Being Erica (2009) s02e01 Episode Script

Being Dr. Tom

Previously on "Being Erica" You're a doctor,right? I'm a therapist.
I don't need a therapist.
You know most people have a few regrets I've got tons.
Why don't you Write them down? Seriously? Just point form.
If you could go back,what would you do differently? You think I'm supposed to accept that I'm just what? time traveling? Because this, it can't be for real.
I asked you a simple question.
Do you want to fix your problems or not? -Yes! But you did make a commitment.
Tell me why you picked me.
Well why not you? Is your life so insignificant? No but Erica We made a contract And in order for that contract to work You have to trust me.
I do.
And you have to trust that my number one regret is Leo.
Erica,Erica! I'll be back at Christmas.
Please send me back to him so that I can warn him.
No you can't.
You can't go back to save your brother's life.
I can't Erica.
Erica! -What've you done? -I had to choose between this therapy and my brother I choose Leo.
Get out.
What? Go Get out of my office! Let go of me! You're hurting me! Can't just I go back? I'm sorry that I broke my promise It's pretty clear from this point that you think that you should be the one calling the shots,so go ahead You go back and honestly I couldn't care less.
Hello Erica.
I'm Nadiaah.
Your new therapist.
My new therapist? What,what are you talking about? Erica,if you just sit down.
I understand that you've been through a lot.
No,you don't.
Look I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude but I don't wanna sit.
You are not my doctor and this isn't This is not happening like this You know what?I need to speak with doctor Tom -You can't.
-Why not? Where is he? At the beginning of your therapy, Dr.
Tom told you that this was about you Erica,and noone else.
But Dr.
Tom also said that we made a commitment.
-Well yes but -We made a commitment together No Erica you made a commitment.
And I'm here to help you honor it.
You're not done with your list or your therapy.
Are you punishing him? Because he lost his temper? -No -Because that was my fault too.
I broke my promise and it wasn't just him he had a reason to be upset.
-Noone is punishing him -Then why can't I see him? He's the one who decided to quit.
You can't see him because he doesn't want to see you.
-What are you doing here?You can't just follow me here -Erica My boyfriend's gonna be right behind that door.
-This conversation isn't over.
Yes it is.
Look I'm sorry,I'm sure that you're very qualified but this has nothing to do with you.
I made a commitment to Dr.
So guess what? If he quits,so do I.
I'll give you some time.
*Being Erica S02e01* How do you know when you're done? When it's time to move on? Sometimes the decision is impulsive.
Other times you think it through But no matter how we decide we're ready The truth remains,that the past is a hard thing to let go of.
Hey you have plans for dinner? No why? Well I made us a reservation at Monsoon.
Wow,really? -Why so fancy? -I don't know I'm just happy.
Plus you deserve it,you've been through a lot the past few days.
Yea,well Sorry.
Oh man I'm so sorry.
I, it's fine I mean at least it's on the sidewalk and not on my clothes Yea there's a great coffee place right in the corner over there.
Yea and there's enough for your friend too.
Thank you.
Are you ok? I'm fine.
Can I get two small lattes please? Sure thing.
You ok? Yea I'm fine I just spilled my coffee over King street some guy bumped into me but Ok,what's bothering you? Nothing's bothering me,I'm good.
Well you've been kinda on a jail morning.
Oh I'm just you know I'm just nervous for work Julianne,she's announcing new book titles and I don't what I'm gonna get Well I'm sure you're gonna get something great Julian loves you Well now that you're junior editor maybe not so much at first.
There you go.
Two lattes,on the house don't let anyone else bumping on you,ok? Thank you Yea thanks.
He's nice.
-Hi Brent -Hi I'm just going to the washroom.
I'll be right back.
Brent,what are you doing? I have information.
That's very exciting but can it wait because I gotta get in the I hacked into Julianne's computer.
Oh you didn't I did I saw the list of new books now what's your bladder saying to you? Oh it's saying it can wait so tell me,tell me! Ok four new books Orgamy and Inner Child um Scrapy Scrap booking, Past Lies Future Living and Wait for itan asiat untitled sex book.
-A sex book? -It's out there,I know my jaw hit the floor literally Tie me up tie me down the river rock is invain the bedreams of the nation It's socking It's revolutionary It's make me all tingly,in a good way.
Oh God Brent I'm sure you're gonna get it.
-I have seniority -And Julianne loves you And I have seniority plus I just feel like as bonded to this book you know? I mean Dorry just picks titles you're miss-touchy feely and I am a master of the libido.
It just fits you know? Totally.
Pst!You guys are 5 min late for the meeting! Sorry Julianne.
We were using little girl's room lost track of time You know how it is when circus starts talking.
Secret banal, Secret number ooh 89 Always be on time.
Ok Brent sit.
Now that we are finally all here I would like to extend a warm welcome to River Rock's very own vander kind, Thomas Freken.
Thomas Freken author of "The Secret Of Now" and our next best-seller waiting for checkance "The Mystery Of Tomorrow" And Fredious also graciously agreed to come aboard and bring his selth help mitest tetch to some of our other projects this quarter I come not to burry Ceasar, but to praise him.
I'm just here to sprinkle the star dust no reason to get you knickers in a knot I said knickers.
There's even more, River Rockiers brace yourselves Because we are "stepping outside the box" in traipsing down a very different road this year.
-Believe it or not,our biggest title is going to be -A sex book Oh yes, yes yes yes We are going to shake up the sex help industry with a revolutionary guide to "Gettin' All Jiggy With It" And the lucky editor who will be leading us through this sexual revolution: Erica Strange.
Me? Stall's book is being put to bet in record time and a lot of that credit goes to you.
Oh and with the first few chapters of the none being so very impressive Galvin and I concluded that you,you deserve this shot.
-I,um thank you.
-You're welcome.
Moving on,Brent you'll be spear heading "Orgamy and the Inner Child".
Jory we'd like you to come up with something on show dogs.
Hey Brent wait up.
One mile of pair walking burns about 100 calories.
Look, back there what just happened I'm sorry Erica this is a business.
And we're friends.
And I feel awful.
Look you're only as good as your last book My last book ended up to the bargain bent,yours didn't.
I'm a big boy,I can deal ok? Now little Brent's screaming to releave so Yea ofcourse,go Wow!Congratulations.
I'm not going to change my mind.
She quit.
She wants you or she's done.
That's just an initial reaction.
She'll come around.
-And if she doesn't? -And if she doesn't,she doesn't.
That's her choise.
I've made mine.
This is the Tom I remember.
I'm not cut out to be her doctor.
Or anybody's doctor.
-But that's not how your patient sees it.
-I grabbed her!,Nadiaah I mean I got so angry,I could feel it,it was just like before.
I mean I couldn't think straight I couldn't stop myself even though I know that She needs someone else.
Someone who's more together.
Like me? Yea,like you.
So why does it feel like you're running away? Well,I'm not.
I've thought this through.
This is the right choise.
For Erica.
"Fear is the mind-killer"-Frank Herbert Oh don't.
Yea,it's annoying isn't it? I still,I can't believe that Brent,he has the seniority,he has the experience I just uh I feel terrible.
No,no feeling terrible.
You are not allowed to feel guilty.
Tonight is all about how great things are.
You're right.
God, so much has changed in the last 6 months.
I just,I feel a million miles away from my was when we first moved here.
To your new project.
To a fresh start.
To leaving the past behind,to looking ahead.
Oh God,sorry I'll totally turn that thing off.
Who's Dr.
Nadiaah? Um,that's nobody,it's just aah, work.
What are you gonna have? I was thinking of the risotto.
Miss,are you Erica Strange? Yes.
I have a Dr.
Nadiaah on the phone for you.
Go ahead,if she's calling you here.
Um excuse me I'm just gonna take care of this.
Hello? Sorry about the interruption but we need to talk.
There is nothing to talk about,I told you I qui .
iit! I'm concerned that you're making an impulsive decision.
You don't know me,at all.
I'm just asking you to think it through.
Is this really what you want? Yes.
I've changed a lot in the last 6 months.
I'm in a relationship with a man that I love And my family, we're closer we've ever been and my career is taking off.
It's wonderful.
I'm in different place than I was when I started therapy.
And honestly,it feels like I'm done.
So this has nothing to do with Dr.
Tom quitting? I thought you couldn't talk about him.
Erica I'm done why do I have to keep answering these questions? You don't.
If you really feel like you wanna quit then you're free to go.
Once you've payed your debt.
I'm sorry? You heard me,it's time to settle our accounts.
Right now.
Dance! I caught one! Alright,who's thirsty? Hey,hey! I don't get it red what the hell was that,you're one of our best dancers.
Lilly,I'm sorry,I mean I'm sorry, I just You know how many girls come up here every day and wanna shake their thing? I should fire your ass.
No please,I really,really need this job,ok? And I'm sorry,I'm just You're just what? I'm feeling a little off tonight ok?I'm just a little bit upset.
Ok Strange get a grip,please.
Just,Lu might understand having an off night just They come here to see you dance alright sweetie? Not break your pretty neck.
-You get it? -Got it.
Now go make the rounds.
Go,just tighten the top a little bit.
Thank you red.
I want to kill you! And add another regret on your list? It's pretty long already.
What am I doing here? I don't even know what year it is! Summer.
Great! 'Cause Dr.
Nadiaah I told you that I quit,I'm done.
No,Erica you are not done.
And did you think that that's all it was to it? That for everything you've been given you wouldn't have to give somethig back? Ok fine,what do I have to do? You were helped,now you have to help someone else in return.
Who am I supposed to help? Who indeed.
Are you sure you want a Harvey Wallbanger? Really?You couldn't just have,like I don't know,a beer? Great.
If I remember correctly Needs some Vodka.
Someorange juice.
And is it Galliano or Hello? There you go.
One Harvey Wallbanger on the house.
Hey Lulu that customer that you just served,did he say anything? Anything like what? Like anything like did he ask about me?Or tell you something I should know? No,unless you need to know that he drinks really expensive Scotch.
You hit your head?You're acting like you hit your head.
Yea take a brake.
It's cool.
Tom? -Hi -Hi Look I'm glad I found you I know that you said that you didn't wanna see me but Dr.
Tom My name's Tom,I'm not a doctor.
What that supposed to be? Some kind of flattering honorific? Like "chief"? Or "sir"? Gee I kinda like chief Tom,has got a ring to it.
Why yes I would love another drink.
Miss uh sorry you have to help me out You're not wearing you little name tag there.
Erica Strange.
Interesting surname.
Thank you.
So Tom is that all that you go by,just Tom like Cher? Why don't you go and order me that other Highline Kit? Oh Jesus.
Please,really,I'm flattered But you know if you're looking for a daddy-type or Oh God no!no no no.
I'm just no I'm just providing superior customer service.
Ok well good.
'Cause you're barely older than my daughter.
You have a daughter? That's interesting becausewhy? Just because we might know each other for the same age.
What's her name? I would really like that drink,Erica.
-Sorry if I was prying -You were prying.
Usually,customers,they wanna talk.
Oh I figured they came here for the view.
Well there is always that.
Shaking everything God gave you for,for what? Some tips oh yes.
For tips,for Grad.
Ah well beauty and brains.
Well you're the complete package then,are ya? Yeap with my Masters in English I will be the most well-read customer service you will ever meet.
"And I seldom end up where I wanted to go but I almost always end up where I need to be"-Douglas Adams Show time red! Wow I'm gonna go strap my stuff But I'll be back so don't go anywhere ok? Promise? As long as you promise to bring me the Scotch.
-How about a coffee? -How about I move my party next door? I'll make it a double just stay please.
Hey Erica Strange? Yes? It's Wexlar.
That's the last name,Wexlar.
-Oh she's back.
-I am.
-And I'm on my brake.
-Lucky me.
So you have me for a full 50 min uninterrupted Dr,Sir,Chief,just Tom.
Cheers! So does your wife mind you spending all night alone in a bar? Do I look married? I just assumed 'cause you have a daughter.
Don't have a wife but I have a daughter.
That's not really answering my question.
My daughter has a mother.
Just leave it to that.
Now maybe you take a little time in the hot seat,how'bout that? Sure.
Ask me anything you want to.
Your parents mind you working at a bar like this? It's not like I'm stripping.
Listen,you say you need the money and that's ok.
But you could make money in a million other ways.
I wouldn't let you work here.
Well then I guess it's a good thing that you're not my dad.
I'm just saying that there are other ways A million other ways that you could make money That don't involve teasing horny frat-boys.
Well you're here,so what does that say about you? Take this alright? It's for the drinks and for your "tip".
No please really and you know what quit this job,Erica.
Find yourself another job.
There's a million other things you could do,please ok?Take it.
I can't,that's a lot of money.
You can.
You need it more than I do.
Hey nice dance.
Oh thank you.
So what are you doing after your shift? You know I,I already have plans and they involve a lot of sleep.
Well I like to sleep.
So what do you say? I think she said she's not interested that was pretty clear to me.
Hey chill nobody's trying to cock-block you.
Hey I'm sorry? What did you say? Look Dr.
Tom it's fine,really Listen unlike you I don't need to pay for a little some-some.
Hey! You thing this is funny? Talking to a woman like she's a piece of meat? Alright,back off man.
What's the matter son?Your father didn't teach you how to respect women? I can't hit an old man.
Oh well good for you.
Hey Tom! Stop it! Tom! Stop it! Let go of me! Get off of me! Let go of him! Oh my God! Stay away! Go back in there,leave me alone! Oh my God Julianne? Girls get my winnings go get us some other rounds.
Well I found him,the guy I was supposed to help.
And? I don't know how to help him,I don't have the training.
I am not a therapist.
And by therapist I mean a real therapist.
But somebody does help him becuase Dr.
Tom He's not like that in the present.
Or maybe he is I don't know.
I sweared he enjoyed hurting that guy just now.
I could see it in his eyes 'cause it's the same way he looked at me When heyou know.
Look I can't help him I don't even know how to begin to help him.
You haven't tried very hard.
You think Dr.
Tom always knew exactly how to help you? Like I said,I am NOT a therapist.
No but you are resourceful.
You'll think of something.
You had no right.
-I'm sorry.
-You and I both know that this is not Let me finish.
You walked away from your responsibilities to Erica.
Her therapy is no longer your call and it's definitly not your business.
You have taken her into my past.
I think that makes it my business.
What do you care? What do I care? You said you were done.
Why do you care what Erica knows or doesn't know? Why are you paying any attention to her at all? Uh,hurry up.
Look it's really important that I speak with him.
If you leave a note I'll try to forward it,that's the best I can do.
Excuse me.
I was wondering if you could help me.
I'm looking for Tom Wexlar? And you are? I'm a friend of his daughter.
Of Sarah's? Do you know where she is? You know it's been a while since we've hung out.
Well,you tell her that she sould be ashamed of herself.
Yea listen I'm just looking for her dad.
Why? Because.
Because why? Ah it's a long story.
Well yes I'm sure it is.
And I wouldn't be surprised if at the end of it You show up with your hand out.
What?No! Listen I think you should get going.
I'm serious.
Naadiah before you say anything,I have tried.
And I can't find him so if I can't find him then I can't help him,I don't know anything about him.
That's not true.
You know a lot more than you did a day ago.
He has anger managment problems.
What else? His last name is Wexlar.
He has a daughter named Sarah who sould be ashamed of herself,apparently.
He was fired from his job one that persubably payed relly well.
And He's like me.
How do you mean? That first day when he found me my life was a disaster.
But that man that I met in the bar last night he's hit rock bottom.
Tom was a patient too wasn't he? Come with me.
Where are we going? To see Tom.
He's over there.
If you could take me to him What was the point of me running around this city looking for him? Context.
Context for what? For what you are about to see.
Oh Jesus! Erica stop! I want you to stop.
Tom This is not your problem.
Naadiah's my therapist now.
And she seems to think it is.
Please,just leave it alone I don't want you to talk to him.
I have told you everything about me.
Exposed myself in ways I don't get it.
I don't get how you the Dr.
Tom I know could ever be him.
And I don't care.
My purpose here is to help that man That looks like he's about to throw himself off this building.
You can't help him.
Maybe but I'm gonna try.
Tom? What are youHow did you get up here? How did you find me? That doesn't matter.
Yes it does! What the hell is going on here? Who are you? Just think of me as a guardian angel-type.
Yea? Where you've been? Huh? Well,where the hell you've been? The last couple of years.
Why am I up here? "In the middle of difficulty,lies oportunity" That's Albert Einstein.
That's a quote that I Who are you? Why did you say that? Because it always reminds me That there is a way out.
I don't think so.
Not for me.
I know what that's like.
That's sort of why I'm here.
Look,don't do it please.
It's not gonna make anything better.
I can't live like this anymore.
I'm done.
If there's oportunity in the middle of this I don't see it.
It's me.
I'm your oportunity.
Come on let's go ok? Let's find a better way to fix whatever it is that's wrong.
Erica? Dr.
Tom no! Hey are you ok? The doctor what did she want? She uh nothing.
Well how did she know you were here? I don't know maybe Mary told her.
It's totally nuts and I'm not answering my phone anymore.
Do you wanna sit or I saw you jump,you're supposed to be dead.
Yea well it's,it's a little more complicated than that.
But that's not what I've brought you here to talk about.
I want I need to apologise,to you.
For the other day here.
For breaking your trust.
For losing it,like I did.
For hurting you.
It's ok.
No,it's not.
And as you know now it's also not the first time.
You see I thought that I was done.
With all of that.
Obviously not.
And as a result, I decided that it was not in your best interest To continue to have me as a therapist.
What happened to you? When I saw you back in 1998 you were so different.
So Angry.
Yea angry and it's bitter,it's sad.
You're so different from who you were now.
Why? Where are we?I mean I know where we are.
That girl is my daughter.
When Sarah was young The two of us were inseparable.
But then things between her mother and I got complicated and I I said things and I did things that I couldn't unsay And that I couldn't undo.
After a while Sarah stoped coming home.
But I always knew that I could find her here.
My God what are you doing here? Come on down,come on to talk to me.
I'm busy.
Sarah why won't you come home We had a fight this day.
No I don't want you to have THIS life! This life makes me happy! And it was one of many but this day I said some things.
That I later regreted.
Don't touch me! Get it dad? I'm never coming home! Don't spend your days out on the streets that's not a way to live.
Go away! This was the last time that I saw my daughter.
I mean I didn't know if she was dead or alive.
And I still don't.
And as the weeks went by I just got,I got angrier and angrier.
Until that I could feel nothing else.
And then one day I just decided that I was done.
Tom you don't have to explain yourself to me.
No,I do Erica because I need you to understand.
That when you went back and you saved Leo's life.
You did the one thing that I wish I would've done.
And so when you saved your brother's life.
It triggered something inside of me.
And all these old feelings, These things that I thought that I was done with just came rushing back And I couldn't control them and I couldn't control myself And a therapist can't act like that.
That's why Dr.
Naadiah will be a better fit for you.
This therapy has been the craziest Most intense experiense that I've ever had.
But you don't let me run away.
You made a commitment.
So did you.
You promised that you would help me.
And you did! And everything that you just said it sounds like it makes sense But I still know that you quitting is not the right thing.
Erica I'm not quitting I just want you to have the best therapist,that's all.
And that person is you! So what if you're not perfect? Is that really what it all comes down to? You thought that you were done making mistakes And being overwhelmed by the past and you need to quit? You thought that you were done but you were wrong.
I mean when is ever anyone really done anyway? When they're dead maybe.
Or maybe not even then and I ain't sure as how I'm done I have a list of regrets mile-long.
But the one regret I don't have,Dr.
Tom,is you.
"When the student is ready,the teacher will appear"-Budas Proverb What appears in this instance is that the teacher is you.
So we're good then? We're good.
Ok good 'cause to be honest Dr.
Naadiah's office is not the warmest place I've ever been in.
I know.
I mean come on, not even a throw rug or space-heating or something.
I'll mention it.
Thank you.
Thank you.
So what are you anyway? Alive?or dead? An angel? "For every thing there is a season and a time"-Eclisiastis 31 The time for the answer to this question has not yet come.
Fair enough.
I'll see you around.
Growth is painful,change's hard.
And there are days when you wish it would just stop.
Wouldn't it be great to just know? To feel like you've finally figured it all out? To just be done? It's the hardest and most wonderful thing about being alive.
That no matter how much you learn,grow or change,you're never done.
-Hey there.
So did the latte help? You know it did.
Thank you.
Can I get you another one? Sure but decaf with a little bit of vanilla sirop? Hey Dave where is the vanilla sirop? Storage we ot some this morning,I think.
Ok just a sec.
Oh you know what don't worry about it,it's
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