1000-lb Sisters (2020) s02e01 Episode Script

Life-Altering News

Bottoms up.
[ Laughing ]
Last season on
"1000-lb sisters"
[ Laughing ]
Ow. [Bleep]
[ Beeping ]
Amy, I need to see you
lose 25 pounds.
Tammy, your weight right now
is at 608.
I want to see you around 550.
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughs ]
Ow! My
Just drop it.
Officiant: I hereby pronounce
you husband and wife.
We're gonna do
your surgery, Amy.
[ Crying ]
[ Beeping ]
Let's see you make
a real effort towards this.
Get down below 550,
and we're gonna talk about
your surgery, okay?
Is it a deal?
All right.
[ Cheering ]
- Good for her.
- Yay!
[ Applause ]
I still have a long way to go,
but I'm really proud of myself.
[ Laughing ]
Can y'all see that? Amy!
A sharpie?!
Tell 'em, like
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughter ]
Oh, my damn! Oh, my damn.
Come on, little!
Amy: It's been four months since
I had weight-loss surgery.
So far, I lost 124 pounds,
my weight right now is 282.
Growing up, I honestly didn't
think I would live past 30
because I was fat,
I was depressed.
But now I'm getting skinny
and getting healthy.
I never dreamed that I would be
living this good of a life.
Tammy: Since covid,
people are stuck at home
and can't go nowhere.
It's a hash brown with eggs
Scrambled eggs,
sausage gravy, and cheese.
Boredom and just
the loneliness gets to you.
Covid [bleep] sucks.
[ Laughs ]
Hey, bitch!
Yeah, I'm coming.
[ Laughing ]
After gastric bypass, you puke,
you can't [bleep],
but you fart all the time.
Oh, I already got The table.
Amy: Today me a Tammy are doing
a video for YouTube
because that's our job.
That's what we do.
That's what we love to do.
We don't do it for the money.
We started our YouTube channel
as just a way to meet people
because we in
bum [bleep] Kentucky.
We don't have no friends.
Whether it be makeup or cooking,
it's just the way
to be creative.
I was kind of scared
that I would lose followers.
But I'm getting more love
now that I'm actually
getting healthy.
But Tammy still has haters.
It's like that old saying,
don't judge a book by its cover
you're an encyclopedia.
[ Laughing ]
[ Belches ] Excuse me.
Personal protective equipment.
Personal protective equipment.
We just want to make
sure we're safe.
[ Laughs ]
Hey, y'all, it's Amy. And Tammy.
We're about to go to Georgia
to see Dr. Procter.
We want to be safe,
so we went shopping.
Interesting. Okay.
[ Laughs ]
[ Laughing ]
Ooh, my damn!
The hell?
You got it over.
[ Laughs ]
Uh, uh. I gotta squeeze
my fat ass in it.
Okay, hold on.
Can you zip me up, please?
[ Laughing ]
We still talk every day
and text all day long.
Misty: When Tammy's
last relationship ended,
she was lonely, and I think
that was a lot of the reason
why she put on so much weight.
I'm hurting so bad.
- Babe.
- Yeah.
I'm hurting so bad.
For awhile now, I've been having
trouble pooping.
[ Laughing ]
[ Laughing ]
The doctor told me that
he'll have to take an X-ray
to see how much
you're clogged up.
In order for you
to get an X-ray,
you have to take
a pregnancy test and all that.
So I did the test.
He come back in, he goes,
"we can't do the X-ray
because you're pregnant."
I'm like, "what?"
All right.
[ Line ringing ]
Tammy: Wow.
I mean
Amy: It's only been a couple
months since I had the surgery,
and Dr. Procter told me not to
get pregnant for two years.
I wonder how long
we'll have to wait to have kids.
How long should you wait
to have kids?
That's a great question.
Honestly, two years.
- Two years?
- Two years.
Oh, my goodness.
Yeah, I know it seems like
a long time, but right now,
if you got pregnant,
you'd be a high-risk pregnancy.
It'd be dangerous for the baby.
You can get into some bad
nutritional deficiencies.
You can even have
permanent neurological damage
if you're not taking
the right vitamins
over a long period of time.
So we want to make sure we've
got you on the right thing.
[ Breathing heavily ]
Got it, or you need me to do it?
I need to sit down.
Misty: I'm surprised she got
so short of breath
in such a short space.
[ Coughs ]
Hey, YouTube, it's me, Amy.
Guess what?
Right now
I'm four months pregnant.
But it's overwhelming, too,
because I got pregnant
four months
after weight-loss surgery.
Amy: The baby's asleep
right now..
- Love you.
- Love you.
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Snorts ]
[ Laughing ]
Amy: All of my siblings know
that I am pregnant,
so I decided
to have a family cookout.
I'm excited to see everybody.
It's been a long time.
No, you're you're a dumb-ass.
[ Laughs ]
Amy: But with our siblings
growing up,
they were always older
and out of the house,
so we didn't have that physical
bond like me and Tammy have.
Tammy: Yeah, they were off,
you know, doing their own thing
and married and had kids.
[ Stomach growling ]
[ Laughs ]
Wait a minute, bitch.
[ Exhales ]
One? One.
Tammy: Mm-hmm.
Amy: When the baby gets here,
I won't be able to
take care of Tammy as much.
I won't be able to bring
her food every day.
I won't be able to do
her laundry as much.
It's time for her
to get off the pot.
She needs to push herself.
[ Knocking ]
Hey, will you grab
that envelope, please?
Misty is my older sister,
and she she's chill.
You dropped [bleep]
I need that, too, please.
[ Sighs ]
[ Laughs ]
Here's everything. [ Laughs ]
Misty: I try to come by and
visit Tammy as much as I can,
but I have three
disabled children at home.
When I heard Tammy
didn't get approved
for the surgery last year,
it broke my heart.
Tammy's always been a big girl.
She was born almost 10 pounds
when she was born.
So she's she's always had
an issue with weight.
So what are you doing?
[ Laughing ] Shut up!
We still talk every day
and text all day long
and facetime.
I'm leery of meeting online
and getting together like that.
Misty: When Tammy's
last relationship ended,
she got depressed,
she was lonely,
and I think that was
a lot of the reason
why she put on so much weight.
I'm just worried 'cause
I think she moves too quick.
So I think it's way too early
for marriage.
So how does he feel about
your wanting to lose weight?
Misty: It surprised me
Jerry said he likes her big,
but I thought he meant,
you know,
a little filled in,
not over-filled in.
[ Laughing ] I don't know
how else to put that.
You've already got
an appointment
with Dr. Procter, then? Yeah.
What do you think he's gonna
say when you get down there?
Yeah, but Amy's not
All you got to worry about
is you,
getting your stuff together
to be able to do
what you gotta do.
I'm happy for Amy.
She's always wanted a baby.
I think it's gonna be
really hard on Tammy.
Tammy does rely a lot on Amy,
but that'll be
a lot of the adjustment,
and I think more
than she realizes.
I'll take it with you.
I'll walk with you.
All right.
Tammy: A few months ago,
I was walking,
went a grocery store by myself
without my Walker.
But I started using it again
because I started getting
worse off in my knees
and got to where
I couldn't walk without it.
I'm unstable on my feet.
They need to start putting
mailboxes closer to the house.
I know.
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Yep, I can do it. Which mailbox?
[ Breathing heavily ]
[ Coughs ]
Can you sit right here
and rest a minute?
Okay, it's right behind you.
Misty: I'm surprised she got
so short of breath
in such a short space.
I'm worried
about Tammy's health.
It seems like
the older she gets,
the worse she's getting.
Yeah, it's it's scary to me.
[ Coughs ]
[ Breathing heavily ]
Tammy, you're gonna have
to start making plans
to be self-sufficient,
but y'all act like
I don't take care of myself.
I love Tammy to death,
but I'm pregnant.
I can't take care of
a 34-year-old baby.
- Yeah.
- Okay.
Chris: Y'all made it.
Amy: My brother, Chris, kinda
is our father figure.
The biggest size you got.
I'm a fat man.
[ Laughs ]
Tammy: To describe my family,
we're all humpty dumpties.
[ Laughs ]
We're big, bigger, and
We're just giant Teddy bears.
We got about 10, 15
good minutes.
- All right.
- Then we'll be ready to eat.
[ Belches ]
So any time we can get a chance,
that's all that really matters.
I figured you'd like it
'cause it's a new one.
[ Laughs ]
- Misty.
- Huh?
Come use this thing
to hold this door open.
It's hot.
Misty: Okay.
[ Laughs ]
All right, y'all.
- Are we ready?
Go ahead.
- Yes!
- No.
- Okay.
- She don't eat vegetables.
Emily: Potato salad this is
the only vegetable I eat.
Tammy, what you want
on your plate?
I give you a piece of chicken,
some sausage.
Thank you.
[ Laughter ]
It's gonna be like the predator.
Kzzzzkkkk! Ah!
[ Laughs ]
Tammy, what's going on with you,
and what's your plan
on the losing weight
and the process with getting
I'm still in progress.
I do anyways, Amy!
Amy: I love Tammy to death,
but I'm pregnant.
I got to take care of me
and the baby.
I can't take care of
a 34-year-old baby.
You gotta find out
where you're at.
That that can't be right.
At the barbecue, I could tell
Tammy's not following the diet
that she's actually
supposed to be following.
I'm really kind of worried
about Tammy gaining more weight
than what she realizes.
[ Knocking ]
- 'Sup?
[ Laughs ] It done
started talking to me.
I don't know if
that's good or bad.
It's ready.
[ Laughing ] Yeah, no.
Don't want to see
that number go up.
Okay, but at the same token,
you gotta find out
where you're at.
You gotta have a beginning
to get going.
My pocket let me throw
a couple things
out of my pockets.
Every ounce counts
when you're fat, you know?
Here we go.
I'm 5'11", and I should weigh
pretty close
to somewhere around 200 even.
Scale: 419.8 pounds.
Let's see what you got going on.
Okay, but this is the problem.
This thing will hold us
It's gonna tell the truth
and sometimes the truth hurts.
Are you on there? Mm-hmm.
All right, well
Scale: 596.6 pounds.
That that can't be right.
Yeah, that's
Something ain't right.
A few months later or so,
she has gained every pound back.
Something ain't adding up.
Chris: Come on. Talk to me.
This is one of them times
that nobody can help you
do this by yourself.
I put all the weight back on
that I worked so hard
getting off,
I just
[ Sighs ]
I don't know whether
just to give up completely
and just [bleep] it all
and just
End it, like, end the diet.
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