Ruby.
What? Where is that? I'm sure you're worried, but let's wait.
Gyeongmin will bring Ruby home.
No, no.
I have to go.
Have some water first.
You need to calm down.
Let's take things slowly.
It's too late to call Mr.
Kim, right? Yes.
Hon, could you please get Sera? Sure.
Do you think Runa will show up? I don't know.
She survived a major accident.
How can she even consider killing herself? Runa, did you find her? What? You got a hold of her? Okay.
Ow, my legs.
Where did Gilja go? Why won't she answer her phone? At this rate, I might die before we find Ruby.
Chorim! What happened? Did you find Ruby? I searched all the stores, bus stations, and train stations, but I couldn't find her.
Did you call the police? How did you Oh Soyeong called.
Come on.
It's not like we're strangers.
Yes we are.
We're complete strangers now.
Didn't you know that? I'm sorry, Chorim.
I'm tired of your apologies.
They're all lies.
Nothing you say is true.
I'm never going back.
I'm done with you.
This is why I said it'd never work! All I have in this world is my son.
How could I hope to be with you? From the start, do you know how many times I told myself not to fall for you? There are two things I'm sorry for.
For lying to you about Jihyeok, and for not being able to let you go.
I'm a scoundrel, Chorim.
I'm a real dirtbag! You just figured that out? Goodbye, dirtbag! Scoundrel What's going on? Where's Ruby? Is she here? I don't know.
The police won't let anyone through.
I couldn't check.
Mom! Runa, where's Ruby? Is that Ruby up there? Huh? Where's Ruby? Where's my Ruby? Runa.
How can you be so callous? You begged me and pleaded with me for Ruby's hand in marriage.
And then I asked you not to leave her, didn't I? You're so cruel.
I'm sorry, mother.
If something happens to Ruby, I won't be able to forgive you.
I will never forgive you.
She'll be fine, ma'am.
Oh, my goodness, Insu.
Where's my dear Ruby? Ruby! Ruby! Huh? Isn't that Jeong Ruby? Yes.
I think you're right.
- Ruby.
/ - She's going up.
- Ruby! / - Mom.
Ruby! I'm Jeong Ruby's husband.
Oh What's going on? She says she knows that girl up there, and she's trying to talk to her.
How can you just send her up there without any contingency plans? What if something happens? I know what you're saying, but there are officers and parademics on standby, so you don't need to worry.
Plus, Ms.
Jeong was very insistent.
We gave her the okay because a young girl's life is at stake.
If they fall by accident, we have safety measures in place.
So let's give it some time.
What's going on? Don't come near me! If you come any closer, I'll jump! It's me, Jiyeon.
I told you to come alone.
Who are all those people? Have you forgotten? I'm Jeong Ruby.
People follow me wherever I go.
Don't come any closer or I'll jump! You wanted to talk to me.
That's why I'm here.
Can't you see I'm just trying to talk with you? I I I want to die.
I know.
I feel the same way.
I want to die too.
What's going on? What's your reason? The world is trash.
I suck at everything.
You know? No matter what you do or how hard you try, nobody cares, they just beat you down.
I know.
I know it all too well.
I was exactly like that.
So how do I live? Everyone hates and insults me.
Bite down and power through.
You say, "I'm awesome.
I'm going to be happy.
I'm going to make my dreams come true.
" Everyone says arrogance is a bad thing.
But at the end of the day, it's what keeps you and your dreams alive.
So dig your heels in and persevere.
How can I persevere? It's too hard.
I know.
It's the hardest thing I've ever done! But even still You still have to persevere, dummy.
You have to survive.
Why? Because you've been given the gift of life.
With that alone, you'll be sure to find love.
Who cares what anyone else thinks? Who cares if they hate and insult you? You have to love yourself first.
It doesn't matter if no one else cares.
I, Jeong Ruby, will stand by you.
We should find less reasons to die and more reasons to live.
Now come here.
You got me.
You have Jeong Ruby by your side.
She's here.
Jeong Ruby, how do you know the runaway teen? What did you two talk about? Shouldn't the Korean press protect the privacy of runaway teens? Jinhui, please take care of Jiyeon.
Of course.
Just a moment.
A word, please, Ms.
I was once a successful homeshopping host and the host of 'The Jeong Ruby Show.
' But today I'm neither a TV show host, nor a trophy wife, I'm just a person named Jeong Ruby.
I was reminded of myself as I listened to a poor girl's story.
You may think I saved her life, but as with all life decisions, it was ultimately her own decision to make.
All I did was ask her to reconsider.
There's a rumor that you were contemplating suicide yourself, is that true? Who here has never contemplated suicide? Just now, I was playing a character so I could put myself in that poor girl's shoes.
I contemplated suicide so that I could understand her better.
That's how we found common ground.
Wherever Jeong Runa goes, a dramatic show always follows.
It's almost impressive.
If this was just a show, it's the most disgusting one I've ever seen.
She bled our family dry.
I won't deny it.
It was all for show.
But I got a lot out of it.
With that incident, I got a second 'Jeong Ruby Show.
' People are so simple.
They believe anything the media says.
The media turns some people into stars.
The same media turns others into criminals.
The truth is irrelevant.
Whatever attracts the most viewers, that's the most important thing.
Why are the phones so silent? I can hardly contain my anxiety.
What happened? Really? Okay.
Good heavens.
So what happened, mother? Everything's fine, right? Ruby's okay.
Oh, my goodness.
What a relief.
Goodness me.
That just took a few years off my life.
Ruby is always keeping our family on edge.
Mom, you must be exhausted.
You should get some sleep.
Gyeongsuk, get me a glass of water.
You must have been so worried.
It's fine.
My insides.
Maybe it was the drinking, but I passed out.
Oh, wow.
You're all up early.
You watch your tongue.
How much did you drink? A tiny bit.
Gyeongmin and Sera seemed very down, so I tried to cheer them up.
But the sun's not up yet.
Geumhui, it's still nighttime.
What? Oh, my goodness.
So why aren't you in bed? Stop yapping and get me some water.
Yes, ma'am.
We'll bring it to your room, mother.
I'm sorry, Gyeongmin.
Why were you being so foolish? I didn't want to burden you.
I'm a burden to the whole family.
And that made you contemplate suicide? Did you think I'd forget you and be happy? If we're getting divorced anyways, what difference does it make? Don't ever do that again.
Mom Goodness.
Do you want your mother to die? Why'd you do it? Why? I put everything into raising you.
If you die, how will I go on? I'm sorry.
I messed up, mom.
I'm so heartbroken I could die.
Look at you.
You didn't even call.
What were you planning to do? Are you hurt anywhere? Just look at you.
Good heavens.
It breaks my heart.
Please calm down, mother.
Everything will be fine now.
Mom, what about Runa? Where did Runa go? Chorim and Runa scoured the whole city looking for you.
Are you okay, Ruby? Yes.
I'm sorry I made you worry.
How did the reporters get here so fast? What do you think Runa will do now? She knows you got your memory back.
Isn't it all over now? I'm not sure.
That will depend on what Runa decides to do.
She was planning to kill herself, but then she put on this spectacular show.
I don't think she wants to call it quits yet.
Are you okay? Yes.
Thank you.
I heard you went looking for me.
I'm sorry I made you worry.
We still have a lot to do together.
How could you think of killing yourself? How stupid are you? A lot to do? Didn't I tell you? I got my memory back.
So we have to go back to being twins.
We have a lot of catching up to do as well.
Runa, has your memory really returned? Completely? Yes, mom.
I think so.
I couldn't find the right time to tell you.
Oh, wow.
That's great.
So great.
Shouldn't you see a doctor? That's great, Runa.
Congratulations, Runa.
Thank you.
I'm sorry, mother.
This is all my fault.
There's a lot of things I blame you for.
Even if Ruby made some mistakes, you two are a married couple.
Even if your folks wanted to kick her out, isn't it your job to overturn their decision? I have no excuse.
The biggest victim in all this, was the baby's mother, Ruby.
It's because she was grieving that she felt the need to hide it from you.
As a loving husband, it's your job to shoulder that pain together.
Don't you think, Gyeongmin? Enough, mom.
Ruby put Gyeongmin through a lot.
Have you been eating? If you ever do this again, I'll jump into the Han River before you.
I said I was sorry.
Just stop, Gilja.
You haven't had dinner, right? I don't know if we have anything.
Gyeongmin, you're hungry, right? I'm fine, Aunt Chorim.
Runa, take Ruby to your room and let her rest.
Go on.
Let's go, Ruby.
I'm fine.
You should get some rest.
Go inside.
Come on.
What's this? You've gotten better, Jeong Ruby.
Your acting's improved.
Not really.
Compared to Korea's #1 actress, the fake Jeong Ruby, I'm nothing.
What are you up to? What should I do? Why didn't you tell anyone you knew everything? That's no fun.
If I rip off your masks, one by one, don't you think that'd be more exciting? I'm going to stage the most suspenseful drama ever.
Will it really be that easy? Sure.
Shall I start the show right now? Why are you doing this? Why? Are you scared? Are you afraid? Terrified? But what does Jeong Ruby have to fear? Don't do it, Ruby.
Have mercy on me, just this once.
Save me.
Why should I? Because you're my older sister.
Older sister? No I'm not.
I'm your younger sister, Jeong Runa.
Did you forget? I'll do whatever you tell me to.
I'll do whatever you want.
Please let's just put this behind us.
You know we can't turn back time, so just forgive me this once.
Have mercy.
I swear I'll do whatever you say.
Divorce Gyeongmin and move far away.
What? Ruby became a hero.
It's not over yet.
This is a fresh start.
You must think you've won.
Ruby, who are you really? I can't let her destroy her life.
We went through hell to be together.
Are you saying you can't divorce Ruby? Gyeongmin's my husband, and his parents are my in-laws.
How dare you say that to me? The four of us share a destiny, it seems.
Not all destinies are good.
See you next time
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