Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e76 Episode Script

Episode 76

Jeong Runa, we need to talk.
Jeong Runa is Vice President Bae Gyeongmin's sister-in-law? Once upon a time in Chuncheon, there lived a sweet woman and her nasty younger sister.
What was he trying to tell me? What are you thinking about? Oh, nothing.
Are Insu and Runa not getting along? Do you know anything about that? How would I know? The great Vice President Bae, who possesses the hearts of two women I'm tired.
Let's turn off the light.
It's goodbye to Jeju.
We can come back whenever you'd like.
Just let me know.
Thank you for your kind offer.
Runa, where's Insu? I'm not sure.
Maybe he's tired.
Of course he's tired after the ruckus he caused last night.
Why? Did something happen? Insu had a lot to drink last night and he came by our room.
Runa, take good care of Insu.
He's your fiancee after all.
He came to our room drunk last night and started yammering.
It was exhausting.
Maybe he had business there.
Business? I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.
But where did Chorim and Dongpal run off to so early in the day? They're newlyweds.
It's probably still nighttime for them.
But they should still eat.
This is from Insu.
Oh, my goodness.
I feel bad.
And this one's from Ruby.
Let's see how much she gave us.
Just $1,000? Good grief.
She has so much money, and yet $1,000 is all she gave us? Even Runa gave us $1,000.
$1,000 is a lot of money.
Huh? Wang Daepung.
Wang Daepung? What? $10? Good grief.
We should be thankful it's not $5.
Oh? It's from Mrs.
It's from Gilja.
Let me count the 0s.
What? She gave us $20,000.
- $20,000? / - Yeah.
That much? Chorim, congratulations on the wedding.
I always knew you'd get married and go off on your own, but now that it's finally happening, I'm happy but also sad.
Gilja Yu Gilja's Spicy Grilled Chicken I'm back.
Chorim, could you serve that table? Yup.
- More side dishes / - Coming up.
Chorim, they need more side dishes.
Got it.
You're my sister-in-law, but I relied on you heavily.
I don't think I could have made it through those tough times without you.
I'm so grateful, but also very sorry.
Hello, I'm your Miss Chuncheon, Jeong Chorim.
You wanted to enter beauty pageants and become a model, but I said no.
I'm sorry.
Thank you.
I'm sure you would've done well.
I was so strapped for cash that I couldn't let you do it.
You understand, right? Go! 70% or Nothing! When I think of how hard you studied to get into college, it pains me and breaks my heart.
When I told you we didn't have the means to pay for your college eduction, I remember you crying and talking back to me.
"Then sell the house," you said.
Do you remember what I told you then? "What's the use of college if we're broke and homeless?" I'm sorry, Chorim.
Now, I'd send you to college 10 times over, but it was so tough back then.
Please forgive me.
Mom! Ruby, how did it go? You gave up all that you saved up for Ruby and Runa's college tuition.
Look, Runa.
I'm still so grateful for that.
When I couldn't afford their tuitions, even though you were just swindled, you gave me the $500 you had left.
I'll never forget that.
You were like a husband, a friend, a daughter, and a son to me.
Now that you're leaving me, there's a big hole in my heart.
That's why I used your financial situation as an excuse to get you to live with me.
Because I don't think I can make it without you.
Gilja Be happy and have lots of babies.
I'll be a good grandma and help you raise them.
This is what I saved for your wedding.
Gyeongmin did everything for us, so there's a lot left over.
I sincerely wish for your happiness.
Thank you.
Love, your sister-in-law.
Yu Yes? Chorim and Chef Noh, you should eat.
What's wrong, Chorim? Chorim.
Thank you, Gilja.
I'm indebted to you for life.
Thank you for everything, Chorim.
I wish I had been a better sister-in-law.
Don't say that, Gilja.
You cared for me like a mother.
I'll never forget that.
Now that you're married, live happily ever after.
Chef Noh, take good care of her.
Chorim's had a hard life.
If her parents or her sister-in-law were wealthier, she wouldn't have gone through so much hardship.
But she has a big heart.
She'll make a great wife.
Yes, Mrs.
Thank you.
I'd like to ask you something.
Did Chorim really try to become a model and enter beauty pageants? With this body? Is it so hard to believe? I have a killer body.
I know.
She does have a hot body.
Come on.
Let's go.
Soyeong, put the tangerines on the balcony.
You must be tired.
You should get some rest.
You too.
Say, Runa Yes? Um Nevermind.
Get some rest.
Would you still be there if Gyeongmin knew the truth? Would he consider you his wife? You're crazy.
You're clinically insane.
- Do you know that? / - Yes.
I'm crazy! I'm crazy and I don't care, so don't test me and stay put.
Brace yourself.
I'll take back everything you took from me, one thing at a time.
Prepare to go back to the way you used to be.
Jeong Ruby, what's wrong with you? He can no longer be my husband or my lover What are you thinking? Gyeongmin, you must think I'm crazy.
You must think I'm trying to seduce you.
But that's not it.
I'm Jeong Ruby.
Here you go, Aunt Geumhui.
It's so nice of you to think of me.
I love you, Gyeongmin.
They're not for you.
We got them for grandmother, mother, and father.
I know that.
Would it hurt to just play along? So did the wedding go smoothly? Did Gilja get in okay? Yes, grandma.
Where's dad? He left for an engagement.
He should be back soon.
You were only gone for two days.
Maybe it's the ocean wind You look exhausted.
Really? Oh We'll go upstairs then.
Go and unwind.
You must be tired.
I thought the trip would help him relieve some stress, but he looks even more exhausted.
It seems that way.
You're back? Yeah.
Hello, Sera.
How was the wedding? The bride and groom were ecstatic, no? Of course.
What's up with Ruby? Did you two get into a fight? Do you want us to fight everyday? Mind your own business.
I didn't mean You think you can fool me? They were so in love while they were dating, but now they're fighting all the time.
This is why I can't date or marry anyone.
What? The cafe I went to in Jeju is the one we went to 10 years ago.
We promised to go there together after we got married.
I know.
I remembered later on.
I'm sorry I couldn't go with you.
I went to Jeju for the wedding, but I also wanted us to visit that cafe.
It's a special spot for us.
I thought if you went back If I went back, what? That I'd regret everything I'd done and beg you for forgiveness? Ruby.
It's good that I didn't go.
Fate brought you to your sister-in-law and you two had a grand old time.
Why do you always get like this about Runa? You two are sisters.
Shouldn't you two be more understanding? Did they really do something at that cafe? Is he falling for Jeong Ruby? Were you thinking of seducing him and taking him from me like that? No.
I'm not an idiot like you are.
If you did something, I won't forgive you.
It's me.
What is it? We don't call each other like this anymore.
You're right.
We don't.
But who got drunk and ran his mouth? You said you loved Jeong Ruby.
You said you wanted to take care of her.
Then grab a hold of yourself.
This is between Jeong Ruby and me.
Know your place and don't interfere.
Don't drag Gyeongmin into this mess.
You're right.
This is between you and Jeong Ruby.
It's not my place, I shouldn't interfere.
So you know.
Then do that.
Just leave us alone! Yeah.
This is what it comes down to.
It's all my fault.
What comes after that? Upon the brimming water among the stones Are nine-and-fifty swans.
Gyeongmin I hate you.
You said you wouldn't do this, Bae Gyeongmin.
I know, but why can't I stop? Get a hold of yourself.
Jeong Runa's my sister-in-law.
Ruby's sister! Gyeongmin.
Gyeongmin, I'm right here.
I'm Ruby.
Gyeongmin What's wrong? Don't leave me.
Don't go anywhere.
Stay by my side.
Always stay in love with me.
I'm sorry I'm late, father and grandmother.
Did you sleep well? Yes.
You overslept.
You must've been very tired.
I had a hard time falling asleep last night.
Why? If you had a good time in Jeju, you should've slept well.
Didn't you have a good time? Sera, I told you to mind your own business.
We had a good time.
And Ruby's family really enjoyed it.
Mother asked me to thank you.
I'm glad everyone had a good time.
Oh, wow.
Isn't that a ruby ring? It's so pretty.
Out of all the gemstones, rubies are my favorite.
That's the engagement ring, right? Yes.
I haven't been wearing it much, but I think I should wear it everyday to keep Gyeongmin in check.
What do you mean by that? Don't say that.
One might think Gyeongmin has wandering eyes.
She's right.
And wouldn't it be better for you to wear your wedding ring? You and father got me the wedding ring.
This is from Gyeongmin.
Right, Gyeongmin? Ma'am, I think it's Ruby's way of saying sheÕll do better from now on.
With the embezzlement scandal and the fake pregnancy, she caused a lot of trouble.
She almost ran the company bankrupt even.
Stop it, Geumhui.
I'm ashamed to admit it, but she's right.
I need to get a grip.
From now on, My family duties and responsibilities, I won't ever forget them.
I sincerely hope that's not all talk.
It's not, father.
Runa, are you up? Yes.
You never sleep in.
What happened? I was tired.
And my eye hurts.
Your eye? Let me see.
You have a sty.
You've been pushing yourself too hard.
You poor thing.
I was fine yesterday.
Is it really bad? Is my eye really puffy? You'll be fine.
I'll take care of it.
Are you going to use that weird remedy again? Writing on my feet? It's not weird.
I learned it from my grandmother.
Don't you remember? Whenever you or Ruby got a sty, I made it go away.
I know.
Do you have a pen? Put your feet up.
Here we go Here goes the spell Mom, it tickles.
Hold still.
What happened to her mole? Maybe it wasn't this foot.
Mom, are you done? No, not yet.
It tickles, mom.
I remember how much it tickled when I was a little girl too.
All set? Thanks to you, I'll be healed in no time.
I'm going to shower.
Hold on Runa Don't worry.
I'll keep my feet dry.
I don't remember her removing the mole.
What's this? Runa has a mole on the bottom of her foot.
Mom, it's a beauty mark.
Before the accident, she definitely had a mole on her left foot.
I remember it now.
So why Without Chorim, the house is too quiet.
Do you miss her already? She'll be back soon.
And Uncle Dongpal will be living with us, so it'll get even noisier around here.
But still I know she's enjoying herself, but she could've called us.
I'm going to be late.
I should get going.
Why don't you finish your breakfast? I'm running late.
- Bye, Runa.
/ - Bye.
Yu, is something bothering you? You look pale.
Soyeong, have you Have I what? Have you ever heard anything about Runa removing a mole from her foot? A mole on her foot? Oh, yeah! At the dermatologist.
You did? At the dermatologist? Yeah.
But you must've gotten them mixed up again.
It wasn't Runa who got the mole removed.
It was Ruby.
What? It was Ruby, not Runa? Ruby, what are you doing here? Mole removal? Yeah It was right before Ruby's wedding.
I told you I ran into her at the dermatologist.
Don't you remember? Later that evening, Ruby came home with all kinds of things she bought.
She was limping, so I figured it was because her foot hadn't healed yet.
Maybe her foot's still not better yet.
Her foot? I ran into Ruby at the dermatologist down the street.
Really? But Ruby's dermatologist is in Gangnam.
Why'd she come here? No No Mrs.
Yu, what's up? No way.
That can't be.
That makes no sense.
I'm losing it.
What am I thinking? No, no.
No way.
What am I doing? What can I hope to find like this? Maybe Maybe Insu No, no, no.
What about Gyeongmin? Gyeongmin Can it be true? Could I be right? No.
There's no way.
I'm their mother.
I raised them.
Something is off.
What do I do? Do I have to ask them? These Jeju tangerines are so sweet.
Thank you, Runa.
You're like our office caretaker, Runa.
You're always so thoughtful.
You'll make a great wife and mother once you get married.
I got off the plane, but I'm still in the clouds.
Good morning.
Welcome back, Ms.
Jeong, you're wearing the ruby ring today.
That's right.
Ruby, just like my name.
You wore the diamond ring more often.
Why the sudden change of heart? I'm starting to like this one more.
Gyeongmin proposed to me with it.
We're not kids, why're you bragging? Give it to me.
I want to try it on.
Why? What do you mean why? I want to see if it fits or not.
Why would it fit you? We'll have to try to know for sure.
Don't you remember how I let you try on my engagement ring when you asked? Let me see it.
Promise me.
No matter what happens, don't take off this ring, even if we separate, no, even if we die.
Can you promise me that? I'm the rightful owner of this ring.
I promised never to take it off.
Try it on, Runa.
I bet it'll look good on you too, given your fair skin.
Really? It's so pretty.
I didn't know rubies were so pretty.
Passionate, endless love.
That's what rubies symbolize.
Should I pick it up? Forget it.
Why? Are you scared IÕll pick it up and hide it from you like you did to me? What are you talking about? Here you go, Ms.
Enough chitchat.
Get back to work.
Runa, can you take this to the design team? What do you think you're doing? Why? Are you picking a fight with me just because I tried on your ring? What am I doing? There's no way.
No way Are you here to see someone? Yes.
I Where's the restroom? It's at the end of the hall.
Thank you.
Do you think taking this ring from me will turn things back to the way they were? Take it from you? Who? Me? Who's the thief here? Who's the rightful owner? The rightful owner? Don't kid yourself.
That won't change anything.
I knew you were shameless, Jeong Runa, but I didn't know you were this bad.
Runa? Ruby Ruby is Runa? See you next time
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