1923 (2022) s02e01 Episode Script
The Killing Season
I've been here since 1894.
My concern is survival.
You're no God, Jacob Dutton!
[CARA] Spencer,
this ranch and your legacy are in peril.
You must come home
and fight this war.
[ALEX] You're a hunter.
Where does the next
adventure take you?
Where I'm going is dangerous.
[ALEX] Let's look death in the eye,
then, shall we?
[SISTER ALICE] I've sworn
to kill the Indian in you
and will keep my word.
What are you doing?
Making war.
[RENAUD] I have compassion
but I have no mercy.
Bring her back to me.
I want the whole valley.
I'm a man of my word!
- You need to read this.
- You read it.
"War has descended upon this place."
[CARA] I fear everything your
parents fought so hard to build
is being ripped from us.
[SPENCER] I need
to book passage to America.
I do not yield, you Yankee scum!
[HURLEY] Take this man to the brig.
- Spencer!
- I love you, Alex!
I will come to you!
[CARA] Dear Spencer
we have sold
the last of our herd,
keeping only four bulls
and 100 heifers,
the seeds with which
you must rebuild the ranch
that trickery
and laws drafted by loan sharks
have stripped from us.
The road to Bozeman
is snowed over now,
passable only on horseback.
Our movement is restricted
to the lodge
and the pastures
around the barn until spring.
We dare not kill a beef,
so the men hunt.
Gone are the great feasts
of summer.
It is stews
and stale bread
and the bland fuel of sustenance.
Like the bear, we hibernate,
impatiently awaiting spring
and your return.
What time is the hearing?
First thing in the morning.
I'll be back tomorrow night.
Don't kill yourself racing
back to me in a blizzard.
If there's a blizzard,
I'll ride it out
in the comfort of the hotel.
[CHUCKLES] You mean
the speakeasy beneath it?
That's exactly what I mean.
[CARA] You know the Parkers
in Livingston?
I know the Parkers.
Mary Parker told me they have
a telephone in their house.
In her house.
Can you imagine?
When Albert goes to Bozeman,
he can stop by the telegram
office and for a nickel,
he can call Mary at her house
so she knows he got there safe.
Yeah, with Albert's sense of direction,
that seems like a good plan.
Well, no, uh, you know, I'm just saying,
would be nice to know
that you got there safe
instead of hoping you made it safe
and wondering and worrying.
Well, if you weren't worrying about me,
you'd be worrying about something else.
Yes, but that would be
a worry of my own choosing.
- Not one that you chose for me.
This trip is not a choice. It's a duty.
So I'm just gonna say
I will not allow today
to be the last time I see your face.
Thank you.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- Whoa! Whoa!
They're fresh this morning.
Take those horses down the hill.
I'll meet you at the barn.
Back to the barn?
- There's a lion on the porch.
- A lion?
Come on, go.
Look here,
I don't want to shoot you
and you don't want to get shot.
I need to know,
are you up here to get warm, or are you
hunting your next meal?
What you doing?
Why are you standing on the porch
- scowling at the mountains?
- Hmm.
It was just here.
It wasn't after us.
Well, that's comforting.
Now you have something
to worry about as well.
I'm always worried, honey.
- Got kerosene?
- Yes, sir.
Ain't much good without 'em.
What's funny?
A certain trial starts tomorrow.
Trial about what?
Did you know that the honey bee
kills more people each year
than the rattlesnake?
More than the grizzly?
It's the accumulation of thousands
of little stings
which killed the bee as well,
I might add.
They sacrifice themselves.
The trial's just another little sting.
I think we should bring our little doll
out to play.
Don't you think? Would you like that?
Go get her.
Go on, get her.
No need to dry off.
I rather prefer you wet.
Wake up.
Look at me.
You only get punished
if you don't try hard.
That's all.
But if you try
really hard
we'll give you a surprise.
Where do you think you're going?
I thought I'd go to town with you.
Stay with your mother.
There's nothing to do in Livingston.
There's nothing to do in Bozeman either.
It's below zero, huh?
How about you read a book?
I'll be back tomorrow.
Huh? We'll do something.
When do I get to meet him?
- Him who?
- Your partner.
You don't need to meet men like him.
He's that bad?
When you lay down with dogs, Banner,
you stand up with fleas.
All our lives, we've had nothing.
Now we have something.
And it ain't fleas.
We have money.
Soon we'll have land.
And that boy will have a future.
I'll lay with the devil
to give him that.
Don't feed it too much.
Don't feed? What do I feed?
You put too much coal.
Pipe gets too hot, it expands and blows.
Then we die. The ship sinks.
I put too much?
You are putting too much.
What is this "feed"?
Feed is food, no? To eat?
And the boiler
is eating too much.
Okay, okay, I understand.
You make a-a joke with the words.
Go back to your bunk
before I do something
you can't walk away from.
Are you okay?
[PANTING] He's standing up.
[SPENCER] You come at me with that knife
and I'm gonna fucking kill you with it.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!
Drop the belt. Now.
He was raping him.
Is true?
It is not your ship to police.
You see crime, you come to me.
It is my ship to police.
Clean it up.
But do it in the dark.
The men need to sleep.
- They got rifles.
- I see them.
Put down your weapons.
Drop your rifles to the ground.
- Lower your rifle.
- What you want here?
- I will not ask again.
- What you want here?
[KENT] I am looking for a Crow,
Indian girl,
16 years old.
Have you seen her?
- Aah!
Crow! Indian girl.
Sixteen years old.
Have you seen her?
There are no Crow here.
- There are no Crow.
- [RENAUD] Marshal!
As a man of God,
I demand you release this child.
- Oh, you demand it, huh?
- I do.
I seen your graveyard, Father.
That same man of God
staring at me now
that's the one who filled it.
God's will filled it.
Now we're getting somewhere.
That's what I am. The will of God.
Hyah! Hyah!
You tell every Comanche
I'm looking for this Crow!
Not gonna stop till we find her.
Better for your families if you help us.
Hyah. Hyah!
I watched my grandfather.
There was a time
when everything was crafted
from the earth.
And everyone knew how to do it.
Why don't we know it anymore?
What happened?
White man happened.
The white man, he comes and
he trades with us
for our skins,
our horses and our beads.
He gives us sugar, knives,
- iron.
Then the people
who want to craft things
from the land
they want to trade for the
things that make life easy.
And then when we run
out of things to trade,
the government just gives us the things
till we forget how to make
the things ourselves.
Now they have our land.
We're beggars at their fort.
That's what governments want.
They want beggars.
Why would they want that?
Because beggars
they cannot question.
A beggar who question goes hungry.
A beggar who questions
gets sent off to schools
and taught not to question.
Better we don't beg at all.
Better to just
do things for yourself.
Till the government
finds out you're doing it.
Well, what does the government care?
Because if we're doing things
for ourself
then we don't need a government.
[PETE] I'm gonna slip down to the river,
see if I can catch a deer crossing.
He's a good boy.
I think so.
You want his hand?
If you want him to have it
give him permission to ask for it.
I want him to have it.
Have you two
You know what.
When would we do that?
You watch us like the hawk.
Wait till after the ceremony.
When's the ceremony?
By the looks of it,
it better be quick. [EXCLAIMS]
Well, did you wait for the ceremony?
Nobody waits for the ceremony.
Just have to say it.
I think I'm
I'm just gonna go sit by Pete
while he while he hunts.
Shh, shh.
You scared the life out of me.
Hunting you some deer?
Trying to.
Sorry to screw it up for you.
Still early. Deer won't mind
that horse's scent.
They'll mind mine,
and I got plenty of it.
Haven't seen any cattle sign
on the river, have you?
I'm prowling for strays.
Haven't seen any cattle.
Once they get down in this canyon,
they get wilder than the deer.
You'll see the sign
before you see the cattle.
Haven't seen any sign.
- Comanche let you graze here?
- Comanche?
Only Comanche in these parts
looks to be you.
Thought this canyon was Comanche land.
It was. That's been a while, though.
Before my time.
Comanche are all up north of Vernon.
No, you're smack-dab in the
bottom of the JA Ranch in Texas.
You missed Oklahoma by 100 miles.
- Oh.
- Should've turned left
at the river, not followed it.
Don't worry none.
You ain't minding nobody.
Mr. Goodnight was a good friend
of Quanah Parker's.
And Mr. Goodnight
never refused a Comanche
come camp his old grounds.
Best get moving.
Don't want to spend
the night in this canyon.
It's a rattlesnake factory.
There may be a couple more
punchers riding this way,
but they won't mess with you none.
We're in Texas.
- On a ranch.
Don't look like much of a ranch to me.
Me neither, but that's what it is.
Do you think he'll tell people
we're here?
I don't think there's anyone to tell.
Didn't seem to mind.
He's pretty friendly.
- Friendly?
- Yeah.
Even apologized for messing up my hunt.
I didn't tell him
who really messed up my hunt.
Maybe we should go back and
tell my father.
We should, but we ain't gonna.
Not yet.
[ALEX] Go away.
Alex, it's me.
You go away as well.
I will not.
My God, Alex, you're withering away.
Yes, I am.
Are you ill?
I'm broken, Jennifer.
If you're ill, you should see a doctor.
Do you think a doctor will prescribe me
a ticket to America?
If he loves you, he'll come for you.
He can't come for me.
He must protect his family.
Protect them from what
from bears?
I will not have
this conversation with you.
I need passage to America.
I'm running out of time.
And I have no means.
No money.
No family or friends who will help me.
Time is the one thing you do have, Alex.
In abundance.
Be patient.
Perhaps he will send for you
when he reaches Montana.
I'm running out of time.
You're pregnant?
- Mm-hmm.
When I begin to show, what then?
What will Arthur do to my family then?
He's already banned them from London.
I belong with my husband.
His child belongs with his father.
Oh, Alex.
You claim to be my best friend.
I more than claim it.
Now is your chance to prove it.
Sell these.
Buy me passage and bring me to London.
Alex, some of these
belong with the estate,
some belong with the court.
You could go to prison and so could I.
I never said proving it would be easy.
Sell them in Brighton.
They'll offer a pittance
for what they're worth.
Take it.
Tell my parents I've agreed
to stay in Oxford with you.
Tell them it would be good
for me to see friends
and be around young men with stature
and a future ahead of them.
That's what a best friend would do.
Then that's what shall be done.
Book passage on the first ship
heading west.
Not the poshest ship. The first.
And book me second class.
I don't need to be housed
beside Arthur's classmates
- heading to New York.
- Second class, Alex?
Gamblers and thieves.
And without a man beside you
I can take care of myself.
- Go.
- Mm.
[ALEX] Spencer. My love. My life.
I know not the path
nor the manner
with which I will find
my way to you.
But it is time the journey begin.
I will enter the port in New York
and then seek passage by train
to Montana.
Seen a lot of men do it.
Never like this, though.
Most do it quick, with a bullet.
I don't have a gun.
Can you swim?
I can swim.
That's gonna be a problem.
Why is that a problem?
You may want to die,
but your body don't.
Your body will fight.
And then you'll tread water
till you can't.
Then you'll float.
It's a pretty smooth day.
Yesterday was the day to jump.
So, if you jump in,
be ready for a long day.
I will just go under,
open my mouth and
breathe deep.
Yeah, but your body won't let you.
You'll just sit here
and float till a storm
or a shark has its way with you.
How long has he been doing that to you?
Since we left port.
People aren't defined
by what happens to them.
They're defined by what they do.
More often than not, they're
defined by what they don't do.
What they're too scared to do.
Too lazy or selfish.
Is your mother alive?
Does she love you?
Of course.
You're just gonna
throw that over the side?
I wrote her a letter.
No address on it.
I wrote two letters.
O-One one is to you.
It's in Italian.
Can't read Italian.
Don't know to write English.
Read it.
Thank you for saving me
from the big man.
For fighting him.
I wish God made me big,
but He didn't.
In Galveston, ask for my cousins,
Salvatore and Rosario Maceo.
Galveston is their city.
Give them both letters.
They will pay you for saving me.
But if you jump off this ship,
I didn't save you.
Didn't think of that.
Let's get back to work.
Why do men call you lion hunter?
That's what I did.
My grandfather said,
when he was young,
there were lions in Italy.
Two kinds: one with no mane
that live in the mountains,
and, uh, the Barbary lions,
which lived near the farms
and would eat the cattle and horses.
There's lions in our mountains, too.
They don't mess with the cattle.
In America, there is lions?
I would love to see a lion.
I just want the lion to never see me.
Yeah, you do not want
the lion to see you.
Italy's home for you?
My family is from Palermo, in Sicily.
But, uh, with Mussolini
My mother sent me to Galveston
so I-I don't die in the war.
- Didn't know there was a war.
- In Libya.
Next will be Tunisia,
then Egypt, then Greece.
- We just got done with our war.
- They starting a new one.
There are two kind of men
in this world, I think.
Men who make things
and the men who take them.
Mussolini is a man who takes.
- Where's home for you?
- In the mountains.
In the north.
- That is where you go?
- As soon as I have enough money.
You could sell that big gun.
Gonna need that big gun.
You could fight for the money.
- Don't fight for money.
- Lion hunting
- is fighting, no?
- It's fighting for survival.
Don't fight for sport.
Why you go home?
Family needs me.
Why they need you so bad?
You work a ship's engine
to give back to them.
- They're in danger.
- Then fighting for money
is for survival,
if the money gets you home.
What about 'em?
Umbrellas. That's the word.
Ain't the word anymore.
Well, what's the password now?
Wouldn't be much of a password
if I told it to you.
Roy, open the fucking door.
Yes, sir.
Marshal out of Helena called
and said they got an anonymous tip
that there's a speakeasy
off of Main street.
You don't say.
You have any luck finding it?
Investigation's just getting started.
These things take a while.
Another whiskey, Charlie.
[CHARLIE] Takes away the bite.
Well, don't take away all the bite.
Who's the judge?
He's married to that Crow woman.
I don't get it. I mean, how is it
illegal to marry into one race
and not another?
Well, it all depended on the race
of the legislators' wives when they
drew up the law in the first place.
It was almost illegal to marry a Mexican
till a senator met a little senorita
on a hunting trip in Texas.
How much trouble are they in?
Well, the marriage is void.
And the preacher
who performed the marriage
he can go to jail.
But Zane's wife won't say who that was.
And that's really
what this is all about.
She refuses to divulge the source.
She's gonna be held in contempt.
Back to jail she goes.
You seen Zane?
He ain't any better.
Is he talking?
They got him walking the halls in there
and they won't let him see his wife,
won't let him see his kids.
I swear it's a broken heart
more than it is his head.
It's that fucking Whitfield.
I know it is.
He's gonna knock all
your chess pieces off the board.
Get those taxes paid.
Yeah, I got last year's paid.
It's just next year I ain't figured.
Well, you better figure 'em out quick,
'cause I can promise you that
son of a bitch has got it figured.
You think you can take him?
[SPENCER] Are there rules?
- Rules?
- To the fight.
Are there any rules?
Can you bite?
Can you kick?
You can do anything. It's a fight.
Then yes.
Big guys are easy to beat as
long as they don't get a hold of you.
Then let's start with him.
Wait, wait, kid.
One round.
No time limit, no rules.
The man who cannot get up
or will not get up is the loser.
- Pronto?
- Si.
Step to your left.
I'm really glad you won.
I don't have any money either.
You fought in the war?
- Yep.
- Kill many Germans?
Every one I could find.
Me too.
No gouging eyes, okay?
A blind man cannot work on ships.
No gouging eyes.
Four hundred and twenty dollars.
You can buy a new Model
and still have money left over.
What are you doing?
Twenty percent, for covering the bets.
But you didn't cover any bets.
You don't have any money.
I took the risk of lying.
All you had to do
is fight one man at a time.
I would have been beaten
by the whole room.
Now I have money to cover more bets
and you have the money to get home. Mm?
they try and steal it
from us while we're sleeping.
Buona notte.
Second class was sold out.
It was first class or tourist class.
I'll take my chances with the tourists.
They aren't tourists, Alex.
They only call it that
because they can't call it
the thieves and beggars class.
Thought there'd be more.
No one of good repute
would trade with me.
I was forced to the alleys.
And alley prices is what they brought.
I wonder if it's colder in Montana.
Can't be any colder than this.
I'm hoping you'll send it back to me.
But if you don't
I'll know you needed it.
You've proved it.
I long for the day
when I can return the favor.
I'm off on the next adventure.
- That's new.
- Yeah.
[JACK] Know how they work?
I got no idea.
Well, you got someone you need to call?
Yes, I do.
Very much.
At last.
I'd forgotten what the sun looks like.
I'm not sure why I'm making
all these eggs.
Maybe I should send some
down to the cowboys.
Elizabeth, breakfast is ready.
I thought that thing
was gonna eat me alive.
It was its plan.
Winter is the killing season.
When the hunters among us
seek out the weak, the foolish.
Only the very strongest of
nature's creatures survive it.
Winter is the time of the wolf.
The time of the lion.
When all nature's failures
become a meal.
Then spring brings new life.
And God tries again.
I've been here since 1894.
My concern is survival.
You're no God, Jacob Dutton!
[CARA] Spencer,
this ranch and your legacy are in peril.
You must come home
and fight this war.
[ALEX] You're a hunter.
Where does the next
adventure take you?
Where I'm going is dangerous.
[ALEX] Let's look death in the eye,
then, shall we?
[SISTER ALICE] I've sworn
to kill the Indian in you
and will keep my word.
What are you doing?
Making war.
[RENAUD] I have compassion
but I have no mercy.
Bring her back to me.
I want the whole valley.
I'm a man of my word!
- You need to read this.
- You read it.
"War has descended upon this place."
[CARA] I fear everything your
parents fought so hard to build
is being ripped from us.
[SPENCER] I need
to book passage to America.
I do not yield, you Yankee scum!
[HURLEY] Take this man to the brig.
- Spencer!
- I love you, Alex!
I will come to you!
[CARA] Dear Spencer
we have sold
the last of our herd,
keeping only four bulls
and 100 heifers,
the seeds with which
you must rebuild the ranch
that trickery
and laws drafted by loan sharks
have stripped from us.
The road to Bozeman
is snowed over now,
passable only on horseback.
Our movement is restricted
to the lodge
and the pastures
around the barn until spring.
We dare not kill a beef,
so the men hunt.
Gone are the great feasts
of summer.
It is stews
and stale bread
and the bland fuel of sustenance.
Like the bear, we hibernate,
impatiently awaiting spring
and your return.
What time is the hearing?
First thing in the morning.
I'll be back tomorrow night.
Don't kill yourself racing
back to me in a blizzard.
If there's a blizzard,
I'll ride it out
in the comfort of the hotel.
[CHUCKLES] You mean
the speakeasy beneath it?
That's exactly what I mean.
[CARA] You know the Parkers
in Livingston?
I know the Parkers.
Mary Parker told me they have
a telephone in their house.
In her house.
Can you imagine?
When Albert goes to Bozeman,
he can stop by the telegram
office and for a nickel,
he can call Mary at her house
so she knows he got there safe.
Yeah, with Albert's sense of direction,
that seems like a good plan.
Well, no, uh, you know, I'm just saying,
would be nice to know
that you got there safe
instead of hoping you made it safe
and wondering and worrying.
Well, if you weren't worrying about me,
you'd be worrying about something else.
Yes, but that would be
a worry of my own choosing.
- Not one that you chose for me.
This trip is not a choice. It's a duty.
So I'm just gonna say
I will not allow today
to be the last time I see your face.
Thank you.
I'll see you tomorrow.
- Whoa! Whoa!
They're fresh this morning.
Take those horses down the hill.
I'll meet you at the barn.
Back to the barn?
- There's a lion on the porch.
- A lion?
Come on, go.
Look here,
I don't want to shoot you
and you don't want to get shot.
I need to know,
are you up here to get warm, or are you
hunting your next meal?
What you doing?
Why are you standing on the porch
- scowling at the mountains?
- Hmm.
It was just here.
It wasn't after us.
Well, that's comforting.
Now you have something
to worry about as well.
I'm always worried, honey.
- Got kerosene?
- Yes, sir.
Ain't much good without 'em.
What's funny?
A certain trial starts tomorrow.
Trial about what?
Did you know that the honey bee
kills more people each year
than the rattlesnake?
More than the grizzly?
It's the accumulation of thousands
of little stings
which killed the bee as well,
I might add.
They sacrifice themselves.
The trial's just another little sting.
I think we should bring our little doll
out to play.
Don't you think? Would you like that?
Go get her.
Go on, get her.
No need to dry off.
I rather prefer you wet.
Wake up.
Look at me.
You only get punished
if you don't try hard.
That's all.
But if you try
really hard
we'll give you a surprise.
Where do you think you're going?
I thought I'd go to town with you.
Stay with your mother.
There's nothing to do in Livingston.
There's nothing to do in Bozeman either.
It's below zero, huh?
How about you read a book?
I'll be back tomorrow.
Huh? We'll do something.
When do I get to meet him?
- Him who?
- Your partner.
You don't need to meet men like him.
He's that bad?
When you lay down with dogs, Banner,
you stand up with fleas.
All our lives, we've had nothing.
Now we have something.
And it ain't fleas.
We have money.
Soon we'll have land.
And that boy will have a future.
I'll lay with the devil
to give him that.
Don't feed it too much.
Don't feed? What do I feed?
You put too much coal.
Pipe gets too hot, it expands and blows.
Then we die. The ship sinks.
I put too much?
You are putting too much.
What is this "feed"?
Feed is food, no? To eat?
And the boiler
is eating too much.
Okay, okay, I understand.
You make a-a joke with the words.
Go back to your bunk
before I do something
you can't walk away from.
Are you okay?
[PANTING] He's standing up.
[SPENCER] You come at me with that knife
and I'm gonna fucking kill you with it.
Stop it. Stop it. Stop it!
Drop the belt. Now.
He was raping him.
Is true?
It is not your ship to police.
You see crime, you come to me.
It is my ship to police.
Clean it up.
But do it in the dark.
The men need to sleep.
- They got rifles.
- I see them.
Put down your weapons.
Drop your rifles to the ground.
- Lower your rifle.
- What you want here?
- I will not ask again.
- What you want here?
[KENT] I am looking for a Crow,
Indian girl,
16 years old.
Have you seen her?
- Aah!
Crow! Indian girl.
Sixteen years old.
Have you seen her?
There are no Crow here.
- There are no Crow.
- [RENAUD] Marshal!
As a man of God,
I demand you release this child.
- Oh, you demand it, huh?
- I do.
I seen your graveyard, Father.
That same man of God
staring at me now
that's the one who filled it.
God's will filled it.
Now we're getting somewhere.
That's what I am. The will of God.
Hyah! Hyah!
You tell every Comanche
I'm looking for this Crow!
Not gonna stop till we find her.
Better for your families if you help us.
Hyah. Hyah!
I watched my grandfather.
There was a time
when everything was crafted
from the earth.
And everyone knew how to do it.
Why don't we know it anymore?
What happened?
White man happened.
The white man, he comes and
he trades with us
for our skins,
our horses and our beads.
He gives us sugar, knives,
- iron.
Then the people
who want to craft things
from the land
they want to trade for the
things that make life easy.
And then when we run
out of things to trade,
the government just gives us the things
till we forget how to make
the things ourselves.
Now they have our land.
We're beggars at their fort.
That's what governments want.
They want beggars.
Why would they want that?
Because beggars
they cannot question.
A beggar who question goes hungry.
A beggar who questions
gets sent off to schools
and taught not to question.
Better we don't beg at all.
Better to just
do things for yourself.
Till the government
finds out you're doing it.
Well, what does the government care?
Because if we're doing things
for ourself
then we don't need a government.
[PETE] I'm gonna slip down to the river,
see if I can catch a deer crossing.
He's a good boy.
I think so.
You want his hand?
If you want him to have it
give him permission to ask for it.
I want him to have it.
Have you two
You know what.
When would we do that?
You watch us like the hawk.
Wait till after the ceremony.
When's the ceremony?
By the looks of it,
it better be quick. [EXCLAIMS]
Well, did you wait for the ceremony?
Nobody waits for the ceremony.
Just have to say it.
I think I'm
I'm just gonna go sit by Pete
while he while he hunts.
Shh, shh.
You scared the life out of me.
Hunting you some deer?
Trying to.
Sorry to screw it up for you.
Still early. Deer won't mind
that horse's scent.
They'll mind mine,
and I got plenty of it.
Haven't seen any cattle sign
on the river, have you?
I'm prowling for strays.
Haven't seen any cattle.
Once they get down in this canyon,
they get wilder than the deer.
You'll see the sign
before you see the cattle.
Haven't seen any sign.
- Comanche let you graze here?
- Comanche?
Only Comanche in these parts
looks to be you.
Thought this canyon was Comanche land.
It was. That's been a while, though.
Before my time.
Comanche are all up north of Vernon.
No, you're smack-dab in the
bottom of the JA Ranch in Texas.
You missed Oklahoma by 100 miles.
- Oh.
- Should've turned left
at the river, not followed it.
Don't worry none.
You ain't minding nobody.
Mr. Goodnight was a good friend
of Quanah Parker's.
And Mr. Goodnight
never refused a Comanche
come camp his old grounds.
Best get moving.
Don't want to spend
the night in this canyon.
It's a rattlesnake factory.
There may be a couple more
punchers riding this way,
but they won't mess with you none.
We're in Texas.
- On a ranch.
Don't look like much of a ranch to me.
Me neither, but that's what it is.
Do you think he'll tell people
we're here?
I don't think there's anyone to tell.
Didn't seem to mind.
He's pretty friendly.
- Friendly?
- Yeah.
Even apologized for messing up my hunt.
I didn't tell him
who really messed up my hunt.
Maybe we should go back and
tell my father.
We should, but we ain't gonna.
Not yet.
[ALEX] Go away.
Alex, it's me.
You go away as well.
I will not.
My God, Alex, you're withering away.
Yes, I am.
Are you ill?
I'm broken, Jennifer.
If you're ill, you should see a doctor.
Do you think a doctor will prescribe me
a ticket to America?
If he loves you, he'll come for you.
He can't come for me.
He must protect his family.
Protect them from what
from bears?
I will not have
this conversation with you.
I need passage to America.
I'm running out of time.
And I have no means.
No money.
No family or friends who will help me.
Time is the one thing you do have, Alex.
In abundance.
Be patient.
Perhaps he will send for you
when he reaches Montana.
I'm running out of time.
You're pregnant?
- Mm-hmm.
When I begin to show, what then?
What will Arthur do to my family then?
He's already banned them from London.
I belong with my husband.
His child belongs with his father.
Oh, Alex.
You claim to be my best friend.
I more than claim it.
Now is your chance to prove it.
Sell these.
Buy me passage and bring me to London.
Alex, some of these
belong with the estate,
some belong with the court.
You could go to prison and so could I.
I never said proving it would be easy.
Sell them in Brighton.
They'll offer a pittance
for what they're worth.
Take it.
Tell my parents I've agreed
to stay in Oxford with you.
Tell them it would be good
for me to see friends
and be around young men with stature
and a future ahead of them.
That's what a best friend would do.
Then that's what shall be done.
Book passage on the first ship
heading west.
Not the poshest ship. The first.
And book me second class.
I don't need to be housed
beside Arthur's classmates
- heading to New York.
- Second class, Alex?
Gamblers and thieves.
And without a man beside you
I can take care of myself.
- Go.
- Mm.
[ALEX] Spencer. My love. My life.
I know not the path
nor the manner
with which I will find
my way to you.
But it is time the journey begin.
I will enter the port in New York
and then seek passage by train
to Montana.
Seen a lot of men do it.
Never like this, though.
Most do it quick, with a bullet.
I don't have a gun.
Can you swim?
I can swim.
That's gonna be a problem.
Why is that a problem?
You may want to die,
but your body don't.
Your body will fight.
And then you'll tread water
till you can't.
Then you'll float.
It's a pretty smooth day.
Yesterday was the day to jump.
So, if you jump in,
be ready for a long day.
I will just go under,
open my mouth and
breathe deep.
Yeah, but your body won't let you.
You'll just sit here
and float till a storm
or a shark has its way with you.
How long has he been doing that to you?
Since we left port.
People aren't defined
by what happens to them.
They're defined by what they do.
More often than not, they're
defined by what they don't do.
What they're too scared to do.
Too lazy or selfish.
Is your mother alive?
Does she love you?
Of course.
You're just gonna
throw that over the side?
I wrote her a letter.
No address on it.
I wrote two letters.
O-One one is to you.
It's in Italian.
Can't read Italian.
Don't know to write English.
Read it.
Thank you for saving me
from the big man.
For fighting him.
I wish God made me big,
but He didn't.
In Galveston, ask for my cousins,
Salvatore and Rosario Maceo.
Galveston is their city.
Give them both letters.
They will pay you for saving me.
But if you jump off this ship,
I didn't save you.
Didn't think of that.
Let's get back to work.
Why do men call you lion hunter?
That's what I did.
My grandfather said,
when he was young,
there were lions in Italy.
Two kinds: one with no mane
that live in the mountains,
and, uh, the Barbary lions,
which lived near the farms
and would eat the cattle and horses.
There's lions in our mountains, too.
They don't mess with the cattle.
In America, there is lions?
I would love to see a lion.
I just want the lion to never see me.
Yeah, you do not want
the lion to see you.
Italy's home for you?
My family is from Palermo, in Sicily.
But, uh, with Mussolini
My mother sent me to Galveston
so I-I don't die in the war.
- Didn't know there was a war.
- In Libya.
Next will be Tunisia,
then Egypt, then Greece.
- We just got done with our war.
- They starting a new one.
There are two kind of men
in this world, I think.
Men who make things
and the men who take them.
Mussolini is a man who takes.
- Where's home for you?
- In the mountains.
In the north.
- That is where you go?
- As soon as I have enough money.
You could sell that big gun.
Gonna need that big gun.
You could fight for the money.
- Don't fight for money.
- Lion hunting
- is fighting, no?
- It's fighting for survival.
Don't fight for sport.
Why you go home?
Family needs me.
Why they need you so bad?
You work a ship's engine
to give back to them.
- They're in danger.
- Then fighting for money
is for survival,
if the money gets you home.
What about 'em?
Umbrellas. That's the word.
Ain't the word anymore.
Well, what's the password now?
Wouldn't be much of a password
if I told it to you.
Roy, open the fucking door.
Yes, sir.
Marshal out of Helena called
and said they got an anonymous tip
that there's a speakeasy
off of Main street.
You don't say.
You have any luck finding it?
Investigation's just getting started.
These things take a while.
Another whiskey, Charlie.
[CHARLIE] Takes away the bite.
Well, don't take away all the bite.
Who's the judge?
He's married to that Crow woman.
I don't get it. I mean, how is it
illegal to marry into one race
and not another?
Well, it all depended on the race
of the legislators' wives when they
drew up the law in the first place.
It was almost illegal to marry a Mexican
till a senator met a little senorita
on a hunting trip in Texas.
How much trouble are they in?
Well, the marriage is void.
And the preacher
who performed the marriage
he can go to jail.
But Zane's wife won't say who that was.
And that's really
what this is all about.
She refuses to divulge the source.
She's gonna be held in contempt.
Back to jail she goes.
You seen Zane?
He ain't any better.
Is he talking?
They got him walking the halls in there
and they won't let him see his wife,
won't let him see his kids.
I swear it's a broken heart
more than it is his head.
It's that fucking Whitfield.
I know it is.
He's gonna knock all
your chess pieces off the board.
Get those taxes paid.
Yeah, I got last year's paid.
It's just next year I ain't figured.
Well, you better figure 'em out quick,
'cause I can promise you that
son of a bitch has got it figured.
You think you can take him?
[SPENCER] Are there rules?
- Rules?
- To the fight.
Are there any rules?
Can you bite?
Can you kick?
You can do anything. It's a fight.
Then yes.
Big guys are easy to beat as
long as they don't get a hold of you.
Then let's start with him.
Wait, wait, kid.
One round.
No time limit, no rules.
The man who cannot get up
or will not get up is the loser.
- Pronto?
- Si.
Step to your left.
I'm really glad you won.
I don't have any money either.
You fought in the war?
- Yep.
- Kill many Germans?
Every one I could find.
Me too.
No gouging eyes, okay?
A blind man cannot work on ships.
No gouging eyes.
Four hundred and twenty dollars.
You can buy a new Model
and still have money left over.
What are you doing?
Twenty percent, for covering the bets.
But you didn't cover any bets.
You don't have any money.
I took the risk of lying.
All you had to do
is fight one man at a time.
I would have been beaten
by the whole room.
Now I have money to cover more bets
and you have the money to get home. Mm?
they try and steal it
from us while we're sleeping.
Buona notte.
Second class was sold out.
It was first class or tourist class.
I'll take my chances with the tourists.
They aren't tourists, Alex.
They only call it that
because they can't call it
the thieves and beggars class.
Thought there'd be more.
No one of good repute
would trade with me.
I was forced to the alleys.
And alley prices is what they brought.
I wonder if it's colder in Montana.
Can't be any colder than this.
I'm hoping you'll send it back to me.
But if you don't
I'll know you needed it.
You've proved it.
I long for the day
when I can return the favor.
I'm off on the next adventure.
- That's new.
- Yeah.
[JACK] Know how they work?
I got no idea.
Well, you got someone you need to call?
Yes, I do.
Very much.
At last.
I'd forgotten what the sun looks like.
I'm not sure why I'm making
all these eggs.
Maybe I should send some
down to the cowboys.
Elizabeth, breakfast is ready.
I thought that thing
was gonna eat me alive.
It was its plan.
Winter is the killing season.
When the hunters among us
seek out the weak, the foolish.
Only the very strongest of
nature's creatures survive it.
Winter is the time of the wolf.
The time of the lion.
When all nature's failures
become a meal.
Then spring brings new life.
And God tries again.