Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e82 Episode Script

Episode 82

What's the matter with Soyeong? I told her not to do it, since it'd only makes things complicated, but she seduced Jihyeok anyway.
They're probably just really good friends.
A girl and a guy can't just be friends.
Come on.
So is that why you were going on a trip with your male friends from middle school? So when other people do it, it's romance.
But when you do it, it's not? Chorim, are you home? Oh, my goodness, Gilja.
Have you been drinking? Alone? Why'd you drink so much? You should've saved some for us.
Save some for us? Come on, Gilja.
You're drunk.
Let's get you to bed.
No, no, Chorim.
I'm not drunk yet.
I wanted to get really drunk, but the drinks are so weak.
I can't seem to get drunk.
I guess you're trying to get hammered.
Let me mix you some great cocktails.
Are you out of your mind? Can't you see she's had enough? If she drinks any more, she'll pass out.
Chorim, you drink to get over things too.
Yu almost never drinks.
She must have a good reason.
At time likes these, it's best just to keep her company.
Shut it.
Just shut it, okay? Gilja, let's get you to bed.
You've had enough to drink.
Ruby My sweet, Ruby.
My poor Ruby got her memory back and her life's been hell ever since.
She probably doesn't want to live anymore.
But all I can do is marinate chicken.
You're totally useless, Yu Gilja.
You deserve to be punished.
Even hell won't take you in, you evil witch.
What's wrong, Gilja? Why would you say such terrible things? I'm a complete failure.
I didn't recognize my own children.
I'm a pathetic creature.
That's what I am.
That's what I am.
That's what I am.
That's Is she asleep? Yup.
This is so unlike her.
I've never seen her so drunk.
It's okay.
Even the most uptight people have to unwind every once in a while.
Yu did the right thing.
What's that? Read it.
Huh? Jeong Chorim and Noh Dongpal's Life Plan? Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken Franchise.
Branch #1: Dongcho Chicken.
Dongcho? What's Dongcho? What else? "Dong" like Dongpal and "Cho" like Chorim.
The sales office for organic foods? After seeing the farm in Jeju, I thought it'd be a good investment.
Or we could bring organic food and grilled chicken together for something innovative.
Noh Dongpal.
You're super smart.
You're realizing that now? You're lucky you have me as a husband.
Ma'am, you're still up? Green tea? But it's bedtime.
Changgeun said he wanted some.
He's reading in the study.
The older you get, the earlier you sleep.
But he never sleeps.
Sera and Gyeongmin are home, right? Gyeongmin's back, but Sera isn't home yet.
She's probably out getting hammered.
Getting hammered? Watch your tone.
Call Sera right away.
Na Insu! Mr.
Na Insu! Wake up, Mr.
Na Insu! Mr.
Na Insu! Yes, Aunt Geumhui.
Sera it's me.
Where are you? I'll be right in.
Are you in front of the house? No, not yet.
Come on Sera.
Then why'd you say you'd be right in? I'm just saying I have to go.
I'm busy.
Bae Sera, who are you with right now? Grandma, the thing is You're a terrible liar.
You know that, right? Tell me the truth.
Who's the guy you're with? I'm not with a guy.
Well, he is a guy but We're not up to anything.
I'll be home soon.
Don't worry.
Don't come early.
I'm not worried.
Grandma If you're out with a guy, I trust you to a certain extent, so do what you like.
I may be ignorant, but I do know this.
The night is when the magic happens.
Why's he so heavy? Oh, my goodness.
Insu! Don't come early.
I'm not worried.
I may be ignorant, but I do know this.
The night is when history is made.
Oh, Grandma He's not interested in making magic.
Don't sound the wedding bells yet.
Should I just get under his sheets? Oh, my goodness.
What's wrong with me? Ruby.
Jeong Ruby, I'm sorry.
I'm a scoundrel.
Jeong Ruby? My sister-in-law? Tell them, Jeong Runa.
Just come clean! Jeong Runa, just come clean! What's going on? How did this happen? How could Runa give me the same scarf that Ruby knitted me back in college? How would she know? Did you want to look at that scarf that badly? So much that you couldn't sleep? Yes.
I'm so curious I can't sleep.
It's driving me crazy.
Why is the scarf that Runa gave me exactly the same as the one you knitted for me before? Explain.
What do you think? I think I think it was just a coincidence.
We're twins.
We have similar tastes in certain things.
What made me mad earlier was that you canceled our plans in order to see Runa.
You even lied to me.
Runa seems more important to you.
It was upsetting and unbearable.
I understand.
I'm sorry.
Do you love me anymore? Can't you tell me you love me? I want to say it.
I do.
But But I don't want to lie to you again.
Good morning.
It's dried pollack soup.
Thank you, Aunt Geumhui.
You're welcome.
This is so nice.
Just look at you.
You're not a little kid.
You're so book-smart, but you're not love-smart.
What do you mean, mother? Dad? Am I adopted? What? Is there a secret behind my birth that I'm not aware of? Mrs.
Yu isn't up yet? Of course not.
After how much she drank? Leave her be.
I made her bean sprout soup.
She'll eat it when she gets up.
Mom drank last night, Aunt Chorim? That much? Yeah.
Don't even get me started.
She threw a fit.
Eat this, mom.
Don't you have work today? I wanted see you before I left.
How do you feel? I heard you drank a lot last night.
Why did you drink so much? You have to take care of your health.
Yes? Nevermind.
You'll be late.
I'll see you later tonight.
Sure thing, Ruby.
Ruby Good morning, Vice President Bae.
Good morning.
- Hello.
/ - Hello.
You're early too, Ms.
Good morning.
Good morning.
Jeong Runa, we need to talk.
What is it? Don't test me.
How long did you think I'd play the victim? You think this will make you feel better? Get it together, Jeong Runa.
You evil witch.
You gave Gyeongmin the same scarf? You think that'll bring him back to you? Gyeongmin's my husband.
Oh, really? You saw yesterday what he thinks about his wife.
How does it feel to have your husband stolen from you right before your eyes.
Stolen? From me? Stop being crazy.
You know what people will call Jeong Runa? That slut that stole her sister's man.
Not Jeong Runa.
Jeong Ruby.
After all, aren't you the slut? Shut up.
If this happens again, I won't hold back.
The warmth of Gyeongmin's hands It was nice to feel again.
When he embraced me in Jeju, it was like a trip down memory lane.
We must be destined for each other.
Don't lie to me.
Lie to you? Your life is one big lie, so you must think everyone else lies too.
Gyeongmin must not have told you.
But then again, how could he bring up such a captivating moment? Why don't we just come clean, and make life super complicated for the three of us? You always wanted to live life like a movie.
Think carefully, Ms.
Jeong Ruby.
Though that name won't be yours for long.
Hello? Yes, sir.
Excuse me? Do you feel alright? I got so drunk last night.
Did I trouble you in any way? Of course you did.
With your words.
I knew something was wrong with your love life.
How would you explain the following? Saying Jeong Ruby and Jeong Runa interchangeably while you were drunk.
Jeong Runa's your girlfriend, but Jeong Ruby is my sister-in-law.
I'm not sure.
My memory's a bit I'm sorry.
I must've gotten their names mixed up.
That's not what it looked like to me.
Weird things here and there have made me both curious and suspicious.
Isn't it time you came clean? Have you always been this suspicious, Director Bae Sera? I'm sure a woman of your standing knows that it's rude to ask questions that offend or make the other party uncomfortable.
I'm leaving.
What was that? A rude question? I'm sure I'm onto something.
Assemblyman Sim Jaeyun, Yeomin Party This is the head of the election committee.
The election committee? For the Yeomin Party? Yes.
Assemblyman Lee Jongcheol has told me a lot about you.
He speaks very highly of you.
He says you're capable and smart.
He's too kind.
We're both busy, so I'll cut to the chase.
Are you interested in politics? Politics? Me? I hope you won't be offended, but the party has done quite a bit of research on you.
You can think of it as a preliminary screening.
You went to a top-notch college, got a job at JM, married Mr.
Bae Gyeongmin, and became a successful home shopping and TV show host.
But why? It's all very detailed, is it not? You're a role model for students and women.
The youth consider you a mentor.
You're skilled and confident.
Most importantly, you have high aspirations.
You've had some public and personal ups and downs.
But without facing adversity, one cannot hope to join politics.
Wouldn't you agree? There's a by-election in two months.
We're thinking of making you the Yeonmin Party candidate for Gangnam.
That's very kind of you, but why are you interested in someone as young and inexperienced as me? Isn't that a huge risk? You're not confident? What I see in you is vigorous enthusiasm, relentless drive, and most importantly, desperate ambition.
Ambition, you say? Am I wrong? Oh come on.
Of all days, why's there a festival today? What do I do? Aunt Chorim is that you? Gyeongmin.
What are you doing here? What do you mean? I have business to attend to.
What about you? What about you? I had business here as well.
Business? Oh, right.
This is a JM subsidiary.
I totally forgot.
We met at the wedding.
Who? This is my sister.
Oh, my goodness.
I'm so sorry.
It's just been so long.
You two should catch up.
I'll wait for you in the car.
So what's this business you need to take care of? As you know, I'm married now.
I can't work under Gilja forever.
I'm considering some business ideas.
I see.
So I was thinking I know you're busy, but could you make some time for us? Dongpal and I are working on an awesome business proposal.
A business proposal? Yes.
We're working on a proposal to make Yu Gilja's Grilled Chicken a franchise.
We've never done this sort of thing before, so we're getting some help from Runa.
I'd like to show you after we're done.
I'm not just your wife's aunt.
I'm a potential investment for JM Group.
Grilled chicken franchise Okay, Aunt Chorim.
Let me know when it's ready.
Really? Do you mean it, Gyeongmin? You're the best.
- Gosh.
/ - Oh, wow.
So Gyeongmin says he'll meet with us? Of course.
Gyeongmin's so cool.
I like that about him.
Jihyeok, it's time to do the dishes.
Off to the kitchen.
Yes, sir.
Chorim, did Gyeongmin say anything? Huh? About what? Did he say anything about Ruby? Come on, Gilja.
They don't fight all the time.
No news is good news.
Don't you worry.
I better get things started.
Yes, Aunt Chorim? Are you almost done with the franchise proposal? We're going to meet with Gyeongmin.
Really? That's great.
I'll get it done as soon as I can.
See you at home in a bit.
All set.
Me? Go into politics? Like Hillary? What I see in you is vigorous enthusiasm, relentless drive, and most importantly, desperate ambition.
Wow, it seems that my daughter-in-law is not just greedy, she's insatiable.
Not insatiable, just ambitious, father.
I want to take JM Group to the very top.
Bring JM to the top to do what exactly? Take it for yourself? Ambition is the pursuit of a greater good.
Something that will benefit everyone.
But insatiability, is the pursuit of compensation.
Father was wrong.
What I have is ambition, not insatiability.
I should go for it.
I can achieve my dream.
I can do it.
Assemblywoman Jeong Ruby.
Doesn't it have a nice ring to it? I wanted to enter politics because I wanted to serve the nation.
I wanted to use my skills to help those in need and serve my country.
Who am I to dream of such things? Then what else can beautiful, charming, smart people from rich families do for the country and for society? Isn't relentless drive, sound judgment, and self-confidence exactly what this nation needs? Assemblywoman Jeong Ruby.
Chairwoman Jeong Ruby.
Party spokesperson Jeong Ruby.
President Jeong Ruby.
If I had lived as Jeong Runa, I never would've gotten such an opportunity.
I can even do what the real Jeong Ruby could not.
If Jeong Ruby had married Bae Gyeongmin, she would've just been a regular old housewife.
Who do you think would've been better for the nation and for society? Who's the better option? Who? Jeong Ruby or Jeong Runa? Hello? It's me.
Did you manage to restore the deleted files? I'm sorry, but I'm at a seminar in India.
I won't be back in Korea for some time.
Is it urgent? Should I get you someone else? No.
It's not urgent.
I can wait.
Take it easy.
Yes? Hon.
What's up? I have good news.
Good news? You know Assemblyman Sim Jaeyun, right? Yeah.
I've heard of him.
I just met with him.
He asked me if I'd be interested in running for a seat in government.
What? See? I'm much more than what your family thinks of me.
I'm even got scouted for politics.
Sweetheart, I want to give this a try.
I think I'll do a good job.
Persuade your family for me.
Please? - But Ruby, that's something / - Sh.
Don't think so poorly of me.
If I become an assemblywoman, JM Group can grow even further.
You know how much power politicians have.
If I become an assemblywoman, I could become a major force in politics.
Then JM Group could reach new heights.
You understand, right? Yes.
I can do it.
Politics? Piece of cake.
I convinced tens of thousands of consumers to buy our products in a matter of minutes.
I turned a suicidal teen into a happy kid with just one word.
"The Jeong Ruby Show" broke viewer rating records.
I'm unstoppable.
I can do this.
I can win over the voters and win the election.
We'll never finish packing these.
We should've sent them in the box.
Presents come from the heart.
It would make the kids at the orphanage much happier to get nicely wrapped presents than have the things handed to them out of boxes.
We need to wrap gifts for the seniors too.
Do you need my help? Get some rest.
You're not well.
That'll just make me feel cooped up.
Take it slowly then.
You should also come to the charity event the day after tomorrow.
What charity event, ma'am? We'll be giving lonely seniors and foster children our company's products as gifts.
Our health products are one thing, but what these lonely old folks really need is human interaction.
We talk with them, we hold their hands and see if their homes need any repair work.
That's our duty as fellow human beings.
You're right, mother.
In that sense, I'm a lucky old woman.
I have my son, my daughter-in-law, my grandson, and my granddaughter.
Thank you, Changgeun.
Stop it, mom.
No need to thank me.
I'm home.
I have something to discuss with you, father.
I was asked to run for the Gangnam seat in the upcoming by-election.
I'd like to know what your thoughts are.
I knew you had big dreams, but I didn't know you were interested in politics as well.
Politics isn't for anyone.
Does my interest in politics displease you? You made your family lose faith in you by embezzling funds and faking a pregnancy.
You entering politics is absolutely absurd.
You have to be ready to serve the nation and the people if you want to become a politician.
In that sense, you're underqualified.
That hurts my feelings.
I'm sure.
But politics is You haven't taken my side even once.
I want to try.
I can do it.
She doesn't have what it takes to serve the country.
No matter what anyone says, I'll become Korea's top legislator.
Assemblywoman? You're going to defraud the the entire nation? I'll tell everyone what you've done.
You can have Bae Gyeongmin.
I'll divorce him.
Go for it if that's what you want.
This might be the fastest way to put you back in your place.
Don't you see it's time for you to end that insatiable greed? See you next time
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