Ruby Ring (Ruby's Ring) (2013) s01e88 Episode Script

Episode 88

Episode 88 Hello? President Bae.
I didn't know where else we could meet.
I know I've let you down in many ways.
I'm sorry I disappointed you.
I'm a businessman.
Businessmen are not swayed by a single news headline or TV interview.
We consider things in countless different ways.
We are always suspicious and we check and double-check everything.
That's why I prefer to talk in person than over the phone.
I see.
Jeong, did you really post that video? I'm going to ask you again.
Did you really post that video? Yes, I did.
I fabricated the video as well.
I'm sorry.
Then the man in the video Is he someone I know? That video even mentions JM Group.
Don't you owe me some kind of an explanation? It was a pointless, trashy video, sir.
I'm sorry, Mr.
Sorry won't cut it.
Don't you see how serious this is? Have you thought about the damage this video will do to our company? Tell me.
Who's that man? Tell me right now! I'm sorry, sir.
It's all my fault.
It's just someone I know.
Please forgive me.
Keeping your mouth shut won't help anyone.
I don't know what you hoped to gain from this, but no secret remains a secret forever.
I just met with the president.
President Bae? Why didn't you tell the president what you couldn't tell Gyeongmin? I wanted to, but I couldn't.
It just can't be, right? Gyeongmin and I have no hope, right? Even if he finds out who I am, it'd be too late, right? We won't be able to love each other the way we used to.
That would depend on how much he loved you.
He did love me.
But he forgot.
I thought the accident had taken my memory.
But in truth, it took his.
Her sister got her a good job, but she stabs her sister in the back anyways? Why are there so many nut-jobs out there these days? Look here.
You don't know what you're talking about.
I don't know what I'm talking about? Listen, mister, don't get involved with a woman like this.
She'll ruin your life.
Look here.
Look at what? Are you her husband or something? Why are you so riled up? You don't know the whole story.
What part are we missing? You held a press conference and confessed to everything.
You're a disgusting human being.
Let's go, Insu.
Ma'am, please don't be like this.
How dare you? Ma'am! Shame on you.
If I were your sister, I would've put you behind bars.
Let's go.
Come on.
Let's go.
This will warm you up.
Do you love me? Still? If you're going to ask me to stop loving you, don't do it.
I know how you feel.
They say there's an island called Innisfree on a lake in Ireland.
There, you will find streets lined with old, stone walls like in Jeju, and remnants of an old cathedral.
If you follow the empty streets, at the center of a placid lake, you'll see lonely Innisfree.
I'm sure the people living on that island are kind and caring.
Who knows? Probably.
Should we go there? Do you still love me? Maybe not? Yes, I do.
I love you more than ever before.
Then let's go.
Let's go there and live quietly.
I can't.
Because I know you.
I know, I know that you love Bae Gyeongmin.
Do you get it now? You're not Jeong Ruby anymore.
You can't live as Jeong Runa either because that would be worse than death.
Plus, you're not mom's daughter anymore.
You were always a thorn in her side.
No, no.
Just leave.
You may not love Insu, but he values you more than his own life.
Leave with Na Insu.
Would that be the right thing to do? Yes.
It's what's best for everyone.
For mom and for Bae Gyeongmin.
Once Bae Gyeongmin finds out everything, can you be sure he'll love you again? You said so yourself that love has an expiration date.
It's all over.
Maybe Na Insu's the one who loves you more.
He understands you the most.
Is this all that was meant to be? Was revenge impossible from the start? Did you just realize that? You're so pitiful.
Forget everything and leave.
Leave with Na Insu.
No, I can't.
You idiot! You were a thorn in mom's side all along.
You think mom loved you? Whenever she looked at you, that wound probably reopened.
She raised you because she had to, but she never loved you.
She never loved you! Be quiet.
That's not true! That's not true! No! No! Mom Mom Soyeong says that online, the hate mail is no joke.
And I bet people at work are all pointing fingers too.
I'm terrible.
I'm heartless.
So it ultimately comes down to the food.
Fancy interior? Service? Even run down joints make it big.
How? They make good food! Keep it down will you? You're spitting all over me.
It stinks too.
In any case, our only hope is this business plan.
But franchise businesses need to expand aggressively while they can.
I hope the video scandal doesn't ruin our plans.
Gilja, you're upset about Runa, right? Chorim, didn't I tell you not to say a word to Runa? It wasn't Runa's fault, so just be quiet.
But if it wasn't her fault Oh, wow.
So that's what happened? That sweet thing lied to protect her sister, didn't she? I'm right, aren't I? Do you need help? Nope.
I just have to chop this up, mix it in with everything else, and bam! My flaming rice cakes will be ready.
Flaming rice cakes? What's that? They're magical rice cakes that ignite the flames of love between new couples.
Ow! What's wrong? Are you hurt? Wait.
Put pressure on it like this.
It's fine.
The bleeding's stopped.
Let me see.
Sorry to intrude.
I know it was going to be a historic moment, but I really need to use the bathroom.
It's not like I could go back out.
Carry on.
I'm going to do my business.
Jihyeok, next time you plan something important, let me know, so I can go somewhere else.
You said so yourself, no election ever goes smoothly.
The video scandal's in the past now.
We'll just have to do our best from now on.
I'll see you tomorrow.
Gyeongmin, are you asleep? You think little of me now, but just wait.
You'll come to acknowledge my greatness.
Without fail.
Is your hand okay? Yeah.
Why aren't you sleeping? I don't feel sleepy because I miss you.
Uncle Daepung's already snoring.
Dongpal, let's send Jihyeok to a cram school, one with a dorm.
A cram school? Yeah.
He has to go to college next year.
We have to keep Soyeong away from him, so Why do you hate Soyeong so much? I don't hate her.
Would it be okay with you if Jihyeok married her? Well, I Being good friends is one thing, but what about Jihyeok's future? Don't worry about Jihyeok's future.
Let's just focus on our future.
Our future? Our baby.
Oh, stop.
You can't drink, okay? Don't worry.
Kim won't let me drink anyway.
Turn the humidifier on.
It must be dry inside the house.
All the plants are withering away.
Yes, ma'am.
At times like these, I envy these plants.
I'd like to wither and lose some weight too.
Don't say that.
What if you become all wrinkly like me? You look great just the way you are, with a little meat on your bones.
You look nice and fresh, just like top-quality rice.
Top-quality rice? That does make me feel better.
Watch out for patches of ice.
I told you not to worry.
I'm not a little kid.
It's all because she cares about you, so just do as she says.
Okay, mom.
I'll see you later.
- Bye.
/ - See you.
He's still young enough to go out on a day like this.
I'm too old to venture out in this blistering cold.
Do you want us to take you out? How about going to the sauna later? The sauna? The heat in there will kill me.
I'm all set.
A crisis? What do you mean? Please tell me what you mean.
- Please.
/ - Oh goodness.
I guess we're invisible to her now.
She didn't even greet us.
Leave her alone.
The only thing on her mind is that election.
What? Withdraw my candidacy? You're telling me to withdraw my candidacy a week before the election? We deliberated for hours.
It will deal a heavy blow to the party as well.
So why should I drop out? Mr.
Director No wait All of you saw the public opinion polls.
It's going to be close because of the video, but I've always been in the lead.
Once we resume the campaign, I'll win by a landslide.
Jeong Ruby, this is your first time, so you're not aware that it's very difficult to win back voters who have turned their backs on you.
I think your loss was set in stone when the video scandal first erupted.
I understand your concerns.
But please give me just one more chance.
I'll do whatever it takes to Like you said, the election's next week.
Nominating you as the party candidate was the first and last chance we were ever going to give you.
There will be a press conference in an hour.
The statement is ready, so read it over.
Calm your nerves and get yourself ready for the press conference.
If you care about the party at all, then drop out of the race here and now.
They begged me to run for office, and now they're hanging me out to dry? Me? The greatest woman in Korea? I'll make them pay.
The Yeomin Party press conference scheduled for 11:00 was canceled because Jeong Ruby was a no-show.
Shim Jaeyun, the election committee head, - stated that / - I won't quit.
The video scandal was a source of great distress for Jeong Ruby regarding her candidacy in the upcoming by-elections.
Therefore, the Yeomin Party will The subscriber is unavailable.
Connecting to voicemail.
Once connected, charges will This is insane.
Ruby's always on the news.
Na Insu is here.
- Mr.
Na? Let him in.
/ - Understood.
Bring some tea as well.
Yes, Director Bae.
What brings you here? Please sit down.
I'll stay until you find a replacement.
But why? Did you get a better offer elsewhere? Of course not.
I just want some time off.
What a shame, Mr.
On behalf of the company, we're sad to see you go.
You were against me when I first signed on.
Yes, but with time, I've come to see how valuable and charming you are.
Even my grandmother adores you.
Please send her my regards.
I will.
What'll you do from now on? No specific plans yet, but I'll probably move overseas.
Where to? I'll let you when I get there.
This is amazing.
It's news flash after news flash.
What's the news? You haven't heard? Ms.
Jeong withdrew her candidacy.
What? She dropped out? It's crazy.
It's changing every minute.
It's like a rollercoaster.
Hello, Ms.
Did you see the news, Ms.
Seo? Ms.
Jeong withdrew her candidacy.
I'm already starting to miss this place.
I need some time.
Why'd you tender your resignation already? I was scared I'd change my mind again.
You're coming with me, right? I won't push you.
I'll wait.
Just tell me when you're ready.
Well isn't this a pretty sight? Such a fine couple.
You should go, Insu.
We need to talk.
It's all your fault.
You ruined everything.
Congratulations? I did everything you wanted me to.
What are you complaining about? Lying may be easy for you, but for me, even though I wanted to kill myself, I lied for you.
So what's with the hysterics? You ruined everything.
The election's long gone.
Are you playing games with me? If you hadn't fooled around with the video, none of this would've happened.
I did fool around.
I lied and said it was fake.
I should've just come clean.
Maybe I should've just said it was real.
Should I hold another press conference? Behave yourself from now on.
Someone might film you again.
You dropped out of the race? Be grateful.
You should celebrate.
You would've been miserable if you'd lost the election and gotten exposed.
Be quiet.
Shut your mouth.
You were underqualified from the start.
You had no qualifications to begin with because you're not Jeong Ruby.
You're a fake.
That again? Don't you get tired of it? Tired of whining like a kid who dropped his ice cream? Listen close.
Mom knew everything but she took my side.
Do you think Gyeongmin will take your side? Everybody knows that it's no use crying over spilled milk.
So why do you keep trying? Yeah.
Of course mom would take your side.
I'm done with caring.
Do what you like.
Do whatever you want.
What do you mean by that? Are you leaving? You're leaving, aren't you? Good.
Then leave as quickly as possible.
I'll pay for everything.
You want to study? Get a job? I'll talk to Gyeongmin, and we'll pay.
Are you happy? Yes, I am leaving.
But don't get it twisted.
I'm not doing it for you.
I'm doing it for your loving mother.
Loving mother? She loves you, not me.
How can an adopted daughter compare to her own biological daughter? And yet you're leaving for mom? What a small world.
I never thought I'd see you here.
I know.
Your daughter-in-law is well, right? She seemed busy with the upcoming elections.
Who could've imagined she'd survive the car accident and even end up running for a seat in the government? Excuse me.
Has she given you a grandchild yet? The thing is, she suffered a miscarriage.
It just wasn't meant to be.
What a shame.
After one natural miscarriage, it's difficult to fully recover.
If only she could've just had the baby What are you talking about? You didn't know? I thought you knew.
She was pregnant before the accident.
But the accident cost her the baby.
Infertility is very common these days.
But she's still young.
I'm you'll hear some good news soon.
Yes? The president has arrived.
Dad, what brings you here? I had an appointment.
Are you busy? No.
I have one hour until my next meeting.
You know Ruby dropped out of the race, right? She shouldn't have run in the first place.
I had lunch with Dr.
Jeong, the doctor who operated on Ruby after the accident.
At Chuncheon Hospital? Yup.
We were talking about this and that, and he grew concerned when I told him Ruby suffered a miscarriage.
He said a miscarriage makes the next pregnancy difficult.
I know you're worried, but we're still young.
I don't think one miscarriage automatically means it'll happen again.
Was she pregnant before you got married? What? No, dad.
Maybe you didn't know.
But could she have been pregnant? I would've known.
There's no way.
But why do you ask? She was pregnant before the accident.
The accident cost her the baby.
If we leave now, can we make it to Chuncheon before sunset? You want to go to Chuncheon, sir? I need to check something right away.
You're back.
You're never home this early.
I was waiting for you guys.
Where's Soyeong? Don't even get me started.
As soon as we close up, she disappears.
Have you had dinner? Yes, mom.
Mom, I have something to tell you.
What? You're moving overseas? Look.
I know it's tough because of the video scandal, but why go abroad? What about work? Did Gyeongmin tell you to resign? Or was it Ruby? It was my decision.
I want to study too.
Hey, then why didn't you go when Ruby offered to pay? You can't ask her for help now.
Why do you insist on leaving so suddenly? If you go overseas now, it'll be hell.
No, Runa.
You made the right choice.
You'll do great wherever you go.
Just stop, Dongpal.
You don't know anything.
Runa, I don't think it's a good idea.
You can't leave now.
You'd leave your poor mom all alone? You and Ruby are all she's got.
Ruby's married, so that only leaves you.
If you just leave her like this, your mom will get manic depression.
This might actually be for the best.
If Ruby moves overseas, the secret will stay buried.
It'll stay buried.
No one will ever find out.
And Runa will be happy.
This is good.
You cruel beast.
You vile witch.
Are you even human? You call yourself a mother? To save your own evil brat, you toss aside that beautiful angel? I don't deserve to be called a mother.
Ruby Ruby See you next time
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